Exposed: An Anthology

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Exposed: An Anthology Page 50

by Brooke Cumberland

  Mark looked to his sides to make sure no one was watching and slipped his fingers under the flimsy fabric covering her breasts. He pinched her right nipple and she arched back into his erection. She was panting. “I’m gonna turn around.”

  His hands tightened around her. “Sophie, if you turn around, I’m going to lose it. I won’t be able to help myself. I’m not good for you. You deserve more and if you turn around, I’m afraid you’re going to regret it. I won’t be able to stop. I can’t hurt you like that.” He was panting and shaking. He leaned in to kiss her neck and she turned her head into him. Her lips met his and her tongue begged for entrance. When his lips parted, her tongue wrestled with his. She moaned into his mouth and his erection grew painfully larger.

  Her hands roamed backwards until they found his erection and his body froze. She fumbled with the tie of his swim trunks and moaned in frustration when she couldn’t get it untied. She rubbed her hand over his shorts, touching the entire length of him. His grip loosened as he threw his head back. She turned and his breath hitched when she wrapped her legs around him.

  “Sophie,” his breathing was erratic. Her eyes met his and she melted. She wrapped her arms around him and ground into his erection. His eyes snapped shut. “Oh God, Sophie. What are you doing?”

  “Look at me, Mark.” She panted. He opened his eyes and met hers. “Touch me. Please touch me.” She ground against him a few more times.

  His vision went blurry. He pushed her bathing suit bottom over and ran his fingers through her folds. Even in the water, he could tell she was soaking wet. He moaned. “Holy shit, you are so wet. I’m not going to be able stop. You need to stop this Soph because I can’t. No Sex. We can’t. You deserve more than this.” His words were strained and breathless.

  She leaned forward and sucked the salty water off his chest and licked up his neck. “I won’t regret this. I want you so bad.” She smiled with her eyes half closed. “Touch me.”

  Mark slid a finger into her core and flicked the pad of his thumb against her swollen clit. She threw her head back and moaned. A second finger and a second flick and her head crashed against his chest panting. “Don’t stop.” His fingers continued their pace as she tried again to untie his shorts. The knot loosened and she slipped his shorts down lower on his hips. His thumb continued to circle her clit and she began nibbling at his neck. “Come for me baby. Let it go.” Marks voice was raspy and full of sex. Her orgasm hit her so hard that she had to collapse against him to keep from sliding under the water. He wrapped his arm under her bottom and pulled her against him. “Watching your face was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” Mark kissed her hard and she frantically tried to free his erection. “Sophie, don’t. We can’t go this far.”

  “I’ve wanted you from the second I saw you. I don’t want to stop.” Sophie grasped his erection and stroked it once, twice. Mark became crazed. She slid her bikini bottoms over and poised herself over the tip of his erection. His knees went weak.

  “Oh God, Soph. Are you sure?” He could hardly keep himself together. He pulled her back and looked into her eyes. His arms tightened to keep her at a distance, just hovering over the head of his erection. “We can’t take this back. You know the kind of guy I am.”

  “You don’t want me?” She tried to wiggle free; her slick core resting on the head of his cock. She ground against the tip and his eyes slammed shut.

  “I have never wanted anyone like I want you.” His expression was pained as he tried to control his breathing. “You do something to me Sophie. I just don’t understand it.” As she stroked her body lightly over the head he almost cried out in frustration.

  She whimpered and tried to break free of his death grip. She wanted all of him. She wanted him right now. She had never acted like this but Mark made her crazed. When she realized he wouldn’t loosen his grip, she reached down between them and stroked him with her hand. Her lips met his and he was lost.

  “Oh God, Soph,” he let her go. “I can’t hold back any longer. Just do it.”

  She crawled up his body once more and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist. He was so hard. And it was all for her. She grabbed his erection and positioned herself over the tip. This was it. She was so ready for him. He could feel the heat from her and he moaned.

  “Guys!” Rich yelled from the beach and they both froze. “Come on. Lunch is served. We’re all up there waiting for you. Let’s go.”

  Chapter Five

  Sophie swam to shore scanning the line of empty towels that had been occupied by her group. She could not believe what she had just done. Not only had she almost had sex with Mark Moretti, she had initiated it and had potentially put on a show for her whole group. It was like doing the walk of shame when she exited the water into Rich’s arms. He held the towel around her shoulders and gave her a little chuckle. “Don’t worry Soph. Ryan had gone to meet some waitress and the girls had gone back to the pool. It’s Hedonism. This shit happens here.”

  “Caleb?” Her voice cracked and she hid her face against towel.

  “No. Ryan bet him a hundred bucks he couldn’t get a girl’s number so he walked off once you went into the water.” He started laughing. “Sorry I interrupted Soph. Go join everyone at lunch and I’ll wait here for Marco.”

  Sophie looked back at Mark as he made his way to shore. He was staring at her, his eyes burning into her. She bit her bottom lip and Rich just laughed. “You need to put something on.”

  Sophie jumped away from him and looked down. She didn’t notice anything out of place. “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “You’re driving that boy of ours mad. He’s been wound tight since the first time he saw you. Just cover up and let’s make it through lunch. The only other thing on the agenda today is snorkeling at 3:00 so the rest of the time is all yours.”

  Sophie looked over at her towel. She hadn’t worn anything down to the beach but her bikini. She noticed Caleb’s shirt lying on the blanket and grabbed it. Throwing it on, she jogged to the dinning room.

  “Get that out of your system yet Marco?” Rich just laughed as Mark adjusted his swimsuit. “Can we get on with our trip now?”

  “Shit man. Perfect timing,” he gave Rich the death stare. “What the fuck is wrong with me?”

  Putting his arm around him, Rich led him up to the restaurant. “You know, the first time I saw your sister, I knew. I loved her the second she looked at me.”

  “Dude that was middle school bullshit; I’m not capable of that emotion.” Mark rubbed his hand down the front of his face and then straightened up.

  Rich just shook his head. “You love Molly. You’d take a bullet for her. Why couldn’t you love someone else like that?”

  Mark was completely silent when they joined the rest of the group. Molly looked up concerned and patted the seat next to her. “You OK?” she whispered.

  “No,” Mark put his napkin into his lap and took a sip of water.

  Molly leaned in and kissed his shoulder. “What’s the matter?” When Mark didn’t answer her, she took his hand under the table. He was trembling. “What’s wrong? You’re scaring me.” Her voice was quiet but shook asking the question.

  “Molls, drop it. I’ll be fine.” He took another sip of water and glanced across the table in time to see Caleb drop down in the seat next to Sophie. His whole face hardened in anger.

  “I don’t know what it is Soph, but you sure know how to make my blood boil. You look sexy in my clothes baby.” Caleb spoke a little too loud and everyone looked up. Sophie just blushed and kept her gaze fixed on her salad plate. He reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.

  Mark saw red. His hand squeezed Molly’s until his knuckles were white. Molly hissed in a breath and looked at him.

  Ryan came stumbling into the room laughing. He was drunk and sweaty. “Marco, Dude!” He came over and high fived a fuming Mark. “She’s waiting for you. She’s ready bro and she is hot!”

  The whole group sta
rted in on how rude Ryan was. Everyone but Caleb. He leaned in and gave Sophie a kiss on the neck, whispering something into her ear.

  Mark pounded his fist on the table and everyone jumped. He shoved his chair back and stormed out of the dining room.

  “Oh, yeah,” Ryan slurred. “Marco’s got his groove back.”

  Sophie sat there with her jaw dropped as Mark walked away.


  Mark stood under the cold water as it pelted his shoulders. He could still hear Sophie’s little moans and smell her sweet Jasmine smell. Her taste was still in his mouth and his mind raced. Remnants of their time in the ocean were all over him. It had almost been heaven. There was no other word that described what she would have felt like. His whole body ached for her. His hand slapped against the tiled shower wall and he threw his head back. This wouldn’t take long. He roared her name as the pain and pleasure of the morning crashed around him.


  Sophie quietly cried into her pillow. Seeing her upset, Caleb dropped everything in his hands and ran over to her. He lay down next to her and pulled her into his arms. She was trembling and tears flooded her face. “Shhhh. Soph, it’s okay. I’m here. What happened, baby?”

  She shifted her body into his and buried her face in his neck. Her sobs were uncontrollable and for a long time, he just stroked her hair and held her. When she began to settle down, he asked her again. “What happened?”

  She pulled back and looked at him and then sat up. “I didn’t listen to you. I should have. I didn’t.” She started crying again.

  “What are you talking about?” Caleb looked puzzled and held his hands out to her. The thought hit him like a ton of bricks. “Mark. You lied to me about Mark last night.” His voice got louder.

  “No, no I didn’t.” Sophie said pushing away from him. “It was this morning.”

  Caleb stood up and crossed the room. “What did he do to you Soph?” When she didn’t answer immediately, he asked louder. “What. Did. He. Do. To. You?” Each word was clipped and made her cringe.

  “He didn’t do it. I did.” Sophie threw her hands to her face, partly in fear but mostly embarrassment.

  “I don’t understand.” Caleb’s eyes filled with tears. “What do you mean you did?”

  “Caleb, I have wanted him since the engagement party. I can’t breathe when he’s near me. I couldn’t help it.”

  Caleb backed all the way up to the door shaking his head. “This cannot be happening. Are you kidding me?”

  “I didn’t do it to hurt you. I did it for me!” Sophie snapped at him

  “Where was I?” A tear ran down Caleb’s face and he yelled at her. “Where was I? I have been with you this whole trip.”

  “You were on the beach.” It broke Sophie’s heart to see Caleb beark. She knew he had tried to warn her. She hadn’t cared.

  “In the water?” Caleb was yelling. “What the hell Sophie? I was right there. I watched you guys splashing each other. I was jealous as hell. And the whole time you were planning on fucking him? In front of me?”

  “I wasn’t planning it. It happened. Well, it didn’t. But it almost did. And then he…”

  “It did or it didn’t Sophie?” Caleb pushed his head back against the door. The room was spinning and he couldn’t catch his breath.

  ‘It didn’t. But I wanted it to.” Sophie stood staring at him. She was shocked to see his reaction. She needed him to comfort her. Mark had left lunch right after Ryan came back and told him it was his turn. Her heart had shattered into a million pieces and she watched him walk toward the waitress. She needed her best friend.

  “God damnit, Sophie. I told you I loved you. Why him? Why not me? How could you do this?” He reached for the door knob…


  Mark made his way down the hall feeling so much better. He knew he would have to endure a few hours on a boat with her this afternoon but he had cleared his head. Love. He laughed. No way. Rich didn’t know what he was talking about. He didn’t even know her. He heard the yelling before he got to the door. Muffled sounds from a woman seeped into the hallway but Caleb’s voice was crystal clear.

  “It did or it didn’t Sophie?” Mark stopped outside the door and took a step toward it. A muffled female voice responded and there was a thud at the door. “God damnit Sophie. I told you I loved you. Why him? Why not me? How could you do this?”

  The hair on the back of Mark’s neck stood up. He raised a fist to knock on the door when it flew open. Caleb was red faced and his eyes were puffy. He was furious. “Perfect timing Moretti! You can twist the knife that was just shoved in my back.” He stormed past him down the hall.

  Mark looked into the room and saw Sophie curled into a ball on the bed. Her sobs made his stomach drop. “Sophie?”

  “Get out, Mark!” Her voice was strong despite the tears.

  He walked over to her and touched her. She looked him right in the eye and he swore he saw hatred. “You all nice and clean and showered? You feel better?” She spat at him.

  He put his hands in his pockets and crouched down near her. “Sophie,” his hand reached out and stroked her cheek but she pulled away. “Baby, what happened?” He froze. Baby? He knew there were more cold showers on the horizon.

  “Get. Out!” Sophie shoved him back and he lost his balance. When he stood up and looked at her, his heart broke.

  “What did he do to you, Sophie?” Mark’s anger flared.

  “What did HE do to me? Ha! That’s classic. How about what did YOU do to me. Get out!” Sophie stood up and shoved him out the door before slamming it in his face.

  Chapter Six

  This was exactly why Mark didn’t date. Drama. Plain and simple. He had no idea what was happening but his best friend was hurting and pissed at the girl that he couldn’t get out of his mind. He knew nothing about their argument and decided it was best if it stayed that way. What he did know for sure was this snorkeling trip was really going to suck.

  “Marco!” Ryan yelled from the bar, waving him over to sit with him. The waitress was currently tending bar and she smiled at Mark when he walked up.

  “What can I get you handsome?”

  She was still trying. Mark sighed. “Give me something strong that’s gonna put me on my ass. Then, make it a double.” He put his head into his hands and groaned.

  Ryan laughed, “Trouble in paradise my friend?” He leaned forward and pinched the bartender’s ass and she squealed. “I thought this afternoon that you were heading to tap that fine ass right there. But when I found her alone, I had to take care of it again myself. Where did you go?”

  “I had something else I had to take care of. I’m kind of trying to stay away from the whole screw everything that moves image.” Even before the words came out of his mouth, he knew he actually meant them. It scared him to death.

  “Why?” Ryan looked stunned. “Please tell me the infamous Mark Moretti does not have some girl back in North Carolina because that will seriously ruin my trip.”

  Mark took a long chug of what tasted like rubbing alcohol and looked out at the boat they would be snorkeling from. Caleb was already aboard and for some reason, Mark’s anger immediately returned. This was ridiculous. He’s your best friend, he told himself. Mark took another long chug. “Ugh, what is this?”

  “You said you wanted to be drunk. This will do it.” Ryan ordered him another and grabbed it before they headed to the boat. “Let’s get this shit over with. I got a lot to do when we get back.”

  “Seriously dude? How many women do you think you’ve slept with?” Mark took another long chug.

  “Today?” Ryan and Mark both laughed as they boarded the boat.

  The tension was instant. Ryan looked between Caleb and Mark and took a seat in the middle. Thankfully, Molly and Rich chose that minute to board. Caleb paced at the front of the boat. Mark contemplated going over and punching him but he didn’t know what had gone down between him and Sophie and he thought it would be better to defend her honor when
he knew what Caleb had done. He crossed his arms over his chest and sat back.

  “Allen, if you are done with your pity party, I need you back here. Let the girls sit up front. I need to talk to you about the bachelor party.” Naturally, Ryan had been put in charge of the party that was sure to get them all in trouble. Caleb walked back to them and sat as far from Mark as he could. “So I am thinking Vegas the weekend before the wedding. A buddy I train has a sweet pad up there and we could stay there. You know what they say about Vegas.”

  “Guys, I’m sorry,” Rich interrupted. “I really don’t want a bachelor party. I know it’s tradition. But that’s kind of why we wanted you all here. We just wanted some time away. I don’t need another weekend right away. We can always do a guys weekend but I don’t need that.”

  “Bullshit.” Ryan took a sip of Mark’s drink and gagged. “You are the groom. Last weekend of freedom and all that.”

  One by one the rest of the wedding party boarded the boat. Sophie was last and stepped aboard in a lace bathing suit cover up. She wore large sunglasses but her cheeks were still flushed and puffy. She walked past the men to the front of the boat and sat down next to Amber. Mark couldn’t help but stare. She was breathtaking. She moved so gracefully. Her blond hair was swept up in a loose braid and she had changed into a black bikini. She had gotten some sun today and looked stunning. He smiled at her when he thought she was looking but the smile wasn’t returned. Amber whispered something to her and when Sophie sighed a tear escaped down her cheek. Amber listened to the whole story, nodding her head and patting her leg. Having Amber sit so close to Sophie worried him since he had slept with Amber only six nights ago. But that was before he met Sophie. That was before his heart started to betray him.


  Molly floated along the surface looking down at the most amazing coral and fish she had ever seen. She occasionally glanced back up at the boat to check on her brother. He was passed out on his stomach, getting the late afternoon sun on his back. Ryan had told them that they had hit the bar and he had a few drinks that could take down an elephant.


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