Beyond the Black Mist (The Familiar Curse Book 2)

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Beyond the Black Mist (The Familiar Curse Book 2) Page 4

by C. L. Bright

  “So, you don’t actually look like this?” I asked. “This is all an illusion?”

  “Some of it,” she replied. “Parts of this form are real. The clothing is all illusion. I normally remain in dog form around spellcasters. It’s easier that way.”

  “Because you don’t have to wear clothes?” I asked.

  “I don’t mind that part,” she insisted. “It’s talking to spellcasters that I prefer to avoid. The conversations can become tedious, especially with the young ones who are full of questions.”

  I also had quite a few questions.

  “Are you part shapeshifter?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “No. Didn’t you say you’d already heard my story?”

  “Bits and pieces,” she replied. “I get bored easily, so I didn’t stick around for the entire story.”

  “Then I suppose I should skip telling you everything.”

  “Give me the highlights,” she prompted.

  “My magic is somehow joined with the shapeshifter I rescued,” I explained.

  “The Azurean spellcasters must have been furious.” She sounded excited by the prospect.

  “They were going to execute me.”

  “That seems a bit harsh just for binding your magic to a shapeshifter,” she remarked.

  “I think they were more upset about me lying and helping her escape,” I explained. “My brother convinced them I’d been plotting with rebel shapeshifters.”

  Her expression turned sympathetic as she regarded me. “I have a brother like that. He’s always stirring up trouble.”

  “Does he live here?”

  She shook her head. “No, he’s not allowed in this area. It’s one of the reasons I like it so much here. It’s strange that you were able to bind your magic to a shapeshifter’s. That shouldn’t be possible.”

  “That’s what I thought,” I agreed. “It turns out we were both mistaken.”

  “Unless one of you is not what you seem.” She studied me before continuing. “Now that I know what I’m sensing, it’s obvious the shapeshifter magic isn’t yours. Your shapeshifter may have some spellcaster blood.”

  “No, she doesn’t,” I insisted.

  “And you know this how?” she asked.

  “I didn’t sense spellcaster magic,” I explained.

  “You could have missed it if her shapeshifter side is more dominant,” she argued. “There’s likely been more intermingling between spellcasters and shapeshifters than anyone knows.”

  “What makes you sure my power couldn’t have bound itself to hers some other way? Shapeshifters bond with spellcasters as part of the familiar process.”

  “Yes, but that’s a forced bonding,” she insisted. “Did you force her to give you part of her magic while she was in animal form?”

  “Of course not. I’m not sure how it happened,” I admitted. “I am certain I didn’t simply take part of her magic. It felt as if I gave her power as well. I’ve never experienced anything like it, but I’ve also never had a familiar.”

  “This doesn’t sound anything like how I’ve heard the familiar bond described,” she insisted. “What you’re saying isn’t possible unless a demon has somehow altered the spell used to create shapeshifters.”

  “Why would a demon have needed to alter it?” I asked.

  “Shapeshifters are the result of demon magic. Some spellcasters were also involved, but it was mostly demons. We’re much more powerful.”

  “Of course,” I agreed. “Pops told me demons were involved with the creation of shapeshifters. I would have laughed if someone told me this a week ago.”

  “Because you didn’t believe in demons?” she asked.

  I nodded. “Exactly. Why did demons get involved?”

  “Since we often stay in animal form, we felt more empathy for familiars. Demons also don’t like most spellcasters. You are an arrogant species. A group of less arrogant spellcasters approached us with the idea of altering the familiar spell. We originally hoped that if spellcasters saw the shapeshifters in human form, they’d see that keeping a familiar was wrong.”

  “That’s an interesting story,” I mused.

  “You don't believe me?” she demanded. “Didn't I tell you that you can trust me?”

  "You also made it sound like I may not be able to trust you,” I pointed out. “I think I'll reserve judgment until I've known you a bit longer, but I believe your story about demons helping modify the spell. It makes more sense than any other explanation I’ve heard.”

  Her smile turned wistful as her eyes closed. “You’re quite smitten with the shapeshifter, aren’t you? It’s why you sacrificed everything for her.”

  I quirked an eyebrow. “Smitten? That’s a very romantic way to describe my feelings for Juliet.”

  She frowned as she studied me. “Such a disappointing response. I’d hoped to hear about your grand romance with the shapeshifter you would die for. It would be proof that we can bridge the gap between your two species. I’m growing impatient with both species. Your stupid fighting is a complete waste of time after we put so much effort into making things perfect for you.”

  “Perfect?” I asked. “I would hardly describe our situation as perfect. If our situation were perfect, we wouldn't have rebel communities, and I wouldn't have grown up learning to kill Juliet's kind. There's nothing perfect about any of this.”

  Sin’s face flushed with anger. “You are stupid, warlock!” she shouted. “That is the biggest problem with your kind. We gave you the tools to make a better world, but you never do anything with them. You have an entire continent free of non-magical humans. Do you ever thank us? No. Instead, you tell stories about the mighty wars your kind fought.” She snorted before continuing. “I like the spellcasters that live here, but the rest of you make me regret giving you this land.”


  She’d revealed a lot of information.

  Sin shifted to dog form and took off running, leaving me wondering if she’d seek me out again.

  Chapter 8

  After Sin stormed off, I expected her to avoid me, at least for a short time.

  I had to wait for Pops to finish his lessons that day before I could talk to him about my conversation with her.

  He looked thoughtful as he pondered what I’d told him. “That’s strange. I wouldn’t have expected her to let you see her in human form, but I suppose it’s the only way she could communicate with you.”

  “Do you think she’ll avoid me now?” I asked. “She didn’t seem happy with my response.”

  He shrugged. “You’ll know soon enough. One thing I’ve noticed about demons is they either hold a grudge for the rest of your days, or they forget they’re mad at you almost instantly.”

  Sin showed up at Pops’s place in dog form a short time later and started following me around again. I got very little time to myself over the next two days.

  The demon loved having her belly rubbed, and she often blocked my path until I gave in. Touching her was still unnerving, but not so much as the first time.

  “Does the demon magic bother you?” I asked Pops as I pushed my food around on my plate. My gaze was locked with Sin’s as she sat on the floor, watching me.

  “Bother me how?” he asked.

  “Does it feel weird?”

  He looked at Sin and then at me. “I’ve never felt demon magic that I’m aware of. That’s not true. There is a slight buzzing in the air when they change forms, but I’ve only been around a few for that. Is that what you’re talking about?”

  I shook my head. “When I rub Sin’s belly, I feel her power moving along my skin.”

  “Huh. That’s strange. I’ve only heard of that happening when a demon takes a spellcaster as a mate.”

  “Mate? No, that can’t be it. We only talked for a few minutes, and I didn’t get that vibe from her.”

  Sin cocked her head to the side. It would be nice to know what she was thinking, but she didn’t seem interested in changing forms.

bsp; “I’m not looking for a mate,” I stated. “Juliet is the only one for me.”

  Pops shrugged. “If Sin thought you were her mate, she’d have changed forms to tell you so, unless she’s angry and planning to get her revenge later. That’s always possible.”

  “I suppose I’ll find out soon enough,” I replied.

  Sin yawned and rested her chin on her front paws as if bored with our conversation already.

  “What are your plans for today?” Pops asked. “It seems you’re feeling up to helping out more around here.”

  “I’m almost fully recovered from my injuries, so it’s time to start making plans for me to leave,” I replied. “Of course, I’m also glad to take on some work. I owe you all a great debt.”

  “Leave? And do what?” Pops asked. “Do you want to get yourself killed after I went to such great lengths to save you? Is that what you’re hoping to do?”

  “I can’t stay here forever,” I told him.

  “Why not?” he asked. “If living with me is a problem, we can find you a place. I promised my daughter I’d keep you safe.”

  “I appreciate all you’ve done for me, but I have to get to Juliet. It feels like I’m being torn in two.” I took a deep breath and released it as I tried to find a way to explain how I felt. “Juliet is a part of me. I constantly feel the draw of her magic. It’s torture not being able to reach out and touch her mind. I wake up in a cold sweat, having dreamt of her death. Even if it weren’t for the magical bond between us, I need to get to her because I love her. I can’t let anything happen to her.”

  Pops looked irritated. “You think I don’t know how hard it is to be separated from someone you love? Not a day goes by that I don’t miss my witch and daughter, but there’s nothing I can do for them.”

  “Our situations are totally different,” I argued. “You have responsibilities here. Yes, you can assign me some jobs to help out, but you don’t need me here.”

  “Laranissa will be heartbroken if anything happens to you,” he said with a sigh. “My daughter has given up so much for the cause.”

  “I love Laranissa, and I don’t want to hurt her, but she’s not the only one I need to worry about. I can’t stay here.”

  Pops fell silent. He’d been good to me, but I wasn’t certain if he liked me or merely wanted to make his daughter happy. That is until I saw the genuine emotion in his eyes.

  “You know, Dante, I didn’t expect to like you. My daughter even tries to find nice things to say about Nicolas, and he’s a lost cause. Her love for you clouds her judgment, but she was right. You’re a good warlock, and I can see why she defends you. It’s one of the reasons I’d like you to stay. It would be safer if you built a new life for yourself here, but I understand why you can’t. I’m not sure I’d respect you as much if you could abandon Juliet and Serena.”

  “I wouldn’t respect myself,” I told him.

  “I’d rather respect you less and have you stay. You’ll probably get yourself killed.”

  Sin’s growl drew both our attention.

  “We’d better save this talk for later,” Pops suggested. “It’s upsetting the demon, and they can be vicious when riled. It’s important to keep them calm.”

  “Did the demons help with the protection spells here?”

  “Yes, demon and spellcaster magic was involved. They've lived among us for centuries, and we've developed a rapport with them. I think it's similar to the relationship we were meant to have with shapeshifters. Neither is master over the other. We both need each other for survival.”

  “What do the demons need from spellcasters?” I asked. “It seems they’re the more powerful species.”

  “Nothing is ever as simple as it appears,” Pops replied. “Since this isn't my explanation to give, I'll let you try to get it out of your demon friend.”

  “So, you think she’s my friend?” I asked.

  “I don’t know what to think,” he admitted. “She’s been here since before I was born, and she usually keeps to herself. This is the most I’ve ever seen of her, so I have to assume she likes being around you.”

  “Except when I make her angry enough to yell at me and storm off,” I replied with a laugh.

  “Demons are impulsive and hot-tempered,” he began. “Since she returned, it’s proof she wasn’t really angry with you. I still think she might consider you her mate.”

  “I don’t see it.”

  He shrugged before looking down at Sin who was still watching us. “I’m not going to rule out the possibility. If you’re lucky, she’s following you because she likes you. If not, you might want to start sucking up to her before she kills you in your sleep.”

  Pops grabbed his empty dish and headed toward the sink.

  I looked down at Sin. “Are you going to tell me why you follow me everywhere?”

  Her only response was to roll onto her back and wait for me to rub her belly.

  Chapter 9

  It was the middle of the night when I heard my bedroom door open just before a shadowy figure slipped into my room. The moment I saw her face, I knew I was dreaming.

  Juliet couldn’t possibly be there, yet I still felt relief when I saw her approaching the bed.

  She looked so beautiful as the flecks of gold in her green eyes seemed to sparkle. Her long black hair was tied back from her face, and I could swear I even caught her scent in the air.

  I dreamt of her nightly, but this was the first time she’d come so close to me. It felt much more real than the other dreams and disjointed nightmares I’d had about her death.

  I sat up and reached out a hand to her. “I’ve missed you, Juliet,” I whispered.

  She smiled, and her hand went straight through mine. Looking down at her hand, which appeared solid, she frowned. “Why can’t I touch you?”

  “Because you’re a dream,” I told her with a sad sigh. “I don’t know how to get to you, but I’m coming as soon as I have a plan. I have to find a way to avoid being recaptured by the Azureans.”

  “You should probably stay here,” she stated as she looked around the room. “It's not safe for you to travel when they're looking for you.”

  “If you were truly my Juliet, you’d know I can’t do that. I can’t stay away from you.”

  “That was mean.”

  “Saying I can’t stay away from you?”

  She shook her head and sat on the edge of the bed. “Saying I’m not your Juliet.”

  “I’m arguing with my dream,” I said with a soft chuckle.

  She looked over to where Sin lay asleep on the floor. “You have a dog. Do they keep them as pets where you’re at?”

  “They do, but that’s a demon, not a dog.”

  She started to laugh, but her expressions sobered when she realized I wasn’t joking. “This is my strangest dream about you so far.”

  “I’m the one dreaming about you,” I reminded her.

  “You sound so much like my Dante. Is the demon your friend?”

  “I don’t know,” I admitted. “She's not speaking to me, or I’d ask her. She follows me everywhere, but she won’t answer any of my questions.”

  “Maybe she’s mad that you want to leave her to try finding me,” she suggested.

  “Why would she be mad about that?”

  “If she likes you, then she may not want you to leave,” Juliet replied. “You need to consider the feelings of those you leave behind.”

  My mind immediately went to Ambrose and Laranissa. Laranissa knew I was safe, but I doubted she’d share that information with Ambrose for fear of blowing her cover. My brother would never know what had happened to me unless I got caught.

  Next, my mind went to Juliet. It had been around a month since I’d last seen her, and though I knew she’d gotten away with Alaric and Serena, I still worried she’d be captured.

  “I hope you’re safe, Juliet.”

  “I’m fine,” she insisted. “You can see me right here.”

  “But you’re just a dr
eam,” I reminded her. “You’re miles away from me.”

  “Not for long,” she assured me. “We’ll be together soon. Can’t you feel the tug of my magic? It’s calling to you just as yours calls to me.”

  “I feel it every waking second,” I replied. “Sometimes, I feel like I could follow the threads of our joined power back to you.”

  “I feel the same, and I’ve tried following the threads to you in my mind, but I always hit a wall, like you’re hidden from me.”

  “The magic around Reaper Ridge probably interferes,” I mused. “I wish you weren’t just a dream.”

  “That’s supposed to be my line,” she argued. “I don’t want to wake up, Dante. It’s almost as if I have you back.”

  “I’m going to find you.”

  “We both know we may never see each other again,” she said with a sad smile. Her eyes narrowed with annoyance as she looked around.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Someone is pounding on my door,” she explained. “I’m not ready to wake up, not ready to leave you.”

  “Then don’t,” I coaxed as I reached out to brush her cheek only to meet with the sad reminder that I couldn’t touch her. She wasn’t there. “Stay a little longer. I’m not ready for this dream to end.”

  She was already fading. “I’m waking up, Dante. I miss you.”

  And then she was gone. I sat in the empty room and looked around. I could swear I caught a hint of her scent before a tongue on my cheek woke me.

  I opened my eyes and glared at Sin, who was no longer in dog form as she licked my cheek.

  “Why are you licking me?” I demanded.

  “To wake you up,” she replied with a grin before licking me again.

  “This got decidedly weirder,” I muttered as I climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

  Chapter 10

  I washed my face before returning to have a talk with Sin about boundaries and personal space.

  This wasn’t the first time I’d had to talk to her about licking my face, but this was the first time she hadn’t been in dog form. This was worse.


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