Exposed: An Anthology

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Exposed: An Anthology Page 53

by Brooke Cumberland

  “The place may be different but the girl’s the same. And let it go already. She’s got feelings for someone else.” Caleb shot a glance at Mark.

  Feelings? Mark wanted to throw his fist in the air and yell but he had promised to keep it quiet. And if Caleb was talking about someone else, he would look like a fool. Where was the hard ass bachelor he worked so hard to personify? Gone. He was in major trouble.

  “Look at her Man. She’s hot.” Ryan whistled and all the girls looked. He waved and they ignored him. “Right now may be the only chance you get. Drink it in. You may never see this again.”

  Mark’s fists clenched at his side. He saw red. Never had he been so affected by someone. Was it fear? Was he scared he was going to lose her? The answer in his brain was a resounding YES! Seven days was all he had known her. Certainly not long enough to feel anything. But now he knew she had feelings for someone and he couldn’t help but think it was him.

  His desire to punch Ryan in the jaw was overwhelming. He tried to tune his voice out and he took deep breaths as he settled back onto his towel. Grabbing his phone he typed as quickly as he could, “I hear you have feelings for someone. Care to elaborate?” His hands shook as he watched her look at her phone. She blushed.

  “If you don’t go talk to her, I will.” Ryan shoved Caleb to get his attention. “This is Hedonism. You’re supposed to be balls deep in someone here.”

  “Really?” Caleb shoved him back. “She’s been pretty clear how she feels about me. And she’s my friend so please, stop. You take shit way too far.”

  Ryan stood up, slipped on his Red Sox cap on and smiled. “You snooze you lose brother.”

  Mark became hyperaware of Ryan’s every move. He watched him like a hawk as he walked toward the girls and took a seat in between Amber and Sophie. Amber shoved him in the back and Sophie just started laughing and covered her face. He couldn’t hear what he was saying but knew it wasn’t going well for him. The moment he reached a hand out and rubbed it down Sophie’s leg, Mark was on his feet.

  His sudden movement got Caleb’s attention. “I’m sorry man. I’m really sorry.”

  “Just go,” He waved Mark away.

  Mark’s footsteps pounded in the sand as he approached the group. Ryan’s hand was still on Sophie’s leg and he was furious. Sophie had not made any move to brush him off and was still topless and covering her eyes. This was not happening on his watch. He marched right into the middle of the group and slapped Ryan’s hand off her leg, “Excuse me brother.” Ryan jumped back and Mark plastered his body on top of hers. His kiss was hard and demanding and she smiled against his lips.

  Everyone’s jaws dropped and Molly stifled a surprised squeal. Ryan sat there stunned. The world disappeared around them as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Wondered how long it would take you.” Sophie laughed against his lips and Mark knew he was falling in love.


  Everyone gathered at the beach the last night on the Island. The breeze was strong and slightly chilled. Drinks were flowing freely and the conversation was easy. Music blared in the background and the sounds of wild parties surrounded them. Sophie huddled closer to Mark and smiled. “You smell nice.” She nuzzled her face into his neck.

  “So, wait a minute. Wait a minute.” Molly giggled as she slid into Rich’s lap. “How long has this been going on?”

  Sophie blushed, “A few days.”

  “A little longer for me.” Mark shocked the whole group, including Sophie. “What? I’m not a heartless bastard.” He wadded his napkin up and threw it at a stunned Ryan.

  Molly gasped. “By chance is that what was wrong with you on the plane?”

  Mark laughed. “A little bit, yeah.”

  “You had me totally freaked out. Why didn’t you tell me?” Molly jumped up and hugged him tightly. “Why did you hide this from me?”

  “Wait, what happened on the plane?” Sophie gazed up at Mark with her big chocolate eyes. “You were sitting right by us.”

  “No, he got up and had a temper tantrum freak out in the back. He scared the stewardess enough that she was forcing liquor down his throat to get him to calm down.”

  “Molly, really?” Mark gave her the death stare. “And that folks, is the brother sister bond at its finest.”

  The group laughed but Sophie’s gaze remained on Mark the whole time. “Where was I? Why didn’t I know this was going on?”

  Caleb cleared his throat. “You were with me. You had fallen asleep across my lap.” All eyes turned to Caleb and for a moment, there was silence. “Ok, Ok, let’s not make a big deal out of this. Moving on. I want to propose a toast to our wonderful hosts for bringing us to the hottest place on earth, thereby reminding us that are single that we are lacking…”

  “Speak for yourself Allen.” Ryan laughed and raised his glass. “And for giving us a chance to see the entire bridal party naked, so we know what to picture under those dresses. And for loving us enough to be a part of the day that you both say I do.”

  “And for loving me enough to welcome me into your group with open arms.” Sophie raised her glass. “And to Amber for forcing me take off my top and be subjected to more of Ryan’s bullshit.”

  “Speaking of taking your top off. To Chad, for graciously offering to sleep in Caleb’s room tonight.” Mark winked at Chad and raised his glass.

  “Oh, I did?” Chad laughed. “How about to Mark for finally coming home to all of us after all those years of finding yourself and making a fortune. We’re glad you decided to grace us with your presence again.” Chad raised his glass.

  “Here Here,” Rich toasted his friends. “To all of you guys for being an honorary part of the Dickerman family for all these years. You’ve given me more brothers and sisters than I ever wanted. Thank you for allowing my mother to dictate the next three weeks of your lives. You knew what you were getting into and you still said yes. And finally, to my wife to be; you said yes, even though I was the older creepy kid on the playground lusting after his best friend’s sister. I love you, baby.”

  Molly wiped a tear from her face. “No. To all of you, because I thought my life was full when it was just me and Markie, but now I am inheriting the whole adopted and dysfunctional Dickerman gang and I couldn’t be happier.”

  Mark got to his feet. “Sappy time is over. We have to meet down here at 9 AM to catch our flight. I’m ready to head upstairs.” He held his hand out to Sophie and she took it and smiled. Her heart broke knowing this could be their last night together.


  As soon as the door slammed shut, he was on her; his hands slipping under her shirt and hers grabbing at his buttons. If this was to be their last night together, Sophie was going to give him something to remember. The kiss was passionate and she moaned into his mouth. His answering growl was all it took.

  Sophie dropped to her knees, unzipped his pants and pulled his shorts and boxers down in one tug. He was gorgeous and she wanted to remember every inch of him. His head fell back as she took him in her hand. She circled her tongue around the tip of his erection and slowly eased his large length into her mouth. The heat of her mouth was like molten lava. His hands tangled in her hair. “Sophie,” he moaned. She continued her slow, agonizing torture and Mark was weak at the knees. “I need to be inside you. Now.” He yanked her up from the ground and threw her onto the bed. Landing on top of her with a bounce, she giggled. “The things you do to me woman!”

  He trailed kisses from behind her ear, down her collar bone and stopped. He hung his head. “What’s wrong?” Sophie reached down and pulled his face up to hers.

  He kissed the tip of her nose and sighed. “We used the last condom this afternoon.” He rolled off her frustrated and was shocked when she followed him. She straddled his perfectly chiseled hips and smiled. She slid her hand down his erection and centered it under her core. “What are you doing?” His firm grip held her in place.

  “I’m making love to you on our last night in paradise. I’ve been
on the pill for three years and I have only been with one person. When I found out he had been unfaithful, I was tested. I’m clean.” She smiled at him.

  Mark sighed. “I’ve never been unsafe with anyone. And testing is part of my yearly physical. I’m safe.”

  “Then I trust you.” She slid down him slowly, watching his face relax and his eyes close. “Look at me.”

  He hissed in a breath as the sensation of skin on skin hit him. Nothing had ever felt hotter and she was so tight. Taking his entire length in, she rocked slowly on his hips, his hands guiding her and meeting her stroke for stroke. He smiled when his eyes met hers and her strokes became more urgent. She panted and grabbed at his chest. His hands travelled to her breasts and he caressed her nipples. She moaned.

  “I love the way we fit together.” He smiled with his eyes shut as she rode him toward the release they both desperately craved.


  Caleb dragged his suitcase down to the front desk and took a deep breath of the ocean air. The time in Jamaica had been fun and although he hurt over the loss of the girl he craved, he was glad that his best friend seemed happy and that maybe he had become a different person since the last time he had been home. He knew finding Ryan a steady woman was going to be a challenge but a little calm in his life would be nice. The sound of Mark’s quiet voice dragged him from his thoughts.

  “No, I know this sounds crazy. I hate to call and wake you up so early. I’m heading back to LA today.”

  Caleb glanced around the corner and saw Mark on his cell phone whispering. His back was to Caleb and he instantly felt like he was hearing something he shouldn’t. He prayed he was wrong.

  “I just need you to come out to LA.” He paused. “I understand you think that and I don’t care. I will fly you out here; I’ll rent you a car. Hell, I will buy you a damn car. I just need you.”

  Caleb noticed Ryan heading his way and shook his head and pointed. Ryan joined Caleb against the wall with a confused look on his face.

  “I will fly you out first class. I need your help finding a house. I can’t pick something alone.” Mark huffed like a child. “Listen, it’s a week out of your life. It is house hunting and a wedding and you can meet my family. I wouldn’t ask you if it didn’t mean everything to me. I will pick a bachelor pad, you know I will. If you’re going to be visiting, don’t you think you need to help me pick something that might be appealing to a woman? I will narrow it down to two or three and then you can help pick it.”

  “What the hell, man?” Ryan whispered to Caleb. “What are we listening to? Who is that?”

  “I don’t know but he isn’t talking to Sophie and I will be damned if I let her get hurt.” Caleb shot back a little louder than expected.

  Mark laughed. “Thank you. I know I owe you huge and this will be a huge shock to everyone. I’ll will have my secretary call to make the arrangements. I promise you won’t regret your time with me.” He snapped his phone shut and walked away.

  “Shit.” Ryan shook his head and put his hand on Caleb’s shoulder. “I’m out of this. It’s your girl. I’ve got your back either way. But no secrets. I mean it.”

  “Hi guys.” They both jumped as Sophie headed toward them from the shuttle bus. “Have either of you seen Mark?”

  Caleb swallowed hard and shook his head no.

  Chapter Ten

  The ride to the airport was quiet. Sophie glanced over at Mark asleep in the seat next to her and her heart broke. She couldn’t believe their time together was coming to an end. She stared at his tussled hair and reached out to smooth it down in front. His soft moan made her smile. She would miss him. She knew it would kill her to see him around town but a promise was a promise and she intended to keep her word. Their affair had been a vacation only deal. She would keep up her end in hopes if they ever had the chance to do it again, he would know she could handle it. But in the early morning light of their last few hours, she wasn’t sure how she was going to let him go.

  “That feels nice.” His voice was groggy and a slow smile reached his eyes.

  Noticing she was still running her hands through his hair, Sophie smiled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “I like when you touch me.” He put his head down on her shoulder and shut his eyes once more. His hand reached out to hold hers and he sighed. “I probably like it too much.”

  “Don’t say that. We had a deal and if I’m supposed to keep it, you can’t say things like that.” Sophie looked out the window as a tear slipped down her cheek. His sigh told her everything and she knew the wall around her heart he had broken down was going to take a while to rebuild. She never thought she would feel something for anyone again. Mark had proven her wrong. As he snuggled in closer to her, she laid her head on his. She didn’t believe in love at first sight. Heck, she hardly believed in love anymore. But Mark had changed that and it was time to say goodbye. Three hours on the cramped shuttle did little to help her anxiety. She would never find anyone else like him.

  The airport was chaos. Everyone hurried to get bags checked and boarding passes printed and despite his best efforts to change his seat with Caleb, Mark was frustrated when they told him it couldn’t be changed. He doubted Caleb was going to give up his seat freely so he resigned himself to sitting across the aisle again. Boarding the plane, he shoved his computer in the overhead compartment. What she said on the shuttle had been his worst fear. She did only want a fling. He wanted to respect her wishes but somehow knew he would work hard to change her mind. If Sophie truly meant vacation only, he would spend the entire flight holding her hand. Technically it was still vacation until they landed in LA. He winked as she sat down and she gave him a sad smile.

  “What’s with the frown baby?” He took her hand. “You OK?”

  “Just kind of sad to see vacation coming to an end I guess.” Sophie buckled her seat belt and took a deep breath. “No freaking out on this flight, deal?”

  Mark laughed. “Tell pretty boy over there to keep his hands off you and we have a deal.” Caleb shot him the bird and looked out the window. “Come on C. Lighten up brother.”

  Caleb stood up and grabbed his bag. “Just get your shit and switch with me. I’m not going to be able to handle your mouth the whole way home.”

  With a huge grin, Mark took Caleb’s seat and pulled Sophie into him. He trailed kisses down her jaw and onto her neck. Her body tensed and he smiled. “Technically it’s still vacation so I have a little more time with you.”

  The hours flew by like minutes holding Sophie in his arms. He had never wanted to be so close to someone. She had been asleep for the last hour and he watched her in awe. Her thick lashes covered the most beautiful brown eyes he had ever seen. Her skin was warm and tanned and her soft hair smelled of Jasmine. Her legs were perfection, long and lean and he longed to spend just one more night with her. Even asleep, her responsiveness to his lightest touch was something he would never forget. As the lights of LA appeared in the distance, a strange tightening took hold in his chest. He gently shook her awake. “Sophie, we’re almost home.”

  Her sleepy eyes met his and he leaned down to kiss her. The kiss was gentle and loving, not frantic like all the others. He cupped her face and he swallowed her moan. Her hands travelled around his neck and her fingers tangled into his hair. There was no hurry despite the ticking of the clock. He pulled her even closer and sighed as the plane touched down.

  “Can I give you ride home?” It was worth a try.

  She smiled and leaned against him. “I have my car here but thank you for the offer.”

  “Well, let me walk you to your car.” He grabbed his bag and threw it over his shoulder so he could carry her suitcase. When they arrived at her Ford Escape, he put her things in the back seat and buckled her in. “Soph, I had the most amazing vacation. Thank you for that.” He kissed her cheek and squeezed her hand. Her faint smile broke his heart. He shut her car door and watched as she pulled out of the parking garage.

bbing his phone, he sent her a message. “I miss you already.”


  Sophie glanced at her phone and saw the text. She rubbed her chest. It felt like her heart had been ripped out. Handing the money to the attendant at the parking garage, she felt the first tear hit her cheek.

  She tucked her phone into her purse. There was no way she could respond to him. Four years with Shawn and a terrible break up and she never felt this pain. The first sob broke loose as she hit the highway. She couldn’t wait to hide under her covers for the rest of the weekend.


  “Good morning, Mary.” Mark walked to his secretary’s desk and stopped with a few notes. “I have an appointment to meet my realtor at four today. Does that fit into my schedule?”

  “Your last meeting is at 2:00, Mr. Moretti, so you should have plenty of time. The movers also moved your things into the corporate suite while you were gone. Can I get you some coffee?” Mary’s face lit up when he smiled at her.

  “Please call me, Mark. Mr. Moretti is my father. And I can get my own coffee. You won’t have to do that.” His laugh made Mary blush. “I have just a few things for you. If you could send flowers to this address, I would appreciate it. Lots of flowers. An obscene amount of flowers.” He handed her his American Express and the address of Phantom House Publishing. “I also need you to make copies of my schedule for the next two weeks and put them on my desk. But most importantly, please make travel arrangements for her. I need first class out here the week of Molly’s wedding. She can stay with me but she may want a car. Her name and number are here and she’s expecting your call. Whatever she wants, she gets. Keep this credit card with you.”

  “I will get right on that Sir.” Mary began to type in the address of a florist on her computer.


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