The Iron Tower Omnibus

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The Iron Tower Omnibus Page 79

by Dennis L McKiernan

  Sleeth’s Doom: q.v., Elgo.

  Sleeth the Orm: the Cold-drake that captured the Dwarvenholt in the Rigga Mountains. Slain centuries later by Elgo (q.v.).

  Slowcoach: sluggard.

  slugabeds: layabouts.

  Slûk: a foul-sounding common tongue of the Spawn. First spoken by the Hlôks and Rûcks. Even with Slûk, however, Hlôks, and perhaps Ghûls and Ogrus, at times also used a debased form of Pellarion.

  Small One: a name often given to one of the Wee Folk by other Folk of Mithgar.

  Snake-Voice: Danner’s name for the Modru-possessed Hyrani emissary at the gate of Challerain Keep.

  Southdell: one of the Seven Dells of the Boskydells.

  Southerlings: any of the races of Man from the Lands south of the Avagon Sea.

  (the) Southpike: the road running south from the Tineway through Weevin in Centerdell to the Wenden River.

  (the) South Reach: the southern quadrant of Valon.

  South Riamon: q.v., Riamon.

  (the) Southrill: a stream flowing from the Eastwood past the Brackenboro Hills and Budgens to empty into the Dingle-rill.

  (the) South Rimm River: q.v., (the) Rimm River.

  (the) South Trace: a cart path south from the Crossland Road down along the western margins of the Eastwood to the Tineway.

  South Trellinath: that part of Trellinath to the south of the Isleborne River.

  Southwood: a large forest in Southdell in the Boskydells.

  Spaunen: (Sylva: filth of the Untargarda): Elven term for Spawn (q.v.).

  Spawn: the collective name given to all the Folk and creatures of Neddra who came to live in Mithgar; e.g., Rûcks, Hlôks, Ghûls, Gargons, Ogrus, Vulgs, Hèlsteeds. Also known as maggot-folk, Wrg (Valur), Yrm (Old Pellarion), Rûpt (Sylva), Spaunen (Sylva), Grg (Châkur), and Squam (Châkur). Also known as Winternight Spawn during the Winter War.

  special weapons: weapons with extraordinary features [e.g., blade-jewels (q.v.)]. Usually forged in Elven or Dwarven smitheries. Sometimes called magic weapons by others, the Elves name them special weapons.

  (the) Spheres: all the worlds, stars, comets, etc., of the [three] Planes.

  (the) Spindle Ford: a Boskydell ford along the Upland Way across the Spindle River.

  (the) Spindle River: a river forming the northern and eastern border of the Boskydells. In the valley of the river grows much of the Spindlethorn Barrier.

  Spindlethorn: an iron-hard thorn growth of great density reaching to heights of fifty feet or more. Found in nature only in the river valleys around the Boskydells. Also known as ’Thorn.

  (the) Spindlethorn Barrier: a barrier of thorns shielding the Boskydells. The thorns, called Spindlethorn (q.v.), grow in the river valleys surrounding the Bosky. The thorns have been cultivated to grow along the boundary in those places where formerly there were gaps in the barrier. Forty to fifty feet high, the barrier width varies from one mile at its narrowest to ten or so miles at its widest. Also known as the Barrier, the Great Barrier, the Great Thornwall, the ’Thorn, the Thornring, the Thornwall, the ’Wall.

  Spindlethorn patrol: Thornwalkers walking patrol along the Spindlethorn Barrier.

  Spindle Valley: the valley of the Spindle River.

  Squam: (Châkur: Underworld foul ones): Dwarven name for Spawn (q.v.).

  Squire Brewster: q.v., Bockleman Brewster.

  Starsholm: an Elven home in Adonar.

  starsilver: q.v., silveron.

  ‘steeds: q.v., Hèlsteeds.

  Steel-heart: a rune-marked Elven sword given to High King Galen by Coron Eiron. Steel-heart is said to be unbreakable in battle. Also known as Talarn (Sylva).

  (the) Steppes of Jord: a northern Realm of bleak, high plains in Mithgar. Bounded on the north by the Barrens, on the east and the south by the Grimwall, and on the west by the Gronfangs and by the Boreal Sea.

  Steward: the Kingsman left in charge when the High King is elsewhere. Ordinarily there are two Stewards: one at Caer Pendwyr when the King is at Challerain Keep; one at Challerain Keep when the King is at Caer Pendwyr.

  stillstorm: a storm that does not move; e.g., the storm always raging along the face of the Black Wall (q.v.) was a stillstorm.

  Stohl: a Man of Wellen. Captain of the Wellenen who aided the Warrows throughout the Struggles.

  (the) ’stone: q.v., (the) Myrkenstone.

  (the) Stone-arches Bridge: the bridge over the River Caire along the Crossland Road.

  Stone Giants: a name given to the Utruni by Brega.

  Stonehill: a village on the southern margins of the Battle Downs in the western fringes of the Wilderland between Rian and Harth. Located at the junction of the Post Road and the Crossland Road. Also known as the ’Hill.

  Stonehiller: a resident of Stonehill. The argot of Stonehill.

  (the) ’stone knife: a sacrificial knife made from a fragment of the Myrkenstone.

  (the) ’stone Slayer: q.v., Tuckerby Underbank.

  storm-gleaners: Elves of Darda Galion who glean precious Eld Tree wood fallen upon the forest floor after a violent storm.

  Stormhelm: one of the four mountains of the Quadran beneath which Kraggen-cor is delved. A mountain whose stone is tinged red. Said by the Dwarves to be the mightiest mountain in Mithgar. So named because of the many storms that rage at its peak. Also known as Coron (Sylva), the Hammer, and as Ravenor (Châkur).

  (the) Struggles: the general name given by the Warrows to the struggles to overcome Modru’s forces in the Boskydells in the Winter War. Also known as the War of the Boskydells.

  Sugarcreek: a small creek along the western edge of Woody Hollow flowing south into the Dingle-rill.

  Sugarcreek Falls: a swimming hole with a small waterfall along Sugarcreek (q.v.).

  (the) Suit of Suns: one of the suits in the card game, zhon (q.v.).

  (the) Suit of Swords: one of the suits in the card game, zhon (q.v.).

  (the) Sunbane: Modru’s term for the Ban (q.v.).

  Sun Death: a term referring to the overturning of Adon’s Ban. Also a term meaning, a solar eclipse. Modru’s sigil (q.v.).

  (the) sundered causeway: the shattered causeway along the Loomwall near the Dusk-Door.

  (the) Sundering: a term usually taken to mean Adon’s sundering of the way from Adonar to Mithgar.

  surrogates: q.v., Modru’s emissaries.

  Swarm: a Horde (q.v.).

  Swiftmane: Flandrena’s horse during the Winter War.

  sword-oath: an oath or a pledge sworn by a warrior upon his sword. These oaths are considered to embody the essence of honor, and therefore are virtually unbreakable.

  Sylva: (Sylva: our tongue): the language of the Elves. (For various Elven words and phrases, see Appendix: Translations of Words and Phrases.)

  - T -

  Talarin: (Sylva: steel-ring): an Elf. Lian Warrior. Elf Lord. Consort of Rael. Sire of Gildor, Vanidor, and Faeon. Leader of the forces in Arden Vale during the Winter War. Fought in the Battle of Kregyn. Also known as Alor Talarin, Deva Talarin, Lord Talarin, the Warder of the Northern Reaches of Rell.

  Talarn: (Sylva: steel-heart): the Elven name of the sword given by Coron Eiron to High King Galen. (Q.v., Steel-heart.)

  Tarpy Wiggins: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Thornwalker. One of Tuck’s comrades. Drowned in the Spindle River during a Vulg attack.

  Teddy Cloverhay: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Waggon driver.

  Teddy Proudhand: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Warrior of the Struggles. Fought in the Battle of the Iron Tower. Perhaps kin to Feeny Proudhand.

  theen: q.v., Wizard-metal.

  Thell Cove: a cove of the Avagon Sea in Pellar near the mouth of the Argon River.

  Theril: an Elf. Lian warrior. A member of the March-ward of Darda Galion during the Winter War.

  Thimble: a Boskydell village south of the Tineway in Southdell.

  Thol: a Realm of Mithgar. Bounded on the north by the Boreal Sea, on the east by Dalara, on the south by the Ryngar Arm of the Weston Ocean,
and on the west by the Weston Ocean.

  Thork: a Dwarf. Companion of Elyn in the Quest of Black Mountain (as told in the book Dragondoom.)

  ’Thorn: q.v., Spindlethorn.

  thorngate: a movable barrier made of Spindlethorn placed within a thorn tunnel.

  Thornguarded: guarded by Spindlethorn.

  thornplug: a small barrier of Spindlethorn used to plug up a crawlway through a thorngate.

  (the) Thornring: q.v., (the) Spindlethorn Barrier.

  thorn tunnel: a passage through the Spindlethorn Barrier.

  Thornwalker Fourth: a term used to describe the Eastdell Fourth. This term also could be used to describe the Northdell Fourth, the Westdell Fourth, the Centerdell Fourth, etc.

  Thornwalker Guard: q.v., Beyonder Guard.

  (the) Thornwalkers (of the Boskydells): bands of Warrow archers, set along the entry ways into the Boskydells in times of trouble to keep out all but those on legitimate business. These archers also patrol the borders of the Boskydells (i.e., the Spindlethorn Barrier), thus are said to Walk the Thorns.

  Thornwalking: patrolling the Spindlethorn Barrier. Also known as, Walking.

  Thornwalks: patrols along the Spindlethorn Barrier.

  (the) Thornwall: q.v., (the) Spindlethorn Barrier.

  (the) Three Harbingers of Gelvin’s Doom: three grim horseborne warriors said to have pursued Gelvin over half the world. Yet it was not they who brought the ultimate doom to Gelvin; it was instead a long-dead King who caused Gelvin’s downfall.

  (the) three Planes: the High, Middle, and Low Planes (q.v.).

  Thyra: a southern Realm of Mithgar, bounded by Sarain to the north and Chabba to the west.

  Tillaron: an Elf. Lian warrior. A member of the Arden-ward during the Winter War.

  Tillok: a Boskydell village along the Crossland Road in Eastdell.

  Tine Ford: the ford along the Tineway across the Spindle River.

  Tineway: the northwesterly-southeasterly road between Rood (in the Boskydells) and the Post Road in Harth.

  (the) Tisp River: a river in Trellinath flowing southwesterly from the Trelldunes into the Isleborne River.

  Toby Holder: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. A trader. Often travelled to Stonehill.

  token of power: any item that is fated to play a key role in the history of Mithgar. For example, the Red Quarrel was a token of power set upon Mithgar by Adon to act against the Myrkenstone. It is said that tokens of power act to fulfill their own destinies.

  Torch-flinger: the name chosen by Gildor to note that he had thrown the torch that set the fire that ultimately destroyed the Gargon.

  Town Square: the square in Woody Hollow where the mayor has his office in the Town Hall.

  trebuchet: a type of weight-driven catapult with a great sling on its throwing arm; used to cast rocks and fireballs.

  Trelldunes: an east-west range of hills along the border between Trellinath and Wellen.

  Trellinath: an abandoned Realm of Mithgar. Bounded on the north by Wellen and the Boskydells, on the east by Rell, on the south by the Grimwall, and on the west by Gothon.

  Troll-dam of the Black Mere: a Troll-made dam blocking the Duskrill and creating the Black Mere at Dusk-Door.

  Trolls: q.v., Ogrus.

  Tuck: q.v., Tuckerby Underbank.

  Tuckerby (Tuck) Underbank: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Husband of Merrilee. Raven’s sire. Hero of the Winter War. Thornwalker. Deevewalker. Bane Wielder. Wearer of the silveron armor. Bearer of the Red Quarrel. A member of Brega’s squad. Looser of the Red Quarrel. Slayer of the Myrkenstone. Modru’s Slayer. Arrow Bearer. Modru’s Doom. ‘stone Slayer. Died at age 97 of an illness. Also known as Friend Tuck, Master Tuck, Master Waerling, Sir Tuck.

  Tuckerby’s Warren: the name by which The Root (q.v.) came to be known after the Winter War.

  Tuck’s diary: Tuck’s journal. The blank diary was given to Tuck by his cousin Willy upon Tuck’s departure from Woody Hollow to join the Eastdell Fourth. The diary formed the basis for The Raven Book.

  Tuck’s journal: q.v., Tuck’s diary.

  Tugal: the Land between Hoven and Vancha. South of the Grimwall. North of the Avagon Sea.

  Tulip Underbank: damman Warrow of the Boskydells. Wife of Burt Underbank. Tuck’s dam. Slain by Ghûls in Woody Hollow during the Winter War.

  (the) Tumble River: a north-south river of many rapids and falls originating in the Grimwall Mountains and flowing through Arden Gorge and south to join the River Caire above Luren.

  Tuon: an Elf. Lian warrior. Bearer of Black Galgor. A Captain of the March-ward of Darda Galion during the Winter War.

  Twelfth Yule: the twelfth and last day of Yule (q.v.); January 1. Also known as Year’s Start Day, Last Yule.

  twelve days of Yule: q.v., Yule.

  (the) Twilight Path: the way of the Twilight Ride (q.v.).

  (the) Twilight Ride: a way of passing from Mithgar on the Middle Plane to Adonar upon the High Plane. Elves riding on horses can somehow pass between the Planes. Brega observed that a ritualistic chanting and a pacing in an arcane pattern was used to achieve passage. Other Folk know not how or perhaps are incapable of passing between the Planes, since only Elves and their horses, and perhaps the Vani-lêrihha, seem to make this journey. There is, however, evidence that Adon and Gyphon can open the way for others.

  Twillin: a buccan Warrow of the Weiunwood. A member of the Weiunwood Alliance.

  Two Fords Road: the north-south Boskydell road between Rood and Spindle Ford. Called Two Fords because it crosses the West Ford over the Dingle-rill near Rood, and the Spindle Ford at the Barrier.

  Twyll: (Twyll: our tongue): the ancient Warrow tongue.

  - U -

  Ubrik: a Man of Valon. Reachmarshal. With his brigade—one-third of Galen’s Legion—Ubrik held off an army of Ghûls at the Battle of the Iron Tower (q.v.).

  Ubrik’s brigade: q.v., Ubrik.

  Uchan: (Châkur: anvil): q.v., Greytower.

  Ükhs: (singular: Ükh): (Châkur: stench-ones): Dwarven name for Rûcks (q.v.).

  Üle: q.v., Yule.

  (the) Underland: the name by which Brega denoted the Realm under the surface of Mithgar. Also known as the ageless Underland.

  (the) ’Unicorn: q.v., (the) White Unicorn Inn (of Stonehill).

  (the) Untargarda: (Old Pellarion: Under Worlds): all the worlds upon the Low Plane.

  Updell: the northwesternmost of the Seven Dells.

  Updunes: a range of hills in Updell.

  (the) Upland Way: a northeasterly-southwesterly road running between the Cliffs (in the Boskydells) and the Post Road near the Battle Downs.

  (the) Upper Plane: one of the three Planes of creation, holding the High Worlds.

  (the) Upward Way: a long, upward slope in Kraggen-cor between the Broad Hall and the Great Chamber of the Sixth Rise. Strode by the Deevewalkers.

  Ural: a Baeran. Consort of Lady Aska. Chieftain of the Baeron during the Winter War.

  Utruni: (singular: Utrun): (Sylva: stone-giants): one of the Folk of Mithgar. The Utruni are comprised of three strains. The adults range from twelve to seventeen feet tall. Gentle. Shy. Dwellers within the stone of Mithgar. Keepers of the Stone. Jewel-like eyes. Shapers of the land. Able to move through solid stone. Also known as Giants.

  Utruni eyes: jewel-like eyes. It seems that the Utruni can see through solid stone. Their eyes resemble actual jewels, and they see by a light different from that seen by other Folk. (Modern-day physicists have speculated that perhaps the Giants see by neutrino-like particles.)

  - V -

  Valanreach: (From Valon-reich): the name generally given to the grassy plains of Valon.

  Valanreach long-ride: a method of varying the gait of a horse such that a pace of forty or even fifty miles per day can be sustained over a lengthy number of days. (See Appendix: The Long Journeys.)

  Valki: a Dwarf of Durek’s Folk. The greatest Gatemaster of the Dwarves who in the First Era with the Wizard Grevan constructed the Dusk-Door.r />
  (the) Valley of the Door: q.v., Ragad Vale.

  Valon: a Realm of Mithgar noted for its lush, green prairies and for its fiery horses. Roughly circular and divided into four Reaches (quadrants), the Land is bounded on the north-to-east-to-south margin by the River Argon beyond which lie Riamon and Pellar, on the south-to-west-to-north margin by the Red Hills beyond which lies Jugo, and also by the Gûnarring beyond which lies Gûnar.

  Valonian: a native of Valon. Also a term meaning, of Valon.

  Valur: (Valur: our tongue): the ancient War-tongue of Valon.

  Vanadurin: (Valur: bond-lasting = our lasting bond): Battleword of Valon meaning, Warriors of the Pledge.

  Vanar: the capital city of Valon, central to the Realm.

  Vancha: a Realm of Mithgar, south and west of Tugal, with a coastline that runs from the Avagon Sea to the Weston Ocean.

  Vanidor: (Sylva: silver-branch): an Elf. Lian warrior. Elf Lord. Son of Talarin and Rael. Twin brother of Gildor, brother of Faeon. Hero. One of four Elves sent on a mission into Gron to spy out Modru’s strength at the Iron Tower and to rescue Laurelin, if possible; Vanidor was torture-slain by Modru at the Kinstealer’s holt while on this mission. Also known as Alor Vanidor, Lord Vanidor, Silverbranch, Vanidor Silverbranch.

  Vanidor’s Death Rede: in the moment of Vanidor’s death, by an unknown Elven power, Vanidor thrust a message upon his twin brother who was hundreds of miles distant. That message, a dire portent, was known thereafter as Vanidor’s Death Rede.

  Vani-lêrihha: (Sylva: silver-larks): a silvery songbird that disappeared from Darda Galion ages agone. It is told among the Elves that when the Vani-lêrihha return, dire times will be upon Mithgar. Also known as Silverlarks.

  Vanil Falls: (Sylva: vanil = silvery): a cataract where the Nith River plunges over the Great Escarpment to fall into the Cauldron.

  Varion: an Elf. Lian warrior. One of the four Elves sent on a mission into Gron to spy out Modru’s strength at the Iron Tower and to rescue Laurelin, if possible; Varion was slain at the Kinstealer’s holt while on this mission.


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