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Brazen Page 24

by Bobbi Smith

  He turned and left the room.

  Rosalie was dead, and no one would ever know he was responsible. His only regret was that she wasn't Casey Turner.

  John left the saloon by the back way. No one saw him. Casey awoke with the dawn. She was still exhausted, for she hadn't fallen soundly asleep until the wee hours of the morning. Michael's presence beside her had made rest next to impossible. And she was supposed to spend the rest of her life this way. He was sleeping soundly, so she slipped out of bed and went into the other room to dress. She had no doubts about what she was going to put on now that it was daylight. She donned her usual work clothes.

  Ready for the new day, Casey considered her spotless kitchen and wondered what she could make for breakfast.

  Bill Clark always came by to check on Rosalie on Sundays. He was surprised to find she wasn't up yet when he let himself into the Sundown late that morning. He moved around downstairs, looking things over, then decided he'd go up and knock on her door to make certain everything was all right.

  The fact that she didn't answer troubled him. Bill thought she might have gotten up and gone out early, but he somehow knew that wasn't the case. Worried, he opened the bedroom door and stood stock-still for a moment at the sight before him.


  He ran to kneel beside her and took her in his arms, fearing the worst. Relief flooded through him when he realized she was still breathing.

  "Thank God."

  He laid her back down and ran from the building. He encountered two men on the street and directed one to get Dr. Murray; the other he sent for the sheriff. Racing back to Rosalie's room, he waited by her side for them to show up.

  Dr. Murray arrived first. The two men carried Rosalie to her bed and he set about tending her injuries. She had just regained consciousness when Sheriff Montgomery got there.

  "Sheriff," Rosalie said in a voice barely above a whisper.

  The lawman hurried to her side.

  "Who did this to you?" he asked, kneeling beside the bed so he could hear her answer.

  "McQueen and, Sheriff "Rosalie was so weak she could barely get the words out. "He's responsible for the Donovan shooting, too."

  "How do you know?"

  "He admitted it to me last night." She collapsed back on her pillow.

  "So McQueen's the one who shot Frank Donovan," Sheriff Montgomery said in amazement.

  "No," Rosalie whispered. "He hired someone."

  Dr. Murray took over again as Bill walked out of the room with the sheriff.

  "McQueen hired someone to kill Frank, and he beat a defenseless woman almost to death," the bartender ground out, wanting to seek some revenge of his own.

  "I wonder if Frank Donovan has left town yet," Montgomery said.

  "We can check at the hotel. Do you want me to ride with you to get McQueen?"

  "Yes. Thanks. I've got a feeling I'm going to need all the deputies I can get today."

  The two men made their way to the hotel.

  "The Donovans are still here," Ernest Williams said.

  "What room are they in?"

  The clerk told him, and they went to tell Frank the news.

  "I don't believe it!" Elizabeth exclaimed, looking from Nick to Anne as they visited her in her room that morning. "You eloped last night!"

  "That's right," Nick affirmed. "Mr. Kennebeck married us."

  "This is so exciting!" she went on, giving Anne an impulsive hug. "What did your mother say?"

  "She was thrilled for us, too," Anne answered.

  "You'd better wire your parents right away," Elizabeth told Nick. "They'll be delighted for you, too. And, of course, you have to let Michael and Casey know."

  They were all discussing the best way to handle everything when a knock came at the door. Nick answered it to find Sheriff Montgomery outside with the bartender from the Sundown saloon.

  "I need to speak with Frank," the sheriff announced.

  "Come in, please," Nick invited, holding the door wide.

  "I've got some news for you."

  Frank was suddenly worried, for the lawman's expression was very serious. "What's happened?"

  "We've just learned who was behind your shooting."

  Frank went still as he stared at the sheriff. "Who was it?"

  "John McQueen." Sheriff Montgomery quickly explained what had happened overnight and what he'd learned from Rosalie.

  Elizabeth gasped in horror at his news. "McQueen? But why? Why would he want to kill Frank and hurt Rosalie so badly?"

  "I don't know yet, but I'm on my way to the Royal to make some arrests. 1 wanted to let you know."

  "I'm riding with you," Nick insisted. "Is there time to stop at the Circle D and get Michael? I know he'd want to go along with us, too."

  "Yes. We can do that," Sheriff Montgomery agreed. "You have a gun?"

  Nick nodded. "It's in my room. I'll be right back."

  Anne went with him. She waited nervously as he strapped on his gun belt. She had never seen him so grim.

  "Nick, be careful." She went to him and pressed a desperate kiss to his lips.

  "Don't worry," he said as he put her from him. "I will be. You stay with Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Frank. I'll meet you at the Circle D once we're done."

  It was late when Michael awakened to find Casey gone from their bed. He was surprised that he'd slept so long, considering how restless he'd been all night. He got up, dressed and went looking for his bride.

  Michael didn't know why, but he was surprised when he found her dressed in her working clothes down at the stable taking care of the horses.


  "Oh, good morning, Michael," she said, looking up from where she was cleaning out a stall.

  "What are you doing?"

  Casey shrugged and came out to speak with him, carrying the pitchfork. "Working. Why?"

  "You're my wife now," he began. "Wives don't"

  "This wife does," she interrupted him.

  Frustrated, he asked, "What's for breakfast?"

  "I think we've already had this conversation," she said, and she couldn't help laughing as she finished, "Breakfast is whatever you're going to fix for us."

  "Come on. We'll fix it together. With both of us working at it, something is bound to turn out to be edible."

  Casey followed him from the stable to the house. She happened to glance out across the land and noticed riders in the distance.

  "People coming," she told him, pointing.

  Casey and Michael stopped in front of the porch to watch the trio ride in.

  "It's Nick and Sheriff Montgomery and Bill Clark," Michael remarked when the riders got closer.

  They were both edgy as they waited for their visitors to arrive.

  "How are you newlyweds?" Nick asked as they reined in before them.

  "We're fine," Michael answered, "but I know that's not why you're here." He noticed Nick was wearing his sidearm. "What's going on?"

  Sheriff Montgomery quickly explained everything.

  "How is Rosalie?"

  "She will recover, but she is badly injured."

  "And you're certain John McQueen is responsible?" Casey said in complete and utter surprise.

  "That's right. He admitted it last night to Rosalie. We're heading to the Royal now. Nick thought you'd want to come along with us."

  "You're damned right I do," Michael said quickly.

  "We do," Casey put in.

  "It's going to be dangerous. There's no telling what he might try once we have him cornered," the lawman said, trying to discourage her from going.

  "Then you'll need me along for the extra gun." She wasn't about to let Michael go without her. "Give us a minute to get our guns and horses."

  It wasn't long before they were ready to ride out.

  "There's one thing I forgot to tell you," Nick began, looking over at Casey and Michael, who were riding beside him.

  "What's that?" Michael asked.

  "Well, last night..." He looked at

  "Yes?" she urged.

  "Last night, Anne and I eloped," he finished.

  "You what?" Michael looked at him in amazement.

  "We got married."

  "Nick, that's wonderful!" Casey exclaimed, delighted.

  "Yes, it is," he answered. "I love Anne very much."

  "Congratulations," Michael told him.


  "Are you going to stay here or go back to Philadelphia?" Michael asked. "I can always use your help on the Circle D."

  "We haven't talked about that yet," he told them with a grin. "But you know my father does need me back there to help him with the company."

  "I don't think Anne will mind moving to Philadelphia at all," Casey reassured him. "She's always dreamed of traveling and seeing the world."

  "I'll just have to oblige her, then," Nick said. "I was supposed to go to Europe. Maybe that can be our honeymoon."

  "She'll be thrilled."

  "What about you, Casey?" Nick asked her. "Did you want to go to Europe for a honeymoon?"

  "No," she answered honestly. "I'm happiest when I'm right here on the Bar T."

  Michael didn't doubt that for a minute.

  They started off for the Royal ranch, armed and ready for any trouble McQueen might give them.

  They reached the Royal ranch and dismounted in front of the main house. It was a large, impressive, two-story home that bespoke its owner's wealth and status.

  Michael, Nick and Sheriff Montgomery went up on the porch while Casey stayed back with Bill Clark. The sheriff knocked on the door, but no one answered. Nick went to take a look around the side of the house while Michael looked in the front windows to see if he could see anyone indoors.

  "The place looks deserted. Let's walk down to the bunkhouse and see if he's there. If nothing else, some of his men might know where we can find him," Montgomery suggested.

  As they all started in that direction, they saw John and the ranch hand Sid come out of the stable.

  "All right, be ready. This could be trouble," the lawman cautioned.

  John had seen them ride up and wondered what they were doing at his ranch. He especially wondered why Casey was with them. He worried for a moment that they'd learned he was the one who'd killed Rosalie, but he knew there was no evidence to tie him to her death. They had to have come about something else, but what?

  "Stay back a little and keep an eye on things. I don't know what they're after, but it's not good, whatever it is," John warned Sid in a low voice as he walked on ahead of him to meet the visitors.

  Sid did as he'd been told, lingering back where he could watch all that transpired and have a clear shot if the need arose.

  "Afternoon," John greeted them. "What brings you out to the Royal today?" He looked at Casey and then at Michael. "And you even brought the newlyweds. This must be important."

  Michael stiffened, not liking McQueen's arrogant attitude.

  Sheriff Montgomery stepped forward to confront the rancher. "John, I need to take you in to town. There are some things we have to talk about and set straight."

  "Like what?" he asked, playing the innocent.

  "I know you're the one who tried to kill Rosalie," the lawman said.

  "I tried to what?" He pretended outrage at the accusation, but his fury was really over the fact that Rosalie wasn't dead. He could have sworn she hadn't been breathing when he'd left her.

  "Rosalie told us what happened. She's alive, and she will make a full recovery, but--"

  "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "I think you do, John," Montgomery insisted.

  John knew he was in trouble. Panic threatened. "I am a well-respected citizen in these parts! Are you saying, you'd take a whore's word over mine?"

  "You son-of-a-bitch! Rosalie is no whore! She's only a fool for loving you!" Bill launched himself at John. He landed a solid punch to John's jaw before the sheriff could stop him.

  "Easy, Bill," Montgomery told him, restraining the bartender until he calmed down a bit.

  "Are you going to let him get away with that?" John demanded, rubbing his jaw.

  "You're lucky 1 stopped him, McQueen," the sheriff said. "I'm tempted to do more than that to you. We also learned from Rosalie that you're the one responsible for Frank Donovan's shooting, that you hired somebody to try to kill him. I'm placing you under arrest, and I'm taking you in." With those words he stepped forward, ready to put his hands on the arrogant rancher.

  "Sid!" John shouted.

  A shot rang out, and the sheriff fell, wounded. Michael, Nick and Bill drew their guns. Nick got off a shot in Sid's direction as they all dove for cover. Sid screamed as Nick's shot found its mark.

  Michael, Nick and Bill turned their guns on John, but he reacted too quickly for them. Unarmed and desperate now without Sid to back him up, he knew he was trapped. He had only one hope to escape.

  In a frantic move, John grabbed Casey just as she was drawing her gun. He held her around the neck as he snatched the gun from her hand and pointed it at her head. He faced down the men.

  "Now you're going to let me ride out of here without any trouble," John ordered in a commanding voice.

  Michael had been ready to take a shot at John, but he'd moved too fast for him. Now Michael had no clear shot at the man without hitting Casey.

  "Let Casey go, McQueen!" Michael ordered.

  "You worried about your little wife?" he taunted. "You should be. It won't bother me in the least to cause her pain. She deserves it for all the hell she's put me through!" he threatened, tightening his grip on her.

  Casey was furious. She prided herself on always being ready for anything, but John's attack had caught her completely off guard. She was helpless in his grasp, and she didn't like being helpless.

  "Put your guns down, boys," John ordered, "or I might just have to hurt Casey."

  "Don't listen to him, Michael!" Casey cried.

  "Shut up, bitch!" John jerked her painfully against him. "But maybe you're too stupid to know when to shut up. I know you're too stupid to understand what you threw away when you married him! We could have had everything! We could have had it all!"

  "I do have everything," she defied him, looking at Michael. "I married the man I love!"

  Michael was startled by her words. As he stared at her being held hostage by John, the truth of what he felt for her was finally revealed to him.

  He loved Casey.

  Michael didn't know how it had happened or when.

  He only knew that it was true.

  He had fallen in love with Casey. She meant everything to him, and somehow he was going to save her from McQueen.

  "I was smart not to look at you," she goaded her captor, resisting with all her might as he tried to drag her backwards. "You're a fool!" Casey hoped to make him so mad that he'd make a mistake.

  John was tempted to shoot her right then and there, but he knew that would be signing his own death warrant. He continued to back up, forcing her along with him.

  Casey realized the time had come. She looked at Michael. Their gazes met across the distance. She gave a slight nod as she lifted her elbow and with all her might jabbed it into John's stomach.

  John had expected her to resist him, but he hadn't known she could hit that hard. His grip on her loosened for just an instant, and that was all the time Casey needed to make her move.

  "Michael!" she screamed, tearing herself free and throwing herself to the ground.

  Michael got off his perfectly aimed shot.

  John stood, stunned, as the bullet took him square in the chest. He staggered backward. He tried to bring his gun to bear on Casey, wanting to punish her for all she'd done to him, but darkness and pain overwhelmed him. He fell to the ground.

  Michael ran to Casey as Nick went to check on John and Bill rushed to see to the sheriff.

  Nick took Casey's gun out of John's hand and rolled him over to make sure he was dead.

  "Thank God, you're all r
ight!" Michael said as he swept Casey into his arms and held her to his heart.

  The sound of the gunshots had brought some of John's hired hands at a run to see what was going on. They'd drawn their weapons, thinking they were going to have to defend the ranch, but they holstered their guns when they saw Bill helping Sheriff Montgomery to his feet. The lawman had been shot in the shoulder, but his wound wasn't fatal.

  "What happened?" the hands asked, staring in shock at the sight of John and Sid lying dead in the dirt.

  "I tried to take your boss in for attempted murder, but he and Sid resisted arrest," Montgomery managed. He looked over at Casey. "You all right?"

  "Yes, I'm fine," she answered, trembling as the realization of what could have happened tore through her. She lifted her gaze to Michael. "Thank you."

  Michael didn't say a word. He just kissed her tenderly, sweetly. When the kiss ended, Michael still didn't release her but held her close.

  "I love you, Casey," he told her solemnly, remembering the power of the emotions that had filled him. "When I thought I was going to lose you..."

  Casey lifted one hand to caress his cheek. "I meant what I said to John, Michael. I love you, too."

  They stood together, enraptured by the final acknowledgment of their love for one another.

  Nick smiled as he watched the two of them together. "I always knew you were perfect for each other."

  "You're right," Michael agreed, looking up at him and grinning. "And, by the way, that was good shooting, Nick." Nick's accuracy had surprised Michael, considering how badly he'd done during the target practice he'd put him through.

  "Yes, that was very good shooting," Sheriff Montgomery spoke up, holding his shoulder to try to stop the bleeding as he leaned on Bill for support. "Thanks."

  "Let's get you down to the bunkhouse, Sheriff. We'll bind you up, so you can make it back to town to see Doc Murray," one of the ranch hands suggested.

  Bill helped him go along with the men.

  Nick handed Casey back her gun, and she slid it into her holster.

  Michael looked over to where John lay, and he shook his head in disgust. "It's so hard to believe that he was the one responsible for Pa being shot."

  "Greed is a deadly sin," Nick said grimly. "McQueen found that out the hard way."

  The three of them followed after the others.


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