Inspiration Point

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Inspiration Point Page 27

by M. A Casey

  His skin felt like heaven under my fingertips as I explored every inch of his chest, while my mouth tasted it. His hands caressed my neck as he gently untied the straps of my bikini. As he pulled it away, I felt a shiver across my skin as the breeze touched it. And then a rush of heat when his lips found their way across my breasts. I could hear him whisper my name as I caught my breath at his touch. I reached for the drawstring of his shorts, and he reached for mine. The wet clothes clung to our bodies as we struggled to take them off each other. And then finally there was nothing left but just the two of us. Every part of his body was touching every part of mine.

  We moved effortlessly with each other, each motion slow, deep and honest. Our eyes searched each other’s bodies, sometimes meeting, and when they did the passion would ignite again. The heat I felt inside my body now was more like a fire, starting low and bursting through every part of me with the most spectacular sensation I had ever felt. I was in heaven.

  As our kisses slowed we stayed in the clover wrapped in each other bodies. His fingers traced lines up and down my thigh. We didn’t say anything for a long while, we didn’t need to. Our moment was perfect already, we didn’t need words.

  As reality finally started to draw us back, I looked around and saw how beautiful this place actually was. We lay under a canopy of trees, native flowers and lush vines.

  “This place is beautiful, have you been here before?” I asked Zeke. He was playing with my hair and didn’t look up to see the island.

  “My opinion of beauty has changed somewhat in the last month or so, but it is nice I suppose.” He smiled and then seemed to drift away somewhere before returning back to me. “I have only been here twice before. Once when my parents thought they might get a divorce and the other time was when I realized how I felt about you. It was a perfect place to be alone. Although, I doubt I will ever want to be alone here ever again.”

  He placed little kisses from my neck to my shoulder. I could have stayed there forever, but as the sun started to set we knew it was time to leave. We slowly got dressed and then swam together back to the shore. We dried off, packed up our things and got back in the car. I leaned over to kiss him before he started the engine.

  “Do I have to go home yet?” I said pouting.

  “Not at all, I am taking you to get some dinner first. I can’t very well take you home to your father starving now, can I?”

  “Did you have anywhere in mind?” I questioned, knowing we weren’t really dressed for anything too nice.

  “Yes, I’d like to show you my favorite cafe in Main Street,” he said as he kissed the palm of my hand.

  “But then after dinner I have to go home don’t I?” I said again thoroughly disappointed. Of course I knew I had to go home, it’s just that I wished this perfect day would never end.

  “Yes, I will have to eventually take you home Hayln. But you're forgetting something,” he said with that amazing smile that made my heart stop.

  “We will have tomorrow,” I answered him hopefully.

  “That’s true we will have tomorrow, and every day after that if I have anything to do with it, but that’s not what I was referring to.”

  “Well what were you referring to wise one,” I teased him.

  “You're forgetting how skillful I am, and that I know how to climb in your bedroom window at night.”

  My heart suddenly leapt again, and he leant over, pulled me towards him, and I was once again lost in his kisses.



  I woke again still feeling a little dazed. Since Christian’s death I hadn’t seemed to be able to get a firm grip on reality. I was thrilled of course that he had been able to make this discovery before his passing, but I did feel a little empty enjoying it without him. I got dressed and headed to the lab at the Federal Health Centre exactly as I had for the past week. The contact Ethan had given me, Steven Benson, was utterly astounded by our work and had made it his priority.

  As I parked the car, I felt another headache coming on. This is something else I have been experiencing since Christian’s death. They seem to come on as quickly as they go which I am thankful for, but whilst having them, I can barely move. A few moments later the pain ceased and I went inside taking the lift to the lab working on our strain. As I went down the hall, I stopped outside a room with a young scientist and some test subjects in it. Something about the sight of the young girl holding the rabbit seemed familiar to me although I couldn’t place it. I kept moving, before she noticed me staring at her.

  The small team working on the strain welcomed me as I entered the lab. Today they were going to test more viruses on the strain to see if it was resistant. I was starting to get a little impatient with the monotonous testing. So far no virus had penetrated the strain, but they assured me further testing was required.

  I heard my mobile ring and grabbed it from jacket. It was my doctor’s number. I had been there a few days ago trying to work out what was causing these headaches. I assumed stress, but he carried out a number of tests and he was probably ringing now with the results.

  “Hello, Lewis Spencer speaking,”

  “Hello Lewis this is Doctor Brady, I have received the results of your tests back this morning.”

  “Thank you for calling Doctor, did you find the source of my headaches?” I questioned hoping he had a solution for me.

  “There was nothing conclusive there Lewis, I think you might be right in assuming they are stress related. You have been through an emotional time lately. There was, however, something else of concern, and I had a question for you,” he said sounding confused which made me feel a little uneasy.

  “The results of your cardio exam came back with some abnormalities. They are similar to those of someone who has recently had a defibrillation procedure performed on them. I assume you would have told me if this was something that had happened to you recently?”

  “Of course Doctor, that doesn’t make any sense at all. Apart from the headaches, I feel fine,” I said confused. “Are you sure the tests are correct?”

  “I already had them double check the results before I called you, but I must say it has me a little worried. Would you mind if I organized some further tests as a precaution.”

  “Yes, whatever you think is best. Just let me know when,” I agreed.

  “Good, I will call you with a time in the next day or so Lewis. And in the meantime, nothing too stressful alright?”

  “Yes Doctor, and thank you for your call,” I said as I hung up the phone.

  This news had me quite baffled, it just didn’t make sense, and before long I could feel another headache coming on. I decided it was best I went home. There was nothing for me to do here while they were still carrying out all these tests anyway. So once the headache passed I made my way back to the car and drove home.

  I tried not to worry about the results, it would only lead to more headaches if I did. When I got home, I headed to the lounge to rest for a moment. As I sat down my mobile dropped on the floor, and I reached down to get it. When I did, I noticed a piece of paper under the lounge. I bent down further so I could reach it and pulled it out. I looked at it for a long moment. It only had one word written on it in my handwriting, although I had no memory of writing it and no idea how long it had been there. But something deep inside me told me that it was important.

  I grabbed a cushion and put it behind my head as I lay down. I traced my finger over the word a number of times, but I still couldn’t remember. I put the piece of paper down and closed my eyes. As I lay there breathing slowly I could feel myself drifting to sleep, saying the word over and over in my mind.


  the end

  Thank you for reading my first novel. As with many self-published works I know there are still editing mistakes in my book, and I would like to apologize for those and hope they haven't taken away from the story.

  Thanks again for reading :)

  M.A Casey, Inspiration Point




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