Winning Souls

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by Viola Grace

  Seeing to the heart of things, Enher is sent on a mission to find out who is stealing souls and get them back.

  Her life as a recruiter has taken Enher-Dahl to places that she had not imagined, but when the Citadel lends her out to the Sector Guard for a spying mission, she is a little confused to be the only choice. She has no skills in espionage and even less tact.

  Her contact is a mystery until she meets an Enjel on a tour who seems to know a bit about her. Ulises is a Guardian in search of the same things she is...perhaps.

  Confronting a broken world, a kidnapped Enjel and hostages in soul form used as a power supply is way above her pay grade.

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  Winning Souls

  Copyright © 2015 Viola Grace

  ISBN: 978-1-4874-0314-0

  Cover art by Carmen Waters

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  Winning Souls

  Tales of the Citadel Book 45


  Viola Grace

  Chapter One

  Enher-Dahl made notes on the last of the candidates. Someone entered her office and cleared their throat.

  “Recruiter Dahl?”

  Enher didn’t bother to correct the man with her full name. It didn’t matter. She turned and raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”

  “I am Com Officer Trakka, and I have been sent to bring you in for a secure call.”

  Enher ran a hand through her hair. “Right now?”

  “They were fairly urgent about it. I was to bring you immediately without using internal coms.”

  Enher got to her feet and winced as she towered over Trakka. “Lead the way.”

  The Pfhalli were a charming people who were just beginning to notice the talents in their midst. Enher followed him through the halls just barely tall enough for her height and through a guarded door, into the secure com unit.

  “The headset is on the table. Knock when you are done and we will release you.” Trakka waved her to the headset and the desk in the centre of the room.

  He left the room, and she was alone. With care, she took a seat on the small chair, and she adjusted the headset so it would fit on her skull and the mouthpiece would be in position. She sighed and set it on her head. A moment later, her mind spun out and she was standing in a room with three very concerned members of the Sector Guard and the Nyal Guardians. The uniforms gave them away.

  “Recruiter Enher-Dahl, thank you for taking this call.” A woman seated in a chair with a face-framing headset smiled. “I am Relay. This is Breanik and Tesh, Guardians of Lurutek.”

  “Pleased to meet you all. What do you need?”

  Breanik put his hand on Tesh’s shoulder. “Tesh’s sister went on vacation to Nurmegar, and two days after she came back, she fell into a coma.”

  He took a deep breath and Enher let him talk.

  “Her body’s life signs are good, but her mind is blank. There is no cognitive brain activity. Her soul is gone.”

  Enher leaned forward. “You have my attention.”

  Tesh was tense, but he didn’t speak.

  “I looked into it to see if there was a pathogen involved, and while there are others who have fallen ill the same way, I cannot find the link between them aside from Nurmegar.”

  She winced. “And you cannot ask the fallen because their minds are no longer there. Even a Reader wouldn’t have anything to hang on to.”

  “Correct. We don’t know what happened, and it seems only to infect half a percent of those who go to the vacation world. I have found fifteen hundred victims so far.”

  Enher’s eyes were wide. “That many and no one noticed?”

  Breanik shrugged. “All different walks of life, all different worlds. The only thing they have in common is—”

  “Nurmegar. Got it. So, why did you call me?”

  Relay lifted her hand. “It was our recommendation. We had our people look into the best operative to find out what was going on, and your name kept coming up over and over.”

  “Operative? I am a recruiter. All I do is assessments on different species.”

  Relay nodded. “And that is what is needed here. We would like you to go undercover and find out what is happening to these people, and if possible, we want you to get their souls back.”

  Enher rubbed the back of her arms. “I am not an undercover operative. I have no training.”

  Relay nodded. “We have a data burst for that, tailored to your peculiar mental structure.”

  “Why me in particular?”

  Tesh looked like he wanted to say something, but his partner held him back.

  Relay smiled. “Reedamani are rare, even on your world, but your kind are also known as gamblers, and Nurmegar is known for its casinos. You will be part of the crowd and exotic at the same time. It is the ideal setup for going undercover.”

  Enher nodded. “Will I be on my own?”

  “No, we have an agent meeting you there. It will appear that you have begun a relationship while on vacation.”

  She groaned. “I am very, very bad at relationships. I hope that whomever you send has a thick skin. This is not going to go smoothly.”

  Breanik chuckled. “He has a thick skin. Do not worry.”

  She rubbed the backs of her arms again. “How do I get there?”

  “I am sending you information on where to go and how to arrange things. If you take these steps, you will be there within the week.” Relay got up and circled her desk, coming up to the projection of Enher and placing her hands on either side of her skull.

  Enher got clear directions on how to get to Nurmegar and how to do it, including wardrobe. She was in the perfect place for the beginning of her trip with the perfect cover story. A burned-out teacher from Yarcuth, which is what she had been before she joined the Citadel. The last two years recruiting were gone as if they never were. She was simply going on vacation away from home for the first time. She would be allowed to make social gaffes and be a little conspicuous.

  When Relay backed off, the woman smiled. “Just relax and learn what you can. Only report when you have left the surface or if you have solved the problem. We do not wish you to put yourself in more danger than you will already be in.”

  “Right. Can I know more about the woman I am looking for? I can identify a soul better if I have a name.”

  Relay nodded. “It will be included in the data burst, as well as another dozen easily identifiable minds.”

  “Good. That will be sent to me in general correspondence?”

  “It is already waiting on the data pad in your office. I take it that you are willing to go.”

  Enher sighed. “I am.
As soon as I am off this call, I will be on my way.”

  Breanik inclined his head. “Thank you for your assistance. If we knew more about the situation, we would feel better, but if you can do anything, it will earn our undying gratitude.”

  “I will try.” She smiled and removed her headset, staggering as her senses righted themselves.

  She put the set down and walked to the door, knocking briskly.

  Trakka opened the door with a scowl. “Was there something you needed?”

  “The call is concluded. I will return to my offices.”

  “But you just got in there.”

  Enher smiled brightly. “It was a short call.”

  She passed Trakka and made her way back to her office. She had a data flash to administer to herself.

  Two days later, she was wearing a comfortable travelling outfit and waiting in the customs area of Gremal Station. The shuttle to her jump ship was boarding, and other holiday travellers lined up with her.

  She had two duffels on her shoulders and everything she would need for a one-month stay at the pleasure world. When the crowd loosened, she moved forward, and though she was shoved a few times, she kept her balance and extended her wrist for the scan.

  The ship’s officer smiled. “You look like you can use a vacation.”

  She grimaced. “Is it that obvious?”

  He chuckled. “Only when you have been doing this as long as I have. Welcome onboard. We depart in ten minutes.”

  Enher nodded and headed for the interior of the ship, stowing her bag in her assigned luggage space, removing the luggage that was inside already.

  A woman a few rows ahead watched her. “Those are my bags.”

  “Yup. And this is the space I paid for. Your bags will have to find a new home, possibly in a space that you paid for.” She smiled brightly and moved toward her seat. There was a young man sitting next to an older woman, and he gave her a calf-eyed look.

  The woman smiled. “I wanted to sit next to my pet, and I am sure you don’t care where you sit. He was back in the economy class.”

  Enher-Dahl let her aura surround her as she leaned in toward the woman. “In case you missed it, this is the seat that I paid for. You can reconnect with your toy later, or you can take his seat in the back. Either way, his ass is moving or I will drop him and remove him myself.”

  The older woman looked terrified, but a male clearing his throat behind her got her attention. Enher looked at the man who had checked her in. “Yes?”

  “Please come with me, miss. There is a space in first class. Is this your storage area?”

  Enher nodded and let the aura of hostility fade.

  The woman looked up. “First class? I was told there wasn’t anything available.”

  The crewman smiled. “There isn’t. This was the last seat.”

  He led Enher through another segment of the shuttle and helped her settle in the very comfortable seat with an entertainment vid already showing all the possible activities she could engage in when she landed on Nurmegar.

  He stowed her bags next to her and inclined his head. “Have a very pleasant trip, Enher-Dahl. We will be at the ship in six hours.”

  “Thank you. What was your name?”

  He grinned. “Names are of no importance. Making sure that clients such as yourself get the relaxation you require is all the acknowledgement I need. Teacher?”

  She nodded. “Yes, language and protocol. I have put this vacation off for far too long.”

  He nodded. “Let me know if there is anything I can get for you.”

  “I will consider my options when we have launched.”

  He got to his feet and walked away. Enher couldn’t help it, she watched him until his tautly muscled backside disappeared around the edge of her personal cocoon.

  Perhaps this assignment wasn’t going to be so bad after all. She eyed the entertainment options and selected a few that looked appealing while she stifled a smirk.

  Relay’s instructions were clear. Enher was to let her Reedamani blood show at every opportunity. Strong emotions formed colours that radiated from her skin. The irritations of travel brought the emotions to the fore, and all she had to do was relax her control. Easy. She just had to forget everything she had learned from the Citadel instructors.

  Chapter Two

  Her bags were carried for her, and to her surprise, her first-class cabin went along with the shuttle passage.

  “Are you sure that this won’t cost me any extra?”

  The man from the shuttle smiled as he showed her the amenities of her cabin. “No, this upgrade was authorised because it is better for us to show all of our first-class cabins occupied. It looks better for the ship’s records.”

  If Enher didn’t know what was happening, she would be exceptionally pleased. The methods that were used to get the victims into vulnerable positions were becoming clear. Her treatment was being upgraded, and while there was a declaration of no billing, she would receive a large demand halfway through her vacation. Her last two weeks would be spent scrambling for food, water and money to gain her passage back on the ship. That was the standard treatment. It was left to her to find out what would actually happen next. The crewman was fascinated by her species, so it was obvious that she was the correct choice for this assignment.

  She giggled and flopped back on the bed. The vid cameras that recorded her every move probably thought that she was simply enjoying her good luck.

  “Well, you seem to be settling in. Meals are available to order, or you can go to the dining hall. If you choose the hall, make a reservation for one.”

  She nodded. “Thank you for all your help.”

  “If you need anything, just call me.” He smiled and disappeared through the doorway.

  Enher nodded, and she unpacked her bags for the three-day journey through space. She kept her public persona at the front of her mind and took a shower before leafing through the offerings of the ship.

  Shopping, spas and expensive liqueur were all part and parcel of the trip. Enher had no interest in having anyone touch her in any way, she had enough clothing to last her for two years and she didn’t drink intoxicants. Well, she drank them, but they had no effect. What was the point?

  Enher slipped a gauzy robe over her shoulders and keyed on the vids. Each vid had an underlying theme of excess and frivolity.

  She smiled and reclined on the couch, watching the vids and the subliminal messaging they were pumping into the forefront of her mind. If her brain hadn’t been structured the way it was, she would have been summoning room service and shopping online.

  The nautilus structure of her brain was a curiosity, even for the Citadel. Her mind expanded outward from her core in a Fibonacci sequence of segments that each held an individual purpose.

  Her outer layer was the largest and was a bright and cheerful outlook on the world. Under that layer was job stress. Those were the two layers that were most often scanned by those with empathy or telepathy. She had been touched twice since boarding the shuttle and was fairly sure that her structure was the reason she had been chosen.

  She flicked through the vids and saw a number of them that would drive her to seek out sexual services. She covered her mouth while she laughed and kept flipping through the stations. Sex was not often on the Reedamani menu; they were rare for a reason.

  Dinner was going to have to be her extravagance. She was not particularly hungry, but someone who had just won a first-class ticket would enjoy it.

  Enher grumbled and got to her feet after three hours of nothing. She called for a reservation for two hours away and set about finding suitable clothing that was just a little too daring for the occasion.

  It was time to eat, drink and be merry, because she had no idea what was going to happen when she hit the planet.

  By the time she disembarked, she was unsure as to what was actually going on. Her account balance had not been touched and no record
of her first-class expenditures was accessible.

  She had finally taken advantage of the spa services and gotten groomers to enamel her nails.

  It was beginning to feel like a vacation, and she was starting to relax.

  Enher-Dahl left the customs area with her bags over her shoulders, and she found public transport to take her to the peninsula where her hotel was located. She had arrived near sundown, and the bright lights and sparkle of the peninsula were visible from half an hour away. They grew bigger and bigger in her view until she finally saw the city built for tourists, perched on the edge of the ocean.

  Xabba City was where her arrangements were, and her senses were on the alert, her skin glowing a soft yellow with anticipation. Some of the other passengers eyed her in surprise, but she ignored it and kept her gaze out the window as the glitter and sparkle of the tourist trap embraced them.

  She checked her itinerary and got the name of her hotel. When the transport landed, she headed to the public terminal and got a driverless conveyance. She scanned her hotel’s location and the vehicle pulled away from the curb.

  Ads for the services were playing on the screens inside the vehicle until it pulled up in a covered dock for her to disembark. She swiped her payment band and exited the transport.

  The clerk at the front desk greeted her by name and had a porter take her bags to her suite for the extended stay.

  “Extended stay?”

  “Yes, madam. We have you down for two months. Your stay was upgraded.”

  “Oh. Dear. I didn’t have someone watch my house for that long.”

  The clerk smiled. “It is not a problem. You may make any calls you wish to make your stay here pleasant and care free.”

  Enher nodded. “Very well. I may need to leave earlier.”

  “Just call down to the front desk and we will make all the arrangements for you.”


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