Exposed: An Anthology

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Exposed: An Anthology Page 10

by Brooke Cumberland

  More on the average side I’d say. Then I start taking a good look at my body. Yes, it’s slightly thinner since Jake died, but still curvy. Nice sized chest, thin waist and ghetto booty. I’ve always had a big butt. Hello, my nickname actually was Booty in high school. That wasn’t embarrassing at all. Said no one ever! I hated that nickname. I hated it with a passion. And my freaking best friend gave it to me. I know he didn’t mean for it to catch on, but damn if it didn’t take off like a wild fire. I remember crossing the stage at graduation and all the guys yelling ‘Yahhhh Booty’. Pretty sure I was fifty shades of red when I returned to my seat.

  “So do you see what I’m talking about now? How sexy you are? The reason Jake was so possessive over you? The reason Derek looks at you the way he does; he’s hypnotized by you like he wants to devour you.”

  I’ve actually never noticed that. I would hope Derek is more interested in more than just my looks. He seems to be genuinely interested in me for me. Something I’m not really use to because now that Mallory pointed it out, Jake was rather possessive of me almost like I was more of a trophy than a wife. Guess that’s what I was his trophy wife.

  Its nuts that it takes him being gone for me to see how things really were. I was so blinded to it all for some reason; blinded by love, my love. Now, a year after his death, I’m finally an insider; getting in on the down low.

  “Speaking of devouring bodies, are you finally going to let Derek finish having his way with yours?”

  I have actually been thinking about it lately. The fact that we were so close the other night to having sex is unshakeable. I never wanted anyone as bad as I wanted him right then and I still want him. I can’t control my growing attraction or the feelings that are starting to root themselves deep within me; I think that’s what scares me the most.

  The feelings. I’m scared to death of them. The last person I had feelings for died. I’m not sure my heart can take the torture of losing someone else. No matter how that might happen. I’m struggling to just let go, and take the leap. But I want to be absolutely sure Derek is the one that is going to catch me. I’m trying hard to guard my heart, but as hard as I try to fight the feelings that I have no control over, I know my heart will belong to him. And I have a pretty damn good feeling that I can trust him with it for some reason.

  Finally done assessing myself in the mirror I turn back around to my stunning best friend. She is breathtaking in a candy apple red beaded dress that is skin tight to her hips and then flows out barely covering her perfectly manicured toes that our sticking out of her matching stilettos.

  “I’m so glad that we are finally able to put these masks to use.” I had forgotten all about them until she reminded me when we were dress shopping. We had gotten them on our trip to Eureka Springs. The guys had thought we were dumb because we spent a good hour trying on all the different masks before we finally settled on the ones we wanted. Both of ours were pretty much similar, both very typical eye masks for a ball, both having three feathers coming off the top in a nice fashion. Where mine is silver and black with mini diamond like jewels draped around the eyes, Mallory’s is red and gold. Mine looks amazing with my elegant beaded black dress that is fitted all the way down with an open back and a slit down my left leg.

  “I’ve always loved that tone of red on you, especially with your mask. It only intensifies your baby blues and that blonde hair of yours. You’re like a modern day Marilyn, ya know?” Linking our arms together in the way she always does, Mallory leads the way to her front door. Derek and Nick were originally supposed to meet us, but since the band they had scheduled to play tonight had a last minute emergency, guess who had to fill their spot?

  Yep, The Rifters. Wonder if I’ll actually get to do any dancing with Derek tonight.

  As we pull up to our destination in the limo Derek sent for us, yes a limo, I am completely taken by the gorgeous historic looking hotel we pull in front of. I’ve always been intrigued with the downtown historic district. They were beautifully built in their day and very well up kept.

  This hotel in particular reminds me of one that you’d expect to be taken a ghost tour in. I’ve never been on one, but I sure as hell would love to someday. The door is opened by a man dressed in a black suit and he politely holds his hand out to assist us with our departure out of the limo. We walk up the covered entry way to the door where there are more guys in fancy suits waiting to escort us. The Remington is in big gold letters scrolled above the doorway. There’s a lot of history in that family name etched over the metal double doors. I’ve never really got the full scoop; I’ve just always heard the name holds a lot of significance in this town.

  The inside is even more beautiful than I could have ever fathomed. It’s lightly dimmed adding more sexiness to the essence that a masked ball already holds. I know I should be looking for my sexy date, but I’m so blown away by the set up around me, that I almost don’t even care. I don’t care actually. Taking all of my surroundings in, I’m nudged in my side by Mallory.

  “What the hell was that for?” I squeal in pain.

  “Well, while you’re over there in LaLa Land Cinderella, I either A: want to find my date that I have never met, but you’ve guaranteed to be hot, B: get a drink, preferably something really strong. Just in case he isn’t the guaranteed knock out you claim, because I still plan on getting laid tonight or C. ALL OF THE ABOVE.”

  Hearing the humming of the amp, I grab Mallory’s hand. “Come on. I’m sure Nick is with Derek and I’m sure Derek is near the stage.” We weave through the crowd of masked bodies as I’m scanning the stage area as we start to close the gap. I don’t see Derek anywhere. I’m only able to tell apart the other band members because they are tuning their instruments getting ready to play.

  Where the hell is my HD?

  Spotting Seth I turn to go ask him, but I’m instantly pulled back and swung around into a pair of all too familiar strong arms. My breath catches at the intense ice blue eyes that are searching deep into mine. “Hey,” is all I manage, before his lips are crashing down onto mine.

  Derek’s lips are soft and his kiss is sweet. I can’t help but picture having them all over my body. His tongue touches the seam of my lips and pushes its way in my mouth. I’m so lost in our passionate kiss I don’t even hear the annoyed, “Ahem,” coming from beside me.

  Looking to my right, Mallory is glaring at me, highly irritated. Then looking to my left I see a very familiar pair of green eyes, peeking up under his lashes, waiting to be introduced to the beauty in red I brought for him. Someone over Derek’s shoulder catches my eye, a very handsome Seth being mesmerized by Mallory as well.


  Good thing he’ll be singing all night or else things could get interesting; mainly for the fact that my best friend has a thing for the bad boy type with commitment issues.

  Once Mallory and Nick are introduced her mood totally flips; she’s pleased. Very pleased, I should say, with the date I chose for her. I thought I was going to be dateless for the night, but I’m very happy when Derek informs me that he only has to play a few songs with the band, that Connor’s brother is filling in for the rest.

  He takes my hand and leads me through the magical wonderland to the middle of the dance floor. I’m not one for slow dancing in public and definitely not right smack dab in the middle of everyone. I feel like everyone’s eyes are on us, maybe because that’s all I can see of these strangers that surround us.

  Derek pulls me in close. My arms find their own way around his neck like it’s their second home. “I’m not a very fancy dancer.” I admit, slightly embarrassed.

  “Just follow me. You’ll be fine.”

  And with that I sink further into him, resting my check against his chest. Even with heels on, he’s still a half foot taller than me. My head is facing out toward the crowd making sure not to poke Derek’s eye out with a feather. Every now and then I open my eyes and take in the swarm of people enjoying the mysterious atmosphere. The band isn’t
playing their typical rock music, but playing cover songs instead. They sound amazing, Seth is truly gifted.

  I spot Mallory and Nick dancing, rather closely I might add. She’s really enjoying herself with him; maybe he can tame her or just maybe he can treat her right. Prove to her that all guys aren’t the same, and that she should never settle. Those thoughts quickly pass through my mind until I see Mallory eyeing the stage, and I know exactly who she’s eyeing, because I know without a shadow of a doubt, who is eyeing her back.

  Double Shit.

  Chapter Fourteen


  All eyes are on us. Well, at least that’s how it feels. I know it’s because I’m dancing with the most beautiful woman in this place, and you’d literally have to be blind not to notice that. I know all the guys are jealous of this perfectly sculpted masterpiece that is currently taken up residence in my arms and my heart. I’m not going to lie; it’s the most amazing and scary feeling all in one.

  Mallory seems to be digging her date I hooked her up with. I’m at least hoping so because I’m noticing more and more glances being shared between her and my hoe bag of a brother. I’m not really looking forward at trying to deflect what looks to be a train wreck waiting to happen. I know they’re freaking adults and all but damn, do people ever learn from their mistakes?

  Hello, if you want to go a different route then you’ve been going your whole life, you steer clear of someone with the same issues you have. People always think ‘we can relate’ or ‘they’ll totally get me’. While that is true and all, it doesn’t fix anything. You can’t be with an equally or more messed up person and expect to fix each other. It just doesn’t work like that. First of all both parties have to be willing to be fixed, and while Mallory is probably ready to find the right guy to settle down, the last thing Seth is wanting is to be the right guy or for someone to try and fix him.

  “What are you thinking about?” Jes quietly asks.

  “Ah, you know. My lady lover brother and,” I nod my head in the direction of Nick and Mallory who are standing next to the bar laughing. Her margaritas must be kicking in because she makes sure to grab onto his arm or lightly slap his chest every time she laughs. I know the guy and believe me, he’s not that fucking funny. Jesika lets out a sigh as her eyes narrow in on her best friends game of grab ass she’s playing with my coworker, while also mind fucking my brother every time she glances at the stage.

  “Yeah I noticed their little stare off earlier. I can’t tell her who to and who not to sleep with, but she’s very familiar with Seth’s type. I actually think she’s drawn to it, because she’ll pass up a perfectly attractive man who is genuinely into her, just to let herself be run over by another guy instead. I don’t get it.” She shakes her head.

  “So, you think Nick’s attractive, huh?”

  She nods. “Well duh, I wouldn’t have let you hook Mallory up with an ugly guy Derek.”

  We make our way to the table that has our names reserved on it along with Mallory and Nick’s. They had Seth do an announcement that we all needed to take our seats because they were going to recognize the man who donated the funds for the benefit tonight. I didn’t realize people liked to be called out like that, but I guess when you’re filthy rich you want it to be well known by everyone. Like rich people need any more reasons to feel special about themselves.

  I’m walking behind Jes with my arms wrapped around her waist. Before we reach our seats, I bend over to whisper in her ear. I want to give her something to think about for the rest of the night. Something to get her anticipating what is to come as soon as this damn thing is over.

  “I can’t wait to get you out of this sexy ass dress later.” She stops dead in her tracks making me push into her more.

  “Oh, is that so?”

  “Yes, it is very much so. I’ll let you keep your mask on and I can even keep mine on too if you’d like.”

  Jesika turns around in my hold, and pushes up on her toes to kiss my cheek. “I’ll think about it.” She says in my ear. I want to devour her right here, right now. She slowly walks out of my grasp, swaying those perfect hips of hers the rest of the way to her seat.

  The MC for the night, who happens to be the city mayor, takes the stage. All eyes are now on him as he begins to thank everyone for the amazing turn out and explains the main purpose of the event was to benefit our fire stations which are in desperate need of being revamped.

  “It is my pleasure to introduce you to tonight’s honorary donor. The man whose name is etched on the front of this building; the man whose family has molded most of this city together, Mr. Doug Remington. “

  Why does that name sound familiar? Watching the man who is in his early fifties grace the stage, he doesn’t strike me as memorable man. He’s a good six feet tall, slender, short brown hair and clean shaven. He starts talking, and he just wreaks douche bag. Most money hungry people are; they can’t help it. It’s branded into their DNA; they do whatever it takes to stay on top not caring who they step on in the process. As long as they keep climbing up, that’s all that matters.

  “As Mayor Brady said, my family has established many areas of this city and we value keeping it up to standard. So, when he approached me last week, I volunteered to throw this event tonight. The city isn’t out any money, and all money earned goes straight to the fire department’s needs. Whether that is updating buildings inside and out, or new trucks, it’s there for them to choose how they see fit.”

  Every so often I catch him stop his gaze on Jesika. I know she looks beautiful but damn, there’s something weird about this man. Seth seems to be paying attention from the side of the stage watching this Doug man’s every move. It strikes me as pretty odd, because usually he’s in his own world. The speech is ended by giving props to the band.

  “How about this band? Give The Rifters a round of applause. They filled in on late notice when our DJ canceled on us last minute. It would have been a pretty boring night if they wouldn’t have stepped up.”

  Allowing the audience to applaud while encouraging them as he clapped as well he says his farewells and then makes his way off stage. I notice he quickly says something to Seth as he passes by, and it has my suspicions on high alert.

  Who exactly is this man?

  “Who was that joker?” It’s as if Mallory heard my thoughts. Nick answers before I can even tell her I have no idea.

  “He’s some big wig around here. He’s into everything, like has construction companies, owns a shit load of buildings mainly downtown, and I thought I heard that he’s partnering up with the events coordinator at the BOK center trying to bring more tours through.”

  Seeing that the BOK Center is located smack dab in the middle of downtown makes total sense as why he’d want to be a part of something as beneficial as that. More business for all the shit he owns.

  Seth waves to get my attention. He is now standing with the rest of the band, right next to that Remington moron.

  “Hey baby, I’ll be right back. Seth needs me.” I whisper in Jes’s ear which results with sending a ripple of chills down her body.

  “I sure hope you’re ready to finish what we started the other night,” she whispers back.

  “If you only had a clue what I plan on doing baby.” I give her a kiss, push my chair back and head to Seth, not giving her a chance to reply and let her simmer on it.

  I walk up as they are all in deep conversation. Seth has a rather pleased look on his face causing me to proceed with caution since I have a weird feeling about this dude.

  “Derek, you’ll never believe the incredible opportunity that Mr. Remington just offered us.”

  He proceeds to tell me that indeed Mr. Remington is now in charge of helping bring in more revenue by ways of huge tours hitting the state. Making some last minute deals, he has scored one of the biggest ones’ going around this year.

  The Black Falcon tour.

  I would actually love to see their show sometime, I bet it fucking rocks. But wha
t Seth tells me next blows my damn mind right out of the water. Something I honestly never thought I would ever hear come out of his mouth. Something so huge, I never thought it’d be possible to be a part of, Mr. Doug Fucking Remington scored us a slot as an opening act for Black Falcon’s tour.

  “I’m very big on supporting our local talent and if being in such a valuable position allows me the chance to do that, then I’m jumping on that opportunity. I’ve always heard amazing things about you boys and you are always bringing in a crowd when you play your shows downtown. I respect what y’all do and want to reward you guys with this opportunity. The tour manager did mention that one of their opening acts had to back out for the last leg of the tour, so if you guys are able to impress Noel and the gang, I’m sure they’ll let your band tag along to finish it out. It’d only be a months’ worth of time on the road, but it’s all about getting your name out there and what a better way than that.”

  He tells us congratulations and shakes each one of our hands. “Don’t forget the show is in two nights. Y’all might want to get in some quality practice. You will be playing with the big dogs.” Then he turns back around and heads over to where the Mayor is standing. Big Wigs I tell you.

  “Alright guys, let’s get our shit packed up and head out so we can figure out what the hell we’re going to be playing for the show.” Seth is barely hiding his excitement. He’s playing his cool, calm and collected self pretty fucking well to the rest of the guys, but I can read him better than anyone, and I know he’s shitting his pants right now.

  Hell, I’m damn near shitting mine as well. This is the biggest thing that could ever happen to The Rifters. Opportunities like this don’t just land in your lap. So, it is pretty surreal.

  Making my way to where my drums are, I come back down to earth and remember that I left Jes sitting at the table. Shit, I also left her thinking she was going to be coming home with me tonight. Not that I had lied; it was my original plan, that is until this once in a lifetime news was sprung on me. I know she will understand; I just really hope I didn’t get her damn hopes up. I hurry back over to our table noticing Mallory and Nick are gone.


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