Dangerous Dalliances (Maxwell Investigations)

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Dangerous Dalliances (Maxwell Investigations) Page 17

by Ibanez, Dawn

  Lily laughed as she traced the contours of his back with her tail again. He was still inside of her as she moved on top of him. Lily wrapped her arms around his neck and brushed a gentle kiss against his lips. “I don’t know. I don’t care.” She continued to kiss him over his face and neck. “I just want you to be safe tomorrow. Then we can figure out everything else.”

  Barry nodded as he tangled his hand in her hair. “In the meantime,” he mumbled. He stood with her in his arms and started for the en suite. “Let’s see what you and that tail can do,” he said before kissing her again.

  Chapter 16

  Madison watched the final preparations for the New Year’s parade. She smiled as a number of boys ran through the crowd, tossing little snapping fireworks in their wake. One looked over his shoulder and locked eyes with her. He paused as her eyebrow arched in a dare. The young boy shook his head and ran off with his friends.

  The air was full of energy from the Gate. Madison was nearly vibrating with the magic surrounding her. It was only a matter of time before she would be opening the Gates and allowing the barrier between the Mortal plane and Abaddon to fall. A figure clad in festive red and gold stood near one of the many restaurants waiting to celebrate as well. Madison walked over to Pan and painted a smile on her face. “I wonder if you’re really here to help me, or stand in my way,” she said conversationally.

  Pan looked at her with hard eyes. “You have changed, Madi. This is not what I wanted, and you know it.”

  She laughed. “I’ve changed,” she echoed. “You planted seeds of doubt in my mind since I was a little girl. Then you have a demon of Death possess me. I have killed people, tormented my family, and you say now that I’ve changed?” Madison leaned close to Pan’s ear and continued to smile. “Suck it up, Gramps. You got what you asked for. Now I’m just leveling out an old score.”

  “By killing my wife?” Pan spat. “She has done nothing to you.” He started to turn towards Madison, only to pause when he felt her hand in the pocket of his overcoat.

  “She nearly destroyed the family that I think of as my own.” Madison pulled a small golden trinket out of Pan’s pocket and smiled. “See, with all of the reading that I’ve been doing I figured out your little plan to see your beloved wife again. When I wasn’t reading, I meditated for a while. This little demon and I have come to an accord of sorts. I’ll kill for it, but only the targets we agree on. Your wife is the same bitch that sent those humans after Victor’s Christine. That means your dear, dear Morrigan signed her own death warrant.” Madison’s smile slowly fell as she looked into Pan’s eyes. Disgust crossed her face when she saw shame cross Pan’s features instead of shock. “You knew,” she said quietly. When he didn’t deny it, she shook her head. “You’ve known what she’s done and this entire time you’ve protected her?”

  “Morrigan couldn’t stop herself,” Pan said as an explanation. “As a Succubus, she knew what she wanted, and when Victor didn’t want her back... I don’t know. It did something to her.”

  “Your wife wanting another man should have done something to you,” Madison said as she moved away from him. Her eyes hardened as she looked at the man who taught her how to use her own magic. “But I really should applaud the fact that you kept all of this so hidden.” She looked at the small horn in her hand and slowly inhaled. “But I won’t. And after I deal with your wife, if Victor hasn’t killed you, I will.”

  Pan’s eyes darkened as he looked at her. “You will do no such thing,” he spat.

  Her eyes turned crimson as she allowed the demon in her free reign. “Watch me,” she mocked before lifting the golden horn to her lips and blew into it.

  * * * * *

  Jimmy and Barry walked quietly through the nature preserve. Casper, Lily and Athol all went ahead. Everyone knew she was their best chance at finding the Gate. “You and Lily,” Jimmy said after a long silence.

  Barry smirked as he thought about her. “Yeah,” he confirmed.

  Jimmy glanced at him. “A fling or something serious?”

  “It’s serious,” Barry said with a nod.

  “Damn it. I owe Thorne a beer now.” Jimmy continued walking. He laughed when his brother frowned at the mention of his ex-partner. “Don’t look at me like that. We just had a... friendly wager. If you found someone to settle down with before you were 30, I’d take him for beers.”

  Barry snorted. “That doesn’t sound so bad. Actually, I should feel insulted at being so cheap,” he joked.

  Jimmy laughed. “Don’t be. It’s beers in Germany during Oktoberfest. All on my dime. I can’t even borrow the Council’s jets.”

  Barry couldn’t help but laugh at his brother. It was a turnaround from the previous day. He cleared his throat as he saw Lily and Casper in a clearing ahead of them. “So that call before we left was good news?” he asked.

  “It seems that things are more complicated than we thought,” Jimmy said lowly. “Madison took my daughter to Victor late last night. She’s safe now. A little shaken, but Victor said that his staff will be keeping close tabs on her.”

  Barry nodded. “That’s great. One less thing to worry about.” He looked ahead and saw Lily walk off in another direction. He frowned when he motioned for Jimmy to follow him. “What is she doing?” he asked under his breath.

  Before Jimmy could answer, the ground started to rumble under their feet. Barry looked at his brother and saw that Jimmy’s arms and legs were encased in diamonds. His stomach sank as he felt the magic quickly building. Just as he was about to move to protect himself, a large beast slammed him to the ground. Barry quickly rolled with the beast and pinned it down in the dirt. With a quick flick of his wrist, the roots of a nearby tree snaked forward and captured the creature. Barry heard growling over his shoulder and turned to see a crimson wolf attacking another of the beasts like the one he captured.

  Jimmy moved closer to Barry and held out the hilt to a blade made totally of diamonds. “You’re gonna need this,” he said as an ogre stomped through the foliage. He smirked when Barry held the sword in one hand, and his gun in the other. “And I hope you brought more than three clips, like that one time.”

  Barry rolled his eyes. “Are you ever going to let me live that down?” he asked. When the beast behind him broke free of the tree roots, Barry turned and cut off its head. As it fell to his feet dead, the ogre bellowed in rage.

  “I don’t think you should have done that,” Jimmy said lowly. He pushed Barry out of the way as the ogre charged them. Just as they landed on the ground, Jimmy saw his brother aim his gun and fire off three shots. The ogre’s head was knocked back as it fell into another tree. Jimmy glanced at Barry as the tree started to wrap its branches around the monster. “Headshots?” he asked.

  Barry jumped to his feet. “Like Madi always said, go for the brain. If that doesn’t kill them, then realize how fucked you are.” The ground underneath their feet rumbled again. He looked around and frowned when he didn’t see Lily, Casper or Athol. “You don’t think they opened the Gate already, do you?”

  Overhead, the skies quickly turned black as numerous flying demons soared. Jimmy frowned as he looked around. There were a number of lumbering demons also rushing through the forest. “I think that’s a safe bet,” he said lowly. He touched a sapphire at his throat and a crystalized knight appeared before him. Jimmy looked at his construct and pointed to the demons approaching them. “Kill as many as you can,” he ordered.

  Barry ignored the knight as it saluted and started to march off. His eyes scanned the area looking for Lily. He knew she could protect herself, but something about the thought of her fighting alone ripped at his heart. Just as he was about to run off, a dark form crashed into the ground from above. His eyes widened when he saw Lily fully transformed, and perfectly fine.

  Better than fine as she ripped the wings off of the dragon-like creature she was currently standing on.

  She looked at him with glowing green eyes. “Hi Honey,” she said before blowing h
im a kiss. When he waved dumbly at her, she smiled and took off again.

  Jimmy chuckled as he watched his brother. When Barry frowned at him, it became a full laugh. “You’ve got it bad,” he said with a shake of his head.

  Barry shook his head and turned his attention to where the creatures were coming from. “We have to get close to the Gate and close it. I can’t see Casper or Athol, so keep an eye out for them.”

  Jimmy nodded at Barry as they started to make their way past attacking demons. He slowed as they approached a clearing. “Take a look,” Jimmy said pointing to the large stone structure. Demons were bursting forth. Some took to the air, others ran in various directions. A flash of golden hair caught his attention as he saw Siobhan standing in the center of the chaos. “I’m going after her,” he yelled out to Barry.

  * * * * *

  Siobhan’s eyes scanned the terrain of Abaddon. She knew he had to be here. She started this madness with one end goal, and she couldn’t stop now.

  Her eyes focused on the gilded creature in the distance. The Unseelie King sat atop his battle stallion watching his hordes. Siobhan growled low in her throat as she slowly approached the Gate. “Father!” she screamed out.

  The only reaction she received was the King tilting his head to look at her curiously. Siobhan moved off of her stone platform and started to make her way to the Gate. She was forced to stop when a pair of arrows pierced the ground at her feet. A snarl escaped her as she turned around. “Big brother, you won’t stop me,” she said with a shake of her head. She watched as he notched another arrow and took aim at her. “He will pay for what he’s done.”

  Athol kept his eyes focused on her. “You don’t know what he’s done,” he said. “Just like you don’t know what you’ve done.”

  “I know exactly what I’ve done,” Siobhan said with a smile. “Just like I know exactly what I’m going to do. Now, stay out of my way,” she said darkly.

  As Siobhan started to turn, Athol let his arrow fly. He growled low in his throat when Ashton appeared out of thin air. He could only watch as the Necromancer caught the arrow and safely tossed it to the ground. “You’re going to let him fight your battles for you?” Athol taunted. When she didn’t say anything, he turned his attention to Ashton. “I never took you for a lapdog.”

  Ashton smiled as he looked at the Fae Royal in front of him. “I wanted to watch history be made,” he said simply. When Athol’s eyes narrowed, he nodded for Siobhan to continue with what she was doing. “It’s not every day all of us are outed to the Mortal population. The cleanup for this is going to be fun.”

  Siobhan turned her attention back to the Gate and found the Unseelie King again. He was slowly making his way to the opening. A grin crossed her face, knowing that once he was through, vengeance would be hers.

  A slight change in the wind was the only warning Siobhan had before Lily lifted her up by her jacket. She didn’t struggle as they went up into the air. Siobhan waited a moment before she raked her clawed fingers down Lily’s arms. A smirk crossed her face when she landed carefully on the top of the stone archway. “So, you came out to play too?” she challenged.

  Lily landed on the same stone as Siobhan and glared at her. “I’m not here to play,” she said darkly. “You have to close this.”

  Siobhan laughed as the stone under their feet started to rumble again. “No, I don’t think so.”

  Just as the stone under their feet crumbled, Lily jumped into the air and lashed out at the demon that caught her arm. She quickly reversed the hold it had on her and shredded its wing. As they crashed to the ground, Lily launched herself at Siobhan again. Her eyes narrowed as they traded blow after blow. Lily barely dodged the clawed hand that went for her eyes and growled as she countered with a swing to the Fae’s midsection.

  Siobhan scowled as she backed off a step. “My fight isn’t with you,” she spat. She ignored the fact that demons were now giving her and Lily a wide berth as her sword appeared in her hand. “Back off.”

  Lily felt her eyes widen as a shadow appeared out of what was left of the gate. She took a step back from the Horseman of Conquest and glanced around the field. Ashton was currently fighting both Athol and Casper. Jimmy and Barry were making their way through the released demons. Lily motioned to the figure looming behind Siobhan. “Is that who you were looking for?” she asked.

  Siobhan looked over her shoulder and smiled when she saw the Unseelie King. He was everything she remembered. Beautiful beyond description, skin the perfect shade of tan, while eyes the color of the clearest summer day scanned the area. Golden blonde hair flowed in the wind as he approached her. Siobhan tightened her grip on her sword. “It’s time for you to pay for what you did, Father.”

  Lily looked at Siobhan. “You did all of this to free your father?” she asked.

  The Unseelie King laughed as he looked at Siobhan. “I do not believe you have realized the hell you have unleashed.”

  Siobhan’s eyes glowed vividly as her features started to change. “I know exactly what I’ve done,” she said darkly. Her voice took on the same symbiotic quality Madison’s voice would take on. Fangs extended over her lips as her skin slowly started to darken. “I’ve found the heartless bastard that killed my mother.”

  * * * * *

  Madison watched as people ran frantically through the streets. Demons of all kinds poured out of the Gate to Abaddon. She looked down from her perch on a near rooftop trying to find where Pan went. If she could find him, she would find Morrigan. The sound of near footfalls made her frown. She had hoped for more time. “It didn’t have to come to this,” she said lowly.

  Dylan looked at her sister. “Yes, it did,” she replied. When Madison faced her, Dylan blinked. Madison’s normally mocha colored skin was washed out. Crimson orbs glared from dark sunken eyes. It hurt Dylan to see her sister like this. Madison was normally so vibrant. The demon controlling her made her look like a low budget Crypt Keeper. “You need to stop this.”

  A scoff escaped her. Madison turned her attention to the crowds below and quickly searched for either Pan or Morrigan again. “You say that like it’s as easy as pressing a brake,” she said lowly. She turned her attention back to Dylan with hardened eyes. “It’s not. This ball is rolling and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  With a wave of Dylan’s hand, the metal door behind her quickly changed into the form of a bladed staff. “Shut it down, Madison,” she ordered. She raised her weapon and blocked the ruby blade of Madison’s scythe. Dylan growled as Madison appeared behind her. “Sneak attacks are beneath you.”

  Madison grinned before kicking at Dylan’s knee. When her sister went down, Madison pressed her blade against Dylan’s throat. “You would be surprised to know what isn’t beneath me.”

  Dylan grabbed onto the blade and kicked Madison in her knee. When she fell, Dylan ripped the weapon away from Madison’s hands. As they both jumped to their feet, Madison grabbed Dylan’s naginata and held it at the ready. They looked at each other as they assessed the weapon trade. Madison banished her scythe from Dylan’s hands and raised the staff as Dylan threw a solid punch at her. Madison blinked when the staff deconstructed in her hands and Dylan’s fist connected with her chest. She stepped back and countered with her own series of punches.

  Madison watched her sister as they moved apart. Dylan’s fighting skills improved over the years. “You know, Dyl, if I didn’t know any better, I would think you’re trying to really hurt me.”

  Dylan fought back a growl. She knew what Madison was trying to do. If she was blinded by anger, there would be no way she would be able to concentrate on the fight. “I am,” she said honestly. When Madison frowned, she continued. “You’ve done too much to just let it all slide.” She quickly blocked and countered the kicks Madison threw her way. “This has to stop, Madison.”

  Crimson eyes glowed brightly when a solid hand wrapped around her throat. “You foolish, stupid little girl,” Madison hissed. With a flair of power, Dylan
was thrown back. “Don’t you realize that all we want is a way home? Instead you lock away my sister and now try to kill your own.”

  Dylan’s eyes widened as Madison’s entire body changed. Black feathered wings sprouted from her back as her features turned completely skeletal. Her sister finally turned into a demon of death. “You aren’t my sister,” Dylan growled out. “Madison would never want this.”

  “You all thought she was the dark one. She joked with her Troy that she is Maleficent.” Long clawed fingers swung out and barely missed Dylan as she jumped back. “Even that callous cow of a mother shunned her and called her a monster. How the fuck would you know what she would want?”

  Dylan dodged the vicious swings only to narrowly avoid being struck. Her heart was breaking as she heard the pent up anger in the demon that was her sister. It helped spark her own anger. Dylan grabbed a near antenna and quickly transmuted it into a pair of short swords. “Because she’s my sister,” she said in a growl. Her fangs flashed as she crossed the blades in front of her in time to block what would have been a vicious punch to her stomach. As the demon backed off, Dylan charged after it. She refused to think of that thing as Madison. She raised her swords up, only to have her blades caught. Dylan glared into crimson eyes. “Give her back!” she shouted.

  “No,” was the simple reply. Before she could react, the demon used its grip on the swords to throw Dylan off of the roof.

  * * * * *

  Pan hid among the crowd. The pandemonium Madison caused made people flood the streets. He quickly ducked into the opening of an empty shop and tried to regain his bearings. The Gate itself was nearly five blocks down the street. Demons were charging at the terrified people. This was the first time in centuries they would be able to taste human flesh, and they wouldn’t waste a moment to do so. Pan went deeper into the shop and found a set of stairs. He needed to see if Morrigan escaped yet. Last time, he had been able to escape with her, only to be trapped again when they went across the sea to Europe. Now he would secret her away to a place where no one would find them.


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