Play Thing: A Billionaire Romance

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Play Thing: A Billionaire Romance Page 71

by Kira Blakely

Her words were almost his and with a growl he lunged forward and swung her back up into his arms, carrying her to his bedroom and the king size bed that awaited them. He’d told himself that he was going to go slow with her this time and make sure that he met all of her needs, but in all honesty, he wasn’t sure how much more control he was going to be able to maintain, especially when she said things like that to him.

  He laid her gently down on top of the bed and removed her bra and panties before laying down beside her. Her hand started to move down his body, but he placed his own on top of it to stop her movements.

  “Dawson, I said that I wanted to touch you.” Her voice was a sexy whine that almost sent him over the edge.

  “I know what you said, but if you touch me now it’s going to be game over.” He leaned down to give her a kiss. “Roll on your side for me, baby.” She looked confused, but did what he asked anyway, rolling on her side and facing away from him. She felt him move in close behind her, the warmth of his body only rivaled by the heat of his shaft as it brushed against her buttocks. He trailed a hand from the back of her shoulder, down the side of her rib cage and over her hip before he moved it around to the cheek of her ass where he kneaded the flesh gently.

  Alexa trembled as he maneuvered between her legs, his fingers skimming across her own heated moistness and making her gasp in reaction. Her whole body felt alive in a way that she’d never experienced before; her puckered nipples and aching breasts cried out for the attention he was lavishing on the lower part of her body. She trembled again as he unerringly circled her clit with one of his fingertips, and then she cried out as he slid his finger inside her.

  He maneuvered his other arm beneath her and wrapped it around her waist, holding her tightly as he rolled over onto his back and pulled her onto him so that she was looking up at the ceiling. He started to move his finger inside her, twisting his hand so that he could stroke her clit with his thumb at the same time. Cupping her breast with his free hand, he started to tease her nipple, and Alexa’s body tightened and tensed up as she felt her climax already building inside her.

  Dawson gently bit the lobe of her ear and then spoke softly to her. “Just relax and let it happen, sweetheart.”

  Even as her mind argued with him, her body followed his instructions, and her first rippling orgasm of the night floated through her body as she called out his name and bucked on top of him, fervently wishing that she could feel him inside her.

  He moaned against her ear as he felt her wetness against his hand. “That felt so good. Cum for me again.”

  She was helpless to deny him as he slid a second finger into her, scissoring them and rubbing across the top of her g-spot as the palm of his hand pressed down onto her swollen clit. She cried out again and clamped one of her hands over the top of her mouth. She started to thrash against him as he held her firmly in place. “Please, Dawson! I need to feel you inside me. Please!”

  He laughed softly against her ear. “I thought you said you want to touch and taste me?” He couldn’t help teasing her, but she found strength from somewhere and pulled herself away from him, turning to face him and smiling down at him with an intent expression on her beautiful face.

  “I did, didn’t I?” She scooted backwards down the bed and settled herself between his legs, looking down at his hard shaft with a lustful gleam in her eyes. She tentatively reached forward

  and wrapped her small hand around his girth, wondering how he could be so hard and yet feel like velvet in her palm.

  She’d never tasted a man before, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her, and she licked her lips greedily before leaning down and touching her tongue to his tip. The taste of him was a heady sensation – basic, delicious and pure sex. Dawson’s hands found their way to her head, tangling in her long hair as he fought the urge to pull her head down onto him.

  Alexa lapped at his knob, testing him out as she tasted him and letting her tongue slide across his slit. She heard his breath speed up and felt his grip get tighter in her hair, and she relished the power she seemed to have over him right now. “Do you like that?”

  “Oh shit. You have absolutely no idea just how much I like that.” His voice was hoarse with longing, and once again he had to fight the urge to pull her face down onto his cock. His body arched up off the bed as she began to flick her tongue quickly back and forth over his tip.

  Fucking hell! If she carries on like this, I’m going to cum within minutes, he thought.

  She loved the taste of him. The thought of tasting a man had always revolted her in the past, but now she understood, and she couldn’t get enough of him. She held his shaft toward her mouth with one hand, and with the other, she cupped his balls and gently massaged them. As he groaned again, she opened her mouth wide and sank it down onto him, taking as much of him in her mouth as she possibly could and loving the taste of his leaking pre-cum on her tongue. Because of her inexperience and his size, she could only manage to suck halfway down his length, so she tightened her hand around him and moved it in time with her lips.

  Dawson felt as though he had died and gone to heaven. He didn’t think that he had ever felt anything more pleasurable in his entire life, and he never wanted it to end. Without conscious thought, he began to move his hips in time with her movements, his climax drawing ever closer with each passing minute until he came to his senses and jerked her away. “As much as I’m loving this, you’re going to make me cum way too fast. Besides, it’s my turn to give you pleasure now.”

  Alexa just had time to give a moan of disappointment before he expertly flipped her over onto her stomach and took hold of her hips, pulling them upwards and backwards so that her ass was in the air and the top half of her body was on the bed. She felt his long legs straddle her, holding her own together as he dipped his hips and she felt the head of his cock press against her opening. She held her breath as he used his hand to guide his way into her, and then he was splitting her in two as his hands gripped her hips and he slid into her, going impossibly deep.

  “Take hold of the headboard.” She followed his command and he started to thrust in and out of her. There was nothing tender or gentle about it this time – just pure animalistic need. Alexa was overwhelmed with the sensations that were coursing through her body, and as Dawson fucked her from behind, she met every thrust with one of her own, pushing back onto him as they both grunted and groaned in pleasure.

  When Alexa’s orgasm hit, it took complete control over her. Her pussy ached, throbbing sweetly with her climax as Dawson increased the tempo and slammed into her so hard that the breath was knocked out of her body. She clung to the headboard and screamed into the back of her hand as waves of pleasure so intense that they left her incapable of rational thought cascaded through her.

  Then, with a sound that could only be described as a roar, Dawson came too, pumping streams of hot, molten liquid deep inside her and triggering another trembling climax from her ravaged body. Her pussy milked him, clenching and pulsating around him as they both gasped for breath. Their bodies shook in the aftermath of what had been the most intense pleasure either of them had ever experienced, both on a mental and physical level.

  She could hardly breathe, but she didn’t care. Dawson was still wrapped around her, his arms holding her tightly even as he softened inside her. If she had thought that she was frigid before, he had proven otherwise, and she reveled in the knowledge. He groaned and reluctantly pulled out of her, rolling over and pulling her with him to nestle her in the crook of his arm with her head on his chest.

  They were both completely exhausted, and even though Alexa tried her hardest to stay awake, her eyelids were just too heavy. They fluttered closed as she started to drift off to sleep. She wasn’t sure if she was dreaming, but just before she lapsed into slumber, she thought she heard him say something.

  “My idea of heaven would be to spend all night, every night here with you like this.”


  WHEN ALEXA WOKE UP the following m
orning, it took her a moment to remember where she was. And then the memories of the previous night flooded in and she wanted to pull the covers up over her head and hide in embarrassment. She wasn’t ashamed at what they’d done, but she did feel a little appalled that she’d gotten so drunk during the gala.

  What on earth must Dawson think of me, she thought, feeling absolutely mortified by her behavior. Not only had she thrown accusations at him at the start of the night, she’d then proceeded to get drunk in front of some of his business partners and competitors.

  She peeked over at the other side of the bed and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that he wasn’t there. He’s probably halfway back home by now, trying to get as far away from you as quickly as possible. She knew that he would never actually abandon her like that, no matter how much he might think about it, but she wouldn’t have blamed him if he had left.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” The bedroom door opened and in walked the man in question. He gave her a smile that could only be classed as beaming and she found herself smiling shyly back at him. “I wasn’t sure what you like to eat for breakfast, so I ordered a little bit of everything. I figured that after last night’s exertions, you’d be ravenous.”

  Alexa gave a moan of embarrassment and dragged the covers up over her head to hide the fact that she was blushing, much to the amusement of Dawson. “A gentleman wouldn’t have reminded me of that.” She felt the bed shake as Dawson started to laugh, and she grabbed the pillow beside her and threw it at him playfully.

  “Wait. Did you say breakfast? Did you really bring me breakfast in bed? That’s another first for me.”

  “That’s a crying shame. You deserve breakfast in bed every day, as far as I’m concerned.” She could hear the sincerity in his voice and was touched by it.

  They shared the contents of the breakfast tray, making small talk about nothing in particular as they ate. Then, Alexa remembered what she thought she’d heard him say as she drifted off to sleep the night before.

  “Can I ask you something, Dawson?”

  “Of course. You can always ask me anything you want.”

  She wasn’t quite sure how to broach the subject, so she just came out with it. “Just before I fell asleep last night, I thought I heard you say that your idea of heaven would be to spend every night with me like we did last night. What did you mean, exactly?” She sounded obtuse, even to her own mind, but she really wanted to know so that they didn’t get their wires crossed again.

  It was Dawson’s turn to blush, and that was a sight that she’d never thought she’d see. But he didn’t try to change the subject or avoid answering the question. “I meant exactly what I said, even though you weren’t really supposed to hear me. You’re making me see the world through different eyes and in a different light, Alexa. You always show compassion to people, even people you don’t know, and you’re making me want to see more of the good in people, too.” He held her gaze as he spoke and she could see that he really meant what he was saying. “Ralph always told me that I should never try to judge them and that I should always try to see things from other people’s perspective, and that’s something that I think I’ve lost sight of a little. In the car yesterday, you cried for a little boy you’d never met and for the man that he would become. I watched as you gave money to a homeless man, and I know that it was money you could ill afford to give away, but you did it anyway, because his need was greater than yours.” His voice was filled with an emotion that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. “I find myself wanting to be a better person because of you, even though I don’t think I’m necessarily a bad man.”

  “You’re a good man, Dawson – no matter who may have told you differently in the past.”

  He smiled and leaned over her to give her a kiss that left her breathless. “I have no idea where our relationship is going to go, but I would like a chance to see where it might take us. That’s if it’s what you want to as well.”

  “I’d like that, Dawson. I’d like that very much.”

  The End

  Kira Blakely is giving away a free copy of Billionaire In The Making which is the prequel to the book you just read (no strings attached). This book is exclusive to her VIP readers group. Click the button below to receive your free copy today.

  Billionaire Bad Ass

  Book 2 of the Company Ink Series


  AS HE WATCHED Candy get dressed, Ashton’s stomach made a slow drop into his knees. Her body was okay – whip thin and covered with taut skin – but her face showed her age in every line.

  Now uncomfortable, Ashton looked away, his dark blue eyes searching out the cobwebs in the corners of the room. One hand went up and raked through his thick, wheat-colored hair – a nervous habit. His morals, never strong or present, always leaped into existence after every one of these little romps in his current foster mother’s bed. It was inconvenient that his morals should pop up and bring with them a sense of shame and guilt he didn’t like having to feel. It wasn’t his fault he was in that bedroom or that king-sized bed. He was just a convenient hunk of hard flesh, and nothing more. He just happened to be closer to hand, so to speak, than whatever other guy she was cheating on her husband with at the time.

  Candy was the local ride for all sorts of guys. How her husband hadn’t found out yet was anyone’s guess, but Brody’s temper was legendary, and Ashton knew he damn sure didn’t want to be around when he did find out.

  Candy stuck a cigarette in her mouth and lit it. Her other hand yanked at the covers, twitching them into place. Ashton’s belly dropped again. His foster dad, Brody, would come home later, and he and Candy would get busy right in that same bed on the same stinking sheets.

  Gross and a pervert – that just about summed Candy up. The fact that he’d just had sex with a gross pervert wasn’t lost on him. That he’d wind up on the streets if he didn’t was equally not lost. He was weeks away from an eighteenth birthday that was bound to bounce him out of the foster system and onto the streets, and he needed to take advantage of every situation he had a grip on between now and then if he was going to survive.

  The truth was that Candy expected any boy who walked through her door to cater to her. She gave him, grudgingly, a couple hundred bucks of the money she got for taking care of him in return, and Ashton added that to the money he made doing bullshit jobs. Sleeping with Candy was about as appetizing as eating a five-day old donut, but that small sum of money helped bolster his hopes that he’d be okay come his final birthday in the harsh system.

  Her voice, all hard rasp and smoke, asked, “Why are you still here?”

  Good question. Ashton headed for the door. The whole house was just about as dingy and smoke-tinged as that bedroom, and he needed to breathe. He headed to the front door and went outside, squinting as bright sunlight hit his eyes, burning away the dimness that Candy preferred in every room.

  Jackson, a kid who lived down the street, walked toward Ashton, calling out, “Hey.”

  Ashton lifted his chin and asked, “Hey, what’s up?”

  Jackson’s feet stopped just short of the driveway. Brody had a reputation for being an asshole, and that rep was deserved, and so most of the kids in the neighborhood steered clear. Jackson said, “I managed to hack past that stupid level in that new video game.”

  “No shit?” Ashton wasn’t really that interested just then, but anything was better than hanging out in the house with creepy ass, cougar of the year, Candy. “That’s cool.”

  “Yeah, you want to come check it out?”

  “Sure.” They headed down the street with Ashton still thinking hard. His dad had been dust in the wind before he’d even been born, and his mom had decided to take off when he was five, way past the ‘cute and little’ stage that would have helped him get adopted by loving parents. He’d spent his entire life bouncing from place to place. If there was one thing he wanted most, it was to have a place that was all his and that he would always be able to call home. If
things didn’t improve fast, that home would likely be a cardboard box behind the cleanest dumpster he could find.

  Ashton’s best friend, Dawson, another system kid, had just turned eighteen and hit the bricks. Unlike Ashton, he’d had a soft place to land thanks to Ralph, the guy that ran the gym where Dawson worked. Ashton knew Dawson would fight to get him into the room Dawson had there if it came to that, but the last thing Ashton wanted to do was screw up one more thing for Dawson. Dawson had gotten tossed out of school before he was supposed to graduate for a fight that involved Ashton. Dawson was guilty by association but tried his best to cover for Ashton. Not that it mattered. The knife-wielding rich prick ran home to tell, and he got a pat on the back and a college career out of the deal. Ashton had gotten stitches in his abdomen and a short stint in reform school. Never mind that the rich prick had been the one to pull the knife.

  Life wasn’t fair, and unlike a video game or computer program, there was no way to hack the system. If there had been, Jackson would have found it already.


  Jackson’s word made Ashton’s feet stop. His eyes went to the group of guys coming their way, and Ashton’s shoulders tightened. Gerald Manning was a cocky and arrogant punk who never let anyone forget that his dad, a local dealer of blow and weed, ran the three-square blocks of cinderblock houses and sagging rowhomes.

  Gerald was eighteen and in the senior class with Jackson and Ashton. The other guys with him were all graduates of the street. They were also looking for a fight – everything about the way they came stalking toward Ashton and Jackson said so.

  Jackson, a skinny dude with a habit of chewing his bottom lip, spoke up. “Dude, should we run for it?”

  “Probably.” Definitely. Jackson was no chicken. He’d go up against anyone he had to, but the two of them were no match for half a dozen dudes known for carrying weapons and leaving whoever they decided to fight smeared across the sidewalk. Ashton was tough, too, though, and strong. His body had been honed by years of bad food and the need to stay active and to keep moving, because he never knew what might be coming at him. Even so, fighting those guys was sheer stupidity, and the odds were not in his and Jackson’s favor.


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