Tailing Her

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Tailing Her Page 3

by Celia Kyle

  “Correction. I’m ready to cut the woman those clothes belong to.”

  That had him smiling wider and he was secure in the knowledge she was his match in every way. “You are jealous. But there’s no reason to be. They’re my old clothes. No need to bust out those claws.” He let the full weight of his need enter his gaze. “And the idea that you’re wearing my clothing… Baby, you have no idea what it does to me.”

  She swallowed hard, bringing his attention to her throat which then had him focusing on the juncture of her neck and shoulder.

  Jennifer smirked, her gaze flicking from his face to his groin and back again. “Oh, I think I do.”

  Brett wasn’t embarrassed by his body’s reaction to her. In fact, the only reason he’d ever have to be embarrassed in front of his mate was if he wasn’t at full attention around her. He reached down and stroked his hardness, teasing himself with the touch while also showing Jennifer exactly how much he wanted her. She licked her lips, that pink tongue wetting her lower lip and all he could think of was her mouth on him. Her sucking him deep and toying with him before he finally lost control and took her.


  Her smirk turned into a teasing grin. “Lioness.”

  “Pain in my ass,” he countered. “Get dressed and then we can talk everything out in the living room with the guys.”

  He made it as far as the bedroom door before she spoke again. “Can we talk about why the safe house sported a trashy lion-whore in the driveway? I assume that location was supposed to be confidential and yet…”

  Brett groaned. “The ‘lion-whore’ is no longer a problem and she hasn’t been in my life for over six months. As for who leaked the location… I’ll be dealing with that.”

  Jennifer voiced the concern that had been swirling in his mind from the moment they passed the house. “If she was able to bribe someone on your team for its address, what other types of bribes will they take?”

  “I know.” He glanced at her over his shoulder, getting one last delicious look at her body before she covered it in baggy clothing. “Get dressed. We’ll deal with it all at once.”

  Deal with it all… That was one way of saying it. Really, he was about to put down one of his own lions. Betraying him and risking the life of another lion was irresponsible. Potentially risking the life of his mate was unacceptable. Or rather deadly.

  Chapter Three

  Jennifer didn’t engage in the verbal battle being fought behind her. No, she simply continued to stare at the bustling city below. Night had fallen, and the landscape filled with sparkling lights and the rapid race of cars rushing down the highways. The world moved on as if no one had attempted to commit murder that very morning at the courthouse.

  Her life had irrevocably changed in that split second but everyone one else continued as if it were just another day. She supposed it was for them. For her, it had been both frightening and exhilarating. Even now, when she should be worried about the men in Brett’s group, all she could think about was hauling Brett back to the bedroom.

  Instead, she had to deal with a bunch of overgrown, bickering children. Except for Brett. Her mate remained silent and watchful, taking in everyone’s reactions to the accusation of betrayal. Throw a group together, roar out the accusation and then let them fight it out themselves. The plan didn’t always work. There were those who were psychopathic and flat out evil shifters, after all, and didn’t react in any way, but she didn’t sense that in this group. No, her lioness firmly believed one of these males was just an idiot and a sucker for a pretty face.

  That didn’t mean she’d break it up. Let them go after each other. It would be a hard and painful lesson to the guilty party. They were lions and sometimes it did boil down to survival of the fittest. Or rather smartest.

  Snarls and tumbling growls filled the air, and she found herself easily able to differentiate each one. Listening and thinking back to the event, it took her less than five minutes to discover the person who had betrayed Brett. She imagined it took her mate even less time. The evidence tinkled together, and she had only one question to pose to the gathered males.

  She tore her attention from the cityscape and enveloped the half-dozen men in a single glance. “Excuse me?”

  Seven sets of eyes focused on her, one pair holding a look of pure need while the other six stared with barely suppressed emotions that ranged from annoyed to furious. Hell, one pair looked like he had homicide on the brain. Oh, she couldn’t wait to kick that guy’s ass. Was she a woman? Yes. Was she a total bitch who fought dirty? Fuck. Yeah.

  “What do you need, sweetheart? Can’t you see the big boys are talking?” That condescending question came from Zane. Dead Zane.

  Brett growled his displeasure, but Jennifer acted.

  Really, when thinking back on it later, she’d probably feel bad about lunging after the guy. But right now, all she could ponder was whether she could get to the male before Brett. Turned out, as she dove toward him, easily leaping the six feet that separated them, Jennifer was quicker.

  She didn’t hesitate to wrap her fingers around his throat and squeeze. She didn’t prick his skin, or even tighten her grip that hard. Just enough for him to realize she was not one to be messed with. All right, maybe “that hard” was actually enough to make it difficult for him to breathe. But she really didn’t pierce his skin!

  Others may assume she was as sweet and kind as her best friend, but they were wrong. She didn’t dispute the fact that Penelope had a difficult time growing up, but what Penny experienced was limited to her interactions with others. Whereas Jennifer had lived beneath the roof of an alpha. Not only that, her brother was an alpha. So while Penelope was a physically stronger lion, Jennifer was volatile as hell.

  Brett’s natural heat warmed her while his scent slid through her pores, his presence softening her rage. “Hey, baby. Have a problem I can help with?”

  She didn’t miss the teasing note in his tone. “Nope. I’m just asking your friend a question.”

  “He might be able to answer if you let up a little on the pressure.”

  Jennifer refused to acknowledge that he had a point. Instead, she loosened her hold the tiniest bit. “Better?” When the male wheezed, and sucked in air, she took that as a yes. “Now, and this is to the entire class, who else knew I was being put under protection? I doubt the number is very large, am I right?” All around, including the lion she held captive, she received nods. “Who else?”

  Lennox spoke up first. “The alpha, but you can’t imagine—”

  “Oh, I know it wasn’t him. Penelope would neuter him if something happened to me. Keep going. It wasn’t Marcus, and it wasn’t furball Barbie at the original safe house.” Jennifer felt like she was trying to lead a stubborn horse to water. Silence met her, each male furrowing his brow, and the scent of confusion assaulted her. “For the love of…” She rolled her eyes. “Nash. He was too quick with that first aid kit, don’t you think? And does the average kit have a set of forceps? I’m thinking no.

  “I’m guessing that at some point Nash fell under their payroll when Niccolo Colletti realized what was what. But he was feeling a little guilty, which is why his first aid kit was prepped for bullet wounds. If Colletti’s guy didn’t do his job and left me alive, then Nash would be able to come to the rescue.” Jennifer released Zane and pushed him away, letting the male fall back against his seat. “Now, does anyone disagree with me?”

  Not a word was spoken. Or rather, no one said a word about that.

  “No, baby. Did I mention when you act like a bitch, you make my—” She spun and pressed her fingers to his lips. She didn’t need to know what else made her mate hard.

  “Yes, I’m pretty sure you told me.” A round of masculine chuckles trailed after her words. “How about we discuss who is going after Nash and come up with a way for me to safely return to court tomorrow?” She removed her hand and waited for him to reply.

  “Oscar and Colton can secure Nash for Marcus. Let
my brother deal with him when he gets back tomorrow. He’ll get more out of Nash than anyone else. Hopefully the information he has will allow Marcus to go after the furry side of the Colletti family.”

  “And court?”

  Brett narrowed his eyes, and she knew what he’d say before the words left his mouth. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  Jennifer understood his hesitation. She wouldn’t want him putting himself in danger, so it only made sense he felt the same way about her. And yet… The Colletti family.

  She focused on him, reading his expression, and she realized this wasn’t the place. Not in front of his men, at least. She glanced over her shoulder, and briefly met each male’s gaze. “Can you excuse us for a moment?”

  She didn’t wait for their agreement, she merely snared Brett’s wrist and tugged him down the hall. Damn, they were wearing out the floor between the living room and the bedroom.

  It took a matter of moments to reenter the room and close the door with a soft click.

  Jennifer released him and returned to the glorious view she’d admired moments ago. The lights twinkled as if they danced to a song only they heard, and she stared at them, mesmerized by the beauty. It was easier to keep her cool and talk coherently if she wasn’t looking at Brett. Because when she had him in her line of vision, all she could think about was mating him.

  “Are you telling me no?” she whispered, but he heard her, could easily make out the words due to his inner beast. “Are you?”


  Brett ground his teeth in aggravation. His lion roared in his head, demanding he reply to her question with a resounding yes.

  But he knew that was a sure fire way to lose her. Lose her before he had her. Things were too new, too unstable, for him to act like a dictator now. Maybe he could get away with it in thirty years or so.

  “Brett?” Jennifer’s body was tense, her hands curled into white-knuckled fists and her body was rigid. She would fight him. Fight until the very last breath left her body.

  He understood her dedication. But he’d read more than one newspaper article, had heard more than one whispered story, and had engaged in more than one conversation with Marcus about the Colletti family.

  Part of him was slightly hurt at his brother’s lack of trust and yet he understood the man’s decision to keep quiet Jennifer’s connection to the head of the family’s prosecution. Male shifters tended to rip things into tiny pieces first and ask questions later. With the involvement of both the human and shapeshifter worlds, a certain level of patience was necessary.

  Hence Jennifer’s participation. A lioness would at least ask a question here and there before pouncing.

  He understood it, but he didn’t have to like it.


  So damned scared.


  He was nothing. Or rather, his life could mean nothing in a few seconds; through the darkness, through the midnight outside and the dim interior of the master bedroom, a bright red dot painted Jennifer’s chest. She was half turned toward him, a plea in her gaze, but all he could focus on was the steady red dot.

  Brett didn’t hesitate. His lion lent him strength and speed and he roared across the distance that separated them. One moment he was beside the door, and the next, flying and tackling Jennifer to the ground. The echoing shatter of glass reached him as he wrapped himself around her body. They collided with the floor, grunting with the impact, and he shielded her from the tinkling remnants of the window.

  She was frozen beneath him, muscles stiff and tight, and his heart froze. Had she been shot? Had the attacker been successful?

  He didn’t have time to check her over. If the gunman realized he’d been unsuccessful, there was no doubt he’d try again. The rapid pound of his men’s feet as they approached his room reached him. He knew they would try to help, but they could give the attacker more targets. In one fluid move, Brett hauled her into his arms and raced across the space, ignoring the sudden pain in his shoulder, all too familiar.

  Fucking got shot again.

  He burst through the door, nearly bowling over Zane.

  “Make way!” he roared and the males were quick to comply, jumping out of his path and backtracking before following so they could get to a more secure location within his apartment.

  The men were hot on his heels, and the second they filled the safe room, Brett allowed himself to lower Jennifer’s feet to the ground.

  And then she turned into a curvy, diminutive, unbending angel. She growled and barked at his men, demanding medical supplies. Zane was the first to respond to her orders. All the while, she growled and complained about stupid men being stupid heroes and the stupidity of all of the stupids.

  Brett chose not to take it personally and decided she had to be talking about his guards and not him.

  Jennifer wrenched at his shirt, pulling a groan from his chest, but she didn’t cease the rough treatment. If anything, she simply got worse. Especially when she dug into his shoulder and yanked a bullet free. She dropped it to the ground, the offending piece of metal bounced over the hard surface.

  “How many does that make?” she snapped.

  “Today or ever?” He tried to grin at her but only managed a grimace.

  She snarled. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that.”

  “You asked the question…”

  “Beta, maybe you shouldn’t say anything,” Zane mumbled.

  Apparently his mate now had an ally in the enormous lion.

  Brett glared at Zane and answered, “Four. A hunter took a shot at me when I was a teen.”

  “Four…” she whispered.

  “That’s not the point. The point is this attempt answers your earlier question about returning to court.” He focused on Grant. “Get the judge on the line. He needs to know about this.”

  “What? No!” She moved around him until they faced off against each other. “I have to go tomorrow. I have to see this to the end.”

  “If you keep pushing, all you’re going to see is the inside of a coffin.”

  Jennifer curled her lip, exposing her fang in a clear threat. “I’m going.”

  “No, you’re not.” He pointed toward the door and by extension the world outside the small room. “If you go out there, you’re dead. That family is going to keep trying. They’re not giving up.”

  “I don’t want to have another mistrial. That’s what they’re aiming for.”

  He gnashed his teeth in frustration and fury. “The judge may call a mistrial because of the attempts on your life. If that doesn’t happen, he definitely will when the Collettis finally succeed and you end up dead. Is that what you want? Because it sure as hell isn’t what I want!”

  So many emotions swirled throughout the room, crowding his nose. From fear to anger and great heaps of worry, the room was awash in the aromas. And he wasn’t sure exactly which were hers.

  With a sigh, he met the gazes of the other males. “Can you guys give us a minute? For now, just figure out where we can go.” The men tromped out, and the moment they were alone, he turned to his mate and opened his arms. He needed to feel her against him.

  “Jennifer…” With a sob, she rushed forward and wrapped around him, snuggling close, pressing against his body. He stroked her back, soothing the tension and trembles that overtook her. “You try to be so strong, but I have you. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  “I’m not worried about me, I’m worried about you. You keep getting shot.”

  “Better me than you.” The words came from deep within his soul.

  She shook her head, rubbing her face against his chest. “No, I can’t stand the fact you keep getting hurt because of me.”

  “And you think I’d be okay with you getting hurt?” He removed his hands from her back and cupped her cheeks, forcing her head to tilt and meet his gaze. “You’re my mate—mate—and I only get one. I can’t lose you. I wouldn’t survive it.”


  “No buts.”

  “Fine,” she snarled. “How about… if I don’t do my job, he gets off scott free. He’ll be able to kill anyone, do anything. And if I hide, I’ll be the one who let it happen.” Her gaze pleaded with him, and he didn’t miss the shining moisture in her eyes. “The last thing I want is to lose you before I’ve had you, but being a strong lion—being a beta’s mate—means I protect those weaker than me.”

  Brett hated that she was right, truth filled each and every word. It wasn’t just about telling others what to do. He was meant to care for those in his pride and it made sense that his mate felt the same. It was evident in her life, wasn’t it? The way she’d fought for Penelope as they grew up in Ryland. Penelope was an Alpha Mate and physically strong but Jennifer had protected and supported the woman’s emotions.

  “I’ll protect you.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ll protect you tomorrow. I’ll get you through the end of the trial. But if the worst happens, I don’t want you to lose me before you had me either.”

  She forced a teasing smile to her lips. “You just want to get laid.”

  “No,” he shook his head. “I just want to love you. Will you let me do that?”

  Her reply was instantaneous. “Yes.”

  Chapter Four

  The new location was a bunker fifteen feet underground. They’d pulled into the driveway of an average looking ranch-style home and quietly slipped into the two-car garage. The vehicles had hardly rolled to a stop before Brett’s men were hustling her toward the back of the house. They crowded into a small pantry off the kitchen and a few quick button pushes on a keypad revealed a secret door. Down the stairs they went and further security measures were disabled before they were granted entry to a large secure space.

  The air was lightly scented with cleaning products, which weren’t wholly offensive, but the surroundings left a lot to be desired. Her lioness was less than thrilled with what they saw. Bare concrete walls enveloped them in sterile blocks and there was nothing to muffle the echo of their steps as they delved deeper into the bunker. Brett pointed out different highlights of the compound, informing her where she could find the kitchen, the bathroom, and general living room area. There were also several bedrooms.


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