Offense & Defense: A MMF Sports Romance

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Offense & Defense: A MMF Sports Romance Page 43

by Alexis Angel

  “Just take me home,” she whispers, leaning into me and resting her head against my chest. I hold her tight, feeling the rise and fall of her chest and savoring every moment of it.

  I take her by the hand and guide her toward my motorbike “Take this,” I tell her as I grab the helmet it and lower it over her head. It looks comical on her, and it’s probably a bit too big for her, but it’ll do on the ride home.

  “Where’s yours?”

  “That’s mine. You can take it. I don’t need it... “

  “Are you sure?” she asks, anxious to go home but still not wanting to break the rules.

  “Yeah, it’s fine. It’s not that far anyway.”

  Kim simply nods in agreement, and I hop on the bike. She climbs on the back clumsily, and I rev up the engine as I wait for her to be settled. Breathing in deeply as she laces me with her arms, my heart kicks as the palms of her hands press against my stomach. I’m not sure if all the adrenaline that still courses through my body is due to the fight or to her being so close to me.

  Either way, I need the open road. I can feel my mind cooling down as the harsh wind beats against my face, lashing at me as I cut through the night fast. I can feel the growl of the engine between my legs, Kim's body tightly pressed against mine, the vastness of the open road unfolding before me… It’s a perfect moment, more perfect than anything that has happened for a long time.

  I wish for it to never end, for the road to stretch under me for endless miles. But good things always come to an end, and soon I’m halting to a stop behind our beach house. She hops off the bike and takes the helmet off as I kill the engine, a strange feeling taking over me as the silence of the night embraces us both.

  “Thank you, Cody,” Kim says, looking into my eyes and almost making my heart stop. I can see she still isn’t herself, so I just smile and take her inside the house.

  “Don’t worry about it. Just try and get some sleep. I…” I stop for a while, lost in her eyes. And that’s when she does the unthinkable.

  She leans in and kisses me.



  One kiss. One stupid little kiss.

  My lips linger on his for God knows how long, and then we look into each other’s eyes.

  “G’night,” I tell him in one heavy breath, and then head to my room, my head spinning. Why did I kiss him? Why?

  I shut my bedroom door and sit on the edge of the bed, my heart still galloping inside my chest. How did a night, which was supposed to be a fun, turn into a complete and utter mess?

  Before I could even tell what was happening, John’s hands were on me... and then Cody showed up. I can’t help but relive that moment, my heart tightening each time I recall the look on Cody’s face. He didn’t seem like… himself.

  He looked like someone who’d go to any length to protect his family and… to protect me. Feeling his protectiveness toward me was… good. I had never felt like that before. It’s a bit weird to think about it, but in the ride back home, my arms firmly embracing Cody as he drove, I understood that he’ll always be here for me.

  Even though he barely knows me, he cares.

  He fought and won just to save me. And I can’t help but think that he looked as handsome as ever when doing it. Every time I think of that hard look on his face it’s almost impossible to not picture how his body looks when naked… And now that we’ve kissed, I can’t erase from my mind the way his lips taste when brushing against mine.

  Before I know what I’m doing, I stand up from the bed and get out of the room. I don’t know what I’m doing or why I’m doing it. All I know is that I need to see him just one more time before sleep. And nothing more, I promise, fully knowing I’m lying to myself.

  I stop in front of his door and rap my knuckles against it. He doesn’t answer but I can’t turn back now. I grab the doorknob and turn it, simply standing there as the door swings back on its hinges.

  Cody’s sitting on his bed, looking straight at me. I stand here like an idiot, not knowing what to say.

  “Are you alright?”, he finally asks me, getting up from the bed and walking toward me.

  “Yes, I… I, uh, I just wanted to see you,” I half-whisper, botching a, I just wanted to see if you’re alright too. He says nothing, simply staring into my eyes and making it almost impossible to focus on whatever I want to say.

  “Kim. Go to your room, please,” he tells me, almost making my heart stop.


  “I just can’t control myself with you around,” he admits, a hard edge to his voice. He really means it.

  “And what if I don’t want you to control yourself?” The words are out of me before I can process what I’m truly saying.

  “Kim… I drove to the bar because I couldn’t stop thinking of you. And then you kissed me… I want you, and I want you bad. I can’t think of anything else than taking you to that bed behind me and fucking you senselessly.”

  Maybe I should just slap him, or turn on my heels and go to my room.

  “Do it”, I whisper, losing myself in his eyes.

  “You have ten seconds to get out of here, Kim, or else I will really do it.”

  One chance.

  One chance to turn and run, to escape. But no, all I do is stay here, letting the seconds fly by me and wishing time would go faster.

  He’s on me in an instant, grabbing my wrists and pinning me against the wall. His face is just a few inches away from mine, and I can feel how hard he’s struggling to control his desire. To be honest, I’m struggling way harder than him. And failing even harder.

  I feel his sweet breath on me, his lips ordering for me to kiss him… There’s a fire in me, and I have no idea how to control it. And, really, I don’t want to control it; I want it to take control of me, I want to surrender to him. The desire that runs through me is so overwhelming that I just know there’ll be no escape.

  Stepbrother! He’s my stepbrother! I think, trying to stop myself from crossing that invisible line from where there’s no coming back. But I’m way past caring; so what if Cody’s family? There’s no blood between us. Is this that big of a sin? Even if it is, I don’t care. All that matters is that his body’s close, pressed against mine…

  He leans into me, eyes locked on mine, grabbing both my arms over my head. His lips are an inch away from mine but still he doesn’t kiss me; he holds himself there, looking into me as if he knows there’s no coming back from this. I feel it too, and that’s why I need it.

  “Cody…” I whisper under my breath, aching for his touch. Our lips brush then, the sweetest hold of lust and pleasure flooding my mind. I close my eyes, kissing him back, the tip of my tongue brushing against his wet lips. He opens his mouth and slides his tongue against mine, one of his hands letting go of my wrist and resting on my hip, pressing me against the wall. As I feel his long fingers on my waist, a warmness spreads through me, its focus between my thighs; I’m wet… Very, very wet. And I can’t help but wish his hand wasn’t on my thigh but between my legs instead, pressing against that maddening electricity that makes me pulse with desire.

  I've never felt something like this; it’s a desire so strong, so fierce, that only now can I understand the way Alicia fell so hard for Derek.

  Cody runs one hand through my hair, grabbing at the root and making me throw my head back against the wall, baring my neck to his mouth. He lays his lips against my skin, making it prickle, a fierce shiver going up my spine. Oh, if there’s a Heaven, this is it.

  I let out a slight moan as he kisses my neck and jawline, both his hands now firmly on my hips. I feel his fingers travelling over the side of my body, and soon they are pushing down the straps of my dress. As he tugs on the fabric, I can feel my mind about to explode; I fight against the impulse to throw him back on the bed, undress in a hurry and jump on top of him. But I’m not about to ruin the moment, so I let him push my dress all the way down as slowly as he wants to. And slowly he goes, his fingers descending at the same patient r
hythm that he kisses my neck with.

  My hands are on his back and under the rough fabric of his shirt, my fingertips running all over his muscled back, feeling the shape and contour of his muscles as he moves. Cody’s perfection itself, everything on his body a careful sculpture of what a man should be. But I’m not wet and insane with desire because of his body… No, he’s more than a perfect face and body; there’s something about my stepbrother that draws me in, much in the same way a moth is drawn to a flame. He’s wild and out of control, but behind his smirk and careless ways I can see something more… He could be so much more.

  The back of my head hits the wall as he presses the palm of his hand over my thong, his fingers right over my pussy making me burn with desire. His touch is firm and yet gentle at the same time, much like Cody, it’s a mixture of contradicting features, which as a whole make it simply irresistible. In this moment, I want nothing more than to lie in bed and allow him to take me in whatever way he wants to.

  “I want you so bad,” he whispers against my ear, the truth of it almost too much to bear. I want to tell him that I want him more, that I need him, that I want him to make me his, but all I manage to do is bury my fingernails in his skin and thrust my hips forward, my pussy pressing hard against his fingers.

  I take my hands to his shirt and pull on it viciously, making the buttons pop out one by one rapidly. Wasting no time, I press the open palm of my hands against his toned chest and ripped abs. I feel the slow rise of his muscles under my fingers, savoring each bend and curve as if these are my last moments on Earth.

  Letting go of my hips, his hands dart to my breasts, cupping them eagerly over my black lace bra. He squeezes them gently, my hard nipples struggling against the fabric and yearning to be let free. As if he could hear my thoughts, he pushes down the cup of the bra over my right nipple and, leaning into me, lays his lips over it, sucking softly. I can feel my nipple hardening even more inside his mouth as he laps with his tongue against it, tracing slow and seductive circles.

  As he sucks, his hands go to my back and, finding the clasp of my bra, he undoes it, pushing it down my arms. I shiver, the cool air in the room caressing my breasts. In an instant his mouth goes from my right nipple to the left one, his lips wrapping themselves around it with care and, at the same time, with a kind of passionate fury. I tangle my fingers in his hair, holding his head in place as he kisses my nipples one at a time, his long gentle fingers squeezing at my breasts.

  I bite my lower lip harshly, allowing a pleasure so new and intense to run through me like the first flames of a bonfire. If I’m already feeling like this I can’t begin to imagine how it’ll be like to have him inside of me… Especially because, if the rumors are real (and they seem to be), his cock is a wonder of nature. I know I should be somewhat afraid, but there isn’t a trace of it in me. There’s excitement, curiosity and unbridled desire, but no fear.

  “I need you… I need you to fuck me,” I say softly against his ear. He stops kissing my breasts and, pulling out, rests his hands on my hips and looks straight into my eyes.

  “I was dying to hear these words on your lips,” he breathes out, uncontrollable lust flickering behind his eyes. “One last chance, Kim.”

  “No,” I shake my head. I don’t want a chance to back down. I want him.

  He smiles at me. Not his usual grin or smirk—a smile. An honest to goodness smile. In it I see care and gentleness, something all the NY rumors never mentioned. He says nothing, but in his smile there are all the words I need to hear.

  He grabs me by the hand and takes me to the bed; I sit there, looking up at him expectantly. He leans in, climbing on top of me, and lays his lips on mine. We kiss gently, our tongues dancing around each other as his body presses down on mine.

  “Hard…” The words escape my lips even before I know it. “I want you to fuck me hard.”

  “I will.” His grin comes back and he looks at me. For a second I feel exposed, laying in bed wearing only my black thong, my naked body here for him to see. But all that vanishes as I notice the look in his eyes; in there I see lust and desire, yes, but there’s also kindness.

  He starts kissing down my neck, his lips travelling down and over my breasts, resting for a second on each of my nipples. Then he keeps going, carefully kissing every inch of my body as he travels down my belly to the hem of my thong. He grabs at the fabric with his teeth, slowly pulling it down my legs and revealing my pussy. I press my legs together by instinct as he does it, suddenly feeling self-conscious. But I relax as he kisses his way back up my legs and thighs, all the way over to my lips.

  Looking into his eyes, I let my fingers fall down his chest and I start unbuttoning his jeans. I can already feel a hard and firm shape brushing against my knuckles, and that makes me swallow hard.

  It’s happening, it’s really happening, I repeat over and over again inside my mind. When the last button comes undone, his cock strains against his boxers briefs and touches my fingers. My heart starts racing so fast it might burst; he’s huge! And when I say huge… I mean frighteningly huge. He has to be at least eleven inches, perhaps more.

  For a fraction of a second I think it’s going to be impossible for him to fit his monstrous cock inside my pussy… There’s just no way it can happen. But his lips are on mine, his skin’s warmness spreading through my body, and that becomes nothing more than a silly concern. It will happen, and it will be perfect.

  I curl my fingers around his massive shape and start stroking it up and down. He starts kissing me in an almost savage way, and I keep doing it harder and harder as I feel his breathing grow deeper. Then, when he least expects it, I grab his boxers and pull them down, his massive cock springing free in an almost menacing way.

  I dart for it with both hands, feeling it pulse against my fingers. God, I want nothing more than to feel that sweet thickness buried deep inside of me. Just holding it in my hands is almost too much…

  He kisses my cheek and, looking into my eyes, he smiles once more. I smile back at him, nodding and telling him that yes, I’m ready. I don’t actually know if I’m ready or not, but I need it desperately.

  Leaning into me with his whole body, I feel the tip of his cock brush against my pussy. Soft and careful, he holds his position there until I can’t take it anymore - I thrust my hips toward him, my pussy lips parting and engulfing his tip. I bite my lower lip, expecting pain at any minute, but it doesn’t come. Only when he presses his mouth against mine, thrusting his cock deep inside of me do I feel it; it’s like an electric shock that bites at my muscles, tensing them up. But in an instant it’s gone.

  After that swift stab of pain, there’s nothing but ecstasy for me. As I feel him slide in and out, his thickness straining and pushing against my inner walls, I’m in a place so perfect and dream-like I’m not even sure if whatever’s happening is real. It’s too perfect to be real.

  I notice him looking at me, that wild hunger in his eyes. I respond in the best way I can: with a deep moan that climbs up my throat and cascades down my lips with the ferocity of a wild animal. How could it be any other way? His cock inside of me feels like completion, and right now we’re not even family: we’re just a man and a woman.

  He goes in and out softly, my legs wrapped around his back and pulling him inside me. My eyes are closed, my mind only capable of processing the gentle thrusts of his cock as if there’s nothing else in the world but it. And, as far as I’m concerned, there really isn’t.

  His body rocks against mine, the most delicious ebb and flow of bodies taking over until I can’t resist it anymore. I lace my legs around his back like a vice and, with both hands grabbing at his hair, I sway my hips from side to side uncontrollably as mind-numbing electricity takes my body by assault. I shake and I moan, something primal taking control of me.

  I’ve never had an orgasm like this. I never even thought a woman could feel a pleasure this intense.

  I breathe out loudly, collapsing on top of the mattress as he stops moving
and slides out of me carefully. Now that I’ve discovered sex can be this good, I want to do it every waking hour for the rest of my life - forget about work, all I want is to feel Cody inside of me.

  “It… was perfect,” I whisper, my eyes still closed. I feel him by my side, his mouth against my ear.

  “That…” he whispers, “was just an appetizer.”

  I shudder, swallowing down the avalanche of rambling thoughts that fill my mind. An appetizer? How could that only be an appetizer? He responds by laying his open hand over my pussy, parting its lips with two fingers and caressing my clit with his thumb. My body trembles as if it has been electrified, the slow and precise movement of his fingers making my muscles buzz in excitement. When he slides one of his fingers deep inside me, I want nothing more than to find out what comes after his... appetizer.

  My arm shoots out by instinct, my fingers brushing down his firm and perfectly carved abs. Down I go until I find his cock; I curl my fingers around his length, feeling my own wetness on it, and start stroking him wildly as he keeps on thrusting his fingers inside me. I’m completely out of control, and there’s no better thing than it.

  He slides down the mattress and, resting his hands on both my knees, parts my legs and nestles himself there. I can feel his face dangerously close to my pussy, and it feels that my entire body is on fire. And that fire grows fast and violent; when he places his perfect lips over my clit, I grab his hair and push my hips up as I make him go down. He goes at it with heart, sucking and licking, his tongue tracing the whole contour of my pussy with as much delicacy as possible. My hips sway in a circle, my pussy rubbing against his mouth as that maddening fire of pleasure scorches my veins and turns my moans into low whispers of decadent joy. Who knew that a man’s mouth could bring so much delicious madness? I didn’t.

  As he flicks his tongue against my clit, dancing in circles around it over and over again, he hooks two fingers deep inside of me. I grit my teeth, wishing these weren’t fingers but his cock. It doesn’t matter, he moves so perfectly, each motion of his a flame that licks at me and makes me burn endlessly, and I’m forced to let out a scream as my whole body tightens up and one more orgasm washes over me.


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