Devin: A Romantic Suspense (V Mafia Series Book 2)

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Devin: A Romantic Suspense (V Mafia Series Book 2) Page 19

by Karice Bolton

  “I poured a lot of money and time into the development of it, and to know it paid off is a huge relief.”

  “What else are we celebrating?”

  His eyes fastened on mine. “You.”

  “What about me?”

  “I’ve spoken with Greta, and I’d really like to get you going on your real passion.”

  And this was yet another reason it seemed impossible to hate these men.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We’ve created a position that I think will utilize your skills and expand on the services we hope to offer at our latest building. We need a go-to person for the initial selection and orientation for these families, along with someone they know they can always go to in order to better navigate some of the social services that both we and the city offer. The sooner, the better, really.”

  “I’m speechless.”

  And I was.

  “We’d still like you on our floor because you’ll be working with us exclusively on implementing our vision. I see this as the next standard in high-rise living. We’ll be offering a doctor on staff, child care, and resources for job training. Of course, any of our residents can participate, but we’re gearing it more for the families who might like a little assistance. The monthly fees are high enough and we offer so many amenities that this a win for everyone.” He swirled the red liquid in his wineglass. “I also think it would make the most sense for you to live on-site.”

  I nearly choked on my surprise. “I won’t be able to afford even a closet in that tower, but I promise you that I’ll be sure to be available to all residents and—”

  “No.” He straightened up in his seat just as the woman set down a platter of puff pastries. “Your housing at the tower will be part of your salary.”

  I stared at the tiny hors d'oeuvres on the platter in front of us.

  “Creamy mushroom vol-au-vent,” he informed me as if that was why I was silent.

  I laughed and shook my head. “It’s not the food I’m worried about. Sorry. I’m just a bit in shock. I didn’t expect this.”

  I felt his eyes on me as I attempted to regroup.

  “That’s just too much though.”

  “It’s a necessity.” He took a bite, and I glanced at our server who now had taken to scowling in my direction, and I just couldn’t resist.

  “Have you slept with her?”

  “Would it matter?” His brow arched, and an unfamiliar sensation dove right under my skin.


  “Not the least bit.”

  “Whatever you say.”

  As I enjoyed the rest of my meal, I wondered how Davis would continue to spy on me, or would this officially be the end of my assignment? Tonight, I’d write her the news as I’d done with every other piece of information and hope to fall asleep with my fate resting in the hands of a woman I didn’t trust.

  By the time we’d left the restaurant, I was happy, a little tipsy, and far too full of delicious, rich, and creamy food.

  “Miss. Miss.” A man’s voice came up from behind us. “You dropped this from your purse.”

  I stopped, and Devin let his arm leave my waist as I grabbed the piece of paper from the stranger’s fingers. I glanced down at a drycleaners receipt, and before I went to protest, the stranger walked off.

  And that was when it hit me. This was no mistake. Ellis wanted to see me again.

  Chapter Twenty


  “What did you think about the restaurant?”

  “I think they should open one in your new building, minus the waitress.” Her laugh made my world right.

  I’d known whatever my brother found out today about her wouldn’t have changed my mind about Avery, but I was slightly relieved to hear that in their eyes, she checked out.

  “Do you want to come up?” The words floated from her mouth, and I pulled my hand over my face, shaking my head in disbelief. Avery was full of surprises. I’d been trying to take things slow, but after last Friday that felt nearly impossible.

  “Are you sure?” She leaned into me, looking at me beneath her lashes.

  There was something we offered one another that no one else would understand. I didn’t know if it would last a month, a year, or a lifetime, but I knew I’d better pay attention to every little moment like this one because it might be our last. I’d learned that lesson years ago, when my sister was taken from us all, and for some reason, I was beginning to feel like at any second Avery would just disappear from my life.

  “No. I can’t be sure.” She drew her finger along my chest. “But I’m learning there’s not much in life I can be too sure about.”

  I stroked my thumb along her lips, and she quivered.

  “Or we can go back to your place, since you’ve already seen mine. It might be kind of fun to see where a notorious Volkov lives.”

  “Notorious?” My brow arched.

  “You do know that you and your brothers have a bit of a reputation, right? I mean, you can’t be voted Gotham City’s most eligible bachelor and not know you’re on the minds of many females like the mademoiselle in there.” She giggled, but I saw a streak of jealousy ripple through her gaze and I wanted her even more.

  “How long have you known about that?” I narrowed my eyes at her.

  “Since Meta,” she revealed. Her eyes turned stormy with lust, and I wasn’t sure I could even make it back to my apartment. “All the girls there told me all about you and your brothers.”

  “Is that how you knew about Jenn and Jax?”

  She nodded.

  “Well, I hope I don’t disappoint.”

  “You haven’t so far.” Even at night, I could see her cheeks flame with that revelation.

  Avery could break a guy’s nose in two places while still getting flustered over an innocent flirtation, and I loved that about her. Much like my own family, she was full of warring contradictions, and it made me want to know even more about her.

  She traced her fingers along my jaw, and every muscle in my body tightened with want. She glanced back toward her apartment and drew in a slow breath.

  “How about your place?”

  I nodded, pulling my cell out of my pocket and texting for my ride.

  “You won’t hold this against me come Monday, right?” She teased, but I knew the dig was real.

  “I’m sorry for being such a jerk.” I shook my head.

  “I’m only teasing.” She smiled. “But just don’t treat me like a light switch.”

  “Never again.” And I meant it.

  “Can I have a taste of what’s in store?” she asked, closing the distance between us and looping her arms around my neck.

  I was completely at her mercy, a slave to whatever she wanted, and I was beginning to think she knew it, but I didn’t care.

  I brought my mouth over hers and she immediately parted her lips. She ran her fingers up my neck as her our kisses deepened and the rest of the world disappeared.

  It wasn’t until I heard a motor running that I slowly broke my lips from hers.

  “Ready?” I asked as her chest heaved with the same desire running through me.

  “More than.”

  I opened the door and we both slid in the car.

  “Just to the house,” I told Viktor, who gave a slight nod.

  I leaned over, placing my mouth along her ear, and whispered so softly I wasn’t even sure she’d be able to hear.

  “Ever since I tasted you. . .”

  “Shh.” She giggled and playfully pushed me away.

  “He can’t hear.”

  “You can’t be certain.” But as she said it, she ran her fingers up my leg, and I shook my head in disbelief.

  “Are you always this calculating?” I asked, bringing my mouth right behind her ear. I softly nibbled her lobe and her hand tightened on my thigh. “That’s what I thought.”

  I leaned back in the seat and waited for her to open her eyes. She inhaled deeply and looked at me through her lashes. />
  “I don’t think that’s fair,” she murmured.

  “I thought there was no such thing.”

  She flashed me an evil look laced with a smile, and it was the most beautiful reaction.

  “You’re trouble.” She squinted at me, which only made her more adorable.

  “I’ve never denied that.” I shrugged and she just laughed.

  She ran her hand further up my thigh, and I grabbed it in mine, locking our fingers together until the car slowed down seconds later.

  “Will you need anything else for the night, sir?” Viktor asked, and I glanced at Avery.

  I never made it a habit of letting women stay the night. Actually, I never had women over to stay the night. It was always somewhere else.

  “I have to get to work a little early in the morning,” she whispered, her chest moving quickly. “I should probably—”

  “I’ll let you know,” I told Viktor, and Avery flashed me a relieved smile.

  I opened the door and helped Avery out of the car. She glanced at the building in front of us and drew in a deep breath. The classic brick exterior showed minimal signs of wearing, but the inside was immaculate and modern. I’d lived here for a few years, and the building offered great amenities, but I disliked the hustle of the city surrounding me in every direction.

  Avery was rooted in place.

  “Don’t be worried. I don’t bite.”

  “That’s a disappointment,” she teased, her eyes fastening on mine. I needed to get her inside. Now.

  “I just can’t figure you out.”

  “You wouldn’t want to.” She slid her hand in mine as we walked by the doorman and into the small, empty lobby over to the elevator. She began circling her thumb around my palm, and for some crazy reason, it turned me on even more.

  I didn’t think it mattered what Avery did to me. I’d become unhinged and at her mercy, which worried me.

  Was it all about the forbidden? I knew I shouldn’t have her, so I wanted her even more?

  I brushed away those thoughts as the elevator opened and we stepped inside, the tiny space accelerating the electricity zipping between us.

  Before I pushed the button, I looked at Avery. “Are you sure about this?”

  “More than anything.”

  “Good answer.” I pushed the button and the doors shut, giving me the exact excuse I needed to feel her lips on mine.

  I turned around and cupped her ass, hoisting her against the railing. I kissed her neck, inhaling everything about Avery as her hands moved down my abdomen, resting right above my belt.

  I brought my mouth to hers, and she hungrily accepted my kisses, unraveling my world and everything in it. The chime of the elevator rang into the air, but we couldn’t stop. It wasn’t until the doors slammed shut that I slowly broke free to her giggling even harder.

  She let out a little groan as I helped her down to the floor and she straightened her dress while I pressed the elevator button and waited for the doors to open again.

  “You’re a pretty good kisser.” She hung onto my hand as we made our way to my door. “Among other things.”

  “Thank you.”

  She laughed as I opened the door and flipped on the lights. Thankfully, the housekeeper came today because I wasn’t always the best at picking up after myself.

  “Your apartment is stunning. It reminds me of the other building.” She looked all around. “The way it’s decorated.”

  She ran her hand along the marble table in the entry before her eyes took in the view.

  “Imagine that,” I said, smiling, and she laughed.

  “Would you ever consider moving to the other building?” Her eyes flashed to mine.

  “Depends on who might be waiting for me over there.”

  “Well. . .” She sucked on her bottom lip and that was all it took. I couldn’t wait any longer.

  I pulled her into me and began to kiss her, feeling an explosion of desire whip through my core. She let out a soft whimper as my hand slid down her thigh and her kisses deepened. I moved up her dress and picked her up as she wrapped her legs around me. Her mouth clung to mine with a hungry need few would understand. There was a bond we shared that was unlike anything else out there. I didn’t have to tell her things for her to understand. She knew what it meant when I showed her the photos of the wreck. She didn’t question what happened to the man who killed Jenn. She understood the idea of real justice without ever uttering a word.

  Carrying her into my bedroom, I felt like my world was spinning into chaos that I’d never be able to understand. What I was about to do wasn’t the smart thing to do or the right thing to do. It was the only thing I could do to keep myself sane.

  “I’ve wanted you since Meta,” she murmured between kisses. “Since you stuck up for me.”

  Her words instantly sent heated sparks through me as I laid her down on my bed, pushing the pillows aside. She looked so gorgeous, so vulnerable.

  I wanted to be the one who protected her, who shielded her from whatever might come her way.

  I smiled at her, leaning over her as I slowly snaked up her dress, taking in everything about the curves of her body.

  “All of a sudden, you’re a man of few words?” Avery’s voice was raspy with need as I slid my fingers under the lacy straps of her bra, moving them off her shoulders before I unclasped the back.

  “Do you wear lace every day?”

  “Mmmhmm. It makes me feel like I’m always hiding something sexy about myself that no one else knows about.” Her eyes darkened a shade and my lips crashed to hers as I pushed her back on the bed. “Except you keep finding it out.”

  “I’m a lucky man.”

  Her eyes steadied on mine as I slowly ran my fingers over her breasts, feeling her pucker beneath my thumbs. Her lip quivered and she closed her eyes as I replaced my fingers with my mouth and ran my hands to her panties, rolling them down as little moans escaped her lips.

  “Kiss me,” she murmured, her hands unfastening the buttons on my shirt.

  I shook it to the floor and her hands ran along my chest as our kisses demanded more. Her hands moved to my belt and she wiggled it.

  “Use it,” she whispered, and my core tightened immediately.

  I nipped her lip and she writhed underneath me.

  “Use it,” she repeated, unbuckling my belt.

  Kneeling over her, I snaked the leather out of the belt loops while her gaze stayed on mine. I took a sharp breath as her wrists came together in front of her and I did as she wanted.

  I wrapped the belt around her wrists and hooked it over the bedpost, her body lying diagonally across the mattress, and my eyes taking in every curve and softness of her naked body.

  Her gaze dropped to my pants and I removed them, tossing them to the floor as I hovered over her, feeling the heat of her breath on my neck.

  “You’re my fantasy come to life, or did you already guess that?”

  I moved my mouth to her breasts and slowly traced my tongue along one nipple while my hand teased her other breast. The sweetness of her skin tasted so good, but her answer that came in the form of a moan made my muscles tighten so much it hurt. She wriggled beneath me.

  “Now,” she whispered, but I shook my head as I continued to run my mouth along her bare skin, feeling the goosebumps cover her. “I want you.”

  “I want you.” I brought my gaze to hers and saw the same silent promise I was clinging to as I nodded slowly.

  Nudging her legs apart, I propped myself on an elbow and let my other hand move lower, feeling the softness under my fingertips as her body responded to my touch.

  I pushed myself inside her as she arched her body into mine, grinding her hips into me, and feeling our bodies skin to skin, moaning words that only made me harder. I was trying to be gentle, but I wanted her so badly it was difficult to maintain control, until she whispered the magic words.

  “Harder,” she murmured, raking her fingers through my hair.

nerve in my body was craving this woman, but rather than obey, I slowly withdrew and began kissing her wriggling body as she attempted to redirect me to exactly where she wanted me.

  “I want to take it slow,” I whispered, my tongue trailing along her belly to her quickened breathing. “Don’t you want that?” My eyes connected with hers, and every emotion I’d been pushing aside came crashing around me.

  I reached down between us, feeling her warmth clench around my fingers as she inhaled sharply. Seeing pure ecstasy slide across her face made me almost lose it. She bit her lip and sank deeper into the mattress as I undid the belt she’d begged for.

  Her freed arms immediately looped around my neck, her hands coming through my hair as our kisses intensified with each thrust.

  “Devin,” she whispered, pushing her body into mine. “I’m—”

  I felt her body tremble under mine as my own shook from an explosion so powerful I clung to her, feeling every shock and shudder as she burrowed into me, and I felt like the luckiest man alive.

  She gave me a taste of another life I never realized how much I wanted.

  I blinked my eyes open to see hers still closed. Her smile stole my breath away as I watched continued euphoria wash over her. All the tension lifted from my body, and I wondered if there were a way.

  “Are we still on for Florida?” she asked, her eyes blinking open.

  “We are.” I pulled her body into mine, feeling her soft curves and reveling in how much Avery reminded me of another way, another life. . . but I wasn’t naïve. I knew to keep my friends close and my enemies closer, and maybe in time, she’d understand her mistakes. Maybe she’d choose differently.

  “Good. Because I don’t want to miss out on opportunity where there’s more of that.” She let out a soft moan and curled her body into me.

  “You make me forget the rest of the world,” she whispered, and I held her tighter. “Is that normal?”

  I closed my eyes, wishing for a different outcome than what was ahead, because if I knew who Avery Hill was, it would only be a matter of time before my brothers figured it out.


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