The Killing Ground: A Foxx Files Thriller

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The Killing Ground: A Foxx Files Thriller Page 1

by Syd Parker

  Syd Parker

  The Killing Ground

  (A Foxx Files Thriller)

  Copyright © 2012 by Syd Parker

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this book only. No part or entirety of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any form without the express written consent of Syd Parker Books.

  Cover Artist: Syd Parker

  Published by: Syd Parker Books

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  To my love, for believing in me even more than I do myself.


  The idea of this book sat tucked away in the recesses of my mind for some time before I actually put it to words. I was somewhat nervous about writing and publishing a mystery, as it is so very different from my first books. Finally, after months of thought and deliberation, followed by more months of research, I started to write and at times, scared myself a little bit. But I came out on the other side quite alive and armed with a tale that started out as nothing more than a crazy dream and ended up as more than I could have imagined.

  I would like to thank Sarah for giving me the courage to move forward with this story, despite my “twisted” nature and for encouraging me to make this a series. I don’t normally do sequels, as I feel the story has been told, and I couldn’t do the characters justice in a subsequent book. But this story just felt right, and I knew that there was much more story to be told than made it into this book.

  A special thanks to Krista, for reading and saying, whether it’s true or not, that every new book is my best one yet. I wouldn’t have started this journey without your support.

  To Terry, for believing in me from the start and for being my reading guinea pig and for letting me ask her if this story has already been told.

  To Karen, for assuring me that I had made the bad guy just twisted enough to be believable. Your opinion and your friendship mean the world to me.

  To Nanc, for allowing me to send her a sneak peak and schooling me on my pronouns, repeated words and not cutting out the most important scenes.

  To Penelope, I would love to share a byline with you anytime, grasshopper.

  “There will be killing till the score is paid.”

  --Homer, The Odyssey


  Icy pellets of windblown rain ticked against the awning, whipped around by the swirling November winds. The woman pulled the collar of her thin raincoat up around her face in a futile attempt to block the onslaught of cold wind. She hadn’t expected the drop in temperatures this early in the season, and her regular evening walk from the office to the house she shared with her wife no longer held its normal appeal. She cast a desperate look at her phone. Call ended. She swore silently. According to the sterile voice on the phone, the wait for a cab was just under ninety minutes. She shoved the phone back into her pocket and cinched the tie of her coat as tightly as she could, but couldn’t quite close the gap entirely. She mentally chided herself for the weight gain since last year. Throwing back her shoulders and burrowing her chin into her chest, she took a tentative step into the icy rain. She knew that she could either wait for the cab, or if she hurried, she could be thirty minutes into a hot bubble bath before the cab even hit the spot where she huddled away from the cold.

  Normally, she enjoyed watching the storefronts and buildings as she passed them, but tonight her eyes focused on the ground as the lines disappeared beneath the rapid staccato of her clicking heals. The wind whistled around her, and she cursed her decision to wear a skirt today instead of her standard business slacks. Damn board meeting!

  She tugged her coat up against her neck, unsuccessfully trying to burrow deeper into the flimsy layer of protection, almost convincing herself that she wasn’t completely frozen through. She shivered involuntarily, her body’s response to winter’s first bite, and for an eerie moment, she imagined that it wasn’t the cold that chilled her to the bone. She shook the feeling, convinced her own imagination and proclivity for scary movies were playing with her mind. Still she looked around her, even allowing a brief glance behind her, and seeing no one, she smiled at her foolishness.

  A quick glance at her surroundings told her she was less than five minutes from home, and she breathed a small sigh of relief. She sped up imperceptibly—the cold biting at her bare skin with unforgiving fierceness. A cold gust whipped around her, and the faint shuffle behind her was lost in the night. She felt cold penetrate her spine, and she held her breath in expectation. She thought to look around her, but once again berated herself for imagining things.

  It was at the exact moment, as she expelled a long breath of relief, that she felt an evil chill start deep within in her. She turned around, the fear so real she knew that her mind was not imagining it. She didn’t have to see anything to know that the darkness she felt was very real, and if her senses were right, it was extremely close. In her head, she screamed, but her throat failed to respond, and her silence was lost in the night. She stood rooted to the spot, willing her legs to run, but fear froze her. She watched helplessly as the darkness approached her, evil shining in his black eyes. She finally picked her feet up and managed only a small stumble, her body pitching backwards to the ground below. She felt her body hit the hard pavement. She could feel a crack in her elbow, but felt no pain. Her only thought was the ominous presence that hovered over her.

  Images flashed in front of her, her childhood, her lover, pictures that normally made her smile, but tonight in the brief seconds that they flashed before her, felt like sharp knives piercing her heart. She had heard that when a person is close to death, she sees her life flash before her eyes. Days, months, years all condensed into milliseconds. Her whole life reduced to this…a mere blink of the eye.

  She felt him grab her arm roughly and jerk her up, dragging her into the dark alley, out of the reach of the lights and prying eyes. He pushed her to the ground and slammed his knee into her back; her rounded stomach smashed into the cold concrete under their combined weight. Her cry of agony disappeared into the night. Her fear grew as she felt him press the cold steel of an unseen knife into the side of her throat, and she knew that her life and her unborn child’s life hung in the balance.

  She winced, the pain of the concrete pushing against her distended belly. She tried to turn her body to alleviate the pain, but the knee pushed harder into the small of her back, and the knife at her throat cut deeper. She could feel the warm trickle of her blood rolling down her neck and imagined she could hear it as it hit the pavement. She wavered between clarity and passing out, the oxygen levels severely restricted by the heavy weight atop her. She didn’t move her head for fear the knife would cut deeper, but she blinked rapidly and took several deep breaths, or at least as deep as she could take given her circumstances.

  Shortness of breath was standard with pregnancy she had been told, and the truth was she was probably used to it. However, nothing could have prepared her for this. She tried again to gulp in precious breaths, increasingly aware of the fact that she was slowly suffocating. He changed positions, lying prone on top of her. She swallowed bile, even as he pinned her down with his weight, and she felt his hard cock pressing against her buttocks. If her God was merciful, he would let her pass out long before her assailant did what she knew he planned.

  “You fucking bitch.” He said in a loathsome voice. “Did you really think you were special?”

  She didn’t answer, couldn’t answer. God, she didn’t want to be spec
ial. She didn’t want to be the one he had chosen. She couldn’t even fathom why she had been picked. She felt, rather than saw, the knife being pulled away from her neck, and she breathed a premature sigh of relief.

  “You fucking women, always trying to play God.” He pulled her skirt up with rough hands, exposing her to the cold air. He cut the thin material of her hose and panties away, divesting her of the final barrier. “If you want a child, you need one of these.”

  The cold air hit her squarely, and the scream that she uttered when he entered her forcefully, ripping away her remaining dignity, died in the hand that covered her mouth. Ripples of pain tore through her like broken shards of glass, and she felt her stomach heave. She vomited into his hand. Her head snapped violently when he punched the side of her face as punishment. She felt herself slipping into black murkiness, and with one last thought of her lover and her unborn child, she closed her eyes for the final time.

  Chapter 1

  Jordan groaned loudly at the interruption and reluctantly pulled her mouth away from the soft lips beneath hers. She had ignored the first six calls, but she recognized Matt Riley’s ring tone and figured it had to be important to bother her at two o’clock in the morning, or at least it had better be important or someone was going to pay. She grabbed her phone off the nightstand and flipped it open disgustedly, her voice a low growl. “Gray.”

  A soft chuckle was followed by her partner’s voice. “Gray, it’s Matt. Catch you at a bad time?”

  Jordan rolled her eyes. “You always do, Matty.” She turned back to the naked body beside her and made lazy circles in her soft curls, still wet from arousal. She slid her fingers lower and couldn’t swallow a groan when she felt wetness envelope her fingers.

  “Fuck, Gray.” Matt said with a louder chuckle. “You get laid more than anyone I know. Least that explains the Houdini act on the phone calls.”

  “Did you call to tell me that?” Jordan asked sarcastically. “Or is there a good reason you’ve been blowing up my phone all night?” Her fingers continued to stroke and the woman beside her moved against her, barely audible purrs escaping from her lips.

  “Mitchell wants us…now.”

  “Shit!” Jordan swore emphatically. Susan was not the person whose calls you wanted to ignore. Matt’s emphasis on now made the hairs stand up on the back of Jordan’s neck. She sat up quickly, pulling her hand away, her focus on the conversation. If the FBI Assistant Director in Charge wanted to see them at two o’clock in the morning, Jordan would bet money it was something big. “It can’t wait until morning?”

  “Negative.” Matt responded, a note of irritation barely evident in his voice. He didn’t like getting called in the middle of the night any more than Jordan did. As Special Agents with the Chicago division of the FBI, they were used to working odd hours, but the late-night call from their boss was something new. “I’m supposed to track you down and get us both to headquarters pronto.”

  Pronto meant yesterday, as far as Susan Mitchell was concerned. Jordan and Matt had learned early on not to cross her when she asked for something, which so far hadn’t been very often. Jordan swiveled around and rested her feet on the floor, ignoring the groans of protest behind her. “I’ll meet you there in fifteen.”

  “Don’t be late.” Matt cautioned, knowing his partner’s weakness for naked women and her proclivity for tardiness.

  “Worry about yourself, Matty.” Jordan ended the call before Matt could respond and stood up slowly. Her earlier arousal was doused minutes before, and the hand that snaked around her naked body did little more than irritate her. She shoved it away forcefully. “I gotta go.”

  Minutes later, Jordan stepped out of her 370Z, the only other luxury she had allowed herself besides numerous encounters with beautiful women. She liked her cars as much as she liked her women, fast and dangerous. She glanced across the parking lot, noting that Matt’s car was already here parked close to Assistant Director Mitchell’s car. Shit! She figured he had probably called her from the parking lot anyway.

  Jordan swiped her entry card and waited for the clearance check then pulled the heavy door open with a resigned sigh. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up again, and for the second time in only minutes, she felt an ominous chill course through her body. Jordan wouldn’t say she had a sixth sense, but years on the street had made her wary and had given her an uncanny ability to read a situation well before she found out what was actually going on. If she respected that instinct now, she would readily admit that what was going on at the moment was bad. Her suspicions were confirmed when she stepped into Susan Mitchell’s office and saw her red—rimmed eyes. She acknowledged her partner with a cursory nod then sat down across from her boss. “Assistant Director Mitchell.”

  “Gray.” Susan said quietly. “I’m sorry to call you in so late, but this couldn’t wait.” Susan’s voice quivered uncharacteristically, and she cleared her throat several times before continuing. “It’s Julie. She’s…” Susan broke off abruptly, unable to continue.

  “Oh, fuck.” Jordan murmured quietly. She and Susan weren’t exactly close, but they had formed a bond when they found out that both of them were lesbians. Julie Keppler was Susan’s partner. Julie was pregnant with their first baby, and Jordan’s immediate thought was that something had happened to the baby. On second thought, she knew it couldn’t be that or Susan would not have called her and especially not Matt into the office at this late hour. Her stomach wrenched violently when she realized with sick dread that whatever Susan was about to say was far worse.

  Susan’s eyes locked on hers, and Jordan could see the hurt evident in them. “Julie is in the ICU at Mercy.”

  “Oh, my God!” Matt leaned forward in his chair. “What happened?”

  “Julie was attacked tonight.” Susan held a closed fist to her mouth and swallowed audibly. She raised apologetic eyes. “I’m sorry. I'm not usually such a mess.”

  Jordan leaned forward, reached across the desk and put her hand on Susan’s arm. “Don’t tell us you’re sorry. You have every right to be upset. We’re here for you.”

  “I know. Fuck, this is difficult. You know it is never this hard when it’s someone else. You know you learn how to disassociate yourself, but this, Julie. I don’t know how to disconnect.” Susan offered quietly, brushing away tears that welled anew in her swollen eyes. “Julie was attacked and raped.”

  Jordan sank back in her chair. Suddenly, the feeling of Julie’s vulnerability slammed into her chest. “The baby?” She asked in a raspy voice.

  Susan shook her head, unable to form the words.

  Jordan stood up and went around the desk and against every rule of protocol, pulled Susan into her arms and hugged her fiercely. She waited while the tears fell and waited quietly, not offering empty words that everything would be all right, when right now nothing was okay. Everything was wrong.

  Jordan waited and when Susan finally pulled away, her eyes were once again professionally guarded. She sat down and knew this time when she spoke, there would be no tears.

  “Julie was attacked this evening.” Susan’s voice was even and monotone, belying her upset emotions, and her face was a carefully guarded mask devoid of any grief. “She was raped. Fortunately, someone happened by before her assailant could kill her. She’s lost a lot of blood. It's not looking good. The baby…our baby…” Susan stopped again, the pain evident in her voice. Jordan knew she was close to falling apart. However, after a moment, Susan continued gravely. “Right now we don’t know anything. If she…when she wakes up, I want you to take her statement.”

  Jordan’s brow furrowed in confusion. “This isn’t exactly our jurisdiction. Chicago Investigative Services should be working the attack. You know how uptight they get when we play in their backyard.”

  Susan pursed her lips. “This isn’t an official investigation. I’m asking you to work this on your own time.” She held up her hand to prevent protest. “I know it’s not ideal, but from what I gathered from ou
r contact at the CIS, we’re looking at a serial killer. A killer they have not made any headway in apprehending. I don’t want this to get shelved. I want Julie’s attacker caught, and I need you guys to help…in an unofficial capacity.”

  Jordan’s mind was working overtime. She stole a sideways glance at Matt. They had worked off the record cases before, even worked with the CIS in the past, but this time it was personal, and she wondered if Susan would keep an objective mind. They were bound to step on toes, and she wondered just how far they would have to push.

  Susan handed Jordan a card. “This is the detective who is working point on this case. I want you both to make nice with the detective and glean whatever information you can get in addition to taking Julie’s statement.” Her fists clenched and the vein in her temple throbbed wildly, the only two signs that she was handling this in anything less than a professional capacity. “I need you two on this.”

  Jordan caught Matt’s eye and she nodded slightly, sending him a silent message. What the fuck is she getting us involved in? She turned back to Susan, meeting her expectant eyes. “We’ll find him.” She hoped her words sounded more convincing to her boss than they did to her own ears.

  “So what are you thinking?” Matt asked as he held the door for Jordan.

  “I think we just got thrown into the lion’s den.” She ran a hand through her unruly brown hair and expelled a breath. “I’ve never seen Susan that out of control. This one isn’t going to get swept under the rug.”

  Matt stared off somewhere in the night sky. He shoved his hands wordlessly into his pockets, waiting for Jordan to take the lead as she always did.

  “I say we pay this detective a little surprise visit first thing in the morning.” The corner of her lip curled up into the semblance of a wicked grin. “I want to catch her off guard. She’s more likely to let something slip if she isn’t expecting us.”


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