Angel's Blade: Power (Angel Series Book 1)

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Angel's Blade: Power (Angel Series Book 1) Page 4

by Destiny Hawkins

  Zyas looked around him, and was confused on how to warn the people. He was even more confused about how they would defend themselves. No one here looked like they could fight, and even the boys his age looked weak and helpless.

  “War...” Zyas said, almost in a whisper, “There’s war...” he tried to say it a little louder, but no one paid him any attention, “war!” he yelled.

  A few villagers stopped, gave him a blank stare, but then went back about their business which only consisted of walking around with no destination, or just sitting around while staring into nothing.

  “Didn’t you hear me!? I said that there’s war! The Oceanians are here!” No one responded once again, “what is wrong with you people!” he understood that a lot of their men may have already left for another world, but for the people who were left to not want to protect their home...

  Angel spotted Zyas yelling in front of his hut, and frowned at what he was hearing, then clutched his sword that was strapped to his back, and looked around to make sure that no Oceanians were attacking.

  Zyas shook his head with a sigh, and turned his horse around-

  “Wait,” Angel ran up to Zyas, “how many are there?”

  Zyas looked down at the tall boy, and was surprised that there was anyone left in the village that looked as masculine as he did. Angel was now a tall five feet and eleven inches, with brown curls that stopped right above his ears. Every inch of his body was tight with thick muscle that was only a little bigger than Zyas’s, who had more lean muscle.

  “Too many,” Zyas said, “And counting. I have to get back to my family, I just came to warn you all.”

  “Wait, I’ll come with you,” Angel ran around his hut, then rode back around on his black stallion, “lead the way.”

  Zyas nodded, and rode off with quickness. He just wanted to get back to his family as soon as possible, and couldn’t bear the thought of losing anyone else after his mother. Zyas looked to his right to see that Angel was keeping up with him, and wondered why he was so willing to help him. He glanced at the sword strapped on Angel’s back and thought he saw it glow for a second, but then focused his attention on the path in front of him.

  As they neared Zyas’ home, they could see Zaray holding her father up with his arm over her shoulders. She had a gash on her forehead, but that wasn’t as bad as the wound on his father’s stomach. He was bleeding out, and bad.

  Zyas jumped off of the horse and ran to his family, “what happened?” he asked in a panic, “Father your...”

  “I’m fine boy, I’m not down just yet,” Father said, “let your sister get me inside.”


  “They’re coming,” Angel jumped off of his horse and pulled out his sword. Zyas was amazed at how beautiful the sword looked with its long sharp blade, and black handle. It looked to be a basic sword, besides the fact that it had a gleam of light shining from the middle, “you, get your bow out.”

  Zyas snapped back into action and pulled out his bow, then hooked and arrow on.

  Three Oceanian soldiers came running from the trees and took no time to start firing water bullets from small guns. With each fire, there was a soft popping sound, followed by the sound of wood breaking. The bullets slid right through the trees with no problem, and were now being aimed at them.

  Before Zyas could even shoot his arrow, Angel slid in front of him and blocked each bullet with his sword, “stay back,” he said.

  “Darvenious,” A voice whispered in the wind.

  Angel swung his sword towards the ground, and a gust of wind blew the Oceanians into dust.


  Fifteen year old Marian sat with his friends, Jacob and Tison, during lunch period and talked about the same things they talked about every day: training.

  “Once again, I beat you in kickboxing. I’m still better than you Tee,” Marian laughed.

  “Yeah, well, let me get all those stripes on my head, and I’ll be the one beating you,” Tison responded.

  Marian had the brightest streaks in his class, based off of his strength. They were no longer dark red, but were starting to almost look orange.

  “Plus, my knee was hurting before the fight even started,” Tison explained.

  “Yeah, whatever,” Marian stood up, “I have drills to get to, so I’ll see you later bro.”

  “See ya’.”

  Marian threw out his lunch, and exited the lunch room. He was walking down the hall just like any other day, as he did for almost nine years now, when the school began to shake. Marian lost his balance and crashed into the lockers on the left side of him, “shit!”

  The side doors opened and three officers ran inside, “get suited up!” one of them yelled, “Varenwhile is here.”

  Marian sighed, dreading the battle to come, then he stood up and dusted himself off.

  “Let’s go!” Another officer yelled.

  Marian grunted, then sprinted down the hallway, and into the basement where the equipment was. He was the first to get down there, but as soon as he grabbed a bullet proof jacket, a storm of students came rushing in.

  Marian got his hands on a machine gun and then ran over to Jacob and Tison, who both looked nervous as they got on their jackets, “I’ll meet you guys upstairs,” Marian ran back upstairs, and stood in a group with other students while waiting for instructions. A few minutes later Jacob and Tison joined him.

  “I still don’t get why we have to use these things,” Jacob whispered as he maneuvered the gun strap over his shoulder.

  “They shoot faster, now stop complaining and be quiet,” Marian whispered back.

  “Alright boy’s, you are our retrievers. You are to get every woman, child, and the elderly back to safety. Kill any Varenwhile dirt you see out there, do you understand!” The Sargent yelled.

  “Sir, yes sir!” they all yelled in sync.

  “Alright then, get out there! Move out!”

  All students from the age of nine years old, to eighteen ran out through the double doors with their guns and bulletproof vests.

  Marian and his friends ran into the street with their weapons ready, but found no Varenwhile soldiers. He had a bad feeling in his gut, so he pulled his friends out of the open, and by the side of the school building.

  “Where are they?” Tison asked.

  Marian watched as the other students ran around to the houses with no enemies to go after, “I don’t know, but I don’t feel right-”

  “Ahhh!” Someone screamed in pain, and fell onto the pavement in the middle of the street. Soon after that dozens of arrows whistled by, hitting many of the students, killing them almost immediately.

  “We have to go,” Tison said nervously, “we have to hide.”

  “No, wait,” Marian said.

  Tison peeked around the building, then snatched his head back around, “They’re so close, we have to go- I’m going,” Tison ran off towards the houses but was shot down seconds after.

  “Oh, crap,” Jacob said. His hands shook as he held his machine gun to his chest.

  Marian took a deep breath and gripped his gun tightly, “stick with me,” he said to Jacob. He looked back at Tison’s body one last time, and wished he had the time to think of all the good times that they had together, but he didn’t. Instead he had to fight in a war he didn’t even want to be in, and kill people that he had no hate for.

  Resources. That’s all this was about. The four world’s needed resources.

  Chapter 4: War- part 2



  The fireball barely missed Tren as it crumbled the pavement behind him. He flew forward and landed hard on his side, but quickly got back to his feet so not to be crushed. He looked back at the large maroon zultrain that floated in his direction. It was so close that he could see through the hole that they fired the fireballs from and saw that it was actually Firow soldiers that created the large balls of fire. They went back and forth, waving their hands in a circular motion while spurting f
ire from their palms.

  One Firow soldier noticed Tren watching them, and stared down at him with a blank expression. He had blood going down the side of his head that dripped down onto his dirty red uniform. The soldier looked back at the others, who were almost done creating the fireball, then turned around and walked away. He was exhausted, and like many, saw no reason to be fighting the people of Machintile.

  One of the soldiers that were creating the fireball looked down at Tren, then quickly warned the others. Tren took a deep breath and went back into a sprint towards the base to get his orders. Everyone was doing what they thought was best, but had no game plan on what to do about the Firow soldiers. Tren’s father had always taught him to work with others and accomplish their goals as a team, but how could everyone work as a team if they had no formation? So far, it was just every man for themselves, and only a few Machinians did what they were taught.

  A fireball came crashing down behind Tren once again, but this time it didn’t knock him off of his feet. He continued to run forward, and out of the shadow of the large zultrain, then he raised his gun and shot two Firow soldiers that were firing flames at a few Machintile soldiers in front of their home.

  When Tren looked back, and saw that he hadn’t made it that far from the flyer that was following him, he felt excitement after coming across a mountain bike that was laying on the sidewalk for the taking. Tren quickly put his guns in his belt and picked up the bike, hoping on before another fireball was fired.

  The soldiers on the Zultrain were persistent, and it seemed like they were only going for Trenza. It was like they felt challenged after missing him so many times, and just had to take him down.

  Tren pedaled as fast as he could, and almost felt safe riding away from the huge aircraft, when a fireball landed a few feet in front of him, “dammit!” Tren quickly turned the steering wheel and rode around the huge hole in the ground, then started to pedal even faster, tiring himself out.

  Tren took in a few deep breaths, regretting what he was going to do next. He didn’t want to waste his bullets just yet, because he still had a long way to go to get to the base, and if he wanted to get away from these pests, he had to take it down.

  Another fireball crashed down to his left, which meant that he had a few seconds before they fired again. Tren looked back and was about to fire his gun, when a missile crashed into the zultrain, causing it to crash onto the ground behind him. When he turned back around, his eyes grew wide as he saw three small fireballs coming right at him. Without even thinking, he did a back flip off of the bike, and watched as the fireballs passed under him. When he landed, he pulled out his other gun and began firing at the two Firow soldiers in front of him. Once they went down, Tren started running again, but stopped when he heard a little girl screaming from her window.

  “Help!” she cried, “help me!”

  The house was in flames, like many around him, and would soon be smashed by a fireball that was going for the kill.

  Tren clenched his teeth, and sighed angrily. There was nothing he could do for the girl, but put her out of her misery before she was burned alive. He gripped his gun tightly and pointed it at her, ready to fire. That’s when suddenly, Ara appeared behind the girl and grabbed her.

  Tren’s eyes widened when he saw Ara pick the child up. She wasn’t going to make it out in time!

  “Ara!” Tren took a step forward, then back when Ara jumped out of the window with the little girl, and right before the fireball tore it to shreds. The metal suit she had on kept her from breaking her legs as she landed heavily on her feet.

  Ara looked up at Tren, who only nodded back to her. He was glad that she couldn’t see the shocked expression on his face because of the armor that covered it.

  “You okay?” Tren asked.

  “Yeah, we have to hide her somewhere,” Ara said, “There are too many Firow’s around to get her to the shelter.”

  “The shed in the back,” the little girl said, “it has a basement, like my house...” she looked back at her crumbled home.

  “Okay,” Tren led them around the demolished home and into the shed that was still standing.

  Ara opened up the wooden floor door, then waved for the girl to get in, “okay, get inside.”

  The little girl nodded and climbed down the stairs that led into darkness.

  “You have to stay in here okay?” Ara said, “do not come out until I come back to get you.”

  The frightened child nodded, “you promise to come back?”

  “I promise,” Ara gave a tired smile, then shut the door.

  Ara and Tren stood there for a moment, bracing themselves before running back out.

  “Did you get your orders?” Ara asked.

  Tren shook his head, “I’m starting to think we’re on our own here. The base is too far,” he sighed, “are the children okay?”

  Ara shook her head, “Some, but the majority at the shelter are badly hurt. Most of the one’s we have may not make it.”

  Tren looked down at his guns, “we still have to try and get as many as we can to safety,” he turned back to her, “hey, how’d you get up here so fast?”

  “I’m smart Tren, I took the backyards,” Ara smiled, “didn’t expect it to be this bad, huh?”

  Tren didn’t answer, “We’re going to have to split up again. Check every house you come by, and bring any child you find back here.”

  “Sir, yes sir,” Ara said.

  “And Ara?”


  “You better make it back to that little girl,” Tren said.

  Ara smiled slightly, “you don’t have to worry about me.”

  Tren nodded and opened the door, then he looked back at his girl one last time before running out of the shed, and back into danger.

  Once onto the street again, he noticed that the majority of the houses were up in flames, and how only a few Machintile soldiers were fighting back. They were losing.

  “Stop!” he heard someone yell, “Stop it!” A little boy was being followed by three Firow soldiers who were only firing at his feet.

  The little boy ran into his half burning house, followed by the Firow soldiers. Tren grunted and sprinted into the house where he heard stomping on the floor over him.

  “Stop!” The little boy yelled again.

  Tren ran up the stairs and fired at one of the soldiers, but then was tackled to the ground by another soldier from his left. Tren hit the ground with a thud and dropped both of his guns. The armor he had shielding his arms and face dissolved into an oily liquid and slid off of him.

  “Shit!” Tren shielded his face from the hot blows coming down at him, then managed to kick the soldier off, but before he got to his feet he was kicked in the back of his head, and had fallen back down in a daze.

  Tren looked back up at the Firow soldiers that towered over him and smiled, “go ahead, kill me.”

  “Now why would we do that when we can just send you to the sector?” One soldier laughed, then he stomped down on Tren’s face and knocked him out cold.


  Alcia swam towards the surface as fast as she could, with Machintile soldiers following right behind her. They chased after her when they realized that she was headed for their source of oxygen. It was the only reason that she would swim for the take down their Zultrain. If she could somehow destroy it, then the oxygen sync would be broken, and all the soldiers underwater would suffocate in their suits, and the smaller Zultrain that entered the ocean would cease from working.

  Oceania was winning against Machintile, but they were destroying all that they’ve worked so hard to build. The castle was in shambles, and their beautiful homes were being ripped apart.

  Angrily, Alcia stopped swimming and frowned down at her prey. Even with suits that helped them breath underwater, they weren’t fast enough to keep up with an Oceanian. They should have invented something to help them swim faster, with all of the technology that they have back at home.

/>   Alcia kicked downwards, causing the water to slow them down even more, then she turned around and continued to the surface. Once she made it into the fresh air, she swam to the small island and looked up at the large aircraft in the sky. It was way bigger than the one that had attacked them earlier, and Alcia doubted that she would be able to take it down.

  Three soldiers jumped down from the Zultrain at the same time with their black metal suits on, and guns in hand.

  Alcia got into her fighting stance and tightened all of her muscles, just as she was taught in training, and at first she was afraid, but when she noticed that for miles, there was nothing but water surrounding them, she smiled. She had territory on her side.

  The soldiers in front of her, and the ones that finally caught up raised their guns.

  “Surrender,” one of the soldiers said.

  Alcia didn’t make a move.

  “Surrender, or die!”

  Alcia took a deep breath and quickly waved her hand as if to toss a ball, causing the wet sand to wrap around the soldiers closest to the water and drag them under. The other three began shooting, but Alcia had quickly shielded herself with the water she sucked out of the damp sand in the shape of a tall door. The bullets ricocheted off of the solid shield she created, and went in all other directions.

  Once the soldiers realized that they weren’t going to break through, they stopped firing, giving Alcia her chance to attack. The shield she created broke into small droplets in front of her, and with one quick motion, the sharp droplets shot at the soldiers and broke through their armor. All three fell onto the sand either dead, or unconscious.

  Alcia quickly turned away from them, not wanting to know if she killed them or not, and looked back up at the Zultrain again. She figured that those were the last soldiers they had left on the surface and walked closer to the ocean, letting the water splash over her feet.

  They only practiced it a few times, because the instructors felt that it would be unnecessary to train above the surface when they knew that the Machinians would be attacking them underwater, but Alcia had to try it. It was the only way that she’d be able to take the Zultrain down.


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