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Sanguine Page 5

by HK Khan

  When the lock clicks over, I hastily shove it under the mattress. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t appreciate me reading it. It wasn’t forbidden, but probably only because they didn’t think a mere human would care to read their precious research, or understand it. Joke’s on them. I’ve always excelled in the intellectual studies. One of the guards comes in and drops a tray with a bowl of the disgusting protein-oatmeal and an apple onto the table. With a glare, he leaves, locking the door behind him.

  I ignore the food and pull the book back out to continue reading. If I don’t think about the impending punishment or Obedience class, I can almost enjoy my time here.

  During my week of confinement, I read every single logbook in the room. The science behind the work fascinates me, and I quickly commit every nuance to memory. Nurse Clara’s a genius, and her work is both creative and terrifying.

  The door opens, barely giving me time to hide the last journal, and Fabian walks in. A cruel smile curls across his face, and his thin moustache twitches in anticipation. Goose bumps rise on my arms, and my pulse races with fear. His favorite whip forms loops in his right hand, and his wicked smile cracks into a manic grin when he notices me shaking where I sit.

  He licks his lips and uncurls the whip. “Time to learn how to obey, girlie.”

  “Guine?” Someone wipes my tears and strong arms surround me.

  I take a deep, steadying breath, and remember I’m sitting with Genji, the kindest vampire ever. Clearing my throat a few times, I try to remember what he asked.

  “I read one of their scientist’s research journals when no one was looking,” I summarize, leaving out the more gruesome details of how I came by them. “I know a lot about them, Genji. About you.”

  He nods and rocks me until I fall into an exhausted sleep in his arms.

  Chapter Four

  I wake in darkness. The bed beneath me feels like the same one as before, but a slight change in the air pressure tells me something has changed; I’m not alone in here. The floorboards creak as someone shifts their weight, confirming my suspicions. I don’t know how I notice these subtleties, but more urgent matters demand my attention. My grip tightens on the pillow, and when I sense the other presence draw closer, I hurl it with as much force as I can, simultaneously rolling out of bed to land in a crouch and sweeping their feet out from underneath as the pillow strikes its mark.

  I race through the open door, but stumble to a stop at a muffled, “Mo Chroí, wait!”


  Horrified, I turn as the light clicks on. Declan gets up from the floor, blood streaming from his nose. His dazed expression makes my knees go weak.

  A hand lands on my shoulder from behind, and I jump.

  “What’s going on here?” Kent steps into view, his unbound hair mussed from sleep and hanging wildly past his chin, giving his usually calm demeanor an eccentric twist. He yawns and looks to Declan for answers.

  “I was bringing her another blanket and she fecking attacked me!” he shouts defensively.

  A pile of cloth lies on the floor beside him and heat rushes to my cheeks when I realize exactly what happened. Embarrassed, I bury my face in my hands and groan.

  I couldn’t have misread this more if I tried!

  When I peek through my fingers at Kent, he gives me a smile. “Violet, could you go and fetch Doc while I have a few words with Dec? He should be in the office.”

  I nod and exit the room, hoping I remember how to get there.

  Oh, my God!

  Not only did I attack Declan, but I took him down! It’s like a whole other person exists inside me who knows how to fight, and she’s been lying dormant for the last nineteen years. Something about these guys, or this situation, brought this new me to the surface, and I’m not sure what to do about it.

  Genji opens his door as I approach and smiles. “What are you doing up so late, Kitten?”

  Shifting back and forth for a moment, I mumble, “I kind of hurt Declan?”

  I don’t mean for it to come out like a question, but I’m still wrapped up in trying to figure out how exactly I knew what to do.

  He tilts his head, waiting, and I blurt out, “I think I broke his nose!”

  “Oh, well that’s nothing.” He grabs his black leather doctor bag while shrugging. “I’m sure he deserved it.”

  Why are they so nonchalant about this?

  “After you.” He motions, and I lead him back to my room.

  When we make it to my door, Genji demands with a chuckle, “What’s going on? Kent?”

  “I heard a commotion and came to investigate.” Kent eyeballs me. “Guine was fleeing and Dec was bleeding.” He shoots a glare at the tall Irishman, who withers under the scrutiny. “He says he was bringing her a blanket and was attacked.”

  Will my cheeks ever be any color besides red?

  Genji turns to Declan. “And what weapon did she use to cause this damage, Mr. Walker?”

  We all flinch at the formal address, and Declan mouths a silent apology in Gaelic. He blushes a deep scarlet, bright against his normally pale skin, and mumbles incoherently.

  “What was that, Dec? I don’t think they understood you,” Genji jokes, cracking through his authoritative facade. He obviously heard him just fine, and gets a kick out of this whole ordeal.

  “A pillow,” Declan mutters, embarrassed. “She threw her bloody pillow at my face and then kicked my legs out from under me.” He plops onto my bed, grimacing and pinching his nose.

  Laughter rings out from the hallway, and Phoenix and Ash peek into the crowded room.

  “You’re telling me Sunshine broke your nose with a pillow, Dec?” Phoenix holds his fist out toward me and when I just stare, Ash mimes for me to sort of bump it with my own. “I keep telling you all, she’s a badass!”

  Ashton squeezes inside the small room, grabs the weapon in question, and wraps an arm around my shoulders. “Sugar Plum, you’ve got to teach me how to take someone down with one of these!”

  Genji and Phoenix chuckle as he makes a jabbing movement with my pillow, using it like a fencing foil.

  How do I know these things?

  “I’m sorry, Declan,” I whisper. Clearing my throat, I speak louder. “I didn’t know it was you, just that someone was in the room and coming toward me. I swear I only reacted on instinct!”

  Kent sends a withering glare at Declan. “You entered Guine’s chambers without permission, and she defended herself from the intrusion with whatever was on hand?”

  Declan pouts and mutters, “I thought she was sleeping.”

  Kent’s demeanor shifts from jovial to frigid instantly as he finally displays the anger I’ve expected from everyone.

  “This is unacceptable behavior!” he roars.

  My gaze drops to the floor as I ready myself for whatever punishment he deems appropriate. I attacked one of their teammates, again. They can’t let me continue this path of violence. But when nothing happens, I glance up to find them all glaring at Declan instead of me.

  “You’ve earned drills for everyone, Dec, and the honor of waking Hawk to explain why we’re doing them now,” Kent states, his tone cold. “No matter your intentions, if any one of you tries this crap again, I’ll send you to Auntie! Understood?” The violent storm in his eyes softens as he turns to me. “Let me know if anything like this happens again.”

  He nods to Genji and storms out.

  As he disappears, I hear a muttered, “Idiot. He’s lucky I stopped Ash from giving her a dagger…”

  Phoenix and Ash let out nervous laughs and leave to go get changed for ‘drills’.

  I watch, fascinated, as Genji opens his bag and takes out a syringe like the one he used on my wounds yesterday. He injects the same silvery liquid directly into Declan’s nose.

  Unable to tear my eyes away as it straightens and stops bleeding, I wonder out loud, “Is that your venom?”

  Genji winks and nods. “I’m good for more than my looks, Kitten.” He puts everything away an
d shoos Declan out the door. “Go and tell them to get ready. When Kent’s this worked up, it’s best for us to be early. This one’s going to be a doozy!”

  A thousand questions flit through my mind, and I can’t land on where to start.

  Genji tweaks my nose and flicks a coin at me. “Penny for your thoughts, Kitten?”

  I examine the odd metal disc. Smooth, it’s engraved with an eastern character on one side, and gleams like polished brass in the light. A tiny octagonal hole pierces near its edge, and I run my finger over the groove. What is it? Definitely not a penny.

  “Will Declan be alright,” I ask, flicking the coin back to him.

  He pulls me to sit on the bed with him so we face one another. “His nose already healed, Kitten. That’s what venom does. If you want to give sympathy, make it for the punishment I’m about to go through.” Genji sighs dramatically and holds his hands clutched over his heart.

  “Punishment?” I ask, flabbergasted. What in the world could Kent make them do that would tax a hybrid? “I’m the one who got violent!”

  I move to stand, but he holds me back.

  “Guine, it’s not that bad! I was joking...mostly. Let me explain.” I huff, but wait to hear him out. “If you’re going to be a member of our team, it’s best you know now. We work every day to hone our skills, but when one of us screws up, we do full drills, pushing us to our limits. Kent called them, so he’ll decide what we do, and he’s royally pissed, so it’s going to make even me sweat. Sometimes we do combat training, where we fight in staggered numbers, reminding us how we’re stronger together. Sometimes it’s an obstacle course. Sometimes it just means we sit together and air our grievances before doing a round of cardio or weights. It depends on the person and the particular situation. If I had to guess, I’d say today’s going to be combat of some sort. Judging by Kent’s expression before he stormed out, it’s going to be strenuous.” He laughs at my bewildered expression. “And it keeps us in good shape!” He smiles and gets up. “I need to go and change, Kitten, so I can be ready with the rest of them.”

  This time, I pull him back.

  “Can I participate?” If I want to be a member of this team, I need to learn.

  He examines me for a moment. “Not this time, Guine. Kent’s steaming at Declan right now, and I bet he’s going to have an uncomfortable talk with us at the end. Next time, I promise.”

  With a wink, he hurries off to get ready.

  Pacing, I let my mind sort through the events of this morning. There must be something in my past I can’t remember. It’s like an itch I can’t scratch. I took down someone who has extensive training and is almost twice my size. I innately know how to use weapons I’ve never even seen before, and it feels good to use them. Natural.

  I make a decision and open the top drawer of the dresser in search of something I can change into. A neat stack of women’s clothing rests inside with a note pinned to the top.

  “Sunshine, thought you might need these. ~Nix”

  When did he have time to do this?

  I lift out the shirt on top. It’s one of those short sleeved, workout-style cropped tops. The simple, dark-brown material has a tiny purple accent on the right shoulder that matches the strange hue of my violet eyes exactly. I quickly swap it with the oversized shirt I’m wearing, thankful to have something not riddled with holes to wear.

  Beneath the shirt, I find an interesting pair of leggings made from supple, suede-like material. When I pull them on, they fit close, but move easily, and they have pockets and straps all over. They’re also dark-brown, matching the top perfectly. They fit like a dream, and I can’t help but be impressed. I could live in these.

  In the next drawer, I find a pair of running shoes and a brand new package of socks. Stuffing my feet in them, I rush from the room so I won’t be late. The only way I’ll be seen as an equal is if I participate in the punishment, too.

  Besides, it’s my fault they have to do this so early.

  As I reach the front of the cabin, the front door slams shut, and I run to catch up. I step outside and stop short at a sight that would probably halt anyone with a pulse.

  Everyone except Kent is already there, and they’re exquisite. They fan out around the central clearing, stretching. All five of them are shirtless and wear leather pants similar to mine, though less form-fitting. Various weapons and harnesses are strapped all over their bodies, causing my heart to race and my mouth to go dry. Every last one of them looks like God sculpted them personally. Declan’s taut muscles stand out against his wiry frame, proving he’s probably as powerful as Hawk. Genji and Ash are just as solid, though somewhere between the two in bulk. Phoenix is trim as well, but more lithe.

  My lips go dry and I lick them, unable to stop staring.

  I jump about a foot when Kent whispers from behind me, “Are you joining us today, Guine?”

  Hand over my racing heart, I turn to face him. “I’d like to, if you’ll allow it. This is as much my fault as it is Declan’s. It’s only fair that I’m a part of it.”

  The corner of his mouth lifts in a lopsided smile, and a foreign sensation stirs in my gut. “If you insist.”

  He gives me a once-over and then walks away into the clearing. That’s when I notice what he’s wearing.

  Or more to the point, what he’s not wearing.

  Like the others, he’s shirtless, and it makes him seem forbidden. A longsword strapped across his back slightly obscures an intricate tattoo of rolling flames that flows up from his waistband, across his shoulders, and around to his front, tracing the lines of his collarbones. Dark brown leather bracers lace up his muscular forearms, and I momentarily forget to breathe.

  He’s divine.

  Kent’s build rivals the others, muscular, but not overly so, and it’s only now that I become aware of how incredibly dangerous they are.

  Standing before me are not the guys I’d joked with earlier. Their ease with their various weapons and the rippling muscles that mesmerize me as they twist from side to side leaves me licking my lips and wanting something I’m not sure I’m ready for. These are the steel-hardened bodies of warriors, and it sends shivers down my spine.

  They snap to attention and turn away, following Kent as he walks past. I race over quietly to join in, and study them as I approach. I realize each of them has a tattoo covering part of their torso and arms. It’s hard to see clearly in the predawn darkness, but I can at least tell they’re all different.

  “Does everyone know why we’re here this morning?” Kent demands, his voice radiating authority. Everyone nods, and I step up beside Genji, who jerks away so fiercely he slams right into Ashton on his other side.

  “Where the hell did you come from, Kitten?” Genji gasps.

  Four other heads snap toward me, and I blush under the scrutiny.

  Kent gives me another one of those crooked smiles and blows out a sharp, piercing whistle to regain their attention. “Guine’s expressed interest in joining us this morning, which I encourage. If she wants to train with us, she might as well start now. We’ll change our format slightly to compensate for the fact she’s new and will be learning as we go along. Hawk, you’ll run the drills today, and Ji and I”—he points at Genji and then at himself—“will work with Guine to show her what she needs to know.” He claps his hands together twice and comes to stand on my other side.

  Hawk steps forward to take his place, aiming a scowl directly at Declan. I shake my head at the absurd hypocrisy of his anger. He waits a moment for everyone to adjust positions and then barks out, “Begin!”

  They start doing jumping jacks in unison while Hawk calls out the count. I glance at Genji and he nods. With a deep breath, I join them.

  We stop at one-fifty, and sweat beads around my hairline.

  Hawk lets out a whistle rivaling Kent’s and everyone drops forward onto their hands.

  “Push-ups,” someone near me whispers, and I get down and ready with the others.

  They set a ruthl
ess pace, and after twenty, I lag behind. Honestly, with how little the Old Ones fed me, I’m surprised I’m able to keep up this well.

  “Take them at your own speed, Guine.” I peek to my right, and Kent doesn’t show any signs of fatigue or perspiration as he explains. “Women’s bodies are built differently than ours. There’s no shame in needing to go slowly. Your center of mass is lower than a man’s, so it requires you to exert more force than me to create the same amount of torque.” He says all of this while keeping pace with Hawk, and his voice isn’t even a little bit breathy.

  I manage about thirty more when Hawk whistles again, and we repeat the whole process. At least I can keep up for the first part.

  When we finish with the second set of evil push-ups, everyone lines up single-file, with Ash at the front.

  “Guine.” Kent pulls me to the back of the row. “This next part is something like an obstacle course. I want you to watch the others, and when Ji goes, he’ll take it slow so you can understand before your turn.” He unstraps one of the belts that crosses his torso and hands it to me. “You’ll need these.”

  I inspect what he gives me. It’s a harness filled with daggers like the one Phoenix threw yesterday. Kent helps me put it on, and I adjust the straps until it sits comfortably across my chest. I practice pulling blades from it a few times until I get everything situated exactly right. He watches me with calculation.

  Hawk whistles and Ash takes off. He’s so swift on his feet that he’s not much more than a blur. I barely manage to follow him with my eyes until he does a cool running jump that makes him fly up the side of a giant oak and disappear into the leaves. A few thumps come from the canopy, but other than that, I have no idea what happens during his run.

  Phoenix keeps time on his watch and everyone looks toward the end of the clearing.

  The breeze shifts, and I step to the left, spinning around just before Ash lands right behind where I stood. “Aww, Sugar Plum, I wanted to scare you! How’d you know where I was?”

  He sticks his bottom lip out in a ridiculous pout, and I giggle. “The air shifted, Ashton.”


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