by Doug Munro
Laurendeau, André 131
Inglis, Ken 2, 84, 87, 96, 242
Lawson, Henry 82, 87, 264, 267
Institute of Pacific Relations 236, 238
Lawson, Louisa 267
League of Nations Union 235
Jacobsen, Gertrude Ann 280, 282,
Lee, Hermione 104, 264
283, 286, 289–90, 298
Legge, John 43, 54, 240, 242–3
James, Gwyn 259–60, 263
Lejeune, Philippe 2–3, 17, 22
Japanese Canadians 111–13, 131–3
Lessing, Doris 81, 88
Johns Hopkins University 12, 273,
Levinas, Emmanuel 206
274, 277, 281
Light, Alison 268
Johns, Fred 259
Liversidge, Archibald 229
Johnson, Cecil 286
Lloyd Jones, Richard 173
Johnson, Richard R. 273–4, 277
Lodewyckz, Dymphna. See Clark
Johnson, Samuel 7
London School of Economics 235,
Jones, Barry 88
237, 238, 243
Jones, Ken 174–5
Long, Gavin 258
Lord, Eleanor L. 280, 282
Kean, Hilda 175
Lower, Arthur 129–31
Keele University 56
Lyceum Club 234
Kennedy, Maybelle R. 280, 282, 283,
Macalester College (Minnesota) 126
Kerr, Sir John. See Dismissal
Macaulay, Thomas Babington 86,
Keynes, John Maynard 138, 150, 153
141, 144, 151, 154, 157, 159,
Kiddle, Margaret 260
Kingston, Beverley 245
McAuley, James 41
Klingberg, Frank J. 290–1, 295–6
McBriar, Alan 242–3
Korean War 125
McCarthy, Wendy 75
Kramer, Leonie 244
McGill University 131
Kriegel, Annie 303
Macintyre, Stuart 250, 252, 266
Kristallnacht 6–7, 97
Mackaness, George 260
Ku Klux Klan 116
McKay, Ian 105
McKenna, Mark xii, 6–7, 20, 302,
Monash University 40, 43, 51, 54,
242, 243, 245
McKenry, Keith 269
Moore, G.E. 138–9, 151–2, 156
MacLachlan, Alastair xii, 8
Moorehead, Alan 78, 264
McLachlan, Noel 99
Moorhouse, Frank 265
McLuhan, Marshall 122
Morison, Samuel Eliot 289
McMinn, W.G. (Greg) 263
Morrison, Allan 263
McNaught, Kenneth 124–5, 127–8,
Morriss, Margaret Shove 280, 282
Mount Holyoke College
McPhee, Peter 75
(Massachusetts) 274, 275, 282,
MacQueen, Edith E. 280, 297,
283, 287, 288, 290
Moyal, Ann xii, 4–5, 73–5, 77–8,
McQueen, Humphrey 89, 95, 98, 99
248, 269, 302
Madgwick, R.B. 237, 239
Mulvaney, John 267
Magritte, René 103, 104, 134
Municipal University of Omaha 283
Malcolm, Janet 98
Munro, Doug xii–xiii, 3–4
Manning, Frederick J. 278, 283, 293,
Nagel, Thomas 28, 29
Manning, Helen Taft 278, 280, 282,
Nairn, Bede 87, 242, 263
283, 292, 293–4, 296
Namier, Sir Lewis 261
Martin, Allan 87, 240, 242
National Biography Award 265
Marx, Karl 68, 202. See also Marxism
National Library of Australia 62, 78,
Marxism 8–9, 19, 20, 173–5, 182,
88, 257, 261, 263
187–93, 202, 205, 210, 211,
Neilson, Nellie 274, 276, 280, 282,
217, 222–4, 242, 261. See also
288, 290
Communist Party of Great
New College, Oxford. See University
Britain; Historians’ Group of the
of Oxford
Communist Party; New Left;
New Jersey College for Women 283
Soviet Union
New Left 174, 191–2, 196
Maryville College (Tennessee) 282
Nicolson, Nigel 44
Matthews, Brian 85, 265, 267
Nolan, Melanie xiii, 11–12, 75
Maxwell, Camilla 22
Nolan, Sidney 87, 212, 214, 220, 266
Melbourne University Press 20, 58,
Nora, Pierre 1–2, 247, 263, 303
82, 88, 234, 260
Northwestern University 282
Melbourne University Publishing.
Novick, Peter 10
See Melbourne University Press
Melbourne, Alexander 229
objectivity 2, 10, 17–19, 28, 33, 37,
Mill, James 157
154, 191, 249, 302–3
Mitchell Library, Sydney 238
O’Brien, Eris 258
Mitchell, W.O. 106, 115, 117
Orwell, George 55
Mitchell, W.T.J. 207
Oxford Labour Club 190, 193–4
Molesworth, Bevil 233
Oxford Movement 163
Molony, John 269
Palmer, Nettie 212, 254, 267
Rife, Clarence W. 297
Palmer, Sheridan xiii, 9
Roberts, Stephen Henry 237–8, 243,
Pargellis, Stanley M. 278
Park, Marion Edwards 293
Robertson, Bryan 217–18
Passerini, Luisa 303
Roe, Jill 269
Pembroke College (Rhode Island)
Roe, Michael 263
Rose, William 127
Pennsylvania State College 283
Ross, Sinclair 109
Pesman, Ros 266
Round Table 235, 238
Phillips, Peter 242
Rowbotham, Sheila 176, 197
Pietsch, Tamson 10
Rudé, George 242, 245
Pike, Douglas 241
Ruskin College, Oxford 174, 195
Pitman, Frank W. 295
Russell, Bertrand 138, 140, 150,
Pomona College (California) 295
Popkin, Jeremy 1, 5–6, 63, 247–9,
Russia. See Soviet Union
251, 252–3, 263–4, 266, 301–2
Russian Revolution 77, 81
Popular Front 178–9, 186, 187, 196
Ryan, Susan 75, 88–9
Portus, G.V. 236, 259, 264
Power, Eileen 304
Said, Edward 203, 222
Pringle, John Douglas 219–20
St Andrew’s College, Saskatoon
Public Record Office, London 296–8
108–9, 114, 115
St Antony’s College, Oxford. See
Putnam, Bertha 290
University of Oxford
Pybus, Cassandra 75
Salter, James 92–3
Samuel, Barnett 177, 183
Queen’s University (Canada) 104,
Samuel, Minna 177, 182–5
128, 129–33
Samuel, Raphael 8–9, 173–97
Quiet Revolution 131
Sats, Igor 26, 33, 77
Saville, John 177, 181
Radcliffe College (Massachusetts) 278
Schwarz, Bill 187, 188
Radi, Heather 69
Scott, Ernest 228, 233, 234, 236–9
Rechter, Miriam 245
passim, 259, 267
Reid, John G. xiii, 12
Scott, F.R. 131
eid, Stewart 124–5, 127–8
Scott-Brown, Sophie xiii–xiv, 8–9
Render, Hans 268
Second World War 10, 26, 31, 32,
Reynolds, ‘Josh’ 242
55, 110–13, 116, 128, 131, 132,
Richards, Eric 61–2
180–1, 184, 209–10, 212, 237,
Rickard, John 4, 39–63, 87, 269
239–40, 241, 253, 298, 299
Rickard, Pearl 41, 45, 47, 50, 52, 58,
Sedgwick, Peter 191
Serle, Geoffrey 243, 263
Rickard, Philip 41, 44, 47, 50, 52,
Serle, Percival 257
58, 59–60
Seymour, Charles 277, 293
Rider College (New Jersey) 283
Shann, Edward 229, 233
Riemer, Andrew 99
Shaw, A.G.L. 245
Simpson, F.A. 169–70
Thomas, Julian 266
Sisman, Adam 7, 304
Thompson, E.P. 174
Smith College (Massachusetts) 71,
Thomson, Edith E.B. 280, 298
282, 283
Tillyrand, Pat 258
Smith, Arthur Lionel 232, 233
Tirrell, Sarah R. 280, 282–4 passim
Smith, Bernard 9, 199–224, 200,
Towle, Carroll S. 294
221, 248
Towle, Dorothy S. 280–1, 294–5,
Smith, Bonnie G. 291
Smith, Marion Parris 280, 282
Trevelyan, George Macaulay 8,
Smith, Terry 223
137–71, 304
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 29, 83
Trevelyan, George Otto 141, 144–5,
Southern, Richard 241
Soviet Union 18–20, 24–33, 76–7,
Trevelyan, Janet 153
82, 83, 180–1, 186, 196, 217,
Trevor-Roper, Hugh 7, 304
239, 265
Trinity College, Cambridge. See
Spanish Civil War 179, 180–1, 183
University of Cambridge
Spence, Catherine Helen 66
Trotsky, Leon 29
Spurr, Barry 158
Trudeau, Pierre 131
Stalin, Joseph 19–20, 22, 26, 27–31,
Tucker, Robert 29
193, 195–6, 305
Turner, Ian 68, 242
Steedman, Carolyn 303
Twain, Mark 104
Steele, Ian K. 277
Stegner, Wallace 121–2
United Church of Canada 106,
Steinberg, Jonathan 25
108–11, 114–15, 117–18
Stephens College (Missouri) 282
United College, Winnipeg 123–9,
Steven, Margaret 263
Strachey, Jane 143
University of Adelaide 229, 233, 238,
Strachey, Lytton 8, 137–71, 270, 304
241, 242–3, 250, 259
Strachey, Sir Richard 142–3, 146
University of California, Los Angeles
Stretton, Hugh 242
(UCLA) 290, 295
subjectivity 2, 18–19, 33, 37, 260,
University of Cambridge 8, 138, 127,
149, 151, 158, 170, 171, 230,
Suez Crisis 55
238, 261; Trinity College 137,
Summers, Anne 75, 245
138, 149, 169. See also Cambridge
Swarthmore College (Pennsylvania)
283, 293
University of Chicago 19, 40, 280,
Tapp, Edwin 263
University of Durham 286
Taylor, A.J.P. 3, 21, 63, 123, 304
University of Kansas 282, 284
Taylor, Barbara 303
University of London 127, 280, 286
Taylor, Charles 191
University of Manchester 280
Taylor, Paul 223
University of Manitoba 124
Teale, Ruth 263
Theobald, Marjorie 269
University of Melbourne 10–11, 18,
Walvin, James 4, 39–63
43, 48, 57, 68, 70, 72, 75–6, 85,
Ward, Biff 269
228, 233–43 passim, 245, 250,
Ward, John Manning 243–4
253–4, 259. See also Melbourne
Ward, Mary 153, 162
University Press
Ward, Russel 240, 244, 267, 269
University of Michigan 279–80
Watson, Don 269–70
University of Minnesota 282, 286
Webb, Jessie Stobo 233–4, 266
University of Nebraska 282, 283, 288
Wellesley College (Massachusetts)
University of New Hampshire 294
University of Oxford 10, 43, 54, 57,
Wells College (New York) 275, 283,
70, 76, 82, 85, 90, 127, 190–5,
229, 230, 257; All Souls College
West, Francis 261, 262
233, 250; Balliol College 10, 190,
White Australia Policy 83, 234
230–3, 237, 241–3, 250, 256;
White, Patrick 87, 89–90
New College 257; St Antony’s
White, Richard 87, 99
College 26–7
Whitlam, Gough 43, 89. See also
University of Pennsylvania 278
University of the Punjab 237
Whitson, Agnes M. 280, 291, 298
University of Queensland 219, 229,
Wilde, W.H. (Bill) 267
233, 243
Willard, Myra 234–5
University of St Andrews 280
Williams, C.M. (Mick) 242
University of Sydney 53–4, 68–9,
Wilson College (Pennsylvania) 275,
70–1, 73, 75, 228–39 passim,
283, 286, 287, 299
243–4, 245, 257
Winks, Robin W. 213
University of Tasmania 229
Winnipeg General Strike 125, 132
University of Toronto 71, 128, 134
women historians 4–5, 11, 12, 19,
University of Western Australia 67,
65–78, 233–5, 245, 249, 266–8,
229, 233, 241, 242, 250
273–99, 302–3
University of Western Ontario 115
Wood, F.L.W. (Fred) 232, 237
University of York (United Kingdom)
Wood, G. Arnold 228–34 passim,
Upton, Eleanor S. 280, 282, 283
Woodsworth, J.S. 116, 123
Woolf, Leonard 138, 139, 142, 153,
Vandiver, Frank 268
164, 168
Vassar College (New York) 283, 287
Woolf, Virginia 93, 151, 159, 267
Victoria University College (New
Working Men’s College, London 149,
Zealand) 237
152, 153
Vietnam War 83
Wright, Donald xiv, 6–7, 10
Vimy Ridge, Battle of 107, 114
Volkogonov, Dmitri 29
Yale University 10, 12, 273–99
York University (Canada) 103, 122
Walker, David 269, 302
Walter, James 89
Walvin, Emma 42, 46, 55, 56, 61
Document Outline
List of Contributors
1. Introduction
Autobiographies of Historians 2. Writing History/Writing about Yourself: What’s the Difference?
3. Walvin, Fitzpatrick and Rickard: Three Autobiographies of Childhood and Coming of Age
4. The Female Gaze: Australian Women Historians’ Autobiographies
Nation-Defining Authors 5. ‘A gigantic conf
ession of life’: Autobiography, ‘National Awakening’ and the Invention of Manning Clark
6. Ceci n’est pas Ramsay Cook: A Biographical Reconnaissance
Discipline-Defining Authors 7. Intersecting and Contrasting Lives: G.M. Trevelyan and Lytton Strachey
8. An Ingrained Activist: The Early Years of Raphael Samuel
9. Pursuing the Antipodean: Bernard Smith, Identity and History
Collective Biography 10. Australian Historians Networking, 1914–1973
11. Country and Kin Calling? Keith Hancock, the National Dictiona
12. Imperial Women: Collective Biography, Gender and Yale-trained Historians
13. Concluding Reflections