Mending Places

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Mending Places Page 4

by Hunter, Denise

  “You had no way of knowing. Your mind doesn’t work that way. What about at church? Is there anyone there you can think of?”

  “Church? Keith hasn’t been to church in weeks.” A fresh wave of tears started. “Oh, Hanna, he went out of town two weeks ago! What if he was really with her?”

  How could You let this happen to Nat, God? And to the boys? “Are you going to ask him?”

  “What if he’s in love with her? What if he wants to leave us?”

  Hanna didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t married, had never even come close. Who was she to give advice? “Have you thought of calling Mom and Dad? Or Paula?”

  “I can’t do that. Mom and Dad would never forgive Keith, and he’d never be able to face them again if they knew. And Paula’s not exactly the most sympathetic ear in the world. I need advice; that’s why I called you.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Nat.” Silence crackled between them. She watched Mrs. Eddlestein taking a fresh batch of crescent rolls to the dining room. “You’re going to have to ask him what’s going on. Maybe there’s some other explanation.” She could hardly fathom that the man who had risked a sizable loan for her would betray his own wife.

  “Do I tell him what I found, or should I just ask if something going on?”

  She rubbed her temple with her free hand. “If you started a discussion about your relationship, do you think he’d open up?”

  “He’s been so distant lately. Why didn’t I see this coming? I can believe this is happening.”

  “Let’s assume nothing has happened yet. Maybe the relationship ha just been heading in that direction, and he wanted to carry protection just to be on the safe side.”

  “I need to confront him about it. Tell him what I found and see what he says.”

  Sympathy swelled in Hanna, and she wished she were there to hold her sister and let her cry on her shoulder. “Do you want me to come over?”

  She heard Alex begin to wail in the background. “I gotta go, Hanna. Alex bumped his head. I’ll call you later.”

  She said good-bye, then jabbed the off button. Oh, God. You have to help her. The words jammed in her mind like cars in rush-hour traffic.

  Later that night as Hanna sat behind the computer, she wondered how Nat was doing. Was she confronting Keith even now? Help her, Lord. Give her the words and the strength she needs to handle this.

  She kept remembering Keith’s kindness to her in extending the loan She knew his loan committee must have looked at it unfavorably, and yet he’d done it anyway. Life could be so complex. She dragged he hands over her face.

  The screen saver kicked on, and she realized she’d hardly gotten a thing done. She continued transferring the reservations from the book to their old computer, Methuselah. Even though it was ancient by today’s standards, it still worked and even allowed her to access the Internet through free software. She’d recently invested in a program that allowed her to see at a glance how booked they were for any given week or month. Soon, she’d put all the guest information directly into the computer when she took reservations and use the book for backup only.

  Gram entered the office. “How are we doing for June?”

  Hanna paused her tapping and clicked on the button that would show June. “Here we are.” She pointed at the screen. “We’re half booked most nights and sold out for the third weekend. Not bad, huh?” Well on the way to the 38 percent increase they needed over last year.

  “That’s wonderful!” She squeezed Hanna’s shoulders. “This is going to work out just fine. All your ideas were just the thing. Thank God for giving me such a brilliant granddaughter!”

  “If I were brilliant, I would’ve done this two years ago.”

  “Oh, I almost forgot.” Gram grabbed a paper from the desk and handed it to her. “There was a young man in while you were grocery shopping. He was interested in the watercraft position, and I had him fill out a … oh drat, what’s the word?”


  “That’s it. Anyway, I skimmed it, and it looked pretty good, so I asked him to come back at seven tonight for an interview. I hope that’s all right with you.”

  “Sure, that’s great, Gram, thanks.” Her grandmother went to the front desk to check in a guest, and Hanna studied the form. Devon Garret was a third-year business student at Central Wyoming and was seeking employment for the summer. That would work out fine since business slowed once fall arrived. He’d been employed at various businesses during previous summers. Why in the world was he interested in the Higher Grounds position? He was overqualified to oversee the watercraft and run the shuttle. When he heard what they were paying, he’d probably scoot right back to the accounting firm where he’d worked last summer. But if he didn’t, it would be their gain.

  She finished keying in all the guest information and, before she knew it, seven o’clock rolled around. A golden-haired young man arrived, looking to be about her own age and wearing a baby blue polo with white Dockers shorts.

  He extended a hand. “Hi, I’m Devon Garret, and I have an appointment with Hanna Landin.”

  She shook his hand, noting his smooth, cool palm. “I’m Hanna. Nice to meet you, Devon. Why don’t you come back to the office, and we’ll talk.”

  She took a seat behind the desk and gestured toward an opposite chair. “My grandmother gave me your application, and I’ve had a chance to review it. Did she fill you in on the nature of the job?”

  “I’d be responsible for maintaining the boats and arranging for their rental. I think your ad said something about running an airport shuttle?”

  “That’s right. Not all the guests require this service. Some of them rent a car and, of course, some of them drive here from their homes. I’m assuming you have a driver’s license, and there would be no problem with that?”

  His lips curved into a smile. “No problem at all. You’ll notice I have experience working with the public.”

  “Yes, I see that.” She set his form aside. “Look, I have to be honest. This job doesn’t pay much.” She named the figure and noticed he didn’t seem surprised. “You’ve held good positions every summer.”

  “I’ve been very lucky in summers past. But this summer is my last break before entering the business world and, quite frankly, I had a heavy course load last semester and will have another heavy load in the fall. I’d really like to take on something less … challenging my last free summer.”

  “Good enough. Do you have your own accommodations, or will you need a room?”

  “I have my own.”

  This was turning out better than she thought. Yesterday she was fretting because she was short two employees, and now the positions were filled with men who were overqualified for their jobs. “I haven’t had a chance to call your references, so why don’t I just plan on calling you tomorrow and letting you know.”

  He stood and extended a hand. “Sounds great.”

  As she watched Devon walk out the door, Hanna felt a great sense of relief Finally, things seemed to be going their way.

  Natalie laid Taylor in his crib and wound up the stuffed bear that would play lullabies for several minutes. “Night-night, baby.” She put up the crib rail and walked out, blowing a kiss before she shut the door. Going through the motions.

  She’d been doing it all day. Reading books to the boys, doing laundry, kissing boo-boos. Her body was doing all the right things, but her mind was numb. Somehow she’d held the tears at bay. After her phone call with Hanna, she’d pulled herself together and had gone from one activity to the next. Her mind had churned all afternoon with questions. Who could she be? When had it started? How far had it gone? How could she have been so blind?

  She, volunteer director of Marriage Enrichment. What a laugh. She was arranging for couples to spend weekends away learning how to develop a better marriage, and hers was falling apart at the seams.

  How could she have been so stupid? She picked up Alex’s clothes from the floor and threw them in the la
undry basket. She almost wished she’d kept the boys up for a while. Normally she welcomed the quiet after a hectic day, but tonight she dreaded it. She would have time to think, really think, about what Keith was doing. Was he with her even now? She’d called his private line at seven o’clock, and there had been no answer. Her throat clogged with tears she refused to shed.

  How dare he. She’d done nothing but be a good wife and mother. She’d never even looked at another man. No one had been more faithful than she’d been.

  She poured herself a glass of orange juice, knowing she needed something in her empty stomach, and headed back to the family room. A framed eight-by-ten of her and Keith on their wedding day caught her eye. She paused to stare disgustedly at it. How naive she’d been. Standing there, face to face with Keith, with rosy cheeks and adoring eyes. And him. Look at him, staring at her with promise in his eyes, making pledges he was now mocking.

  She tore the picture from the wall and flung it across the room, spilling her juice in the process. The photo hit the brick fireplace and shattered. Her heart thudded heavily in her chest. She suddenly understood why cartoon characters had smoke coming from their ears when they were angry. There was so much heat and fury in her, it was a wonder her own ears weren’t steaming.

  “Mommy?” Alex called from his room.

  She took a deep breath. “It’s all right, honey. Mommy just dropped something. Go to sleep.”


  Nothing was all right. Her world was falling apart and, with it, the boys’ world too. What would become of them if Keith left? She’d have to return to work, for starters.

  The mantel clock struck nine and began its chiming. Lately Keith didn’t come home until ten or even eleven. When he did, she could never hide her anger. It either manifested itself through barbed replies or stony silence. Neither worked. She could recite his excuses as well as he. Do you think I want to work this late? Don’t you think I’d rather be home, sacked out in front of the TV? Successful businesses don’t just happen on their own, you know. I’m doing this for you.

  Ha! What a joke. Rage tore through her like a violent wind, and she set down her half-empty glass before she threw it too. After fishing a towel from the drawer, she got down on the floor to mop up the mess.

  What would she say when he came home? How would he react? Would he tell her the truth? Would he tell her who it was? Did she know the woman? Oh, please, God, don’t let it be someone I know.

  She tossed the towel in the washer and went to clean up the shards of glass on the hearth. She picked up the big pieces first, then moved on to the tiny fragments, almost wishing she’d cut her hand. Anything to take her mind off the internal pain she was feeling. She retrieved a broom and trash can and swept the last of the glass slivers into it. If only cleaning up her marriage could be accomplished as easily.

  Headlights chased across the expansive living room wall, then she heard the familiar squeak of the garage-door opener. Natalie settled her self on the couch. Help me, God, please help me.

  The door clicked open, and she waited in silence until Keith rounded the corner. “Hi,” he muttered, then proceeded to empty his pockets of change and business cards onto the desk.

  Her mind flew back a scarce twelve hours ago when it had fallen from his pocket. It seemed like days ago, not hours. She wondered if he had one in his pocket now. No, she thought bitterly. He’d probably already used it. She observed him with new eyes. Suspicious eyes. His pants hung loosely on his hips, and even his face seemed thinner. Had he lost weight for her?

  Keith went to the kitchen, and she heard him grabbing a can of soda from the fridge. When he returned, he collapsed in his La-Z-Boy, kicking out the footrest, and flicked on the TV with the remote. Didn’t he notice how quiet she was? Did he think her silence was of the I’m-angry-you’re-late variety? Couldn’t he feel the difference? Couldn’t he feel the cold vibrations in the air?

  Apparently not. He was already absorbed in a baseball game.

  A commercial came on. “Is there anything to eat in there? I’m starving.”

  “There’s meatloaf in the fridge.” If he thought she was going to wait on him, he’d better think again. He was just in the kitchen himself, why couldn’t he get his own? How could he even talk about food when he was betraying her?

  Her hand reached down, and she felt for the evidence in her pocket. A visual aid, in case he claimed ignorance. How should she start? With an accusation? What if by some miracle he had another logical reason for carrying around a condom?

  No, not an accusation. If she were somehow mistaken, he would never forgive her.

  “I hung up your clothes in the bedroom today.” Somehow her voice sounded normal, though her heart felt as though it might explode.

  He took a sip of Coke. “Is that what’s got you so upset?”

  She gave him an ounce of credit for noticing something was wrong.

  “Look, I’ll try to do better, okay?”

  “Something fell out of your pants.” She didn’t look at him but saw him go still in her peripheral vision.

  “What’s that?”

  She fished into her pocket and withdrew the packet, then held it up and met his eyes.

  His lips parted, surprise flashed in his eyes. Fear. Just for a moment, then defenses kicked in. “Hey, Nat, it’s not what you think.”

  “It’s not a condom?” Sarcasm wormed into her tone. “Gosh, I must’ve misread the package.” She looked closely at it, pretending to read it. “Ultra thin latex condom. Nope, guess not.” Fury seasoned her words, and she reined it in. Get the confession first, then she’d turn loose on him. Maybe if she remained calm, he’d be more likely to confess.

  “That’s not what I meant. I meant it’s not mine.”

  “Those weren’t your pants?”

  “Of course, they were my pants. The condom’s not mine.”

  “Then whose is it?”

  Did he falter for a moment, or was it her imagination? “It’s Dale’s.”

  “What are you doing with it?”

  “We played racquetball last week, remember? It fell out of his wallet when we were getting dressed, then by the time I found it on the floor, he’d already left to go on his date. I tried to catch up with him in the parking lot, but he’d already driven away.”

  She wanted to believe it. It was an unlikely story, but, oh, how she wanted to believe it. “Why don’t we give Dale a call and straighten this out?

  “He’s in Dallas this week, and I don’t have his number.”

  How convenient. And no doubt Keith will get hold of Dale before I have a chance to question him. Why won’t he just tell me the truth and get it over with?

  Keith snapped in the footrest and came to her, sinking into the sofa beside her. She refrained from looking at him. Doubt swelled in her mind, and she refused to give in to the hope that hovered just above the surface of her heart. She forced herself to be objective. It was unlikely he was teeing the truth. Yet she couldn’t condemn him outright. What if she was wrong?

  “Look at me, doll.” His voice rumbled deeply with the pet name she loved. The one he hadn’t called her for years.

  She turned and met his gaze, seeing him through a veil of tears.

  “I’m not seeing someone else. I swear.” His blue eyes penetrated her. “I’ve just been working long hours. You know things have been rough at the bank. If you can just hang in there awhile longer …”

  He looked so sincere, sounded so genuine. She looked away. She couldn’t forget the moment she’d seen the condom between her feet. If it had been Dale’s, why would Keith have kept it? Why not just toss it? Besides, Dale was not one to sleep around. And he’d only just begun dating the woman a few weeks ago.

  She drilled him with her gaze. “I called your private line tonight, and you weren’t there.”

  He looked guilty. “I had to go to the store. We were out of coffee filters.”

  “What time did you go?”

  His mouth tigh
tened in a straight line. “I don’t know, Nat. Man, you sound like a shrew.” He jumped off the couch and snatched up his Coke, storming toward the kitchen.

  So much for the loving patience he’d demonstrated moments ago. Now he was angry and defensive. And he hadn’t given her an answer about the time of his errand.

  Moments later he stormed up the stairs without a word, and Natalie knew she would get no answers tonight.


  Micah held the door open for Hanna, and she slipped through, waiting for him to follow. She surveyed the vast array of sporting equipment, overwhelmed by the size of the store and the variety of goods.

  She followed him with a shopping cart back to the camping area, stopping just short of bumping him in the back. “Sorry.”

  “Do you have a list?” he asked.

  She tucked in one side of her mouth. “I was hoping you could show me what we need.”

  “Sure.” He led her to a wall crowded with backpacks, then proceeded to point out the advantages and disadvantages of styles and brands.

  Hanna flipped over a price tag and winced at the price. “We’re kind of on a budget here, but I want the gear to be safe and durable.”

  They settled on backpacks, then Hanna went to get the flashlights while Micah moved on to the climbing gear. She stared at the shelves stacked with flashlights. Good grief. There was such a thing as having too many choices. Should she get the big six-volt ones, or would they be too heavy to lug around? Maybe she should get the industrial-sized one for Micah and smaller ones for the guests. She took a step toward the sporting-goods area, intent on asking Micah, when she noticed a woman standing with him.

  She stopped and watched for a moment, wondering who the woman was. Micah’s back was to her, but she could see the lady’s face. Her red hair was set in a style popular among the twenties crowd, but Hanna suspected the woman was well into her thirties. The tennis out fit she wore showed off a pair of legs that could’ve passed for a teenager’s. The woman laughed and laid a hand on Micah’s bicep, where it lingered too long to be a friends-only gesture.


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