Behind the Mask

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Behind the Mask Page 2

by J. L. Ostle

  Naomi and I stand in front of them and we pretend to be singing to them like this is our performance and they are the crowd. I love music with every inch of my soul. I love music that makes you feel. Songs that make you want to sing, make you cry, ones that bring up precious memories.

  When we sing the last words, I smile to Naomi and laugh when Rich and Gav clap to our little show. I look at the clock hanging on the wall and know I’m going to look like shit for the whole day.

  “Come on, we better get some sleep,” I tell Naomi.

  “Make sure you film it.” Gav winks at us.

  “You wish.” Naomi chuckles.

  “I do,” Gav says, blowing us both a kiss.

  Grabbing her hand, I take us both upstairs until we are in my room. We both grab quick showers to get rid of some of the smell that has lingered on us. When we get under the sheets, I can feel my eyes getting heavy.

  “Thank you for tonight,” I say before yawning.

  “You mean morning.” We both laugh.

  “Yes, you are the best.”

  “I know.” We both laugh again before sleep takes us both over.

  The alarm goes off and I feel like I just went to sleep ten minutes ago. I hate house parties. They mess up my beauty sleep. I look over at Naomi and she is still snoring away. I haven’t got the heart to wake her just yet, so I will let her stay in bed until I wake up the others first.

  I get dressed in my fancy smart black pants, black blouse, tying my hair up in a messy bun with a few strands surrounding my face. I wear natural makeup with plenty of concealer to cover the circles under my eyes.

  I still look like death, but it will do.

  I hate this part as I know I will hear every cuss word under the sun. I start shouting through the house waking everyone up, banging on doors and walls. I head to Tegan’s room first, banging the door open, telling her to get up. In response I get the finger. I smirk as I walk to the edge of the bed, pulling the sheets off her.

  “What the fuck?” She sits up shouting at me, her hand going to her head.

  “Time to get up. The limo is coming in thirty minutes, so get your ass out of bed or you can go to the interview half naked. I don’t care.” I put my hands on my hips.

  “I think I’m dying.” She groans. I roll my eyes.

  Drama queen.

  “It is self-inflicted. You got yourself to blame. Now get up, and if I don’t see you out of bed in five minutes I will pour water over you.”

  She knows I will, as I have done it before.

  “I hate you.” She sticks her tongue out at me.

  I blow her a kiss. “Love you too, sis.” I start walking out the door. “Now get up,” I say one last time, hearing her groans behind me. I would never do this to the guys as I wouldn’t have the guts to. Tegan is my sister, and trust me, half the errands she gets me to do, doing this is my added bonus.

  I smile wickedly.

  I knock on Troy’s door, waiting for a sound. When I don’t hear anything, I open up and see him with some blonde sleeping next to him. I tiptoe toward him, shaking his shoulder until he stirs and looks at me.

  “Please tell me it’s not time to get up.” He groans, rubbing his eyes. He looks to the side of him and groans even louder. I know he hates it when he passes out before kicking out his one-night stand. “Kill me now.”

  I chuckle. “You want me to go all crazy on her ass?”

  He gives me a playful smile. “If you don’t mind, kiddo.”

  I step back and pretend to stretch, my head going from side to side, getting into crazy mode.

  “Up, up, up,” I shout, pulling the sheets off the bed. The girl wakes up screaming, trying to cover her naked body. I pick up the dress from the floor, throwing it at her. “Get dressed, you know the drill.” I find her shoes and throw them near her. “Troy has business this morning, so give him a quick kiss and leave.” I walk to the door, opening it wide.

  “You can’t be serious.” She stands, putting the dress on that hardly covers her.

  “She is the boss of our schedule, so what she says goes,” Troy says, sitting up against the headboard. Least he’s wearing boxers as that’s an image I never want to see. I know Naomi would die if I saw his package before she did.

  “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go.” I clap my hands like I’m talking to a child.

  “Here’s my number.” She passes him a card. I wonder where that came from. She leans forward, giving him a heated kiss before walking toward me.

  “I’ll call you,” Troy says, but I know he won’t. He never does.

  “Look forward to it.” She smiles sweetly at him. When she turns and faces me, the smile falls. “You could be a little nicer in the morning.”

  I roll my eyes. “I will try and remember that.” I walk behind her to the front door and by the huff sounds she’s making she isn’t pleased, but I followed her. Girls try and hide when they are meant to leave or think they can take something as a souvenir.

  Gav and Rich are standing by the door and once they see us coming, they stand up straighter, their faces going serious.

  “You know what to do guys.” I leave her with them and they open the front door wide for her, their eyes solely on her. If you don’t know them like I do, they can be a little scary as they give off an ‘I will kill you without a second thought’ aura.

  Once she’s gone I head back to Troy, who is looking out the window still in just his boxers. Troy has a very nice body, all toned with a sexy V and abs, tanned skin. Green eyes, dark messy brown hair, he is gorgeous. You’d have to be blind to not find him attractive, but he is too much of a player. He says before he settles down with the right girl, he wants to sow his oats first.

  Spread his seed.

  “Thanks, kiddo. I can’t believe I passed out.” He turns, facing me.

  “It’s okay. I like waking people up.” I smile at him.

  “You’re just evil.” He laughs.

  “I know. Now go and get ready. I better go wake up the rest.”

  “How did Tegan take the wakeup call?” He continues laughing.

  “Like she always does,” I say before walking away and I hear him continue to laugh. Walking back to Tegan’s room I hear the shower going. I feel a little disappointed that I couldn’t throw water on her.

  It definitely would have made my day.

  I knock on Sam’s door and after a moment I hear him call me in. I open the door slowly to see him showered and dressed drinking a cup of coffee. I love that he is the responsible one. At least it’s only three I have to babysit.

  “Doing the wakeup calls.” He walks toward me with a cup of coffee. As soon as the smell hits my nostrils I almost groan. Taking a sip, I swear my eyes almost roll back. I am sure this is what an orgasm feels like.

  “You do know how to make me happy.” I smile at him and he shrugs. Sam just like Troy could pass off as an underwear model. I have seen Sam shirtless numerous times and he is drool-worthy. He could have any girl he wants but unfortunately for women he bats for the other team.

  “You work too hard. I saw how clean the place is. I know I went to bed with the place looking chaotic.” We both take a seat on his bed.

  “You guys are like the number one rock band at the moment, so of course everyone and anyone were going to be at last night’s party. What is a party if it doesn’t get crazy?” I laugh.

  “How’s our lead singer this morning?” He changes the subject. I try and act like last night didn’t happen, even though just thinking of him makes my body heat up. I would have loved to fall asleep in Nate’s arms, but I know it would be a different story if he woke up and saw me in his bed.

  “Haven’t got to him yet. Was too busy making sure Tegan got up and walk out one of Troy’s girls.”

  Sam laughs. “Bet Troy is kicking himself this morning.”

  “I had to go all military on her ass.” I take another sip of my coffee before standing, placing my cup on the side. “I better go wake up Nate. Thank you
for the coffee, you are a lifesaver.” I give him a kiss on the cheek and leave.

  Knocking on Nate’s door, I open it to see him exactly where I left him. It’s like he hasn’t moved a muscle. I walk to the side of his bed, shaking his arm, calling out his name. He wakes up, his hand gliding along the empty space that I took last night. He turns to me and like always his eyes have gone blank.

  He looks at me like I’m a stranger.

  That he wasn’t the sweetest guy ever who didn’t want me to leave.

  “Hey,” he says sitting up, taking the sheets off him.

  “Hey, you have to get ready. The limo will be here in twenty minutes or so.”

  He nods, looking back at the empty space of the bed then facing me.

  “Thanks, Blair.” He stands, walking past me to the bathroom. I stand there looking at the closed door. Why does he act so differently around me when he’s sober? It’s not fair. I want to stamp my foot like a child, but I know I’m being ridiculous.

  I head back to my room, waking up Naomi, and she groans sitting up, patting down her messy hair. I lean against my headboard, fumbling with my fingers.

  “He acted like you didn’t exist again,” Naomi says. I look to her and she gives me a sympathetic look.

  “You think I would be used to it by now.” I shake my head in frustration. “I tell myself that I will move on, but he does something sweet and kind and I’m pulled right back in. I would do anything for him to look at me with interest like I’m not the little sister who cleans up his shit.”

  “We can’t help how we feel.” She stands up. “Don’t be too hard on yourself. I’m going to take a quick shower to wake myself up. Will you be okay?”

  I wave her off. “Of course. Go get ready.” I watch her go.

  I grab my phone, going through the band’s media sites when I hear Rich’s voice on the caller system saying Jack is here. I smile running down the stairs, seeing Jack with bags of food and coffee sitting on the side table. Jack has his own café and he makes the best sandwiches, cakes, coffee, you name it. They don’t deliver usually, but because it’s for Blacken Hart, he made an exception.

  “Jack, right on time. You are a godsend to this band.” I pay for the food and also give him a generous tip as it is worth every cent. I grab the brown bags, placing them on the desk near the front door with the coffees. I take the receipt, placing it in my notebook.

  “You know I find it an honor to serve you and the band. You are the one who helped me make my business famous.” The band said in an interview where they love to eat and since then the café is busy all the time, people hoping to see the band.

  “I didn’t do anything. It’s your cooking and baking. We just can’t seem to get enough.”

  “But it was you who gave them my food. I will always be grateful.” He presses his hand to his heart.

  “We help each other out. Will call you for the next load soon.” We say our goodbyes before closing the door.

  I open the bags, organizing whose drink goes to whom and what food. I stand near the door, sipping my chocolate syrup latte. I pass a coffee and a panini to Rich and Gav, which they thanked me for. I am sure they haven’t eaten since last night.

  I text the guys coffee and food is here. Soon I hear footsteps coming like the food is their beacon. Naomi comes down first, taking a huge sip of her coffee that I hand her.

  “That is such good shit.” She moans.

  I see Sam next, who kisses my forehead, and I pass him his black coffee and cheese and ham toastie. He stands to my side, then Tegan comes down in black leather pants and a white tank. If you didn’t know us, you wouldn’t think we were related. Tegan got her looks from our mom. Olive skin, light wavy brown hair, brown eyes. I look just like my dad. Pale skin, dark straight brown hair, dark green eyes. We are both curvy with decent-sized breasts and ass, but that’s as similar as we get.

  Tegan always loved rock music, as I went for the poppy, power ballads. I also like my cheesy music. I am not afraid to admit I loved my boybands growing up. Blacken Hart play between rock and power ballad, but growing up seeing them play from our garage to the big time, I like to think I am their number one fan.

  I pass Tegan her skinny latte and blueberry muffin. She gives me a nod in acknowledgment. I know she is dealing with a hangover from hell. If she sleeps fully dressed, I know she drank more than what she should have.

  Troy and Nate come down together talking to one another and they stop when they see us. I pass them their coffees and food choice. Troy gives me a one-armed hug as Nate just says thanks and nothing else. Naomi gives me a look, but I give her one back. We head outside to the limo that is waiting.

  “Thank you, Max.” I thank the driver, who gives me a professional smile. I watch as the band climbs in. Naomi goes in next, then me. It is a quiet trip while we all eat and finish off our coffees and once we get to our destination we all perk up a little.

  When the door opens flashes from cameras go off. I climb out first and step to the side and watch as each member climbs out, fans screaming out their names. I step back as they shake some hands and give a few autographs. No one knows who I am. I just stand there watching until they walk into the building and I walk in behind with Naomi at my side and Rich and Gav right behind us.

  We are introduced to the host who is doing the interview and a few members behind the camera. The band takes their seats, probably not taking in the people’s names as they might not see them again. I am walking toward the cameramen when I feel myself being pulled.

  “Sorry, miss, this is a closed set,” a man with a shaved head in black pants and white shirt says. I roll my eyes. I am used to being invisible. When you are with the band you can’t help but not to be. But when they try and pull me away, I get annoyed.

  “I am with the band.” I show him my pass and he lets go of my arm.

  “Sorry.” He apologizes. What a great start of the day.

  “You should be sorry,” Naomi says angrily and the guy gives me another apologetic look before walking away. “I swear some people can be such idiots. I could see your visitor’s pass a mile off.”

  “It’s fine really. Not the first time it has happened.” I find a spot away from people and watch the band get asked question after question.

  “Still sucks, though.” Naomi stands at my side. It does, but when you have a sister who is in a famous rock band, you are going to be lost in the background.

  In the shadows.

  The interview lasted twenty minutes and they played their newest song that is released, which the audience loved. Most of the questions went to Nate, which is no surprise there, as he is the lead singer and also, he is hot.

  And the most wanted man to bed.

  He gives off that mysterious vibe as he doesn’t talk about his personal life. I am around the band every day, but it doesn’t mean I know the ins and outs of their lives. Nate could be fucking someone regularly and I wouldn’t know about it.

  Just thinking about him being intimate, showing affection toward another girl, does feel like a dagger to the heart.

  Once the band says their goodbyes they start heading to the exit. They either want to get back home to sleep some more before tonight’s concert or eat some more. When I say the last bit, I mean Troy. That guy can eat until the cows come home and doesn’t gain a pound.

  Lucky bastard.

  Naomi and I are talking about having a movie day until we pass out when I hear my sister call out my name. I groan, knowing I won’t be chilling anytime soon.

  “Hey, Teegs,” I say the nickname she hates.

  “You know I hate that name.”

  I put on an innocent look. “I didn’t realize.”

  She looks at me, knowing I’m talking shit. “Whatever, I need you to go pick up my leather pants from Dior, my top from Jessica’s, and I wrote a few other things down that also need to be done.” She hands me a piece of paper and even though it’s only ten things that I need to do, they are nowhere near each oth

  “You do know I didn’t get much sleep either,” I whine at her. I know by the time I get through this list, I will need to head to the venue where the concert is taking place to make sure everything is set up correctly.

  “You should have made sure you slept more.”

  I glare at her.

  “You know I need to be at my best for the fans. You know I love you.”

  I roll my eyes and nod.

  “Great, kisses.” She air kisses my cheeks and starts walking off.

  “Kiddo, is it okay if you grab me a baguette from Jacks on your way home?” Troy asks, giving me his panty, charming smile. Too bad it doesn’t work for me.

  “You got it.” Naomi jumps in. I look at her and she is caught under his spell. He gives her a wink and walks off.

  “Thanks for helping out,” I tell her and that seems to knock her out of her Troy daze.

  “Wait, what?”

  “You told Troy he’s got it, which means you agreed to helping out, as I would have said no.” I wouldn’t have. I’m a sucker to these guys, so I would have done it, but having my best friend at my side, the day won’t suck as much.

  “I need a nap, though.” She dramatically moans into my shoulder. I pat her head.

  “You and me both. The quicker we do this, the quicker we can take a nap in the band’s dressing room.”

  She groans again, causing me to chuckle.


  I look up to see a guilty looking Sam.

  “Panini?” I ask him and he gives me a little nod.

  “It’s on my list.” He smiles, giving me a kiss on the forehead before turning around.

  “What about my kiss?” Naomi bows her head, pointing to her forehead. Sam looks at me and back at her and I burst out laughing. Sam kisses her head. Naomi looks like she just won the lottery. She knows he’s gay, but he does have that I can’t have him, but I want him more thing going on.

  “Thank you. Feel the love now.” Sam shakes his head and walks off.

  I am writing down Troy’s and Sam’s orders on the piece of paper Tegan gave me when I feel a nudge to my arm and I turn to Naomi, who isn’t looking at me but straight ahead. I see Nate looking at me. I feel my heart skip a beat and it almost causes me to drop the pen and paper.


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