Triple Dog Dare [Triple Trouble 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Triple Dog Dare [Triple Trouble 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Tymber Dalton

  Or that they didn’t discover her before she put some distance between her and her pursuers.

  It took every ounce of her will not to flinch when she heard the back door shut. She listened to the two men talking outside the car. A moment later, both men got in, the car started, and they drove off.

  She wanted to sob with relief. She didn’t know what these two men were, because one smelled like a shifter, but not a shifter breed she was familiar with. They also had been with friendly wolves. She could smell the scent on the jacket covering her.

  Closing her eyes, she tried to nap, the first real sleep she’d managed in over three days.

  * * * *

  They caught up with Lina and the others within five miles. Zack eased up on his lead foot to fall into line behind Liam’s car.

  Kael wrinkled his nose. “You need a bath.”

  “What the fuck? We had a shower this morning.”

  “You smell like a wet dog.”

  Zack rolled his eyes. “Enough with the wolf jokes, okay? They’re as good as family. Get over it.”

  “No, that’s not what I mean.” He looked around, then shrugged. “It must have been Lacey’s dog from yesterday, maybe on your jacket. I’m still smelling something.”

  “Yeah, well you’re no Princess Petunia yourself, buddy.”

  At lunchtime, Lina decreed they needed to stop or she’d roast one of the men for lunch. They pulled into a family buffet restaurant after the cars had been filled with gas. Once they were all seated, Lina stared at Zack and Kael from across the table.

  “What?” Zack asked.

  She looked at Elain, who was seated on her right. “Do you smell that?”

  “See?” Kael said, smacking Zack on the shoulder. “I told you.”

  Elain frowned, but shook her head. “Smell what?”

  Lina looked at Zack and Kael. “Something’s off.” Her eyes narrowed. “What’s going on?”

  Zack rolled his eyes. “Okay, I get it, I spent too much time playing with Jasper yesterday. I get it. Fine. I’ll go change clothes again and ditch the jacket.”

  “No, it’s not that.” Before he could react, she reached across the table, grabbed his hand, and stared at him. A moment later, she released him.

  “Yes,” she cryptically said.

  “Yes what?” Zack found himself rapidly losing patience. He hated long car rides, but with Lina’s fear of flying, they didn’t have much choice.

  Lina tucked a napkin into her lap with a playful, curious smile. “Just yes.”

  He didn’t have time to ask her more. The waitress appeared to take their drink orders. Rick volunteered to get Lina’s plate for her, so she didn’t have to get up and waddle over to the buffet.

  Zack stood and rounded the table, leaning in close to Lina. “You are insufferable sometimes. You know that?”

  She smiled. “Yes.”

  He rolled his eyes before heading to the buffet line.

  * * * *

  Elain studied the two men. Something was off, but she wasn’t sure what. She couldn’t tell if she was just hyperaware because of the trip, or her newfound shifter abilities, her newly revealed Seer powers, or what. She held back as everyone else headed to the buffet.

  “What’s going on?” she asked Lina.

  Lina’s smile disappeared. “I don’t know. I think our lives just got way more complicated.”

  “Because they’re not complicated enough already?”

  “I know. Tell me about it.”

  “So what was that about? With Zack?”

  Lina lowered her voice even more. “Don’t react. We have a stowaway.”

  Elain’s senses perked up, anxious. “What?”

  Lina nodded. “I don’t want the men to know yet. But my ‘yes’ was that she can stay. Because they’ll be wondering that themselves.”

  “‘She’? She who?”

  Lina smiled. “Her name’s Mai. Don’t say anything to the others. She’ll reveal herself when she’s ready. She needs our help getting to Florida.”

  Elain nodded. “Oookaaaay.” Leaving Lina, she headed to the buffet line. She noticed Liam—Dad, she corrected herself—talking to her mom. Her mom smiled at something he said.

  It made Elain feel good in a way she didn’t understand and couldn’t explain. For the first time, it seemed like her mom felt totally at ease, without worried creases on her face.

  Her lonely secret finally lifted off her shoulders. Not only that, but she now had someone to talk to about them.

  The smile her mom wore was even enough for Elain to forgive her telling Liam all her embarrassing childhood stories during the car ride.

  Like the time she tried to wash her Barbie dolls in the toilet when she was four.

  Elain had forgotten about the exchange with Lina until she got up and headed for the bathroom. Glancing out one of the windows on the way, she saw something moving in the backseat of Zack and Kael’s car. It looked like a dog, but she couldn’t tell for sure. She started to return to the tables to tell them, then stopped when she remembered Lina’s entreaty not to say anything.

  What fresh hell is this? she wondered as she continued on to the bathroom.

  * * * *

  They finally got back on the road an hour later, with full tummies, full gas tanks, and empty bladders. Zack and Kael took the lead this time, and Elain had changed vehicles again to spend some time with Liam and Carla. Lina asked to ride with them, too. The two women piled into the backseat of Carla’s car.

  Lina insisted on sitting in the backseat with Elain despite Liam trying to give her the front passenger seat. She leaned in close to Elain with a smile. “It won’t be long now,” she said.

  “What won’t be long now?”

  Lina nodded toward Zack and Kael’s car.

  Sure enough, an hour later, the men’s car swerved in front of them, across the lane.

  “Annnd here we go,” Lina whispered to Elain with a smirk on her face.

  * * * *

  Mai knew they’d already crossed over into Massachusetts based on listening to what the men had said. She felt relief washing over her and fought the urge to cry. Then another problem hit her.

  She had to pee. Really, really badly.

  Okay, no time like the present.

  The men, Kael and Zack she’d discovered from eavesdropping on them, were playfully bantering about something. She still wasn’t sure what they were in terms of creatures, except that they were a couple. Zack was driving.

  Sticking her snout out from under the jacket, she realized neither man was paying attention to her. She sat up and stuck her head between the front seats.

  Kael spotted her first. He let out a startled scream, which scared Zack. Zack turned, saw her, and let out another scream, also causing him to swerve across their lane.

  She cringed until he quickly brought the car under control.

  “What the fuck is that?” Zack screamed.

  She wanted to laugh. I’m a who, not a what.

  Kael shook his head. “It’s some sort of dog.”

  Coyote, actually, but whatever. She wouldn’t be picky. They had saved her life. Literally. They could call her whatever they liked as long as they didn’t kick her out.

  Zack pulled over to the side of the highway and parked on the shoulder. Mai glanced out the rear window and saw two other cars pulling over, too. Must be the others they keep talking about.

  Zack and Kael got out of the car and were quickly joined by the others. They stood outside the car, discussing her. She pressed her nose against the back passenger window and whined. Come on, guys. I reeeally have to pee! Someone, please, let me out!

  One of the women, who looked very pregnant, laughed and opened the back door. Leaving her pride behind, Mai jumped out, quickly squatted and emptied her bladder with a sigh of relief in the grass next to the road. Then, before they could lock her out of the car, she leapt back inside and settled herself on the seat.

  I’ll give ’em puppy-dog eyes.<
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  Zack and Kael still looked stunned. “Where the hell did that come from?” Zack said.

  Kael laughed. “Don’t know. But at least you’re off the hook for smelling like a dog.”

  Zack swatted him on the shoulder.

  Another woman leaned in and cautiously held out her hand. She definitely smelled like a friendly wolf. Mai whined and licked her hand.

  The woman felt around Mai’s neck. “No collar, Lina,” she said to the pregnant woman. “I guess you guys now have a dog.”

  Lina smiled at the two men. “See? Told you.”

  “Told us what?” Zack asked, sounding exasperated.

  “Yes, you can keep her. Duh.” Lina looked in at Mai and winked.

  Crap! Whatever Lina was, she knew Mai was more than she appeared to be. Oh, shit. Wag tail. Mai wagged her tail, which drew smiles from several of the people.

  Good. That worked.

  After a few more minutes of discussion, another man, who also smelled like a friendly wolf, went to his car and returned with some cheese sticks and a bottle of water. He unwrapped the cheese sticks and offered them to her.

  With a soft whine, she gratefully inhaled them. He coaxed her to the edge of the seat so he could use his hand to cup water from the bottle and let her drink. After she finished, she sat up and gave him a lick on the cheek.

  Hope the older lady with you isn’t jealous, but thank you, mister!

  Lina reached out and stroked her head. “I think you should call her Mai.”

  Mai knew her eyes widened. It startled her so much she nearly shifted right there, but she caught herself in time.

  “Why that?” Zack said. “I think she looks more like a Gigi.” He reached out and petted her, uncertain at first, then gaining courage as he realized she wasn’t going to bite. She licked his hand, making him laugh.

  Dude, I’m soooo not a Gigi.

  “Because she looks like a ‘Mai.’” Lina said. “It means ‘coyote.’”

  Wow. You get bonus points, lady.

  “Hey,” Kael said. “She does sort of look like a coyote, doesn’t she? Wait, how do we know she’s a she?”

  “Would you like to feel her up?” Lina asked in a snarky tone.

  Mai chuffed in amusement. I really like this lady.

  Kael studied Mai. “If you say she’s a she, I guess she’s a she.”

  “Trust me.” Lina looked up the road. “There’s an exit up there. Let’s pull over. I need another bathroom stop, too.” She patted her tummy. “Let’s find a store so we can get her supplies for the drive home.” She held Mai’s head in her hands and looked into her eyes. “You are going to stay with us so we can help you,” she whispered. “Aren’t you?”

  Stunned, Mai nodded.

  Lina patted her on the head and gently pushed her back so she could close the door. “Allons-y!” Lina declared as she headed back to another car. A few moments later, they were heading toward the exit.

  After an hour, they were back on the highway again. Mai now sported a pink collar with rhinestones on it and a matching leash. It was a little froufrou for her tastes, but that she could handle.

  At least I’m not a Gigi.

  The men had bought her food and water dishes, a gallon of bottled water, and some top-shelf canned and dry dog food that wasn’t as good as human food, but tasted a hella lot better than the scavenged, rotten roadkill she’d subsisted on for the past week.

  Mai didn’t understand Lina’s joke about Callie being envious of the collar when Zack buckled it around Mai’s neck, but apparently everyone thought it was funny because they laughed their asses off.

  With relief in her heart and her first full tummy in several days, Mai settled back on the seat, closed her eyes, and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  * * * *

  They stopped at a hotel in Virginia, south of Richmond, sometime in the early, predawn hours. Kael clipped the leash to her collar and led her across the parking lot to a grassy area to do her business. She made sure to be the perfect dog, didn’t pull on the leash, and stood patiently while he used a plastic baggy to pick up her waste.

  Perfect. I get two hunks waiting hand and foot on me, and they’re gay and I’m their dog.

  She even stood patiently in the bathtub while they gave her a quick bath with orange-scented dog shampoo they’d apparently bought, along with the other accoutrements.

  Truth be told, it felt damn good to have them massaging her aching muscles in the warm water.

  She obediently sat on the tile bathroom floor while Zack went after her with the hair dryer. When he finished, her coat was poofy, but clean and smelling citrusy fresh.

  It was nearly four in the morning when the men exhaustedly climbed into one of the beds. She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. The carpeted floor would be fine, but before she could curl up, Kael pointed to the other bed.

  “Go ahead, Mai. You can sleep on the bed. I don’t know where you came from, but you’re a good girl.”

  She nearly shifted in shock at that, wanted to cry. His voice sounded so tender, so loving.

  She walked over to their bedside and put her front paws up so she could lick him in the face. Then she turned, jumped up on the other bed, curled herself nose to tail, and went to sleep.

  I could get used to this. She didn’t know what she’d do in a few months when she couldn’t hide her secret any longer, but at least she’d have a few months of peaceful living.

  * * * *

  Mai awoke late the next morning to someone knocking on their room door. Zack and Kael, who’d still been asleep, stirred. Zack got up and answered the door, greeting Lina and welcoming her in.

  She immediately walked over to Mai’s bed, sat down, and gently stroked her head. “Good morning, Mai.”

  I wish I could talk to you, lady. Whoever you are.

  She looked at Lina’s bulging belly and felt a sad pang of envy. No doubt Jan and Rick, the other two men she’d figured out were Lina’s mates, were desperately eager for her to have their child. Probably loved the hell out of her.

  Who’s going to love us? She’d have plenty of time to think about that later, when she was safely in Florida. She still wasn’t sure how she’d broach the subject of her true identity, but she suspected it would be Lina she came out to first.

  Lina offered to take Mai out for her walk while the men got their shower. After Mai finished and Lina had picked up after her, Lina looked at her. “I promise, whatever it is, we’ll help. I mean it. Okay? And we can help you.”

  Mai swallowed hard, but nodded. I don’t know if anyone can help me, lady, but you might regret making that promise. I won’t hold you to it.

  Back in the room, the men were getting out of the shower. Neither acted bashful around Lina, and she was apparently used to seeing them in the buff, because she didn’t react. Lina dished her out a can of food and freshened her water. After eating, Mai curled up on the bed and waited for further orders.

  The others were going to breakfast before checking out and would come back for her.

  Before leaving the room, Lina turned on the TV.

  “Why are you doing that?” Zack asked.

  “So she doesn’t get bored. Duh.” Lina turned and winked at her.

  Mai winked back and wagged her tail.

  * * * *

  Late that night, they crossed the state line from Georgia into Florida north of Jacksonville. They took I-10 west to I-75 and continued south. Just before dawn, they pulled off the interstate and Mai realized they were “home.” Or what would temporarily be her home.

  They let her out of the car without the leash, and she pulled up short in shock. The house was huge and from the looks of it most likely built within the past couple of years. She had a bathroom break before being welcomed inside by her new friends.

  She couldn’t help but let her tail wag. The place looked wonderful. Homey, not ritzy, yet well furnished.

  Lina showed their three human guests to their rooms. She’d discov
ered from listening that Carla and Liam were Elain’s parents, but they weren’t married. And Elain was a good friend of theirs.

  Zack put Mai’s food and water dishes on the floor in the kitchen, poured her out some dry dog food, and headed to another part of the house with Kael.

  Lina let her two men go upstairs ahead of her. She waited until she was alone in the kitchen with Mai to open the fridge, pull out some lunch meat, cheese, and bread, and make an impromptu sandwich, which she placed in Mai’s food bowl.

  “You’ve got to be sick of that other stuff. I’ll sneak you what I can when I can so I don’t blow your cover. Okay?”

  Mai wanted to cry. She whined in gratitude and licked Lina’s hand. Lina gave her a friendly smile and patted her on the head. “If you need to go outside, come upstairs and bark at my door to wake me up.” Then she headed upstairs.

  Mai considered shifting back to eat, then decided against it. She didn’t want to take the risk. She grabbed the sandwich from her bowl and devoured it in a few bites. Then she headed over to the couch where she curled up and went to sleep.

  * * * *

  Mai discovered later that day, once everyone had slept and arose to have dinner, that this wasn’t their last stop in their journey, even though it was home to most of them. They’d be on the road again, this time to Arcadia, where Elain lived with her mates.

  Lucky woman.

  With sneakily whispered asides from Lina, Mai was now up to speed on who Carla and Liam were as well. Ironic that she was in a very similar situation as Elain, only she damn well knew how much danger she was in.

  Asshole. Why had she ever trusted Paul in the first place? Oh yeah, because he was handsome, rich, and said he loved her.

  Barely twenty-one, my family’s dead, and now I have an asshole wolf on my tail. Literally.

  This was not how she’d planned to spend her life.

  After dinner, just before sunset, they all loaded up again and headed south. She sat up and watched the unfamiliar landscape pass by outside the car. They were now heading to Elain’s home, in Arcadia, where more wolves awaited their return.


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