Real Vampires Know Size Matters

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Real Vampires Know Size Matters Page 2

by Gerry Bartlett

Page 2


  But I could deal with evil. I’d even fought Lucifer and won. You’d think a mortal would be easy compared to him. Right? Wrong. First, Luc and I were both fairly reasonable people. Who knew? But the angel of darkness actually admired my spunk. Melisandra didn’t admire anything about me. She just wanted me gone. In her warped worldview, I was an annoying speed bump on her fast track to bliss with Jerry.

  Obviously she thought that once I was out of the way he would realize she was the one for him. She’d tuned out when he’d told her to take a hike. He had even changed his address and name to get away from her. Mel wanted Jerry and would do anything to get him, even if it meant chaining him in a mausoleum somewhere until he felt the love. I shuddered just thinking about it.

  Of course picturing Jerry as a victim was ridiculous. My guy was strong, an ancient vampire. But I was more than a little aggravated that he’d hooked up with a voodoo queen in the first place. What had he been thinking? More accurately, what had he been thinking with? Men.

  Despite his faults, I loved him. And I wasn’t about to quit seeing Jerry. Jeremiah Campbell aka Jeremy Blade and I had been through way too much lately for me to call a halt while Mel moved in on him. Instead, I was going to show her just how not scared I was after her little trick.

  • • •

  “Gloriana, you’ve got that look again. What are you thinking?” Jerry arrived less than an hour later. We were going to our favorite club for a little dancing, even meeting friends there. Did you expect us to keep a low profile? That would feel too much like giving in to the wicked witch.

  “That I’ve got to do something about Mel. ” I told him about the mouse invasion.

  “I’m sorry. ” He put his arm around me. “What can I do? I’ve tried to talk to her, but my seeking her out makes her happy, no matter the reason for it. ”

  “You sure you’ve made it clear you’re done?” I could read his mind and he knew it. But I didn’t even try. We had to trust each other now. I’d come to terms with the fact that this was the man I wanted to be with forever. Not an easy decision. But this complication from his past was ruining what should have been a special time for us. I knew I’d made some big mistakes with my choice of hookups in the past, but a wacko like this?

  “I said, ‘Go away, I don’t want you. ’ Is that clear enough?” He held on to my shoulders, his eyes meeting mine.

  “Ouch. Now you’re making me feel sorry for the bitch. ” I sighed and leaned against him. “No wonder she’s acting out. ”

  “I made it clear that she’s not to hurt you or your business. ” Jerry rubbed my back. “She swore she’d back off. ” He stared down at me. “Are you sure she’s responsible—”

  “Damn it, Jerry. Are you under a spell or something? She called to gloat. And then what about this gift box?” I tapped a present I’d received the day before. A voodoo doll. Cliché much? Of course it looked like me, though she’d padded the hips until I looked deformed. It was riddled with pins. Bitch. “Did I send it to myself?”

  “No, of course not. But she laughs at those things. Calls them tourist trinkets. She’s just pulling your chain. Don’t let her play mind games with you. ” He pulled me close again. “Come on. Let’s go. Try to have some fun. And I won’t meet with her again. Obviously her word means nothing. I’m not sure I can think straight when I’m around her now because I’m so damned sick of her and her tricks. She infuriates me, thinking she can just force me to take her back. I’m surprised I haven’t already put an end to her. ”

  I stiffened and pushed back staring into his dark eyes. He meant what he said. If Jerry hadn’t been able to act on his homicidal impulses, then Mel must be working some kind of magic to keep him under control. I wasn’t about to tell Jer I thought he was being handled by a woman with superior skills. But I knew I had powers and experience with evil that he didn’t have. “That cinches it. I want a face-to-face with her. ”

  “Glory, you and Mel in the same room? A recipe for disaster. She won’t back down and you’ll probably lose it. ” Jerry pulled me close again. “You aren’t the kind of person who can just rip out a throat and walk away. ”

  “She’d probably taste like raw sewage anyway. ” I’d had a whiff of her when she’d spied on Jerry and me, lurked in the bushes outside his house. Stalker. She’d smelled like burnt sugar, evil left too long on the stove. I really didn’t want to get close enough to her to touch her. Why didn’t she just crawl back to Miami and pick a man who wanted her? I wasn’t giving up on the idea of a meeting but figured Jerry was never going to like the idea.

  “Let’s go. Our friends are probably already at the club. Your pal Israel Caine and Sienna Star are supposed to sing their new duet tonight. ” Jerry tugged me toward the back door.

  “How do you know that? Are you actually communicating with Ray or Rafe?” I rested my hand on Jerry’s chest. This was unlikely. Jerry was jealous of both guys because he knew I’d had a special relationship with each of them. They were still my friends, but had been more than that in the past. I’d made it clear to both of them that I was with Jerry now.

  “Richard told me. He and Flo get a newsletter from the club with the coming attractions. I’m surprised you didn’t get it. ” Jerry pulled open the back door, pausing to check out the security like he always did. “Come on. We don’t have much time. Caine doesn’t float my boat, but I know he does yours. ”

  “You got that right. ” I laughed when I saw his face. “Oh, come on. We both enjoy good music. I’m way behind on e-mail or I’d have seen the newsletter myself and dragged you there. ” I grabbed his hand and we hurried down the alley toward N-V, the club my former bodyguard Rafe now owned. It wasn’t far and the shifter stationed at the door waved us in ahead of the line at the door. We settled at a table with my best bud, Florence da Vinci, and her husband, Richard Mainwaring. Then we ordered synthetic blood with alcohol, stocked here for us by Rafe, and settled back to watch the show.

  “Amica, how are you doing? Any more disastros in your shop?” Flo leaned in to whisper.

  “Nightly. That bitch won’t give up. ” I told her about the mice and she shuddered.

  “That could ruin your business. I know I would never go back to a place where I saw topi. ” Flo patted my shoulder.

  “Me either. ” I sniffed the air. “What perfume are you wearing, Flo?”

  “Nothing. Ricardo says it destroys his defense. He needs to smell the enemy coming. ” She stroked her husband’s arm. “He takes very good care of me. ”

  “I bet she’s lurking around here right now. Following us. ” I glanced around. If he were a woman, Jerry would have pictures of her on his phone, but I’d never seen him snap a photo. Too bad.

  “No!” Flo grabbed Richard. “Ricardo! Glory says the bitch is here. ”

  “Where?” He leaned forward. “Blade, do you see her?”

  Jerry stood and scanned the crowded balcony. “Not up here. ” He sniffed the air. “There’s a faint whiff . . . I’m going downstairs to check it out. Richard, you stay here with the ladies. ”

  “No, we’re all going. ” I got up.

  “Here? Puttana!” Flo glanced around the narrow balcony. “We will make that creature sorry she bothers our Glory. ”

  “Don’t taunt her, Flo. ” I squeezed Flo’s hand. “She’s got some mean tricks up her sleeve. I told you. ”

  “Mice, falling shelves. Child’s play. ” Flo’s eyes gleamed. “I say we can take whatever she dishes out. Ti credi?”

  “Sure. ” I smiled at her, feeling better than I had in days. The band was taking the stage, the people on the dance floor surging forward as we headed for the stairs. It was Ray’s band and I knew the guys from a time when I’d pretended to be engaged to the rocker. Publicity stunt. I’d been Ray’s mentor right after he’d been turned vampire. Had even been his date to the Grammys. It had been a magical night. I could use another one about now.

  “I heard Ray and Sienna are a couple now. ” Flo studied me for a reaction as we stopped on the stairs.

  “I’m glad. He needed someone. ” I saw Jerry and Richard waiting for us.

  “No sign of her. ” Jerry held out his hand. “Let’s just enjoy the show. I can get us closer to the stage. Follow me. ” He rubbed the back of my neck. “Are you okay?”

  “Sure. Did you know Ray and Sienna are together and not just to sing?” I stayed close to him as we eased around the crowd and the lights dimmed.

  “Glad to hear it. Keeps him away from you. ” Jerry kissed my cheek. “But he’s stupid to pick a mortal. He’ll screw it up, mark my words. ”

  “Hush, Jer, they’re getting ready to start. ” Very afraid he was right, I slipped my arm around his waist as we found a spot close to the stage. Ray was reckless, impulsive and a fairly new vampire. Sleeping with a mortal could have consequences and none of them were good. The house went dark except for spotlights on Ray at the piano and Sienna leaning against it. They started singing and you could have heard a mouse squeak in the huge club. The song was beautiful, the lyrics haunting. The way the two sang to each other, it was clear this love song had meaning for both of them.

  Jerry turned me into his arms and we danced, making the song ours too. I was sure all the lovers in the audience felt the same way. He held me against him, his hands sliding down to rest on my butt as we moved slowly. I laid my cheek on his chest, my fingers delving into his hair while I breathed him in. We were together and no bitch from hell was going to pull us apart. If Mel was nearby, she could just watch and see how much we loved each other. I was sorry when the song ended.

  “Wow. Meraviglioso! It makes me want to take you home and ravish you, Ricardo. ” Next to us, Flo kissed Richard on the lips. “What do you think, Glory?”

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