Something Fierce [The Underground 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Something Fierce [The Underground 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 14

by Jenika Snow

  Tears tracked down her eyes. She had hoped someone had seen him taking her away, but with each passing moment she knew no one was coming. Kash wasn’t coming. She was at the mercy of a psychopath, a man that planned on keeping her as his sex toy and doing unspeakable things to her. The horrors of that image played through her mind, and she turned her head and vomited violently.

  When she expelled all that was in her stomach she turned back to face him. He stared down at her and grinned. He might have her, but he would never have her. “Fuck. You.” She spit in his face. A wave of pleasure coursed through her as she watched his cheek become covered in blood, vomit, and saliva. He would not break her. He could do whatever he wanted to her body, but he would never have her mind.

  He raised his body so he was several inches from her, and she knew his fist was coming again. She closed her eyes, wishing she could stop it, wishing she could see Kash again. How beaten and broken would she be after all of this? Would he even let her live? She waited and waited for the inevitable pain to come, but when it didn’t for several long seconds, she opened her eyes. He was staring at something over her head, squinting into the darkness to see whatever was cloaked there.

  She heard the footsteps coming closer and her heart pounded. Tristan didn’t dare move for fear his attention would be brought back to her. She prayed it was Kash, prayed it was someone who would help her.

  “Please, please help me,” she whispered, hoping against all odds they would hear her, but when Max didn’t even give any indication that he heard her she knew it had fallen on deaf ears.

  “Who’s there?” Max spoke into the darkness. He sounded more annoyed than anything else. It was clear whoever it was Max didn’t see them as a threat.

  They didn’t respond, but in the next instant something hard and big slammed into Max. He flew off of her and she didn’t waste any time scrambling away. Several large shapes disappeared into the darkness. Male grunts sounded in the darkness and Tristan had a fleeting moment where she contemplated leaving. Could she leave someone else to take Max’s wrath? What if that person couldn’t defend himself?

  She took a step back and tripped over her heels. Her palms broke her fall and she felt the skin peel away as concrete scraped against them. Another grunt, then another sounded from the shadows and her heart raced. Oh God, what do I do? Before she could stand up, a large figure emerged from the darkness. Tristan’s heart beat a rapid staccato in her chest and everything inside of her screamed that she needed to run. She scrambled backward, not knowing if the person coming closer to her was friend or foe. A whimper escaped her and then she heard his voice.

  “Tristan, shh, Tristan, it’s me.”

  That voice, deep, low, calming. Kash. The light that spilled from the parking lot slashed across his face. She could see fresh and dried blood covering him. He knelt in front of her, not moving to touch her right away, but a look of concern was evident on his face. They stayed like that for several moments, just staring at each other. He was bloody and swollen, but it was him. She threw herself into his arms and buried her face in his chest, crying hard, wracking sobs.

  “You’re here. Oh God, you’re really here.” The tears came fast and strong but she didn’t care. For once they weren’t tears of anger, sadness, or fear. The happiness and love she felt for him was tangible. It felt like it would burst free from her and suffocate everything and everyone. He held her tight and didn’t pull away until she had stopped crying. It was then, when her sobs didn’t echo off the alleyway that she was aware of the other noises. A police siren in the background came through loud, and then red-and-blue lights made the once-bleak alley colorful. He gently pulled her to her feet, but kept her body tight against his. He scanned her face and she saw a million and one emotions reflected back. He breathed out and wrapped his arms around her and brought her head to his chest.

  “I turned around after the fight and couldn’t find you. I can’t begin to tell you how that made me feel.” Shouting erupted all around her. There were orders filled with authority that let her know everything would be okay.

  “I didn’t think you would find me.”

  He pulled her back, shock covering his face. “Not find you?” He made it sound like she had lost her mind. “I told you I’d always come for you.” Both of his hands came up to rest on her cheeks, and she winced as he touched a sensitive spot. She could see how tense his jaw had become and the way his eyes seemed to darken as he looked at the area where Max had hit her. When his eyes came back to hers, they stared at each other for several long moments. “There isn’t anything in this world that could keep me from you. Nothing.” He sounded so sure. It made her feel safe, protected, and most of all loved. He brought his lips to hers and kissed her, mindful of her abraded flesh. “I love you,” he murmured against her mouth and she broke down crying again.

  He whispered those three words over and over again as he kissed every inch of her face. His body shook as he held her, and she wondered if he too was crying. It was at that moment, with the sounds of violence behind them and the way he held her that Tristan knew there was nothing in this world that wasn’t worth fighting for.

  It seemed like hours before the police and paramedics allowed them to leave. Her mouth was dry from explaining the night’s events to three different police officers, and her body was becoming sorer with each passing moment. She was exhausted and all she wanted to do was go home and sleep off this horrendous night. After Kash had spoken to the officers he had made his way to Adrian and the two of them had spoken for long moments. Adrian’s body language showed that he still hadn’t gotten over his anger that had been directed at Max, but whatever Kash had said to him had visibly relaxed him. After Kash squeezed his shoulder he turned back around and made his way over to Tristan. Instantly his eyes softened as he wrapped her in a tight embrace. The feel of him, hard and warm, surrounding her and making her feel safe and protected had tears spilling from her again.

  “Come on, let’s go home, baby.” Kash kept her body close to his and walked to his awaiting truck. When he saw her limp he scooped her into his arms as if she weighed nothing. Her head found his shoulder and she closed her eyes. The pain, the fear, everything that had happened was now behind her. As sick as that sounded, everything that had happened thus far was worth it. She knew if it hadn’t played out just like that, she wouldn’t be wrapped in Kash’s arms right now.

  * * * *

  His hands on the steering wheel were so tight he thought for sure his skin would peel away from his knuckles. All Kash kept seeing in his mind was Tristan on the dirty ground, Max leering over her, his insidious comments echoing off the alley. The raw fury he felt at that moment, at the sight of the woman he loved, had encompassed him. Never had he wanted to cause so much bodily harm on someone, not even when he was within the steel cage. If Adrian hadn’t stopped him when he did, Kash would have surely watched Max take his last breath, and relished over the fact.

  He glanced sideways and saw Tristan’s eyes start to close from the light on the dashboard. The weariness from tonight was taking its toll on her. She was so strong, so unbelievably strong, and he was so damn proud of her. He slid his hand on top of hers, needing to touch her, to know that she was really there, with him. He didn’t even want to contemplate her not in his life, not now, not ever. He had been a fool to try and keep her away, but now that he had her, he had no intentions of letting her go.

  Despite watching Max get hauled away in a police cruiser, he knew tonight would never leave Tristan. He was all too familiar with the pain from the past and how it liked to linger. All he could offer her was his strength, so that she may use it and grow stronger. There was no way he wouldn’t be with her every step of the way.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The water from the shower moved down Tristan’s sore body, and she closed her eyes in pleasure and pain. The heat and steady pulse of the droplets stung her abraded flesh, but Kash’s hands on her body, soothing her, brought immense pleasure and
comfort. Kash had insisted she go to the hospital, even after she had gotten checked out by the paramedics, but she didn’t want to go. All she wanted to do was go home and be with Kash. She didn’t need some peroxide and a bandage. What she needed was what she was getting right now. Kash’s hard body was pressed behind her, but this moment wasn’t about sexual gratification. He was taking care of her.

  A handprint-sized bruise was already forming on her arm and Kash leaned down to kiss it. Goose bumps formed along her skin, and she sighed and she let her body lean against his, using his strength the way she desperately needed it. His soapy hands moved down her arms, her chest, her belly, and continued their journey down her thighs. As the water washed the soapy remnants away, she turned and rested her head on his chest. His skin was smooth and warm, and his heartbeat was exactly what she needed to hear at that moment.

  “I could have killed him right then, Tristan.” Kash’s words were low and menacing as he spoke of Max. He had told her if Adrian hadn’t been there, keeping him back, he would have done just that. It was the threat of never seeing her again, of not being there to protect her and love her that had stopped him.

  She had been surprised to find out that the waitress, a young girl named Brea, the same girl that Tristan had helped, had seen Max leading her away out the back door. It hadn’t been until Kash and Adrian had been searching for her that Brea knew Tristan hadn’t been leaving with Max willingly. She hadn’t thought twice about telling them what she knew. Things worked out for a reason, Tristan amended. If she hadn’t helped that young girl out, Brea wouldn’t have escaped and seen Max taking her away.

  “I’m glad you stopped so we could be here, right now.”

  The police had hauled Max away, but knew how long he would stay locked up. It didn’t matter because Kash was with her, and that was all that mattered. With him by her side, she could get through anything. His wall had finally come down, and there was nothing greater in life than knowing the man she loved was with her, heart and body.

  His hands moved up and down her back. He didn’t rush her, just let her hold him. “I love you.” The sound of the water beating against the tiles didn’t drown out the emotion in her voice.

  “I love you, too.” His arms tightened around her. “I don’t know how to be a good man. I don’t know how to be good enough for you, Tristan, but I’ll try. I’ll keep trying until the day I die.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. He had already proved what a good man he was, but hearing him say it with so much love and determination had her closing her eyes and thanking the heavens things worked out the way they did.




  Who is Jenika Snow? She is the pseudonym of a mother, wife, and nurse. She lives in the too-hot Northeast with her husband and their two daughters. Thankfully, her husband shares her unusual sense of humor and naughty nature, so finding material for her stories isn’t a problem.

  Jenika started writing at a very young age. Her first story consisted of a young girl who traveled to an exotic island and found a magical doll. That story has long since disappeared, but others have taken its place.

  For all titles by Jenika Snow, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  About the Author

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  About the Author




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