Ark: A Scifi Alien Romance

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Ark: A Scifi Alien Romance Page 13

by Lucy Snow

  “I probably say many things that do not make sense to you.”

  “Yes, that’s true,” I allowed. “But that’s not the point. You said something about me that I need to ask you about.”

  Ark looked like he already knew what I was going to say. “You said something about us being ‘mates.’”

  Ark stared straight ahead. “I was wondering if you would remember that,” he said, sounding a little exasperated.

  I sat up, getting right in his face, and I kissed him hard, on the lips. “Tell me what you meant about that.”

  Ark paused for a moment and I could see that he was collecting his thoughts. “Back on the station, when we first met, I told you that Kreossians’ experience love in a way that no other species does.”

  “I remember that,” I gulped. “That sounded very dramatic and remarkably cryptic at the same time. What does it mean?”

  “It is the reason the Kreossian Empire exists, Melissa.”

  “You have a very interesting way of saying sweeping and impressive things that are very difficult to understand, Ark.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  I shook my head and kissed him again. “Not at all, I actually like it. I just wish I understood more of what you said. Please explain.”

  Ark took a deep breath. “Other races can fall in and out of love and have many long term bondings over the course if their lives. Kreossians do not work that way.”

  I said nothing, staring into his face and waiting for him to continue.

  “Each Kreossian has one mate, one being they are supposed to form a bond with when they meet. That is all we get.”

  I sat up again. “One mate? That’s…it?”

  “Yes. We can have short term relationships, of course, but there is only one being in the galaxy each of us can bond to. It is the work of our lives to find that person and bond with them.” He looked at me. “That is why the Kreossian Empire exists. Because not everyone found their mate amongst our own species.”

  “So your people spread out among the stars so they could find their mates?”

  “That is the truth of things, yes.”

  I leaned forward and kissed him harder than I ever had before. “That is so hot to me.”

  “You are turned on by strange things, Melissa Crane of Earth.”

  I laughed. “I know, I just can’t help it. The thought of your species traveling around the galaxy looking for love, I just, I dunno…it speaks to me.”

  “You made it sound like your planet thrives on short term relationships.”

  I wrinkled my nose and nodded. “It’s definitely gotten that way.”

  “You do not agree?”

  I shook my head. “Not even for a minute. It was never my thing.”

  I lay back down against his chest again, trying to digest all that I had just learned. It was terribly romantic, a race of gigantic sexy aliens conquering the galaxy in the name of love. Certainly a better reason than ‘we want your stuff.’

  “So,” I said sitting back up. “What you said during the crash…”

  “I called you my mate.” He said it without emotion, like it was clear as day, the most natural thing in the world.

  “You really think so? How do you know?”

  “I know it to be true, Melissa. A Kreossian just knows.”

  “And you just go with it? You just accept it?”

  “There is no reason to question something I know to be true, Melissa. You are my mate. I will love no other than you for as long as I draw breath.”

  The way he said it knocked the wind out of me and I sagged, falling back to his chest. Ark sat up in alarm. “Are you alright?” I could hear the concern in his voice.

  I fanned myself with one hand. “I’m fine, I’m fine, it’s just a lot for me to take in all at once.”

  Ark relaxed and leaned back against the ship. “It took me some time to accept as well.”

  “How come? You weren’t sure if humans and Kreossians can mate?”

  “That is not the problem. I know that we can mate.”

  I narrowed my gaze. “More of your advanced scouting reports?”

  Ark nodded. “Kreossian scientists are in agreement - our species are compatible.”

  “Well, that’s a relief.”

  “Yes, it is a good sign.” And the then he kissed me, pulling me into him. “But we still must confirm.”

  “I like the sound of that,” was all I could get out in between hot, hot kisses.

  “We are in agreement, then,” Ark whispered to me, before the force and frequency of our kissing made more words impossible for the next few minutes. I pressed myself into his hard body, feeling the alien muscles ripple and move all about under his survival suit.

  It had been so long since I had been with a man, and now all of a sudden I was with the manliest man I could ever have imagined, and in fact, he was an alien man! Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that this could happen to me, but suddenly Ambassador Fuller’s words back on the ship echoed in my head about keeping an open mind in love and everything else.

  At that moment I knew Fuller had been right all along, and I threw myself into Ark. He responded in kind, wrapping his arms around me as I threw mine around his neck. Despite the survival suit in the way, I could feel the heat radiating off this mountain of a man.

  As if on cue, Ark growled and pulled at my suit, reaching behind me to unclasp it. I reveled in his force, in his strength, in how he barely contained himself to keep from tearing the suit off me. I wouldn’t have minded if he had - in fact, that would have been super hot, but knowing that he kept practical concerns in mind even in the throes of sex was somehow even more appealing to me in the moment.

  As Ark pulled the suit down and off me, exposing my back and chest, barely covered by my bra, the wind picked up and I shivered. Ark smiled and pulled me closer, taking a break from undressing me for a moment. I sighed as I clung to his body, breathing in his thick, manly sandalwood scent. I had no idea if all Kreossian men smelled like this, or just Ark, but if it were all of them, the men of Earth were going to have some competition for human women’s attentions going forward.

  After the wind died down a bit, I leaned back, closing my eyes and looking down, my hands still clasped around Ark’s neck. I could feel his eyes on me as his gazed traveled down from my hair to my face to my neck to my shoulders and my breasts. It felt electric, like he was shooting small lasers at me as he drank me in with those dark eyes of his.

  I felt more of my skin get exposed to the air as Ark continued to undress me. One at a time I slipped the sleeves of my suit off, unhooking my hands from Ark’s neck just long enough to do so. When Ark had the suit down around my waist I opened my eyes and watched him gaze at me, the desire welling up inside me as I saw the hunger with which he appraised me.

  If I hadn’t know any better I would have thought he was licking his lips before a juicy meal, probably one of his favorite nutritional supplements. I idly wondered if it looked like a green or blue cube, before pulling myself back in and kissing him right on the lips, forcefully, before moving my face to his right ear. “Keep going, Ark,” I whispered. “I want you so much.”

  Ark shuddered, and I loved that I could affect this hardened warrior with whatever feminine wiles I possessed. This was a huge and strong and dominating yet tender man, and I was in his arms and he was going to make me his - in that second I couldn’t have imagined anything sexier than this.

  Ark kept his hands on my exposed waist, and I could feel the callouses from his experienced fingers pressing into me, gently but firmly at the same time. It was a wonderful feeling, and I almost gasped when he moved his fingers away all of a sudden, pulling down further on my suit.

  Ark made eye contact and I nodded, lifting myself up off his lap on my legs, letting him pull my suit down over my butt and down my legs. I quickly kicked off my shoes as he continued, and within a few seconds, Ark had tossed my survival suit to the side, leaving me clad in only
my black bra and panties.

  Nothing too sexy - humanity wasn’t at the point where we were wearing lacy lingerie in space quite yet. If I had thought for a moment back on Earth that this mission would have involved me having sex with a hunky alien man, I would have snuck some skimpier stuff on board in my private luggage, but unfortunately in this department I was woefully unprepared.

  Ark didn’t seem to notice - maybe Kreossians didn’t have a concept of sexy clothing - what little I had seen them wear was entirely favoring function over form. In any case, as I leaned forward into Ark as the wind picked up all around me, I could see his eyes get even darker with lust. I could feel the same lust pooling inside me, and I ached to undress him.

  So I didn’t waste any time. I reached up to the clasp around Ark’s neck and undid it, pulling his survival suit off him much the same way he had done to me, though given how tight his was, Ark helped out a lot more than I had.

  I had expected Ark to be wearing some kind of underwear, even though in retrospect that expectation didn’t make much sense, considering we were, you know, different species and all, with different ideas about modesty. Maybe Kreossians didn’t sweat as much either?

  In any case, when Ark took his survival suit off and slid it down his legs, I gasped. His cock, if you could even call it the same thing as what a human man had, came out, hard and long, and huge. Actually, huge wasn’t good enough - utterly massive made much more sense. I wondered how on Earth I was going to get that thing inside me, and then I remembered we weren’t on Earth anymore.

  Ark watched me as he dropped his survival suit onto the ground next to us, and in one smooth motion, moved over to sit on it, like a picnic blanket, pulling me with him till I was back in his lap.

  I lay against his hard body, covered in muscles, the intricate glowing lines that ran like tattoos all over his skin drawing breaths out of me as I got more and more worked up. Ark’s huge cock pressed against my belly, and I knew right then that I would be able to take him inside me, though it would hurt a little.

  I reached down with my right hand, pushing myself off the center of his chest till I was lying on his right side, and gripped his cock, not even close to making it all the way around. Ark closed his eyes and threw his head back, and I smiled, thrilled at how good I could make him feel. I slowly stroked him up and down, licking my lips at the thought having his massive cock inside me. I knew I was already soaked.

  Ark opened his eyes at once and pulled me closer to him, reaching down and tugging at my panties. I giggled and let him pull them off me, eager to move faster, and at the same time, I reached behind and unclasped my bra, letting my heavy breasts fall a little as it came off and joined my survival suit and panties on the ground next to us.

  Ark drew in a deep breath as he saw my uncovered breasts for the first time, and I pulled myself up and closer to him, my hands locked around his neck again as I got myself into position above him. As my breasts passed by his face while I lowered myself, Ark leaned forward and kissed each nipple, making me gasp.

  I kept lowering myself, crying out when the tip of his cock touched my aching pussy and started to go in. It hurt, slightly, but already I was far past the point of stopping just because of a little pain. I knew he was huge, and I knew that once he was inside me it would feel wonderful.

  We locked eyes, Ark putting his hands around my waist again and gently guiding me down. It took at least thirty seconds of lowering before he bottomed out inside me, and I had never felt so full before in my entire life.

  I sat there, on his lap, stuffed with Ark’s cock, our eyes never leaving each other, the smiles on both our faces, for at least a minute before I pushed up with my legs and felt Ark’s hands grip my waist and pull me up till the tip of his cock was just inside me, and I moaned, long and loud, at his teasing, trying to drop my legs and sink back down on me. Ark smiled, knowing that he had this control over me, which only turned me on even more.

  Finally, when he lowered me back down and I could get that magnificent cock back inside me, I groaned, wanting this feeling of being filled up with pleasure never to end. The next time was faster, and faster, and soon we had a rhythm down that had me crying out loud as Ark pressed his cock in and out of me.

  I couldn’t hold my orgasm in any longer, and I moaned as I pressed myself against his muscles, throwing myself on the rocks of his shores as I came in waves that started in my pussy and radiated outwards, so hard and wonderful that I almost passed out.

  Ark only reacted to me cumming by slowing down for a moment, but as soon as I sat back up, he resumed pulling me up and pressing me down onto his cock, and I moaned again as the pleasure came rushing back all at once, but this time it felt different, now that I had had one orgasm already.

  Ark’s muscles tensed, and I hoped that meant he was cumming soon - it wasn’t that this didn’t feel amazing, but I really wanted to make sure he felt good too, as good as he made me feel; also, my legs were beginning to get a little tired. Still, with the arcs of pleasure that coursed through me like electricity, I would have kept going like this until I had lost all coherence if Ark had wanted to.

  Luckily, that’s not what he was thinking, and a minute later, he looked at me and nodded. I knew what that meant, and I did whatever I could to get ready, but even so, I wasn’t prepared for the feeling of my gorgeous Kreossian man cumming inside me, filling me up more than I ever thought possible.

  Ark shook below me, his body convulsing, and the lines that traced all over his skin glowing and changing colors in rapid succession. He bellowed with each convulsion so loud that if there were hidden birds around, they would have flown off into the night, scared.

  With a final shudder, Ark lay back down against the ship, and I fell into his lap, his softening cock still huge inside me.

  We lay together like that, intertwined in the darkness of the moonless night. This time we weren’t interrupted by the calls of any large monsters that went bump in the night, and we both dozed off easily and comfortably.

  Probably an hour later, I stirred, moving across Ark’s chest, and he moved as well, and I felt his breathing change - he was awake.

  “Ark,” I said, unable to bite my tongue and keep from speaking.

  “I am awake.”

  “You can’t still be planning on destroying Earth, can you?”

  Ark sighed. “I still remain convinced that humans were the most likely perpetrators of the sabotage. There will be consequences for causing the death of Admiral Kaalax.”

  “You don’t sound as convinced as you were before.”

  Ark nodded. “That is true. I am less sure of your species’ responsibility than I was before.”

  “What’s changed your mind?”

  “Among other things, you, Melissa Crane of Earth.”

  And with that, he wrapped his hand around the back of my head and pulled me gently back to his chest. We spent the rest of the night like that.

  It was perfect.


  I woke up the next morning with Melissa draped over me as she had been the night before. I leaned back against the ship, content for the moment to lie there like that, feeling her soft body and light weight against me.

  She was a marvel, simply perfection. The mating we had experienced last night was hot and I could not wait to repeat the performance over and over again. I loved watching her sleep, clearly needing the rest after all of our exercise earlier.

  I reached up a hand and pushed the hair away from her face, exposing her soft features. I really had not seen any woman like her anywhere in the galaxy. It was still such a strange feeling to wake up knowing that I had found my mate, that I had found the one being I would be connected to for the rest of my life. It was if a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and now I understood that all the days before this had been for one purpose - to find Melissa Crane of Earth, and to make sure that she was safe and happy at all times.


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