Exposed: An Anthology

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Exposed: An Anthology Page 48

by Brooke Cumberland

  “Band-aide girl?” He asked.

  Sophie blushed. She hadn’t recognized him. Her voice cracked and surprised her. “That would be me.”

  “You know each other?” Molly looked confused.

  “No. Not officially,” He stepped forward and extended his hand. “I’m Mark, Best Man. Which goes without saying.” Something happened when he touched her. He looked down at their hands.

  The giggle had been unexpected. Sophie cleared her throat, “I’m Sophie, Maid of Honor as of this morning.” A jolt of energy shot up her arm just from a simple handshake. She shook her head to clear her mind.

  “The notorious Sophie. Nice to meet you. Molls is always too busy to talk to me because she’s hanging out with Sophie.” Mark smiled. Sophie blushed and looked at the ground. Yep. Just another reminder of how needy she had become.

  Taking full advantage of the loss of eye contact, Mark let his eyes roam freely over the Maid of Honor. She had affected him this morning and now his whole body tightened at seeing her. She was pretty. Her long blond hair was down and curled loosely over her shoulders. Her eyes were dark brown and set off by thick lashes. He looked at her mouth and wondered what it would be like to kiss such full lips. Her baggy clothes hid her body and she was shy, made obvious by the blush. She’s out of the question, he told himself. This was Molly’s best friend and that was a line he couldn’t cross without hurting his sister.

  Noticing her friend’s face, Molly stepped forward. “Ignore him. He hardly calls. And I can’t help it that I enjoy her company more than yours.”

  Mark acted like he’d been stabbed. “Fine baby but just remember I was your first love.”

  Speaking of first loves, Mark noticed Amber making her way to him. “Oh shit,” he muttered. “Who wants a beer?” He quickly turned around and made a bee line toward the keg.

  “Oh shit what? What did you do Mark?” Molly saw Amber’s face light up when she saw him. This was not going to be good. “Mark?”

  Sophie looked toward the cute red head she had met at the bridal salon today. The girl had been a little nervous this morning but she looked confident and happy tonight. “What’s up with Mr. Ripped and Amber?”

  “Eww. Please don’t call him that.” She made a face. “Amber was Mark’s first, well, whatever she was. They dated for three years in high school. He wasn’t the best boyfriend. Then again…” Her voice trailed off as Amber passed her and walked toward Mark. “Amber is engaged to Steve, one of this crazy Dickerman gang from high school. They were the boys all the girls wanted to date. Sadly, my friends all wanted too also. She told me she ran into Mark last night at a club. I didn’t think anything of it. But Mark’s reaction just told me everything. This is gonna get ugly.”

  Amber walked right past Mark and gave Steve the most intimate kiss Sophie had ever seen. Mark’s jaw dropped. “Yes it is.”


  Sophie looked over the ‘Dickerman gang’ and could see why they had been the bad boys of high school. Rich was the classic boy next door, probably had the good grades and grew up in an amazing home. Steve was clean cut but you could tell by his eyes that he had a devious side. Chad was now a teacher at the same school where he had spent his years torturing the poor and unfortunate educators that had the pleasure of teaching this rowdy bunch. Ryan was your classic bad boy, covered in tattoos, personal trainer to the stars, muscles that went on for miles and the looks women couldn’t leave alone. Then there was Caleb, her sweet friend Caleb. Sophie smiled at him. She had been told once that he had been the wild one of the group but his calm and loving personality told her that either no one really knew him, or he had changed significantly since their high school days. Then there was Mark. Sophie blushed. Mr. Sex on a stick. He was a hunk. His 6’3” frame and jet black messy hair was set off by his piercing green eyes and olive complexion. He had bad boy written all over him. Heat pooled between her legs just looking at him.

  Her thoughts were interrupted when Rich stepped onto the picnic table and raised his glass to get the bridal party’s attention. “I really want to thank all you guys for being a part of our wedding day. You know my mother so you know this whole wedding is going to be totally out of control. That being said, Molly and I just want you all to know how much it means to us that you decided to accept our offer to be a part of this craziness.” Rich stepped down and opened a large box lying under the picnic table as molly pulled another one out from the other side. “Most of us have been friends for our whole lives, and our new additions just make our group that much better. We didn’t think a flask or whatever it is you girls give each other was enough to tell you all how special you are to us. I have been more than blessed with what life has given me and I have gotten to spend the last ten years convincing Molly none of this matters to me. I can’t wait to make her my wife.”

  The girls in the crowd melted as the guys moaned and yelled “whipped” and laughed.

  Molly shook her head. “Ok Ok. Calm Down. We have less than a month until the wedding and I know you guys are in for some hell between then and now. What Rich is trying to say is that we love you guys and we didn’t mind using a little of his family’s…umm blessings? to help us show you that. We know this wedding is going to be nuts and we want to be able to spend some time with you guys with no stress and no schedule…” her voice trailed off as she yanked a carry on bag out of the box. “So we got you all a gift we think you can use. And when you open this, don’t panic because Rich’s very helpful mother has already been in contact with wives, husbands, bosses, and whoever else she needed to get clearance from…”

  Sophie took a bag from Rich’s hand and slowly opened the zipper. Peering into her bag, the first thing that caught her eye was the pair of flip flops and the beach towel. Pulling the towel from the bag, she noticed the tiny pink bikini and the sealed envelope. People began cheering and high fiving. She tore open the envelope to see what it was. Staring back at her was a round trip plane ticket for Negril, Jamaica. Printed on it was the name Sophie Barringer and May 6 – May 10, two days from now. Sophie’s breath caught as she saw the brochure for the hotel.

  “Hedonism? Holy Hell Dickerman. Seriously?” Stunned, Mark looked up at his sister and Rich.

  “Guess we will finally find out if the infamous Marco is a Prude or a Nude.” Rich laughed as he kissed Molly gently and smiled.

  Chapter Two

  “What’s up, Marco?” Chad threw his carry on above his head and took the window seat right next to Mark. “First class dude. This is a first for me.”

  “Man, I need this. I haven’t taken any time since the week I took after my last tour. Unfortunately, I have to get some work done on the plane”. Mark started laughing, “Little Molly taking us all to Hedonism. I have a huge fear of seeing her naked on this beach. That will seriously ruin this whole thing for me.” Looking up, he caught site of her and winked. “Speak of the devil.”

  Molly marched in leading her five bridesmaids behind her. She looked radiant and his heart melted seeing his sister so happy. She deserved it. Life hadn’t been easy for them growing up in a town full of the rich and famous. Their father was lifetime military and although he made good money, he was away more than half the time and their mother had to work like crazy to afford the lifestyle their father had been used to. Molly had missed out on a lot of activities until he was old enough to get a job. He paid for cheerleading uniforms and camp and sent money to her to help with college when he was overseas. She had grown into such a beautiful woman and her job gave her the opportunity to live the life she deserved. Now she was marrying his best friend. He had no doubt Rich would always take care of her. He had been in love with her since the eighth grade and it took him until his junior year in high school to tell her. She was a cute and bubbly sophomore and she had been floored by the declaration. She was safe. Mark smiled. He had done his job.

  His eyes returned to his laptop, frantically typing emails to his brokers to make sure everything ran smoothly for the five days
he would be gone. The sooner this vacation started, the better. He didn’t notice as the passengers began boarding and taking their seats. The stewardess had taken notice of him however. She had been over to him four times since he sat down, offering him a drink or snacks and asking where he would be staying on the island.

  “You’ve always been a good friend to have man,” Chad started laughing. “I wouldn’t have married Jules if you hadn’t been out with me that night. They wouldn’t have even noticed me. But you, man, you’ve still got it. And now I will be supplied with beverages for this extremely long flight.”

  “I’m going to have to agree with that.” The voice came from across the aisle.

  Mark looked up to smile at Caleb and froze. Sitting directly across from him was the very shy Sophie. He hadn’t noticed her sit down but now he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. She had busied herself reading a book and didn’t even look up.

  Molly had dressed her bridesmaids in pink sweat suits and had worn matching white one. The word bride was written in rhinestones across her back. He looked around at the sea of pink in first class. The girls were all in fitted outfits and were taking off jackets to reveal even tighter white tank tops. But, not Sophie; hers seemed about two sizes too big and she was perfectly content staying covered up.

  Sensing his stare, she looked up and their eyes locked. Her blush reached her cheeks before she even had a chance to smile. “Hi”

  Mark didn’t say a word but couldn’t stop looking at her. What was wrong with him? On the agenda tonight was find a willing woman on this little Island and work whatever this was out of his system. When her eyes returned to her book, he looked around the cabin again. He had slept with half the bridesmaids and wasn’t one to go back for seconds. He shifted in his seat, shut the lap top and closed his eyes. “Screw it! Work will be there when I get home.”


  “Holy shit. What are you reading?” Caleb leaned over and looked at Sophie’s book. She immediately started laughing. He tried to take the book from her.

  “Take it and die” Sophie squealed. She yanked it back causing Caleb to slam into her. “No one comes between me and my man.”

  Mark’s eyes shot open. He looked across the aisle to see a cozy Caleb and Sophie now sharing the book. They were both biting their bottom lips. His shoulders instantly stiffened as he glared across the aisle.

  “What is that?” He voice was more demanding than he expected but neither of them looked at him. He reached across the aisle and brushed her arm. She jumped and looked over at him with a surprised look.

  Chad leaned over and laughed. “That’s the book series my wife read a few months ago. That thing is porn without pictures man. My sex life sky rocketed after she read that thing.”

  Caleb smiled. “First thing I’m doing when we check in is taking a cold shower.” He tried to steal the book again and Sophie launched herself at him ripping herself from Mark’s grip. “Soph, you can’t read this stuff. It will ruin you for me.”

  “Man up Caleb” Ryan yelled from two rows back. “It may finally get you laid. I’m tired of hearing Sophie this and Sophie that. Ask her out already.”

  Caleb froze. Sophie was half across his lap reaching for the book. Her eyes met his and he looked like he was going to pass out. He slumped down in his seat. “Really?” She asked.

  Their conversation became whispered and Mark struggled to hear what was being said. He ran his hand down his face and stood up to stretch. She’s just a conquest, he reminded himself. That’s the only reason you want her. His eyes locked on the stewardess and for a minute he considered taking her into the bathroom. He stepped into the aisle but something stopped him. Sophie chose that exact moment to stand up and tripped over her pant leg. She fell into him and he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Always running into me. Keep doing it and I’m going to start thinking it’s on purpose” Mark laughed as he helped her straightened up.

  “I’m sorry” She stuttered. “I just got really hot. I have to get this jacket off and the zipper is stuck.”

  “Well, it’s about five sizes too big Sophie. It’s amazing it hasn’t fallen off.” Mark helped dislodge the zipper and unzipped her jacket. His pants became a little tighter. Her white tank top was exactly the right size. It clung tightly to her perfectly rounded breasts and flat stomach. His brain screamed to touch her.

  “Well, it was Natalia’s. You should have seen how big the dress was. I didn’t get added to this thing until a few days ago.” She blushed as he let her go. A visible shiver ran down her spine and he swore her nipples hardened. She looked up at him through her dark lashes and he was instantly hard.

  Mark shot away from her and down the aisle, leaving the group behind. He had to get his head straight. This was not him. He wanted to pick Caleb up by the neck and remove him from the seat. He, Caleb and Rich had been The Three Musketeers growing up and this was not a thought he had ever had about his best friend before. He knew he and Sophie were friends and worked together but suddenly, that was not OK with him.


  His smile had been all it took to convince the stewardess in the back that he needed to pace for a few minutes. When she asked if he was nervous about flying he just agreed and she let him blow off some steam as she readied the drink cart for coach.

  “Markie?” Molly’s voice was quiet and concerned. His eyes met hers but he couldn’t stop pacing. “What’s happening? You’ve been gone for a half hour. I’m worried.” She put her hands on his arms and he stilled. “Is it the flight? Have you flown since….” Her voice trailed off. She knew he had been through some things during the war but he never talked about it.

  “No baby. It’s not the flight.” He grabbed her and held onto her. His grip tightened as she tried to back up. “I don’t know what’s happening to me.”

  “You’re soaking wet. What’s wrong?” Molly’s voice shook.

  “I don’t know. Everything is closing in on me and I can’t breathe.” Mark took the drink the stewardess handed him. He was on his third crown and soda. He felt nothing but fear. He chugged the drink and handed it back to the stewardess asking for another. She winked at him but he hardly noticed.

  “How many drinks have you had?” Molly leveled her eyes at the stewardess. He just shrugged. “Last one. Chug it down and let’s move. Half our crew is asleep and I’m bored. Ryan is being his usual ass self and he and Claire have been practically screwing in full view. I need you up there.”

  She took his hand and led him slowly through coach until they reached the first class curtain. He took a deep breath and steadied himself. He surveyed the cabin. Rich was asleep against the window, and so were Liz, Amber and Steve. He refused to look at Sophie and Caleb. He sat down next to Chad who just nodded and went back to his magazine. He settled into his seat and took a second deep breath. His curiosity got the best of him and he dared a quick glance at Sophie. She was asleep with her chair reclined. Caleb was looking out the window drumming his fingers on his knee. He couldn’t help but notice Sophie’s arm still holding the book and resting across Caleb’s chest.


  Arriving at the hotel was total commotion. The lobby was packed and Molly and Rich were being very patient getting the six rooms they had booked. The wedding party sat clumped together on a large couch waiting for room assignments. It had been a long travel day and the night air felt good against their jetlagged bodies.

  “OK. Here’s the deal,” Rich looked nervous. “The rooms are fine. All six are on the same floor, really close together. Ryan and Claire have asked to room together. I will be with Molls, Obviously Amber and Steve. Liz has asked to bunk with Jessica since she had to leave the hubby at home.” He fidgeted. “So. one of you guys is going to have to bunk with Sophie. And Chad, I have gotten death threats from your wife so it won’t be you.”

  “I’ll stay with Soph” Caleb perked up and practically yelled.

  Molly gave Sophie a sympathetic look and whispered “Is that
ok?” Sophie shook her head that is was.

  “Here’s your key Marco,” Rich handed him the same key he had handed Chad. Mark stood there shocked. “Caleb and Sophie are sharing a room?” He questioned as he dropped his luggage and fell back onto the couch. He was going to need some more to drink. More importantly, he was going to need some female companionship. His eyes met Molly’s and Molly’s jaw dropped.

  Chapter Three

  She needed to take a walk. Caleb had been great offering to stay with her. After all, he was one of her closest friends in LA and technically her boss, since his senior editor position was the one she worked under. But since the incident on the plane, she had become a little fidgety sharing a room with someone she now saw as a man and not just her friend. He liked her. Not only liked her, he had talked to his friends about her.

  Caleb was unpacking quietly. He had let her take the bed by the window so she would have the ocean view in the morning. He was doing everything right. She knew he was attractive. He spent a good amount of time at the gym with Ryan and his body clearly showed that. His smile lit up a room when he walked in and he had more than his share of looks when they went out together. His dirty blond hair, green eyes and little scattering of freckles attracted women wherever they went. But her boyfriend? She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to try to picture herself in his arms. She loved him. But she loved him like her good friend and she couldn’t imagine taking it past that point.

  He took his t-shirt off and threw it back into his empty suitcase. His body was ripped and Sophie waited to feel something as she watched his strong muscles relax as he stretched. She cleared her throat. “I’m going to go for a walk on the beach. Just clear my head a little.”

  “Want some company?” Caleb grinned and bent to pick up his t-shirt.


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