The Girl With The Curves #1 (Positive Curves, #1)

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The Girl With The Curves #1 (Positive Curves, #1) Page 3

by Iris Deorre

  It all started the day she’d left Sebastian’s office with a spring in her step. Angelina couldn’t help but notice and wondered what could have made Harley look so confident. It was the sense around the office; everyone could sense something had happened. In the beginning Angelina had thought she was the star of the show, the one who got given all of Harleys work. Sebastian had taken her ideas over Harleys every time. It worried her that Harley looked different, not physically but there was something in her demeanour that had changed, and so the vicious remarks began. But Harley, not once made a complaint to Sebastian instead she’d taken it just like she’d always done. But something happened after Harley had given Sebastian an update about Susannah. Angelina was called into Sebastian’s office. Angelina walked past Harley’s station with a smirk on her face but ten minutes later she walked out like a raging bull.

  ‘I don’t know what you’ve told Mr Forrest about me but I’m onto you, you stupid cow!’ Her words were low so that no one could hear. ‘I’m onto you.’

  Harley’s heart thudded, the woman was smaller than she was, in fact Harley would’ve been able to break her in two if she wanted to but the fear stopped her. Instead Harley did what she did best, put her head down and took it. The ping from her computer took her away from it for a moment. It was a message from Sebastian.

  Don’t let anyone put you down!

  Harley didn’t understand, had he witnessed what had just happened or did Sebastian just know types like Angelina. Nothing further came. Harley could hear the giggling in the distance, it felt like being back at high school.

  Harley took a deep breath then pushed back her seat with Sebastian’s words ringing through her head. Shoulders back and head held high and heart beating at a vicious rate Harley walked towards the sniggering women.


  Angelina swung the chair to face Harley.

  ‘In future I suggest you address me by my name which is Harley. Clearly you don’t know it. We’re all grown ups here and there’s no need for name calling.’ Harley kept her eyes on Angelina even though she was shaking like a leaf on the inside.

  ‘And if I don’t?’ She folded her arms.

  ‘Then I suggest you get an escort the minute you step out of this building.’

  ‘Is that a threat?’

  ‘Yes.’ Harley swirled on her toes and walked back to her seat, hoping Angelina wouldn’t say a word, shaking so much her heart was thudding...

  ‘I can’t believe you said that!’ Amber put a carrot into her mouth.

  They had met after work and decided to go out for dinner.

  ‘I know, me neither. You know I wouldn’t do that right.’

  ‘I wouldn’t blame you if you did. Good for you.’ She forked the salad. ‘There’s something different about you.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Harley pushed the fork filled with pasta into her mouth. She shut her eyes briefly as the spices and sauces tickled her taste buds.

  ‘You just seem more...more... what’s the word.’


  ‘Hmm, yeah confident.’

  Harley smiled slyly. The past couple of weeks had been going great.

  ‘You hardly slam your boss anymore, what’s going on.’

  ‘Well...’ she took more food into her mouth. ‘I’ve got a little project I’m working on. Quite interesting.’

  Amber raised her eyebrows.

  ‘It’s about a woman called Susannah Craft, I’m doing some research on her.’

  ‘Why, is she newsworthy?’

  ‘After the things I’m finding out I would say so.’

  ‘What things?’

  ‘I don’t think I want to share it right now, not until I get the go ahead from Sebastian.’

  ‘Sebastian, who the hell is Sebastian?’

  ‘Oh I mean Mr Forrest.’

  Amber put down the fork and studied her friend.

  ‘What’s going on? Since when are you on first name basis’s with your boss.’

  ‘Since a while ago.’ Her eyes drifted as she thought about Sebastian.

  ‘How come I don’t know anything about this?’

  ‘There’s nothing to know.’

  ‘Is he shagging you?’

  ‘Noooo and keep your voice down.’ Harley looked around her.

  ‘Something’s going on, first name basis, something is definitely going on.’

  ‘Nothing is going on, now drop it.’

  ‘Aha, you are different. Feisty, I’ve never seen you like this. That Mr Forrest has got something on you.’

  ‘I’m just doing a job for him that he asked me to.’

  ‘Fine, but be careful. Look what happened to me dating in the workplace and he wasn’t even my boss.’

  ‘He was a jerk.’

  ‘Yeah I agree. I see that now.’

  They drifted on, Harley told her about the ball she was going to at the weekend.

  ‘A ball? What kind of people are you hanging out with?’

  ‘It’s work. My boss doesn’t know though. I managed to get onto the list as a reporter. I want to make him proud.’ She smiled.

  ‘I bet you do.’

  ‘It’s nothing like that.’

  The look on Amber’s face said it all. The pursed lips, the raised eyebrows that said, I’m not buying that. But Harley didn’t worry, instead her mind was on Sebastian. He had captured her, turned her into a different woman and the more time she spent with him, the more her heart warmed to him.

  ‘Are you getting dessert?’ Harley asked as the waiter cleared the table.

  ‘Do you want to share?’

  ‘What do you fancy?’

  ‘How about we go for the brownie with cream,’ said Amber.

  ‘Yeah that sounds perfect. Can we have a brownie with cream?’ She smiled up at the waiter. ‘To share please.’

  He nodded and the pair went back to discussing parts of their day.

  Chapter Five

  It was almost six o’clock when Harley stepped into Sebastian’s office. He looked up, smiled and offered her a seat. She sat nervously, every moment spent with him was one filled with excitement and trepidation. He wore a black suit like he did on most days with a white crisped shirt. The tie to his attire had been loosened and his hair was a little ruffled. It had been a hard day for Sebastian and it showed. But having her there, her presence was like a wand that cast away the exhaustion and replaced it with calm. He sat back and admired her, Harley shifted uncomfortably, it was hard trying to get used to so much attention in such a short space of time.

  ‘So any more news on Susannah?’ he asked.

  Harley pushed forward the file she’d started on the woman. Susannah was intriguing, she had an air about her. She was tall and beautiful and didn’t apologies about it to anyone. There was something mysterious about her, Harley would watch Susannah from time to time. There was this secret life about her and yet she lived so publicly it was hard to explain. Harley had begun to discover that she actually enjoyed following the dark haired beauty around. It made the day that much more interesting.

  ‘What I can’t seem to find is her personal life.’ Harley was frustrated. ‘I mean it’s like this woman doesn’t exist and yet she does.’

  Sebastian smiled curiously, he knew exactly what she was looking for but wouldn’t hand it to her on a plate. He needed this to be done by the best, he had big plans for Susannah.

  ‘I don’t understand it.’ She continued. ‘It’s like trying to chase your own shadow, you know it exists and yet you just can’t catch it... I’m I making any sense?’

  With his attention half on her and half on the file he nodded but then quickly closed it and said, ‘Perfect sense. I’m particularly interested in the man in the picture.’ He reopened the file and pushed a photograph across.

  Harley studied the photo of Susannah and the youngish blond gentleman.

  ‘Oh yes him, they spend quite a considerable amount of time together.’

  ‘They do?’ T
his was the first he’d heard of this. ‘What does he do?’

  ‘Some sort of a model, I’m not certain but I’ve someone looking into that for me.’

  ‘Hmm, I’m very impressed.’ He was extremely impressed and attracted to her.

  ‘You are?’

  ‘Yes, you’ve done well thus far.’

  ‘Why her?’

  ‘I have my reasons.’

  Harley understood not to pressure her boss for details after all he was the one calling the shots not her.

  ‘Doing anything interesting this evening Moyer?’

  ‘No sir...I mean Sebastian.’ Harley still hadn’t got the hang of it.

  ‘Good, because I’m taking you out.’

  ‘You are?’ The statement shocked her.

  ‘I am.’ He smiled as he pushed the file back to her. ‘Now tell me, where do you like to dine?’ Sebastian stood up.

  Harley mirrored his gesture and stood up too her heart thudding and stomach fluttered. She watched him periodically as he guided her out of the office and took the lift to the ground floor.

  They were met by his chauffer and ferried off to the Leeds city centre. Harley didn’t know what to say or where to direct him, she was far too shy. As far as she was concerned eating was out of the question.

  ‘Will this do?’ Sebastian guided her into the Italian restaurant.

  ‘Isn’t this out of your class?’ she asked, it felt weird just being with him.

  Sebastian chuckled as he took off his suit jacket and made himself comfortable in the booth opposite her.

  ‘I don’t buy into the bullshit,’ he said. ‘Food is food.’

  ‘True.’ But she still wasn’t convinced. Men like him wined and dined at the Ritz. ‘But people like you don’t hang with people like us.’

  ‘I’m not sure I understand.’

  ‘Of course you do.’ Harley began to relax in his presence. She really did like him and couldn’t believe they were actually having dinner together.

  ‘I can eat any where I want, hell I could fly you to Paris just for dinner.’

  Harley raised her eyebrows amused.

  ‘But I’d rather sit with you here and make sure you’re as comfortable as possible.’ He smiled.

  ‘So you think I’d be uncomfortable somewhere flashy?’

  ‘Probably,’ he said kindly. ‘It isn’t the way you think it is. When someone is looking from the outside in they think it’s all warm and cosy. We have whatever we want and yet even though we’re in the warmth we’re so cold inside.’

  ‘Wow, is it really that bad?’ Harley didn’t believe him one bit.

  ‘You have no idea. You’re young and free. My life was carved out for me the minute I came out of my mother’s womb. I can’t do what I want when I want.’

  ‘But you’re doing it right now.’

  He chuckled.


  ‘You’re a feisty one aren’t you?’

  Just then the mask of shyness returned. It had totally slipped she’d felt so relaxed with him that for a moment he wasn’t her boss.

  ‘I’m sorry I just – ’

  ‘Don’t be. You’re right to think those things. Most people think they want it all, that they’ll be happy when the have it all but in reality it’s not that way.’

  Harley studied him as he spoke. The curve of his lips and the slight smile that appeared ever so often; she smiled just watching him.

  ‘You don’t believe me?’

  ‘I find it hard to. I mean would you rather be poor and miserable or rich and miserable?’

  Just then a waiter approached the table and the couple decided on a white wine. Sebastian turned back to Harley and asked her to repeat the question. For a short moment he thought about it, poor or rich.

  ‘Why can’t it be comfortable, why does it have to be one or the other?’ he asked.

  ‘You have a point, I guess we all tend to look at life that way. It’s either one or the other. Rich or poor, pretty or ugly, thin or fat!’

  ‘And that my dear is the problem; I believe the happiest people are the ones in the middle. No one hears about them or even knows they exist. They’re not too rich the public notices them and their not too poor that the public notices them.’

  ‘Or they’re extremely beautiful that everyone notices them or they’re so ugly everyone can’t help but notice them.’ Harley thought about her life growing up.

  ‘I guess you and I have been cursed.’ He put his hand across the table and placed it over hers. ‘I’m too rich and you’re extremely beautiful.’

  Harley hid her face for a moment and focused on the table below.

  ‘I’m not beautiful,’ she said finally.

  ‘Why would you say such a thing? You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.’

  ‘Don’t say that.’

  ‘But it’s true.’

  The waiter returned with the wine. Sebastian offered to taste it, it wasn’t spectacular, no where near the fine wine’s his palate was accustomed too.

  Harley took back her hand and took a sip of the wine.

  ‘Why is a woman like you with such intelligence succumbed to the words of the foolish? It is clear that many people have made you believe this lie.’

  Harley sighed, compliments made her nervous.

  ‘I guess it’s the way it is.’

  ‘Do you know why I hired you?’

  Harley shook her head but just before he was about to continue the waiter was back to take the order. Sebastian settled for a chicken and prawn pasta dish while Harley chose the spaghetti with meatballs with a side salad.

  ‘Why did you hire me?’ she asked.

  Sebastian leaned back into the comfy seat and drunk her in. It was a shame that she couldn’t see her own beauty.

  ‘First and foremost you’re smart. There’s no denying that.’

  Harley knew that, hard work was all she really had.

  ‘There was something so amazing about you and different. You’re unique and I love that. Your dark skin sends tingles down my spine every time I lay eyes on you.’

  Harley felt the middle between her thighs quiver. No one had ever said such words to her.

  ‘You are so beautiful and you have this amazing smile.’

  It was all too much, Harley excused herself. In the ladies room she took deep breaths. Tears stung behind her eyes, the compliments were like bullets to her heart. It was odd, for years Harley had coped with the horrid remarks, she’d developed a thick skin but she hadn’t educated herself on how to deal with compliments. If a compliment had ever been sent her way, far and few between, it was because someone wanted something. Did Sebastian want something from her? Was he just saying this to get her to do things for him? Harley wiped away the tears, flushed the toilet and opened the door to the small cubicle. The eyes gazing back at her were dark, so dark that no one could see what lay behind them, not even herself. After a moment of self composure Harley made her way back to join Sebastian.

  ‘Have I upset you?’ he asked concerned.

  ‘No, I’m upset with myself.’

  ‘But why?’

  ‘It’s just’s all new to me and I’m overwhelmed.’

  The waiter returned with two steaming plates. After he’d laid them down and asked if either of them wanted pepper or cheese he disappeared.

  ‘Okay from this moment forth I won’t do anything that will make you uncomfortable.’ He took a fork full of food into his mouth and chewed for a moment. ‘Hmmm, this tastes pretty good.’

  Harley laughed grateful.

  ‘So tell me about you.’

  ‘What would you like to know?’ Harley’s shoulders dropped slightly.

  ‘Family, friends, home life.’

  ‘You really want to know about that?’

  ‘Of course I do.’

  Harley was an only child to a single mother. Her mother worked extremely hard to support her talented daughter.

  ‘Mum’s like me.’ There was aff
ection in her tone. ‘Same face shape, dark skin round hips.’ She giggled.

  ‘Ah, so it’s your mother I have to thank.’

  Harley giggled shaking her head.

  ‘She’s a nurse, works less now that I’m all grown up. I even suggested she retire but she won’t. She loves her independence.’

  ‘I see where you get your strength from.’

  Harley smiled, the same relaxed feeling she’d had when they’d arrived had returned. The stories flowed between them, Amber was mentioned and while she spoke, Sebastian couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  ‘Oh and I have a cat called Buttercup.’

  His eyes brightened as did hers. Harley shared with him how the kitty had been abandoned in the dirt bin and how she’d nursed her back to health.

  ‘l love her to bits,’ she said.

  ‘And I would love to meet her.’


  ‘Yes really, I love cats just never had a chance to have one.’

  They wrapped up dinner with a coffee and soon they were back in the car being chauffeured to her place.

  They walked in silence as Sebastian escorted Harley to the door. She fiddled for her keys nervously; the air between them was heated.

  ‘Thank you for a lovely evening,’ she said nervously. ‘I had a –’

  His lips pressed against hers before she could even breathe another word. Sebastian’s hands touched the small of her back gently. The kiss was soft and tender and Harley melted in his arms. Sebastian pulled back, his hand still on her back.

  ‘I think I better go.’ He stepped back. ‘Being with you this close is...’ He could feel himself weaken. ‘I guess I’ll see you Monday.’ He turned and began to walk back to the car.

  ‘Sebastian,’ she called out before she could stop herself.

  He turned back and gazed at her.

  ‘Don’t go.’ It was a whisper but he heard it. ‘Stay.’ Harley couldn’t believe she was asking him to stay but she couldn’t bear him walking away.

  He nodded and lifted his hand to give him a moment. He walked to the car and exchanged words with the chauffer and soon the car drove off leaving him standing alone on the dark street.


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