How to Master a Millionaire

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How to Master a Millionaire Page 13

by Talia Hunter

  His eyes flashed. “What kind of treat?”

  “That’s for me to decide, Thomas. And because you were rude enough to ask, you get your first punishment.”

  He’d obviously learned his lesson, because he didn’t ask what the punishment would be, but lowered the script, waiting.

  Ally picked up the bottle of syrup. “Your punishment is that I won’t allow you to touch me, or make any noise. You must remain absolutely still, and you’re only allowed to watch.” His eyes widened, but he squeezed his lips together. Good boy. “And if you behave, and do exactly what I tell you, then I’ll allow you to lick syrup off my body. Understand?”

  She could tell he was torn between wanting to nod, and not wanting to break her rules. She stood beside the bed where he had a good view of her, and loosened the strap of the gown, holding it so it didn’t fall right open, but instead gave him the barest glimpse of what she had on underneath. He drew in his breath sharply, but didn’t move. She eased one side of it open until one breast was revealed, lifted and framed by the bra, then she dripped syrup onto her bare nipple. He was breathing hard already, and she could tell he was turned on. So was she. Her nipples were hard. The warm syrup tickled.

  “Mmm,” she moaned. “That feels so good. But I’m so dirty now.” She used her finger to smear the syrup, tracing circles around her nipple, and then flicking it. She moved closer to the bed, letting him get a good look. Then she let the dressing gown open a little further and squeezed the syrup bottle again, this time letting the sticky fluid run between her breasts, down her stomach, and into her belly button.

  He made a low sound in the back of his throat, and squeezed handfuls of sheet in both fists. Technically that was breaking the rules, but she pretended not to notice.

  She knelt on the bed in front of him, and let the dressing gown drop right off. With her legs apart, he’d be able to see she wasn’t wearing anything under the garter belt. She leaned back to give him a better view and drizzled the syrup down her front, not caring that it dripped on the bed.

  He didn’t move, but she could tell he had to fight to stay still.

  She leaned close to him, bringing her breasts to his face. “Don’t move until I tell you,” she warned. “Or I won’t let you lick me clean.”

  She played with her nipples inches from his face, rubbing the syrup into her skin. A familiar ache hummed between her legs. She wanted him to fill her, but they were both going to have to wait. Although he was being very patient, so perhaps he deserved a reward.

  She put one finger against his lips. “You may lick my hand clean,” she told him.

  He obeyed with enthusiasm, his tongue tickling her palm while he lapped at the sweet stuff. Even that felt incredible. She was so horny, every nerve was tingling and alive to the smallest sensations.

  “That’s enough.” She pulled her hand away. He made a sound of protest and she clicked her tongue. “I see you need another punishment. If you move or make any noise, you don’t get to touch.”

  She lifted the syrup bottle and rubbed it slowly between her legs. The cold glass felt amazing against her throbbing arousal. Slowly she leaned back and tilted the bottle to let warm, sticky syrup flow over her mound and ooze between the lips of her sex. Oh, it felt good. Through her lowered lids, she saw Max lick his lips. The covers were pulled over his waist, but the bulge underneath told her how turned on he was, even if it hadn’t been so obvious.

  She dropped the syrup bottle and used one hand to rub the syrup on herself. She glided one finger over her clit. Oh, yes. She didn’t try to stifle her moan of pleasure. She played with herself, enjoying the way her fingers slipped over her sensitive nub. She pushed her fingers inside herself, but they weren’t enough. She needed something bigger.

  When she straightened, he was watching her with such an expression of frustration and wanting, it sent a surge of pure lust through her. He’d been propped against the pillow, but now he’d lifted off it and leaned forward, barely holding himself back.

  She offered him the fingers she’d used inside herself, and he sucked them, his intense blue eyes fixed on hers. Oh yes, his tongue was going to feel incredible between her legs.

  But not yet.

  She took her fingers from his mouth to point at the script, lying discarded on the bed. “Now read your first line.”

  Max picked it up and cleared his throat. His voice was hoarse with lust. “Please may I brush your hair, Mistress Cora?”

  He almost sounded sincere, and she couldn’t detect the rebellious edge she’d noticed in his voice when he’d previously read Thomas’s submissive lines.

  She nodded in satisfaction, but instead of replying with the line from the scene, she said, “No, but you may lick the syrup from my right nipple.”

  She bought it to his face to let him lap at it. Ally couldn’t stop a groan from escaping when he took her nipple in his mouth and sucked on it. The sensation shot straight between her thighs, making her feel weak with lust. They had a whole scene to get through. Could she last that long? But she was in charge, so she could order him to do anything, including making her orgasm again and again before she allowed him his release. Oh, the power! It was enough to go to a girl’s head.

  She ran her sticky hands though his hair, then firmly pushed his head away. “That’s enough. Read your next line.”

  He picked up the script with an unsteady hand. He had to clear his throat before he could speak. “Your shoes, Mistress? May I polish them first?”

  She inclined her head with approval, and offered him her other nipple. His eager tongue sucked and nibbled the sensitive underside of her breast before he took her nipple in his mouth.

  She could only stand the sensation for a minute before she pulled free. “Another line,” she ordered.

  He picked up the script again. “May I ask where you’re going? Mistress, forgive me, but I’m worried for you. There are too many dangerous men who know you’re playing both sides, and won’t hesitate to come after you.”

  “Good,” she said. “Now lie down.”

  He moved the pillows from behind him so he could lie flat, and she swung her thigh over his face to straddle his mouth.

  “You may lick the syrup from between my legs. But you can’t use your hands.”

  He used long, eager strokes of his tongue to clean the syrup off, then swirled the tip of his tongue around her clit.

  “Yes. Yes, like that.” She fought to keep control. “That’s enough,” she panted, moving away from his mouth. She wouldn’t last another minute with him doing that, and they had still had to finish the scene. Or did they?

  She scanned the page, before stabbing her finger at it. “Read that line,” she said. “And if you make it convincing, I’ll allow you a special reward.”

  He sat back up, and barely needed to glance at the line before he put the script down and took her hand, his head bowed over it in a posture that was completely Thomas’s. “Mistress, will you allow me to serve you in other ways?” His voice trembled, so full of emotion she blinked with surprise. Max was gone, and he was utterly in the part. “I’ll kill for you Mistress, gladly and with all my heart, if you say the word.” He swallowed hard, and his hand shook with the force of his emotion.

  It was perfect. She wanted to cheer and clap, or at least to kiss him and tell him how amazing he was. But she kept her jubilation reigned in, only allowing herself a satisfied smile.

  “Well done.” She picked up the vibrator from where she’d dropped it by the bed. “Now for your reward. After you’ve finished licking me completely clean, you may use this on me.”

  He jerked his head up and shot her a look that was one hundred percent Max. “Yes, Mistress.”

  She lay back, allowing him to bend between her legs. He flicked the soft tip of his tongue across her clit, sending a jolt of sensation to every cell in her body. She gasped and gripped the sheets with both hands.

  He licked her again, and said something she didn’t quite catch. But if she
had to make a guess what it was, she would have sworn he’d murmured three words. “Best. Rehearsal. Ever.”

  Chapter Nine

  Max was dozing, but Ally couldn’t sleep. When she’d finally given him permission to use more than the vibrator and Max had opened his bedside drawer to get a condom, she’d spotted her mobile phone. Now she couldn’t stop thinking about calling Geena and Lacey, to let them know she couldn’t go through with publishing the stories she’d written about Max.

  In the last few days, everything had changed. Even if it was impossible for her and Max to have any kind of future together, she couldn’t betray him. She wouldn’t keep lying to him either. She was going to confess who she really was, even if it meant she’d never see him again.

  But breaking it to the two women who were depending on her wasn’t going to be any kind of fun. She could only pray that Lacey’s lawyer friend hadn’t found a way to get out of the contract Ally had signed. Fingers crossed Lacey would already have resigned herself to obeying the confidentiality clause.

  Ally inched her way out of bed, careful not to disturb Max. He was breathing heavily, but when she tiptoed around to his side her heart started thumping way too loudly. What excuse would she give if he opened his eyes and caught her?

  She crouched next to him, alert for any movement. Then, very quietly, she eased the drawer open and took out her cell phone. The noise the drawer made when it slid shut seemed deafening. Max sighed in his sleep, and she froze. She was naked, crouched next to him, her phone in her hand. Her shallow breathing seemed loud enough to wake the dead. She waited for several long seconds, but he didn’t stir. Finally she straightened and tiptoed out of the room.

  She eased the door shut behind her, giddy with relief at not having been caught, and rushed to her own room. She dialed Lacey’s number, and locked herself in her en suite bathroom. That way Max couldn’t walk in on her, and if he came looking for her, she could pretend a sudden stomach upset.

  Lacey answered her phone right away. “Ally? Thank goodness you called. You’re still away somewhere with Max Oberon, right?”

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “You need to get out of there. I’ve been calling and calling, but your phone’s been off.”

  “I’ve been off-line. No phone, no Internet.” Even speaking quietly, Ally’s voice echoed in the bathroom. She closed the toilet lid and sat down, turning her face away from the door to stop the sound from carrying.

  “That explains why I haven’t seen your stories. But you can upload them now. If you’ve got cell access, you can connect to our server.”

  Ally swallowed. “Why do you need me to leave?”

  “That contract you signed. My lawyer friend said it was airtight. Except for one big thing.”

  Ally’s heart sank. “What thing?”

  “Well, in lawyer speak… hang on, she wrote me an email. I’ll read it to you.”

  Ally heard her mouse clicking and waited until Lacey came back on the line.

  “Okay, here it is.” Lacey cleared her throat and read. “Instead of providing a separate confidentiality agreement, the contract includes it in the document that also details the service that will be provided, and the consideration received for it. Therefore, if the contracted exchange doesn’t proceed, you could argue that the entire contract is rendered null and void, including the clauses regarding confidentiality.”

  “In English?”

  “If he doesn’t pay, that could make the whole contract invalid.” Lacey hesitated, and then went on in a reluctant tone. “But she said to be sure and tell you that it was only a possible argument you could use if you ended up in court. She said a judge might not agree with her.”

  Ally closed her eyes for a moment, relieved the lawyer hadn’t been able to find a bigger loophole. “It doesn’t matter. He’s going to pay me, so the contract will stand. That means I can’t publish the stories.”

  “That’s why you have to leave now. Tell me your address and I’ll come and get you. You can sneak away, can’t you? You’re not locked in or anything?”

  “Is leaving before he can pay me your lawyer’s idea?”

  “She’s by the book, she wouldn’t suggest it. But it’ll work, I know it will.”

  “I’m sorry Lace, I won’t do it.”

  “Ally, you have to! Listen, you’ve been off-line so you haven’t seen the advertising figures I’ve negotiated. My new revenue projections look incredible. If these stories get even half the number of views I think they will, we’ll be able to hire ten lawyers to get you off the hook.”

  Ally took a deep breath. “The contract isn’t the only reason I don’t want to jump into anything. Listen, I need time to think.”

  “What do you mean? What’s to think about?”

  “I don’t know what to do. Lace, I’ve got feelings for him. I know it’s crazy, but I can’t bear to betray him by publishing the stories.” There was a stunned silence at the other end of the phone. “I’m sorry,” Ally added. “I’m really sorry.”

  “You don’t want to publish?” Lacey’s tone was strangled. “Seriously?”

  “I’ll explain everything when I get home tomorrow, okay?”

  “So you’ve fallen for him? Does he feel the same way?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe.”

  Lacey let out a low groan. “What does ‘maybe’ mean? I can’t believe you don’t want to publish those stories because of a ‘maybe’.”

  “I’m pretty sure he feels something for me, but I need a little more time. Please, Lace? I’ll be home tomorrow, so can we talk about it some more then?”

  “If you don’t leave now, we’ll be out of options. He’s going to pay you tomorrow, isn’t he? Then we’ll be stuck with that contract.”

  “He’s giving me ten thousand dollars, so I can cover your next couple of rent payments. I know I can find something else to—”

  “Come on, Al. Let me pick you up, and then you’ll have options.”

  Ally put on the voice she used when she played Cora in the scenes with Max. “No, Lace. I’m not leaving.”

  Lacey clicked her tongue in exasperation. “Upload your stories then, at least, so they’re safe on the server.” Her tone sharpened. “You have written some, haven’t you?”

  “Of course.” Ally hesitated. Should she upload them? If she did, she’d be able to delete the stories off her laptop. And it would prove to Lacey she hadn’t planned this. She’d never meant to fall for Max. “Okay, just a moment. I’ll get my laptop.”

  She tiptoed back into the bedroom to grab it, then set the laptop on the side of the bathroom sink and settled back on the toilet lid. The progress indicator told her the stories were transferring.

  “Lace, I need you to promise you won’t publish a single word unless I give the okay.”

  “You think I’d do that?”

  “No. But promise anyway, so I can be sure.”

  Lacey groaned. “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me. Hopefully he’s seriously head over heels for you. The only thing that would make me feel better is switching this awesome ad deal over to stories about your engagement instead.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Lace.”

  Ally hung up, her stomach churning. She had one more phone call to make, and this one wouldn’t be any easier. She punched in Geena’s number and waited nervously while it rang.

  “Ally?” her sister asked. “Are you back?”

  “No, I’m still in the mountains with Max.”

  “How’s it going? Have you spoken to Lacey yet? She’s been trying to get hold of you.”

  “I just spoke to her.”

  “What is it?” Her sister must have registered Ally’s dark tone. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve let her down. Geena, I don’t want to publish the stories. I don’t want to betray Max.”

  There was a short silence. “Don’t tell me you’re in love with him,” Geena said finally.

  Ally dragged in a breath.

; “Oh no. You are, aren’t you?” Geena sounded dismayed. “For heaven’s sake, don’t let him break your heart. Not after all you went through with Barry.”

  “It’s different with Max. He’s nothing like Barry.”

  “Does he know you’re a reporter?”

  “I haven’t told him yet.”

  “Honey, I don’t want to burst your bubble. I’d love to see you happy with someone who’s good to you, but how can you have a real relationship when it’s all built on a lie? He thinks you’re someone you’re not.”

  “I know. But still…”

  “Has he said he loves you?”

  Ally was silent. Max hadn’t used those words, but he cared for her, she knew it.

  “Has he said he wants to see you again after your time’s up?” asked Geena.

  “I’m not imagining these feelings.” Ally took a breath and tried not to get upset. So he hadn’t mentioned wanting to see her again. Surely he would. “I know it’s crazy, because he’s going back to L.A. on Saturday and I might never see him again. But I can’t go through with publishing the stories about him. I can give you almost all of the ten thousand dollars he’s paying me, and I’ll find another way to get you the rest.”

  Geena sighed. “I wasn’t going to tell you until you got back, but I can’t get any new stock until I’m fully paid up on the old stock, which means I can’t supply some of my regular orders and I’ve already lost that business. If I don’t get the full overdue amount right away, I’m going to go down fast.”

  “Max is going to pay me when we get back tomorrow.”

  “Ten thousand dollars won’t be enough, Al.”

  Ally closed her eyes, feeling suddenly nauseous. “How much do you owe?”

  “A little under twelve thousand.” Her sister sounded like she was going to burst into tears. “You know how much the store means to me. I can’t lose it. I just can’t.”

  “Ten grand will cover most of it and I’ll get the rest somehow, I promise. Maybe I could find a job, and then ask for an advance.”

  “A job? You mean you’d give up the blog? You’d really do that to Lacey?”


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