by M. A Casey
We decided to get Tyler to check on Ian tomorrow by knocking on his door and asking for directions. Hopefully then we will know if his implant worked. While Dad was out with Tyler and Maive, he arranged for a motel to be booked in Davis’s name. He paid the manager extra to tell him he'd been there over a week if he asked, and to ask him where he was going when he checked out. Dad said he would drop over there tomorrow so see what happened before he goes to visit Spencer.
We told the boys about Spencer’s implant. They didn’t seem impressed that he would be taking all the credit for our discovery, but they didn’t complain either. Dad went on to explain that he would get all our work on the DNA strain together tonight, and make it look as if it was Christian’s discovery. He would take everything over to Spencer tomorrow including the name of someone he trusts to help him perfect the strain for human trials.
It was finally time to take the men home and Emin and Zeke loaded them into the van. Dad and I took Mum upstairs to her room. As I passed through the house, there were no signs that these men had been here at all.
I glanced at my watch it was just after nine. Once we had Mum settled we went downstairs and made some toast and warm milk. Tyler called not long after that, he and Aunt Maive were now on their way back to Cape. They went right through Spencer’s house. They said there wasn’t much there except some letters, names and numbers which they were able to get rid of easily. Tyler went on to say that it was the deposit box that held the surprises. Spencer had blood samples from Tyler as well as the results on the tests of his abilities. He also found the names and numbers of all the people he planned to contact to sell his Super Soldier DNA strain to.
“Thank goodness Maive remembered about that deposit box,” Dad commented after I had hung up from Tyler.
“Yeah, I guess never realized that her and Tyler’s bond was so strong. I can understand though. After enduring what Spencer put them through it makes sense that they became close.”
We were both relieved when the boys returned home after delivering the men successfully. Everything had gone as planned, and all we could do now was wait until tomorrow to see if the implants were a success.
Emin grabbed his mobile and dialed a number quickly, by the sound of the conversation I assumed he was calling Tasma. He disappeared upstairs quickly after yelling out to Zeke that he would see him tomorrow. Dad looked at Zeke and me and made an excuse to go check on Mum before heading to the lab to prepare the paperwork for Spencer - leaving the two of us alone.
“You’re not staying the night?” I asked, trying to hide the disappointment from my voice.
“No, I need to go home. Besides, I think it’s a good idea that we all get some rest. It has been a pretty stressful time for everyone,” he said as he entwined his fingers with mine.
“So will I see you tomorrow?” I asked.
“How about the next day?” He said softly gazing into my eyes. “You will still be tying up a lot of loose ends tomorrow with Spencer and your family, so maybe it’s best if I let you sort that out first.”
He moved towards me, resting his cheek on mine and whispered in my ear. “But I will be here bright and early the next day for our first date. And I should let you know that I do intend on spending the whole day with you and some of the evening, if that’s alright.”
“More than alright,” I said as I kissed him. Knowing that we were finally going to have our moment made me happier than I could have imagined.
I walked him to the door and kissed him again before he went home promising he would pick me up at ten o’clock for our date.
Loose Ends
By the time Aunt Maive and I got home it was twelve thirty, and we were beat. On our drive home she had a chance to ask a few more questions about Professor Knox and Hayln. I was so glad they decided to allow her still to be part of my life, she was all the family I had. After a while the conversation turned awkward when she started asking about my relationship with Hayln.
“So, now we have put this drama behind us, do you think you and Hayln will become more….. serious?” She questioned. If there was one thing I could always count on, it would be her constant snooping in my personal life.
“No she has a boyfriend,” I answered, trying not to let my feelings about her give me away.
“But I saw her kissing you, just over a week ago?” She persisted sounding a little appalled.
“You saw me kissing her. I was hoping she might change her mind,” I said nonchalantly.
“Who is it? Do you know him?”
“Yeah, he was there last night,” I confirmed. “Zeke Banner – you know, tall dark and handsome, always gazing into her eyes.”
Aunt Maive chuckled at my poor attempt at sarcasm and left me to my own thoughts for the rest of the drive. Once we got home, I went straight to bed feeling a bit anxious about having to visit Ian in the morning.
I got up and went for a run before Aunt Maive woke. It always felt good to push my abilities and a heart pumping run always worked. I ran past Ian’s address, there were no signs of life, but it was only early. I pushed myself for another thirty minutes on my run and then headed home.
Aunt Maive wasn’t there so I grabbed some breakfast before having a shower. I started thinking about Hayln then, and what she and Zeke might be doing today. It was going to take some getting used to, seeing her with him. I never disliked Zeke before now, but it was getting easier every day I had to watch them together. I knew I had to snap out of it if I wanted to stay friends with her, but I genuinely thought there was something more between us.
I decided the best thing to do was to get organized to go see Ian straight away. It was a good distraction from Hayln besides I honestly wanted to know if the implants worked.
When I arrived at the house, it looked as deserted as it did this morning. I rapped on the door a few times and heard someone moaning from inside like I had just woken them up. I knocked again loudly and then heard someone moving towards the door. Ian opened the door still looking groggy, wiping the sleep from his eyes.
“Yeah, can I help you?” He asked a little confused.
“Yes actually, I was after some directions,” I said assessing his reactions to see if he recognized me.
“Where were you headed,” he said looking at me squarely without a hint of recognition.
“I was trying to find Porter Avenue, do you know it?”
“Sure do, you’ll have to go back to this corner, and turn left, go two blocks down and it is the next street on your right.” He said pointing the way back down his street. He got the directions right, and he didn’t recognize me at all. And from what I could see he didn’t have any side effects either.
“Thank you,” I said shaking his hand. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“It’s fine actually, I have a lot things I want to get started on today. I’ve just got a feeling that it’s going to be a really good day – you know what I mean?.”
“Yeah, I think I do,” I said as I started to leave. “Thanks again.”
I headed in the direction Ian had pointed me in and couldn’t help but smile.
She did it.
I had the best night’s sleep I'd had in over a week. Finally, our home was safe, and today I had to ensure my family was safe.
I went downstairs and made breakfast for two and then headed back up to Evelyn’s room. She was still sleeping peacefully when I entered. Watching her sleep like this reminded me of before we were married. I used to lay awake and watch her sleep all the time, it always managed to relax me. These past few days have been some of the most stressful in my life, but also the most hopeful. Seeing that my family might have a chance to be happy again, that I could make up for my past mistakes is more than I ever dare hope for.
I moved to her side to look at her wound. It looked perfect, and I breathed a little sigh of relief, it easily could have been an entirely different story if Hayln hadn’t acted so quickly.
bsp; “Do I smell eggs?” She whispered with her eyes still closed.
“Scrambled with cheese, just the way you like,” I said as her eyes fluttered open for the first time today. I helped her sit up putting extra pillows behind her back. I could tell she didn’t want me to fuss over her, but she knew better than to argue with me. I grabbed our breakfast and sat on the bed with her to eat.
She ate while I went over the events she missed from last night and what we had planned for today. She was tremendously relieved to hear that everything had gone as planned.
“So Dr Knox, have I healed enough that I can go home today?” She asked light heartedly.
“If you would like to, I am sure you are more than capable of keeping an eye on your wound. Of course you are always welcome to stay here as long as you like.”
A nervous smile spread across her face as she lightly bit her lip. She may not be Hayln’s biological mother, but when she smiled like that, I could see how truly alike they actually were.
“It’s time for Emin, and I to go home. I have been dreaming about my own bed for days, and I’m desperate for some different clothes.”
“Of course,” I said, as I hesitated not knowing whether to continue. “It’s just I have enjoyed having you here, having our family together again.”
“I have too Ethan,” she said as she reached out to hold my hand. “I want things to be different from before. I have a lot of things to make up for with Hayln.”
“Me too,” I smiled at her.
“I would like to try to make things better with you too Ethan. I can’t promise you anything, but I know I would like to try.”
“I would like that too,” I said as I took her plate.
“Are you leaving already?” She said sounding a little disappointed.
“Yes, I have to go to the hotel were Davis was staying before I check on Spencer. Will you still be here when I get back?”
“I am not sure, but if I’m gone will you call me later to let me know how things went?”
“Of course.” I leant forward and kissed her lightly on the lips, trying to etch the moment in my memory forever. I knew I had caught her off guard, but I didn’t want to let the opportunity pass me by. I wasn’t sure I would ever have another one. I smiled at her as I left the room with the tray and went downstairs.
I quickly went down to the lab to get the paperwork I had prepared the night before. Everything was ready for Spencer to take to my contact at the Federal Health Centre. That was if everything went as Hayln had planned. Of course that is what I hoped for too, but I was also ready with a Plan B if it was required. I wouldn’t ever let that man hurt any of my family again, which is why I kept Spencer’s gun. I have never considered hurting anyone, let alone killing someone. But if Hayln’s plan didn’t work, I knew Spencer wouldn’t give up until he destroyed us, and that wasn’t an option I could live with.
I tucked the gun behind me into my belt and pulled my shirt over to cover it. I grabbed the paperwork and headed to the car. As I pulled out of the drive my mobile rang – it was Tyler.
“Is everything alright Tyler?” I said as I answered the phone.
“Yeah, hi Professor everything’s great,” he said clearly excited.
“You went to see Ian then?” I assumed.
“Yeah I did. He had no clue who I was Professor, I mean none at all. I asked him for directions and chatted for a minute, but there was no recognition.”
“How did he look to you?” I asked, trying to find out as much as I could.
“I guess he seemed a little groggy at first, but I think I woke him up. After that he seemed normal except.... happy.”
“Happy?” I said a little confused.
“Yeah, as if he was ready to take on the world or something, you know? Really positive. She did it Professor – Hayln actually did it.”
“Sure sounds like it Tyler,” I said a little relieved. “I’m on my way to see Davis and Spencer now so I will talk to you later alright.”
“Yeah sure Professor, see ya.”
I hung up the phone thankful for the news that Ian’s implant worked. Of course his was the easiest of the three, but I was still hopeful. I could feel the metal of the gun pressing against my back as I got closer to the hotel. I prayed that I wouldn’t have to use it today.
I pulled into the visitor’s car park when I arrived. The manager saw me drive in, and came over to meet me just outside my car. He explained that Davis had left about an hour ago.
“Did he ask how long he had been here?” I questioned.
“No Sir, he went to pay his account, but I told him he'd already fixed it up a few days ago. He apologized if his behavior had been erratic over the past few days and said he was leaving to go visit his sister.”
I breathed a sigh of relief as I realized Davis’s implant had also worked. I thanked the manager for his help and discretion and gave him another healthy tip for his trouble. As I started the car, I could only hope that Spencer’s procedure had been as successful. I turned onto the highway and made my way to Christian’s house. All looked normal as I pulled into the drive. I checked the gun before getting out of the car with my paperwork, and walked towards the house. I rang the bell, and it didn’t take long before I heard movement inside. Spencer opened the door and welcomed me with a friendly smile.
“Ethan, I am so glad to see you,” he said as he invited me into the house.
“I am sorry it has taken so long Spencer, but I wanted to be thorough, you understand,” I said smiling.
“Of course Ethan and I would like to thank you again for helping me with this. I truly appreciate it.”
“Well I have good news,” I reassured him. “You and Christian have indeed been successful with this strain. All my testing has been entirely positive. The work is truly ground breaking.”
You could see the relief spread across his face, and I felt it too. It seems Spencer’s implant was also a success.
“You have no idea how happy that’s made me Ethan. The last week or so I have been struggling to come to terms with my brother’s death. The days seemed to have all blurred together. But to know I will be able to make this discovery a legacy to him is a dream come true.”
The words he used were almost exactly word for word from Hayln’s implant, it was incredible.
“Well, I was honored to be part of it. Even in this extremely small way. It will help millions of people, you should be immensely proud.”
“Believe me, I am. But I was wondering if I could trouble you for one more favor. I know you've had some experience in these things Ethan, and I wondered if you knew anyone who I could take our work to.”
“Of course, I have a good friend at the Federal Health Centre, and he would be more than happy to help you. I will write down his details for you.” He handed me a pen and paper, and I wrote down the name and number of my friend. The relief that this had all gone to plan nearly exploded out of me, all I wanted to do was go home and tell Hayln.
“Well thank you again Ethan, I was lucky to have someone like you to confide in,” he said shaking my hand. “I will leave Cape today and go see this Steven Benson as soon as possible.”
“Well I look forward to hearing about your successes,” I said as I went to leave.
“Oh how rude of me,” Spencer said making me turn back to look at him. “I didn’t even ask you how your family was.”
“My family?” I said nervously. I could suddenly feel the weight of the gun behind me and wondered how quickly I would be able to turn it on him if I had to.
“Yes, last time I saw you, which was years ago of course, your wife was pregnant. Wasn’t she? I assume everything went well?”
I felt ill with him asking questions about my family, especially Hayln. I certainly didn’t want to say anything that may trigger a memory.
“Yes, my family is all well,” I said with a nervous laugh. “Thank you for asking. It was marvelous to see you again Spencer.” I made my way back to the door.
“You to Ethan and thanks again,” he said as he closed the door.
As I started the car, I found myself holding back tears. We were safe.
When I woke up, I knew I had slept in. I rolled over and looked at my clock, it was nearly lunchtime. I guess I really had been exhausted. All of a sudden the events of last night rushed back and I jumped out of bed and went to Mum’s room, she wasn’t there. I called out to everyone on my way downstairs and heard Emin yell back from the kitchen. He and Mum were at the table talking, their bags were packed, waiting at the door. I looked at Mum she looked well considering, she had color in her cheeks again but a guilty look on her face.
“What’s going on?” I asked innocently.
“Your father hasn’t come back yet so we aren’t sure.” I hadn’t even noticed Dad missing after I saw the bags. He must have gone to check on the men.
“How long as he been?” I said as I sat down.
“Nearly two hours, so he should be back soon,” Emin answered.
“Your leaving,” I said, it wasn’t a question, I could see the bags. But I guess I had hoped things might have changed.
“Yes, we need to go home and get things back to normal. Emin even has a date tonight,” she said smiling.
“Tasma I take it, you certainly didn’t waste any time.”
“Yes Tasma. I had to do a bit of sweet talking after your poor attempt of a cover up, but she agreed to see me, so who am I to disappoint her.”
I rolled my eyes at him and suddenly became worried that my life going back to the way it used to be. Only seeing Emin every second weekend and Mum once a month. She must have read the expression on my face.
“Just because we’re going home Hayln doesn’t mean I have forgotten my promise to you. I don’t want things to be the way they were between us. I want to spend more time with you, I have a lot to make up for.”