Raiya_Starter Zone_A LitRPG Saga

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Raiya_Starter Zone_A LitRPG Saga Page 8

by Russell Wilbinski

  Regardless, he saw that he had some prompts awaiting his attention.

  Congratulations, you have earned 5100 Experience for Killing Gertrude - Legendary Kobold Chieftain Boss Level 13.

  Congratulations! You have completed the quest “Friends in Low Places 1” - You have successfully helped remove Gertrude from power and installed Sawbones as the new Chieftain of the Kobold Warrens. Reward: 15,000 experience.

  Congratulations, you have received 25,000 relationship points with Sawbones - Relationship has improved from Friendly (2500) to Ally (27500)

  Unfortunately, you have received negative 100,000 relationship points with the Faction - Gertrude Clan - Relationship has decreased from Neutral (0) to burning hatred (-100,000)

  Achievement unlocked - “Did we just become best friends?” - for reaching the rank of Ally with an NPC, you receive 5,000 bonus experiences. Future gains of reputation with Sawbones clan will be increased by 5%

  Skree quickly looked through his prompts but was eventually pulled from his task by the grasping hands of Kobolds. He snapped back to reality and realized that two female Kobolds were shaking him, trying to get his attention.

  “Yes?” he asked slowly in Kobold.

  The small purple colored Kobold with jumped back a few inches. “Chieftain Sawbones wishes to see you in the Big Hut.”

  The smaller golden-brown Kobold chimed in “quickly, quickly!”

  With a grunt he stood, as pain lanced through his arm making him hiss, which startled the small Kobolds. He put up his hands in a gesture of peace and they settled down, hopping toward the large tent that Gertrude had emerged from.

  He ducked under the flap, still not quite tall enough for his six-foot frame. Luckily the inside was pretty spacious, and he could stand to his full height, with some room to stretch. He glanced around, seeing piles of fruits of and vegetables, along with a pile of charred rodent skewers on a nearby table.

  His stomach growled angrily, reminding him that he had not eaten for hours. He snagged two of the rodent skewers and a fresh apple-like fruit. He sniffed the rodent skewer gingerly, thankfully it just smelled like delicious meat.

  He couldn't help himself and he bit off a large chunk of the roasted flesh.

  “Mmmmmmmmm” he moaned as the rich meaty flavor hit his lips. “SOOO good.”

  As he continued to follow the small Kobold females, he stripped the flesh from the first skewer and set it on a nearby table. He ravenously tore into the next skewer and in seconds it was little more than bones on a stick. He looked around for another table or place to set it, but eventually tossed it into a corner.

  “When in rome.” he muttered amusingly to himself. His guides eventually lead him into another large room, this one more lavishly decorated with sleeping piles - mounds of pillows and furs, along with actual lantern style lighting. They were pretty crude, but it beat having torches in an enclosed space he figured.

  When Sawbones saw his friend, he leapt to his feet and exclaimed “Champion Skree!” before running over to his new ally. Sawbones was a small Kobold, so when the Kobold hugged his leg, Skree couldn’t help thinking of him as a talking dog, his big pointed Kobold ears adding to the image.

  “Sawbones!” Skree replied jovially, patting the little guy on the head. “Looks like we did it, eh friend?”

  Sawbones separated himself from Skree’s leg and regained his composure. “Indeed, we have my friend. Please come and sit with me at the table of the chieftain.”

  Skree was taken aback by his friend’s new eloquence. “Sawbones, why do you suddenly sound like a diplomat now?” he asked with a puzzled expression.

  Sawbones motioned toward a chair and Skree took a seat. Sawbones leaned back and sighed contentedly. He held up his hand, which was now adorned with an ornate blue stone ring.

  “This my friend, is the Daravesh, a ring that has been in our clan for generations. It bestows the knowledge of all prior chieftains who have worn the ring. It is an interesting piece of magic, and its effects on have been fairly significant.”

  He twisted the ring around his knuckle, the light blue gemstone shimmering in the lantern light. “I wish I could have explained a bit more clearly when we met, but as you know we Kobolds are generally, not that smart.”

  Skree focused on not laughing at this friend’s explanation. Best to not offend the new chieftain so soon.

  “You see, about 40 years ago, the Rot Teeth clan invaded our warren, and killed our chieftain and his council. These were the elders of the Blue Stone Clan, and after doing so, forced our clan into slavery and worse.”

  He looked away, stroking his chin pondering. “Strangely enough, I don't think I even remembered this before I put on this ring. Perhaps I never really understood it myself. Regardless, I know it now.” He tapped the gemstone to his lips.

  “According to these new memories, this ring was created for the chieftain’s bloodline only, so while Gertrude wore the ring she only gained a small benefit from it as she did not have the blood necessary to unlock its true potential.” He smiled wolfishly as he put his clawed feet up on the table.

  Skree leaned back and whistled appreciatively. “So, you gained some new memories, but that wouldn't explain your suddenly perfect diction.”

  Sawbones nodded, happy his friend was this observant. “You have learned the skill Analyze, have you not? Please, analyze me again.”

  Skree didn't know how Sawbones knew that but nodded in acquiescence and focused on Sawbones.

  Name: Sawbones, level 14


  Mana: 580

  Stamina: 250

  Disposition: Ally.

  “Kobolds are a primarily subterranean race, most are of low intelligence but are crafty and resourceful. They are not inherently evil but are antagonistic to most races on Raiya. Kobolds receive 2 stat points and 2 skill points per level.”

  As an Ally, you can view Sawbones full statistics.














  Skree felt his jaw hanging open, so he snapped it shut and reviewed the information one more time. Sawbones had more than double his own intelligence, and he had leveled tremendously!

  “Sawbones, you’re a genius now! How did you reach level 14?” He asked, bewildered.

  “I doubt that I am a genius, but I am definitely a lot brighter than I was just a few moments ago. To answer your question, I had been born with a secret quest - Reclaim the warren of the Blue Stone Clan. When you killed Gertrude, I completed part 1 of the quest.” Sawbones explained. “After I closed the prompt, it gave me the second part of the quest, which led me to this ring, and to a small compartment in the floor over there.”

  He pointed in the direction of a small stone pillar before continuing. “Inside was a small scroll with an incantation which I read, and the ring exploded with light!” he looked again at the blue gemstone, fondly remembering the experience.

  “I cannot really explain how it felt but when the light faded, I just… knew so much! I had no idea I was such an idiot before.” Skree and Sawbones looked at each other, then burst out laughing, hearty, gut-wrenching laughs that forced tears from their eyes.

  Slowly, the regained themselves, and Skree leaned forward, placing his hand on Sawbones shoulder. “I am happy for you my friend. I could not have made it out of here alive without your help. I hope that we are even now.”

  Sawbones smile left his face in an instant. “Skree, you may think that what you have done for me makes us even, but you are wrong.” Skree visibly tensed, thinking he was about to be betrayed.

  “What you fail to understand is that for 40 years my people have been slaves to another clan, we had lost our ancestral blood connection and our memories had faded. We were little
more than dirty animals. But this ring…” He held it up, the gemstone seeming to glow brightly with an internal light.

  “Is so much more than just a trinket that makes me smarter. It will restore some of the intelligence and skills to every member of the Blue Stone Clan.”

  He pumped his fist into the air, a bubble of blue light pulsing outward from the ring, expanding in all directions quickly and passing directly through the walls of the stone building.

  Outside they heard screams of fear as the light raced outward, followed by gasps and cries of triumph. The doorway to the secluded area burst open as a multitude of Kobolds rushed in. They were wielding weapons and had a sort of crazed expression on their faces.

  Skree stood quickly and drew his sword, preparing for the fight of his life. Sawbones nearly fell out of his chair at the sight of the steel in his friend’s hand. “Skree, what are you doing?”

  The human looked around quickly, seeing the exit blocked by a half dozen armed Kobolds. “Peace be upon you friend, put the sword away.” the Kobold said softly.

  Sawbones stood slowly, walking to stand in front of his human friend. “We are not even mister Skree, not by a long shot. This victory, this freedom that you have given the Clan is something that can never be repaid. We have our blood memories back and these are the new elders of the Blue Stone Clan.”

  He gestured toward the six Kobolds blocking the exit, who drove stick and sword into the earth, kneeling before their hero. Skree was still confused but lowered his sword. When he looked to Sawbones for a better explanation, Skree realized the Kobold Chieftain was kneeling as well.

  “Champion Skree, Hero of the Blue Stone Clan. Will you accept our offer of allegiance to your cause, welcome our blood to your family and tie our future to yours?” Sawbones asked with solemnity.

  A prompt appeared in his vision, one he had not seen before. It was beautifully gilded and was accompanied by a deep melody that spoke of ancient reverence.

  “You have been named Champion and Hero of the Blue Stone Clan - an honor such as this cannot be granted to another so long as you live and maintain a positive relationship with the Blue Stone Clan. As such, Blue Stone Clan extends an offer of blood allegiance to you and your cause, whatever it may be for as long as your goals remain aligned.”


  Blue Stone Clan members will follow your orders as long as they do not harm the clan.

  Blue Stone Clan members will provide resources regularly at a steeply discounted rate.

  Blue Stone Clan will defend you against any enemy and ally itself with you in any war.


  You will be unable to form another alliance with any other Kobold clan.

  You will be required to defend the Blue Stone Clan against any enemy or be named traitor of the clan.

  “Will you accept the title and responsibilities of the Blue Stone Champion? Yes or No?”

  Skree read the information with a smile. He had been on this island for less than a week and he was already a champion with a powerful new ally? “Damn I’m good!” he thought.

  He mentally selected yes, closing the prompt. As soon as it vanished, a stream of words came to him unbidden. Ancient oaths long forgotten poured forth from his lips.

  “A vow has been given of free mind and body. My heart resides within the halls of the Blue Stone Clan and my allegiance remains true. I accept your Blood Allegiance as you do mine.” He pulled the dagger from his belt and nicked his palm. A bead of blood welled up and then fell to the ground.

  Sawbones stood and repeated the action, his black blood falling to the floor and mingling with the red drops. A light flashed from the Daravesh ring and the blood vanished, leaving a small ring with a blue gemstone where the blood had been.

  Sawbones picked it up and handed it to Skree.

  You have found Blue Stone Champion Ring, Rarity: Unique Legendary, Quality: Masterwork, Durability: 3900/3900

  This ring signifies you as the clan Blue Stone Champion and Blood Ally of the Clan. Grants the following benefits:

  +5 to all stats

  Inspiring aura - Grant bonus +50 melee damage and +50 spell damage to any Kobold of Blue Stone Clan within 500 yards.

  Rage of the Blue Stone Champion - Any time a Kobold of the blue stone clan is killed in battle within 500 yards of you, you instantly regain 50 health and your strength increases by +10 for 30 seconds. This effect can stack up to 5 times.

  Skree damn near wet himself - a legendary unique item with some of the craziest stats he had ever seen! +5 to all stats was amazing but if he ever did end up in a war alongside his new allies, he now understood the importance and gravity of the Champion role.

  Skree slid the ring onto his finger, feeling stronger, faster, and smarter than ever before. He looked down at his ally and grinned. “This is a gift I shall always cherish, Sawbones. Now, I know you leveled up and should have regained all your mana, think I could ask you for another one of those juicy healing spells?”

  Sawbones just shook his head and extended his hand. A feeling of warmth flooded through his damaged body and the pain receded as the last of his Health points came rushing back.

  Once the light had faded, Skree rolled his shoulder and flexed his fingers. The pain was completely gone. “Now that’s what friends are for!” He said with absolute joy.

  He was really starting to like magic in this world.


  Sawbones signaled the new elders and they each came forth and laid a selection of items at their champions feet. Skree looked at Sawbones with a look of shock.

  “Sawbones, you have already given me more than I could have expected. I cannot accept more gifts.” Skree said with his most grateful tone of voice.

  Sawbones chuckled, shaking his head. “I haven't given you any gifts, and these are just the spoils from Gertrude’s chamber. You have slain our blood enemy and as such, you have every right to her possessions.” He gestured to the assorted items. “Like you said, your kill, your loot.”

  “Oooooh baby!” Skree thought looking at the piles of gear in front of him. He dove in like a fat kid at an all you can eat pancake buffet.

  You have found Savage Steel Hatchet, Rarity: Uncommon, Quality: Above Average, Damage: 16, Durability: 40/40

  Savage Weapons can inflict bleeding wounds on any critical strike. Bleed damage 10 damage per second for 8 seconds

  Congratulations, you have found:

  Savage Steel Great Sword

  Rarity: Uncommon, Quality: Superb, Durability 80/80, weight 8.8 kilograms. Damage: 38-58

  Savage Weapons can inflict bleeding wounds on any critical strike. Bleed damage 10 damage per second for 8 seconds

  Congratulations, you have found: Hardened Steel Breastplate, Type: Heavy Armor

  Rarity: Uncommon, Quality: Above Average, Durability 40/40, Armor: 30, Weight 8.4 kilograms.

  Congratulations, you have found: Hardened Steel Greaves, Type: Heavy Armor

  Rarity: Uncommon, Quality: Above Average, Durability 40/40, Armor: 16, Weight 3.4 kilograms.

  Congratulations, you have found: Heavy Hide Cloak, Type: Medium Armor

  Rarity: Uncommon, Quality: Above Average, Durability 20/20, Armor: 6, Weight 2.2 kilograms.

  You have found Magic Ring x 2

  This item is unidentified, seek out someone with the skill Identify to learn its magical properties.

  You have found Magic Belt

  This item is unidentified, seek out someone with the skill Identify to learn its magical properties.

  You have found Soul Gem x 5, Level Common

  Soul Gems can be used to enchant items with the appropriate skill or can refill the charges on a magical item.

  You have found 212 Silver pieces

  You have found a set of Bone Dice

  You have found a small collection of assorted teeth x 8

  After reviewing all the loot, Skree was flabbergasted. He should have been demolished by Gertrude and her arsenal of powerful wea
pons and armor. He reviewed his fight with Gertrude, puzzled by the fact she was wearing none of these armor pieces and the great sword was nowhere to be seen.

  She must have thought that her skill alone would be enough to carry her to an easy victory. Well as my pappy used to say, the best fighter is the one still standing at the end, and I’m the one still standing so I guess it doesn't really matter now, though her death would serve as an important lesson for Skree: do not let overconfidence lead you to your doom. Despite this, Skree frowned.

  “How the hell am I supposed to carry all of this?” he asked Sawbones, a hint of confusion in his voice.

  “My recommendation?” Sawbones said with a hint of mirth “Very carefully.”

  Skree stared at him for a second before busting out into a fit of laughter. Looks like Bones was damn funny with that big new brain of his.

  “If you will stay for a few days, I can have our leather workers create some harnesses for you to wear that will allow you to carry more of these weapons.” Sawbones said in a friendly tone. “And I assume you will be staying? We need to have a feast in your honor of course.”

  “Stay here?” Skree asked, looking around at the strangely furnished hut. “I suppose I could use a day or two to rest and prepare for my glorious return to the island.” He was struck by a thought.

  “Speaking of returning to the surface, you wouldn't happen to have a map of the Island, would you?” Skree asked hopefully.

  Sawbones took a moment to think, digging through his new-found memories. “Actually, I am pretty sure we have an outdated map, but it is a pretty empty island, so I doubt that much has changed since it was created.” Sawbones scratched idly at his ear. “I will have it brought to your sleeping area tonight for you to review. Obviously, you are free to keep it.”

  Skree clapped giddily, excited at how much progress he was making in such a short time. He had fought hard, and his efforts were starting to pay dividends at a fantastic rate.


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