Rogue (Sons of Sangue Book 4)

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Rogue (Sons of Sangue Book 4) Page 21

by Patricia A. Rasey

  To his misfortune, standing beside it was Kaleb and Grayson. Great! Grayson looked poised for murder. Anton took a quick look behind him, noting Hade’s Nest’s parking lot was probably visible from the corner of the lot. No doubt, Grayson had witnessed their kiss.

  Anton cut the engine and stepped over his bike.

  Christ! Anton held his hands out to his sides. “Let’s get this over with.”

  Grayson stepped forward, drew his fist back, and punched Anton square in the mouth. Before Anton could throw one of his own, Tamera quickly jumped between them.

  Chapter 20

  Bright green neon lights illuminated the room, bathing the crowd in color. White LED stage lighting flashed about the room, reminding Kimber of glowing lightsabers straight out of Star Wars, creating a strobe like effect. She couldn’t help but think maybe the Blood ‘n’ Rave should come with a warning for people who were prone to seizures.

  The crowd jumped in time with the song, singing along with the well-liked tune, Beautiful Now, by a musician named Zedd. Kimber hadn’t known much about electronic music, only knew the name of the song and artist because apparently Chad was a pretty big fan of the artist.

  Upon arrival, they hadn’t even secured a table before Chad grabbed a couple of glow sticks from a box by the door, snapped them to mix the two liquids to ignite the flare, and headed for the dance floor. Kimber smiled at his contagious enthusiasm. She found it hard to stand still herself, swaying in time to the tune.

  Tena and Bobby made their way through the crowd, finding a table along the back wall and away from the masses. Probably safer to stay off the Sons’ radar in case any of them recognized Bobby. Kimber had one of two choices, follow the two to the back of the room, or head for the dance floor with Chad. Surprising even herself, she opted for the latter. After all, Kimber didn’t come here to hide. She could’ve done as much at home.

  Tonight was about cutting loose.

  Stepping outside her comfort zone.

  Weaving through the throng of dancers, she found Chad smack-dab in the middle. It almost appeared as if he had a pogo stick, jumping as one with the crowd. Kimber laughed, absorbing the energy and rush. She took one of the offered glow sticks from Chad and began waving it in the air and moving to the beat of the sound.

  The heavy bass beat thumped against her chest and pounded in her ears. Bodies knocked and bounced against her, throwing her occasionally off-kilter. Kimber couldn’t help but laugh, enjoying the electricity of those around her. She was so far outside her norm, usually avoiding crowds like the plague. Nothing like throwing herself into the multitude. Chad leaned down, spoke loudly against her ear, something she couldn’t begin to hear over the music. He laughed when Kimber shrugged, having no clue what he had tried to tell her. When the song came to its end, Kimber indicated to Chad she was going to head for the bar. He grinned and waved her on.

  Dry pipes called for something wet.

  She couldn’t help the smile on her face, feeling much more lighthearted. Just what the doctor had ordered. Skirting the chairs and tables surrounding the tiled dance floor, she headed for the back of the club. Tena caught her gaze and waved at her, before holding up a glass of wine. Kimber could forgo a trip to the bar. Next round would be on her.

  Taking a left between the tables, she bumped into a very solid chest. She stepped back to apologize when she glanced into the face of the very Sons’ member Anton had warned her to stay away from. Out of jealousy? Possibly. Either way, she was a big girl and didn’t need him coloring her opinion. She was capable of coming to her own conclusions.

  “Pardon me.” Kimber shouted to be heard over the music.

  The man’s hand slipped to her waist as he leaned down to her ear. “My pleasure, I assure you. Where’s your bodyguard?”

  “Bodyguard?” Her brow furrowed. “I’m not sure who you mean.”

  “Sure you do, sweetheart. If Rogue is here, you’ll have to excuse me for kicking his sorry ass out.”

  “He’s not, Wolf.”

  “You’re alone?”

  Kimber paused, unsure how she wanted to answer his question. She couldn’t be positive about him not knowing Bobby. Best not to take a chance. Bobby had left his motorcycle vest at home, not wanting to draw attention. The same reason for he and Tena picking a table at the back of the room.

  Kimber pointed to the dance floor. “I came with a friend. He’s on the dance floor.”

  Wolf leaned down again, his breath tickling the shell of her ear. “Your boyfriend?”

  She thought about lying, but should Wolf spot Chad, he’d no doubt see the truth. “Just a good friend. Coworker.”

  “Then he won’t mind if I buy you a drink.”

  Crap! She couldn’t very well refuse and draw attention to Bobby and Tena by heading back to their table. Wolf may not know him, but again, she didn’t want to take the chance.

  Detecting her hesitation, he said. “I won’t bite … not yet anyway,” he added with a wink.

  Kimber chuckled. Regardless of Anton’s cautioning, she found Wolf quite the charmer. He may not be as classically handsome as Anton, but there was definitely sexual appeal radiating from him.

  “You by yourself?”

  He glanced at Kimber sideways, before understanding settled into his gaze. “You mean Xander? Please tell me your more enamored by a man such as myself, than one who looks as if they stepped off the cover of GQ. That boy probably spends more time in front of the mirror than most women.”

  Kimber smiled, patting his barrel chest. “No worries there, big guy. Xander’s good-looking, but I prefer my men a bit more rustic.”

  Wolf’s deep laughter grew. Kimber found she liked the sound and couldn’t help but laugh with him.

  “Come on, sweetheart.” He placed a palm in the center of her back and began leading her to the bar. “Let me buy you a drink. I promise to keep my hands to myself. Just a little company is all I want. I hate drinking alone.”

  The bald bartender tossed aside his white towel and headed in their direction. The man Kimber knew to own the bar seemed to be absent, though she supposed he couldn’t be present every night. Kimber side-stepped a stool and placed her hands on the bar’s surface, hoping Tena understood her reasoning for not retrieving the wine she had already purchased.

  “What’s your poison?”

  Kimber leaned closer to the bartender as to be heard. “I’ll take a glass of zinfandel.”

  The man nodded, grabbed a wineglass from the rack overhead and used a clean bar towel to wipe it spotless. He then held it to the light. Satisfied, he opened the wine bottle with a slight pop, then poured her a glass of the pale pink wine. He slid it across the polished bar. Wolf reached into his pocket, pulled out a twenty, and laid it on the bar. Without asking Wolf, the bartender grabbed a rocks glass from the shelf, added a few cubes of ice, and poured two fingers of Jack Daniels into it. He handed it to Wolf.

  He took the glass to his nose and inhaled before holding the glass up to her. “Salute.”

  Kimber clinked her wineglass to his. “Cheers.”

  He took a sip from the glass, then set it on the bar, his large hand nearly encircling it. True to his word, he did keep his hands on the bar and to himself. His gaze easily roamed over her before returning to her face. He smiled, not in the least apologetic for ogling her.

  “I can see why Rogue is all territorial when it comes to you.”

  “He said that?” Kimber’s brow creased, shocked Anton had spoken of her as if she were his property. “It’s not as if we are dating.”

  “Maybe not.” He arched one of his brows. “But he made it damn clear you were off-limits. Not that I give a flying fuck what he wants these days. I respected him at one time. Not anymore. The fucker’s a traitor. You do know that?”

  Kimber drew the corner of her lip between her teeth, uncomfortable with the direction of their conversation. She looked to her glass, toying with the stem. Anton and she may have parted on bad terms, but she wasn’t re
ady to throw him under the bus either.

  “Maybe there’s a reason he’s with the Devils.”

  Wolf chuckled. “I’m sure there is. Fucker doesn’t take rejection well.”

  Rejection? “What do you mean?”

  He smirked. “I take it the coward didn’t tell you why he left the Sons. Who he thought of as his girl? She chose the wrong Sons’ member according to him. He believes our supporting her decision was a betrayal to him.”

  Something tickled the hairs at her nape. “Who?”

  “Gypsy’s mate” — he cleared his throat — “woman.”

  “The redhead?”

  His gaze narrowed. “You know her?”

  “Met her briefly last year. I first met her at Anton’s place. Later, she came by my home and told me to keep an eye on Anton. I was a bit shocked since her and I didn’t exactly hit it off.”

  He smiled, splitting his beard. “Sounds like Tamera. The woman always had a soft spot for Rogue, but her true love was Gypsy.”

  Tam. Tamera. Of course. Why hadn’t she put two-and-two together? Kimber was an even bigger idiot. Anton had left her to go to Tamera. Her heart plummeted. At this point, she didn’t even know for sure Anton had gone to Santa Barbara. All she had was his word.

  “Anton left the Sons because she chose to be with Gypsy?”

  “Long story, but Anton thought she belonged with him. She lived with him a short time. When she went back to Gypsy, he was hurt. I get that.” He took a sip from his whiskey. “Anyone could see Tamera clearly loved Gypsy. Rogue couldn’t handle the rejection, took the betrayal pretty hard and turned his back on all of us.”

  Something in Wolf’s gaze told her there was more behind the story. He was holding back. “You think he still loves Tamera?”

  “A few weeks ago, I might have said yes. Not anymore.”

  “What changed?”

  “You, sweetheart.” He reached out and ran a knuckle down her cheek. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Rogue go all territorial. Not even with Tamera. I think he knew, down deep, she belonged with Gypsy. He just didn’t want to admit it. Watch your heart, baby girl. I think Rogue’s out to steal it.”

  Kimber thought about what Wolf said, having a hard time believing it. Not that she didn’t want to. But all it took from Tamera was one phone call to set Anton into motion. The very same woman she had caught in his house wearing nothing but a towel over a year ago. Whatever the truth, Anton had a lot to answer for when he returned. If she decided to give him the time of day.

  Out of the corner of her gaze, she saw Bobby and Tena heading for the exit. Not that she could blame them. It wasn’t their idea to come the Blood ‘n’ Rave, and yet they were left to sit alone in the back of the club. Instead of spending time with them, she passed away the night, keeping Wolf’s attention off the fact a Devil was in their territory. Tena was probably dying to get Mr. Bear-alicious alone anyway. Time to make her own speedy exit. Wolf had certainly given her a lot to think about.

  She took the glass to her lips and finished off her wine, then placed it back on the bar. Smiling up at Wolf, she gave his large hand a quick squeeze. “Thank you so much for the drink, Wolf. I think it’s time I call it a night.”

  “It’s nothing I said?”

  Kimber leaned in and kissed his cheek. “Nope. I think down deep, you might be one of the good guys. Thank you for the conversation.”

  He winked at her again. “Thank you, sweetheart. You decide to give Rogue a chance, don’t go easy on his ass. I may be still pretty damn pissed at him for being a complete shit, but I still love the bastard. Don’t you dare tell him I said that.”

  Kimber laughed and bussed his cheek a second time. “I wouldn’t think of it.”

  Turning, she headed for the dance floor to find Chad. She didn’t want to leave without letting him know and seeing if he had a ride home. Tena and Bobby had arrived on his bike, while Chad had hitched a ride with her. He stood near the exit, chatting with a dark haired, good-looking man, who appeared to be a good ten years older than him. Kimber bet Chad wasn’t about to leave, not with her anyway.

  Chad saw her approach. “Hey, boss. Having a good time?”

  “I was.” She smiled, looking briefly to his friend. “I was about to head home. You need a ride?”

  “I’ll give him a lift.” The way he looked at Chad told Kimber he was all about spending more time in Chad’s company.

  “I think I’ll stay a bit longer.” Chad’s blue eyes spoke of his delight. “You okay to head home alone?”

  “I am.” Kimber pulled the car keys from her small handbag. “See you at work tomorrow.”

  The heavy glass and steel door closed behind her, muffling the sound of the music as she stepped outside. Pressing her key fob, her car horn honked, and the lights flashed once. Kimber walked between the row of cars until she reached hers.

  Anton and Tamera came to mind. What the hell was going on? Kimber had been pretty sure Tamera was head over heels when it came to Grayson. Not that she didn’t care about Anton, that much was evident in her asking Kimber to befriend him. So why had she called Anton and why had he said she belonged to him?

  When Anton came back to town, she definitely planned to ask him. Knowing now which Tam he referred to, she was more than ever determined to get to the bottom of whatever Anton was up to. Kimber was pretty sure if Anton stepped over the line where Tamera was concerned, Grayson would kill him. Whatever she thought she heard, Kimber didn’t believe for a minute Anton would betray a friend, Devil or not.

  * * *

  Anton’s head snapped back and blood streamed from his nose. Tamera screamed and all hell broke loose. He hadn’t wanted it to come to blows, but Grayson wasn’t about to listen to any explanations at the moment. His brother’s eyes filled with black rage. Long fangs extended from his upper lip. Kaleb pulled Tamera clear, keeping her from getting into the fray. Bottom line, they needed to fight it out, even if Anton hadn’t wronged Grayson.

  Well, other than kissing his mate.

  And though it was a pleasant kiss, there was nothing hot about it, not like locking lips with Kimber. Damn, he had a lot to make up for. The kiss between him and Tamera had been all for show. Too bad the act had also worked on Grayson. The man was out for blood.

  Anton’s blood.

  Tamera tried to get her mate to see reason, but Grayson wasn’t listening, and Kaleb found amusement in the entire scene, cackling like an idiot from the sidelines.

  What the hell?

  There wasn’t a damn thing funny about the situation from where he stood. Anton ducked Grayson’s right and delivered an uppercut to his jaw, sending him stumbling back. It didn’t take long for him to right himself. He charged Anton, throwing a shoulder low and into his gut, sending him sprawling to the asphalt. His shirt ripped and the blacktop tore at his skin. Grayson leaned down and bit his shoulder.

  The motherfucker actually bit him.

  Anton growled, his own fangs lengthening, his anger getting the best of him. If he didn’t stop the brawl soon, they’d both be bloody messes. He grabbed Grayson’s shoulders and ripped his fangs from his skin. Anton bit back a roar as white lights flickered in his gaze. Red hot pain shot through his shoulder. He tossed Grayson like a rag doll. His one-time friend’s backside skidded twenty-feet along the parking lot. Before Anton could pounce, Kaleb released Tamera. She moved with lightning speed to stand between them again, her hands held palms out.


  Turning to Grayson, Tamera fisted his shirt and jerked his sorry ass off the ground, landing him on the hood of her Range Rover.

  “Damn, you’re sexy as hell when you use your vamp strength, doll.” He grabbed hold of her shirt, stealing a quick kiss. “But right now, I have a score to settle.”

  Kaleb pointed a finger at Grayson, stopping him from leaping on Anton again. He stepped forward. “This true? You down here with Tamera?” he asked Anton.

  Anton ran the back of his hand beneath his nose and swiped
away the blood. “I’m not fucking Gypsy’s mate, if that’s what you’re getting at.”

  The club P looked mighty pissed, more so than just being angry with him for possibly fucking Tamera. His glare told Anton his anger was much more personal. “Nope. Not what I’m getting at, asshole.”

  Kaleb looked back at Tamera, who had wrapped herself around Grayson from behind. Grayson now stood in front of her vehicle and she sat on the hood, watching Anton and Kaleb. Tamera looked ready to leap from the hood and jump between Kaleb and Anton if need be.

  “While you two knuckleheads were going at it, Tamera told me you were working undercover. That true?”

  Anton took a quick look behind him to the gateway of the alley. If they weren’t careful, they’d blow the whole gig. He couldn’t be sure they weren’t followed. “Not here, P. Meet me at the pier, just north of town, in twenty minutes. For now, let me go. I need Tamera to follow in her Range Rover. Make sure you and Gypsy aren’t seen when you leave. We’ll talk there.”

  Twenty minutes later, Kaleb and Grayson pulled their Harleys onto the asphalt parking lot next to the pier. Anton and Tamera had parked their rides a half mile down the beach. The salt water hung heavy in the air, clinging to their skin and stinging the healing cuts on his flesh from his skirmish with Grayson. Now the foursome stood in the sand at the bottom of the wooden pier, out of sight.

  “You want to start by telling me what the hell is going on, Rogue?” Kaleb leaned one shoulder against one of the support posts of the pier, legs crossed at the ankles. “If I’m guessing right, my brother and his mate most likely know about your involvement with the Devils.”

  “Why would you think that?” Anton glanced at Tamera, who merely shrugged. The last thing he wanted was to have the twins at odds because Cara thought it best to keep it between them.


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