Exposed: An Anthology

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Exposed: An Anthology Page 5

by Brooke Cumberland

  “So, Jesika, did you like your gift?” Mallory throws the question into our conversation casually.

  “Umm, yeah I always wanted a bedazzled tampon holder, how’d you know?” I say in a completely serious tone.

  “Holy hell Jes! I knew I should have sent an instruction manual with the damn thing. Leave it to you to have no clue what it is!”

  Laughing I say, “Mal, you are my best friend, I have no choice but to know what it is with all those damn COSMO magazines you leave lying around my house. You better hope Jaxon never picks one up and starts asking me questions because I’ll be sending him your way.” Realizing the effects that conversation would have on my son, I take back that threat. “Never mind, you’d scar the poor boy for life with your endless knowledge. Anyways, back to your question, it’s really pretty and all…and I’m sure it works wonders, but I haven’t used it yet.”

  “What? You haven’t freaking used it yet?” She squeals, the shock apparent in her tone. “Knowing how that boy makes you feel, I get horny just talking to you. The horniness you are hoarding seriously just rolls off of you. You need to release it, especially before we go to the concert—because if you don’t, you’ll be humping the hottie’s leg like a dog in heat!”

  Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.

  After hanging up with her last night, I decided to take the sex queens advice and took my little studded toy for a test ride. I thought of Derek, his hot breath on my neck and the way his body felt pressed up so close to mine made my whole body quiver at the thought. The way I feel when he’s playing his drums and I completely let go at the wonderful pounding of the drums. How it would feel to be completely overtaken by his powerful body. I had never gotten off so many times in one sitting before, even with Jake. It was like I couldn’t get enough. I literally ran an orgasm marathon. Which I think should totally be a new sport by the way.

  I wanted to put extra effort into getting ready for the concert. I want Derek’s full attention and I want to leave a lasting expression. I dress in my mid-thigh jean skirt, and well fitted purple long sleeved shirt with my black cami underneath. I want to look sexy, but still leave something for the imagination. I top off the look with my heeled black boots. I’m still not brave enough to attempt wearing Mallory’s heels. I let her do my eyes again, but I have her go for the smoky eyed sultry look.

  I have to admit we both look really hot, but I’m only looking to get one man’s attention tonight. I’m a woman on a mission, and I have to admit it feels really good to have something, well, someone to look forward to seeing.

  The bar is packed but as always we manage to mingle our way up to the stage after taking a few shots at the bar. I’m definitely in need of a little liquid courage tonight. It was easy last week, not having a care in the world as I danced the night away front and center, but now that I know the man who will be sitting behind the drums setting the tempo to my moves is the incredibly sexy Derek. That detail puts a slight crinkle in my not giving a shit armor. Once we reach the stage I’m hyper aware of his position on the stage. If the beats of the drums weren’t zoning me in on his exact coordinates, it’d be the heat from his burning eyes drawing me in.

  Derek sets a fire to my senses that I haven’t felt in a long time. Damn, I’m not sure I’ve ever felt the way he makes me feel before. If I heard someone else saying these types of things I’d chalk it all up to crazy talk, but damn if I’m not the one sounding like I belong in the Looney Bin.

  It really is amazing seeing him fully in his drumming element. The way he moves his whole body, bouncing his head in rhythm with each beat of the sticks, is like a magic spell. I can’t close my eyes or even look away. For the most part, my focus is glued to him and his is the same with me. If he didn’t have to somewhat concentrate, I know he’d never break the eye contact. Every now and then he throws a wink my way only causing me to blush like a thirteen year old girl. Even when Mallory nudges me with her elbow I can’t take my eyes away.

  “God heffer! What the hell was that for?” I say half teasing and half serious since I know she most likely bruised me.

  “Do you think I have a shot with Seth? He’s fucking hot! I know its cliché and all, but I would so do him!” She’s right. Seth is sexy, though a different kind of sexy than Derek is. Derek’s got the all American hottie look going where he could have walked out of an American Eagle ad.

  Seth, he’s got some mystery to him. Maybe it’s all in his eyes, where Derek’s are pure ice blue, Seth’s are more like the deep depths of the ocean blue. He could pass as a model too, since you see all sorts of hot models these days tatted up. He isn’t rough looking or all scruffy though. You can tell his image is very important to him. His hair is darker than Derek’s and slightly longer, it seems shorter than I remember it being at the last concert. Their body sizes are the one of the most prominent differences. Seth has to be a good five inches shorter and twenty pounds lighter. The lead singer position fits him and his voice is amazing as well. He’s a complete natural up on the stage; the way he grabs the attention of everyone in the audience is mesmerizing.

  “Well, maybe that can be arranged. I do happen to know someone in the band.” I manage to look away from Derek to give her a quick wink. She then puts her arm around my waist drawing me closer to her side.

  “Oh Jes. What am I going to do with you?”

  After The Rifters finish their set, they have some cover band that ends up taking over for the rest of the night. They’re actually pretty good. We make our way back up to the bar to get a couple more drinks before we dance to a few more songs. Mallory has to work early in the morning so we will be hitting the road soon.

  Fortunately for me, the dental office I work at is closed on Fridays. I enjoy having three day weekends. We take a place at the bar, and start singing the Joan Jett cover the band is playing while waiting for the bartender to make it our way. I’m jamming out in my own little world hoping I’m doing a better job than Britney Spears did in that movie of hers, when my heart rate begins to pick up. I don’t have to even turn around to know who is right behind me. I can feel his body heat seeping through my clothes as I welcome his closeness and involuntarily lean back into him.

  “Damn, Jesika. You can’t be doing shit like this to me.” I feel his hot breath near my ear.

  Hmmm, the fact that he just admitted I affect him makes me want to press in even more, but I resist the urge. We barely know each other. I can’t just buy into that instant connection shit that pulls you in without your consent that you read about. I’m not denying I don’t feel something for this gorgeous man, but maybe it’s just lust. Damn, I haven’t gotten laid in over a year and for some reason this guy has my mojo going.

  Then I remember Jake, and instant regret sets in. He’s only been gone for a year, and I’m talking about unavoidable attraction and lust for another guy I’ve known for like a week. It’s such a conflicting feeling but luckily enough the bartender makes his way to us as I peel my back away from Derek.

  After giving the bartender my order, I turn back around to Derek who is just standing there watching my every move with an incredibly curious look on his face.

  “You guys were great tonight,” I say, breaking my silence which earns me a shit eating grin from him.

  “How about us grabbing a seat in the back?” He nods his head to the side indicating the area he has in mind. I gladly agree. I grab Mallory by her elbow as she’s about to walk off with some guy towards the dance floor.

  “Ouch hootchie. I’m going to dance, I’ll be back.”

  “Paybacks a bitch huh?” She doesn’t get that I’m referring to her elbow nudge earlier. “Never mind. I’m going back there to chat with Derek, so if you need me, come and find me.” I point to the area Derek had showed me. She just nods her head as she pulls some cutie behind her towards where the band is playing.

  I turn back around to Derek who is holding my drink and his that he must have ordered in the whole minute I was turned away. Realizing
I never paid the bartender for my drink I ask him, “Did you buy my drink for me?”

  Handing me my drink he smiles. “Nope, I’m cheap. We get free drinks when we play gigs.”

  “Ahhh, the perks of being in the band, huh?” I giggle. “Well, thanks for the free drink, Derek.” We make our way to the back of the bar area where the crowd is a little bit tamer.

  Of course chicks are trying to stop Derek left and right the whole way to our secluded as can be table. The more and more it happens I want to start to laugh at their lame attempts at distracting him. These women have no shame. I mean he is already walking with another woman in tote, and it doesn’t even faze them. What I like most is that it doesn’t seem to deter him. He could care less about any of these broads wanting to grope him. I have to admit, it makes me feel good to see how he reacts. Not saying this is an all the time typical reaction on his part, but either way, it’s nice to see that he’s just brushing them off as if they are crumbs.

  “Are they like this all the time?” I’m genuinely curious and slightly jealous of all these other women wanting to touch him. It’s not like I can really blame them. I want to touch him too.

  He laughs at my question as we take our seats. “What can I say Jes? I’m in the band.”

  I belt out a loud laugh. “Haha. Did you come up with that one all by yourself?” I can’t help but continue on giggling at his jokingly lame statement. I wonder how often guys can actually get lucky pulling that card.

  “To be honest, I don’t hang out after our shows. I usually go ahead and leave for the night because I usually have work and Emma has school.”

  Seriously, could this guy get any more attractive? As if his looks and charm aren’t enough to swoon any woman right off their feet, he has to be responsible and a good dad. I don’t know why exactly, but damn if that isn’t a turn on. I guess it’s the fact that when you’re a single mom where your kid will always be your number one priority and you want to be with someone who respects that and feels the same way.

  Talking to Derek puts me at ease, which to me is weird. I can talk to him like I’ve known him all my life. I don’t feel nervous, and I can let my silly side show without even caring what he’ll think. We talk about anything and everything. Well, anything and everything that doesn’t pertain to questions about our personal life.

  “What’s your favorite movie?” he asks as he tosses a peanut in his mouth.

  “I’m not telling you. You’ll think I’m a dork,” I laugh.

  “Come on just tell me.” He breaks out his freaking pouty face again.

  “Does that face get you everything you want?” Dumb question, I’m sure it does. He doesn’t break the face as he nods his head. “Ah, fine. But don’t laugh, okay?” He nods again. “Ace Ventura When Nature Calls.” I wait for him to start laughing at me, but instead his pouty face turns into his killer smile that I know gets him his way just as much.

  “That would be your favorite movie.” He shakes his head. “And I thought you couldn’t be any more perfect.”

  “No way. It’s not yours too is it?” What would be the odds? He shakes his head again.

  “No, it’s not my favorite movie, but it’s high in the ranks.”

  “Okay, then what’s your favorite and please don’t say Rocky.” As I’m sitting here asking Derek what his favorite movie is, I start to realize I didn’t even know what Jake’s was. It’s as if the little simple things about each other, we over looked.

  “Friday the 13” he says, breaking me out of my thoughts. “I love scary movies and it was the first one I ever saw as a kid, so it’s my favorite movie.” As if he couldn’t become more perfect, he loves scary movies. Is there something we don’t have in common?

  We talk for what feels like a good two hours and I realize I haven’t seen Mallory.

  “Crap, I need to find Mallory. She has to be at work early. I really hope she isn’t making good on screwing y’alls lead singer.” Derek cocks his head to the side looking at me suspiciously.

  “You mean Seth? I’m sure she would have to get in line. He’s quite the ladies’ man that brother of mine.” What? I sure wasn’t expecting that, especially when I was comparing their looks earlier. I mean they don’t really look alike.

  “Ha, go figure you’re related to the infamous panty melter. Well, either way, I have to find Mallory. I had a real good time talking with you Derek.” We both stand up to walk towards the front of the bar where the crowd is and the cover band is still playing.

  “Jesika.” I stop and turn to face this gorgeous man who towers over me. “Go out with me tomorrow night.” He doesn’t ask. He tells me, and I like it.

  Chapter Six


  Damn, I haven’t been this nervous for a date since I was a scrawny little boy going to my first middle school dance. This is ridiculous. I’ve been on plenty of dates. I have no reason to be nervous. It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours since I last saw Jesika. Maybe it’s the fact that I haven’t been able to shake the image of her from last night out of my head for the last eighteen hours.

  Damn it, when did I start counting hours and shit like a freaking nutty chick? What is this woman doing to me? I know for the most part everything she does is completely unintentional, but what she wore last night was completely intentional. She knew what that skirt would do to me. She had to have known.

  Ever since Seth had told me about our last minute gig I had cursed myself for not getting her number so I could at least invite her to the show. I’ve been dying to see that woman again. Of course, I can’t let her know that. It would probably freak her the hell out. The moment I saw her make her way to the stage last night, our eyes locked and I couldn’t control the giddy smile that smothered my whole damn face.

  Last night I realized that nothing in this world could ever be sexier than watching the way Jesika’s hips moved to our music. The way she would brush her hands through her hair at times was incredibly sexy. She was such a damn turn on and my favorite part was when she tapped her hands on her thighs to the beat of my drums, syncing us together as if we were one.

  I was able to hang out with Jesika for a good hour before she had to find her friend and head out, leaving me to help load up my drum kit. Before letting the opportunity slip through my grasp one more time, I made sure to exchange numbers and I asked her to go out with me tonight.

  Okay, maybe I didn’t exactly ask, but more like willingly encouraged her to. I know it might have been fast on my part, but I was so thrilled to see her I couldn’t resist the urge. I didn’t even think of the fact that maybe she wasn’t ready for the dating scene yet. I was like a fat kid in a candy store. So stupidly happy, yet so antsy it’s almost impossible to hold them back from devouring the whole damn store.

  Yes, if I had my way I’d for sure devour every inch of Jesika, and she would like it. I’m not one to brag about sexual experiences or talents, but with her I’d go above and beyond the call of duty. With her, for her, I would become a multi-taster.

  Yes, that’s right, a multi-taster…look that one up.

  For half a second after I had asked her out, or told her, I was almost scared shit less that she was going to turn me down. I could tell that she wanted to say yes, but she was very hesitant. My fear of it being too soon started to make its way to my mind and I almost told her never mind. But her look of doubt quickly faded when her ever so clever friend popped up at just the right time and offered to watch her son. Well hell, that thought had never crossed my mind. It reminded me that I hadn’t thought to find a sitter either, but I wasn’t going to bring that up because I would find one. Even if I had to beg Uncle Seth to watch Emma, I would pull all the strings to do so.


  I left the house thirty minutes before we were supposed to meet at the restaurant. I wanted to make sure to get her a bouquet of flowers and I wanted to be at least ten minutes early, so I could be there when she showed up. Buying a chick flowers on a first date is something
I have never done, but for her I want to do everything differently. I want to make a lasting impression. Not that I’m trying to be fake or make her think I’m someone that I’m not, it’s just that she makes me want to do all these cliché things. The fact is I’ve never met anyone who has made me want to be romantic before.

  The moment Jes steps out of her car my heart skips a beat. It actually stops beating for a good minute. She was breathtaking, and she didn’t even have to try to dress sexy to be sexy. It was just her. She was the most naturally beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. They always say beauty lies within, but with Jesika she was truly gorgeous inside and out and knowing that she was here to see me made me feel like I just won the damn jackpot. I really hope this attraction and feelings I’m having aren’t just one sided. I don’t want to be the only one being pulled by this connection I feel forming, or more like expanding on my part.

  She has the most intense smile. It just radiates everything in its path; it has been so long since I have been blessed with its presence. This past year has been hell on her and it’s been hell on me seeing her going through it and not being able to do shit to help her. I was able to calm my shaky hands by time I made my way to her. I was really hoping the flowers were still in contact after their bouncy ride in my tight grasp. Taking a deep breath to try and steady my voice I was finally able to speak without worrying I was going to sound like a thirteen year old boy going through puberty.

  “Wow, Jes. You look amazing.”

  She smiles shyly at me. “You look really nice too Derek. What side of Derek is this?”

  Slightly confused, “Ummm, not sure I follow you. What do you mean?”

  Shrugging she says, “There’s the Hot Firefighter Derek, or the Rockin’ Drummer Derek, and now this Derek.” She waves her hand to emphasize the Derek she was referring to.

  Liking that she has already put that much thought into me I throw it back at her to finish. “I really like what you’ve come up with so far, so I think you need to tell me what you’d like to call this look.”


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