The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History

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The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History Page 50

by J. Smith

  --------- “Vor neun Jahren gab es Tote in Heidelberg.” Hamburger Abendblatt, September 16, 1981.

  --------- “Zwölf RAF-Anhanger überfielen dpa-Büro.” Hamburger Abendblatt, November 7, 1978.

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  --------- “Fleury-Mérogis à l’heure de Stammheim.” Libération, June 12, 1980.

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  --------- “Deux Allemandes devant la chambre d’accusation.” June 11, 1980.

  --------- “La RFA, le BKA, et 5 Allemandes.” June 3, 1980.

  --------- “Le troisième visage de la RAF.” February 2-3, 1985.

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  Molyneux, Maxine, Aida Yafai, Aisha Mohsen, and Noor Ba’abad. “Women and Revolution in the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen.” Feminist Review 1 (1979): 4-20.

  Moncourt, André, and J. Smith. The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History, Vol. I: Projectiles for the People. Oakland: PM Press, 2009.

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  Müller, Reinhard. “Weshalb Gaddafi die RAF für geisteskrank hielt.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, April 14, 2008.

  Mushaben, Joyce Marie. From Post-War to Post-Wall Generations: Changing Attitudes toward the National Question and NATO in the Federal Republic of Germany. Boulder: Westview Press, 1998.

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  Nelkin, Dorothy, and Michael Pollak. The Atom Besieged: Antinuclear Movements in France and Germany. Boston: MIT Press, 1982.

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  O’Hara, Patsy. “Brief von Patsy O’Hara.” Zusammen Kämpfen 2, April 1985.

  Open Road. “German War Machine Targets Anti-nukers.” 11, Summer 1980.

  Pacific Stars and Stripes. “2nd Bomb Found at Ramstein AB.” September 4, 1981.

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  Pohl, Helmut. “Wir müssen jetzt Wege zur Entlassung finden.” Angehörigen Info, June 15, 1996.

  Pohl, Helmut, and Rolf Clemens Wagner. Interviewed by junge Welt. “Wir wollten den revolutionären Prozeß weitertreiben.” junge Welt, October 17, 2007.

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  Pruthi, R.K. An Encyclopaedic Survey of Global Terrorism in 2
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  RAF. “Letter from the RAF to the RAF Prisoners.” Translated by André Moncourt and J. Smith.

  --------- “The Assassination of Attorney General Siegfried Buback.” Translated by André Moncourt and J. Smith.

  --------- “The Attack on the BAW.” Translated by André Moncourt and J. Smith.

  --------- “The Black September Action in Munich: Regarding the Strategy for Anti-Imperialist Struggle.” Translated by André Moncourt and J. Smith.

  --------- Interview by Zusammen Kämpfen. Zusammen Kämpfen 2, April 1985.

  --------- “The Schleyer Communiqués.” Translated by André Moncourt and J. Smith.

  --------- “Serve the People: Class Struggle and the Guerilla.” Translated by André Moncourt and J. Smith.

  --------- “The Urban Guerilla Concept.” Translated by André Moncourt and J. Smith.

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