Exposed: An Anthology

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Exposed: An Anthology Page 57

by Brooke Cumberland

  She would do everything in her power to make things right between him and her sister. The conversation with Sophie had been quick and one sided. Sophie had been in a panic that Mark was cheating. She had Mark drive her to her apartment right away but she hadn’t been home. They had searched for her everywhere they could think of before heading back to Mark’s penthouse. He had quickly become the brother she had always wanted and would make sure Sophie knew what a great man he was.

  “You look good. Stop fidgeting.” Layla smoothed Mark’s shirt and put her hand on his shoulder to settle him. “I don’t know what exactly happened, but I do know that the last five days have been wonderful and my sister is stupid if she can walk away from someone like you. She’s gotten some terrible information and it’s time to get in there and win her back.”

  Mark hugged Layla. “You’re the best. And if I lose everything this weekend, I know you will always be my little pain in the ass.”

  Layla laughed and hugged him back. “Well, get used to me, I’m moving into that room upstairs in two weeks. I guess that makes the house yours alone for about twenty four hours.”

  Mark pulled back. “Are you really moving in?”

  Layla laughed. “Yes I am. But I promise I won’t be there forever. I know you and Soph will end up getting married and do that baby making thing that a sister should know nothing about. Ever. But until then, you are stuck with me bud”

  Mark smiled his perfect smile at her and his green eyes sparkled. She stepped in to hug him once more and her eyes locked on the man behind them. His brown eyes were wide as he smiled at her. She held her breath. This was the same man she had seen earlier in the week through the gym window. He turned and walked away down the hall. She was more than happy to watch his perfect back side as he left.


  Sophie stood quietly in the back hallway with Caleb and Molly. Her light pink dress hugged her hips and ended just above her knees. Caleb had studied her when she first walked down the hall and she had blushed. She played with her charm bracelet as Molly went over her list of the wedding party pairings. She dreaded seeing Mark again. Molly had tried to talk to her about him but she would not listen. She knew her heart was about to break. Caleb had been a true friend this week, informing her of what he saw and later, she found out, going to Mark’s apartment, confronting him in front of the other woman and defending her honor.

  The truth had destroyed her. When she had caught Shawn cheating, she had vowed to never let someone in again. Mark had shattered the walls around her heart and in such a short time, she had loved him more deeply than she had ever loved Shawn.

  Her eyes began to water and Caleb took her hand and squeezed. “You are fine sweetheart. One step at a time.”

  Ryan stumbled into the back hallway, his feet thudding against the hard wood. “Who the hell is the babe with Marco? I wouldn’t mind a piece of that.”

  “Seriously?” Caleb shoved him. “Sophie is right here. Attempt to have some class West.”

  Sophie turned to walk away when Molly grabbed her hand. “Caleb, don’t you dare start shit here. This is my wedding rehearsal and I will be pissed if you cause another scene.”

  Caleb huffed. “He damn well deserved it Molly. You have no idea what Mark did to Sophie.”

  “No. You have no idea what Mark did FOR Sophie. There is no excuse for acting like a total ass. That huge bruise on his jaw will be in my wedding pictures forever. That was totally uncalled for. Change your attitude or leave.” Molly’s face flushed red with anger.

  “Did you hit him?” Sophie glared at Caleb.

  “Hell yes I hit him. He cheated on you Sophie.”

  “What are you talking about?” Molly was fuming.

  “I’m talking about Mark cheating with some brunette that I found at his house at 6:30 in the morning. Not cool Molly. Don’t even defend him.” Caleb threw his arm around Sophie.

  “He brought her here for Sophie you jackass. That’s her sister. It was a surprise for her. You need to learn to mind your own damn business Caleb.” Molly stormed off toward the sanctuary to begin the rehearsal.

  Sophie’s whole body tensed and her head spun. She looked at Caleb and went pale.


  Mark stood with Rich at the altar waiting for the pastor to direct the rest of the wedding party down the aisle. Chad led the men, followed by Steve, Ryan and finally Caleb. His hands immediately formed a fist and he shut his eyes. He was thankful that there were three grown men between him and Caleb. He would hate to make a scene in the church.

  Five days of no contact with Sophie solidified his opinion of their relationship. He took a deep breath as the girls were directed down the aisle. Amber smiled at him as she stepped into the church. He cringed. Claire, Liz and Jessica beamed with excitement as they took their spots at the altar. A lump formed in his throat as he pictured what his wedding to Sophie would have been like. As she stepped through the doorway, his breath caught. Her fitted pink dress showed off her gorgeous figure and her hair hung down her back, curled and soft. Her eyes were wild, noticing Layla for the first time and stumbling. Her eyes did not meet Mark’s.

  “I’m not sure I can do this.” Mark whispered in Rich’s ear.

  “I promise you it will be over soon. I’ll buy you a beer in about ten minutes. It will all work out.” Rich straightened as Molly stood at the end of the aisle. His face softened. His smile was full of passion.

  Mark locked eyes with his sister. She was beautiful. He tried to swallow past the lump in his throat. His eyes filled with tears. Everything they had been through together had led up to this moment. His father led her down the aisle. Mark struggled to feel a connection with his parents but was willing to offer a truce for the wedding. This day meant the world to his sister and despite his heartbreak, he would be the perfect best man and an even better brother. He knew tomorrow would be an emotional day. He looked at Layla and she gave him thumbs up. He winked and thanked God that he had someone in his corner.


  “I love you so much Molls. I’m going to be a mess tomorrow.” Mark wrapped his arms around her. “You mean everything to me kid.”

  “Are you mad Dad is walking me down the aisle?”

  “Absolutely not. I wouldn’t miss seeing you come down this aisle for anything.” Mark let her go as Layla joined them. “Besides, I have to keep an eye on LB here. The Ryan attack will be in full force at some point.”

  Layla laughed. “I don’t know who that is but I can assure you I can handle myself.”

  “I have no doubt about..” Mark’s sentence was cut short as Ryan stopped behind him. “We were just talking about you, West. This is Layla Barringer. Layla, Ryan West.”

  Ryan took Layla’s hand and a jolt of electricity ran up his arm. Shaking his head, he smiled. “It’s nice to meet you. Who knew Sophie had such a hot sister.”

  Layla rolled her eyes and groaned. “Who knew Mark had such hot friends. Well, except that asshole in the purple.” She pointed at Caleb as he approached the group.

  Mark turned his back to Caleb. He would not ruin this day for his sister. He took a few deep breaths as he heard Caleb introduce himself to Layla. Her voice was strained at the introduction. Stepping into Mark, she tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I wish I could say it was a pleasure, but that would be a lie.”

  Mark grinned at her. “If you have something you would like to talk to me about, I suggest we take this outside. Otherwise, I would appreciate it if you excuse us as we finish our conversation.”

  “Mark?” Sophie’s voice was quiet. She made eye contact with Layla and attempted a nervous smile.

  Mark looked her right in the eyes. “Sophie,” he nodded.

  “This is low. Even for you Moretti.” Caleb took a step back.

  “Caleb, I’m not playing these games with you. I really have no idea what has you wound so tightly, but back off.” Mark shoved his hands in his pockets to keep from loosing his cool.

  “One Barringer sister
isn’t enough for you? You have to go out and bag the other one?”

  Layla jerked her head around to face Caleb. “Listen asshole. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Don’t you dare judge me or my relationship with Mark. I have spent five days here and the one thing I know for certain is that he is a good man and you’re an asshole.”

  “LB, I will meet you in the car. I need some air.” Mark turned to walk down the aisle.

  His mind was dazed. He had to step away before his heart shattered in a thousand pieces. How would he survive without seeing her face everyday? How would he handle seeing Caleb out with the family and what would be do if he couldn’t figure out a way to get Sophie to see what he was trying to do was for her. For them. For the future he imagined. Had she ever felt the same? Had she loved him or did she have feelings for Caleb afterall?

  Outside, an afternoon storm was just beginning. The rain fell softly on his face reminding him that he was still alive and life went on. He placed both hands on the hood of the car and leaned in. The rain picked up and fell heavy on the back of his neck and shoulders, feeling like slivers of glass. He shivered as the wind whipped past him. He felt empty.

  He looked at the front of the church he had been baptized in. He and Molly had spent countless summers here at camp and more Sunday mornings than he could count. All of the memories included his baby sister. It had been them against the world. As he planned his engagement to Sophie, he had pictured being in this church, waiting patiently for her to become his wife. The idea now seemed so far fetched.

  It had only been five days since he and Layla had gone to see Neil Lane about an engagement ring. It had been four days since she had helped him pick out the house that Sophie would like the best. His gift to his future wife. It had only taken Layla one day to realize the kind of person he was now. He had gone on with his life, excited at what was to come. All the while, his best friend had been turning the woman he loves against him. Looking back, he could understand why Caleb had felt he had been unfaithful to Sophie. The Mark of the past would have done something as despicable as that. The old Mark was a bachelor looking for his next conquest. That Mark Moretti didn’t live here anymore and had become an entirely different person with the help of Sophie. But he thought Sophie had known him better than this. He had every confidence in her and their relationship. It ripped his heart out to know that her opinion of him was so low and that she believed he could be that cold. It was a punch in the gut that his best friend would drag his name in the mud for a chance at the woman he loved so much.

  Shaking his head, he got into the driver’s side of the Mercedes SUV and waited for Layla to come out. They would be going out somewhere with a lot of drinks.


  “Caleb, calm down.” Rich put his hand on Caleb’s chest after the second insult was thrown at Layla. “This has nothing to do with you at all. I think Sophie and Mark should talk and get to the bottom of this. You will not, and I repeat not, ruin tonight or tomorrow for Molly. Am I clear?”

  Sophie’s tears ran down her face. Caleb put his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. Her stomach churned. “I don’t understand. Why are you here Lay?”

  “She’s here because Moretti couldn’t be satisfied with one woman. This is a great opportunity for her. Mark is loaded. He’s the perfect guy, remember? I’m so sick of hearing that.” Caleb slapped Rich’s hand off his chest.

  “You know what?’ Molly stormed down the aisle. “I have had enough. That attitude of yours changes tonight Caleb or don’t bother showing up tomorrow.”

  “I am not going to stand here and be spoken down to. I am an adult and will not tolerate this. Ryan, can you walk me out please?” Ryan nodded and joined Layla as she started to walk toward the door.

  “Wait.” Sophie yelled and ran after her. “I just want to understand why you’re here Lay. What’s happening? Is there any truth to what Caleb is saying?”

  Taking a calming breath, Layla turned back to her sister. “I can’t believe you would even ask me that. It was always us against the world, Soph. When did you forget that? Of course it isn’t true. Not one bit of it. And you if you don’t know me, or Mark for that matter, well enough to even think it could be true just proves you don’t know us at all.”

  “Then why come?” Sophie cried.

  “Well, he thought you would be happy to see me, but that surprise flopped. He also needed help to pick out the perfect house, where you would be living with him and he wanted to surprise you with that too. He wanted to give you a house as a gift. Who does that? But, I guess that surprise flopped to. I guess the biggest reason I’m here is because we no longer have mom and dad. Being the classy guy he is, Mark thought it would be nice to ask someone if it was ok if he asked for your hand in marriage. We picked out a really gorgeous ring. AS A SURPRISE. Also a flop I would say. So if you will excuse me, there is a beer somewhere in my future screaming my name and I am going to find it.” Layla didn’t turn around on her way out; just left Sophie standing there with her mouth hanging open

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mark couldn’t believe today was the day. His little sister, the love of his life until a few weeks ago, was marrying his best friend. Straightening his tuxedo jacket, he smiled remembering the first time Rich had confessed to loving her. It was a lifetime ago. And despite moves to different colleges, finding careers and building their futures, they had never once waivered in their commitment to each other.

  Mark envied them. What they had was rare. He had made a promise to himself years ago that he would not fall in love. Aside from his sister’s fairytale, he had been a non believer. Watching so many relationships crumble, he had been certain he would not fall victim to the madness. But then Sophie rammed her cart into his ankles and his world had turned upside down. He had craved her the second their eyes met. The few weeks he had known her had been the best of his life. He had fallen for her completely and in record time. He hadn’t stood a chance.

  Reality had different plans for him. One cruel twist of fate, mixed with a possessive friend and a plan he thought would be flawless, and his world had crumbled. He didn’t regret asking Layla to come to LA and help him. She had been light when his world went dark. But his ignorance in thinking things would go his way had been his undoing.

  Never imagining that Caleb would turn on him was mistake number one. Trust your brothers. Leave no soldier behind. You go, we go. It was all engrained into his head. Throughout every tour overseas and the hundreds of men that had fought beside him, he never expected enemy number one would be a best friend. And even now, he refused to justify his actions to a man he had considered family his whole life. The yellowing bruise on his jaw was a stark reminder of the day it all changed.

  As the music started, he glanced at Rich. Strong, powerful, loyal to a fault. And now, after all the years of feeling like his brother, he was becoming family. He smiled as Rich took a deep breath. “I’m really happy for you. You deserve this man. Thank you for loving her as much as I do.”

  Rich smiled, a light sweat covering his forehead. “I just have to keep breathing. Passing out is not an option.”

  Mark laughed. The world was at peace again. Ryan was still Ryan, chasing a new woman every night. Rich was still Rich, humble and dedicated. Mark was still Mark, bachelor to the end. And Caleb, well, he didn’t know Caleb anymore. And that was OK.

  Sophie stepped into the sanctuary. Her hair was swept into a knot at the base of her neck, loose curls framing her face. She was everything he had wanted. Everything he still wanted. The walls around his heart were now reinforced and although he would have traded the world for one more night with her, her lack of faith in him was enough to keep him focused on the real reason they were here. Love. Love for two people who had each other’s backs. Love that knew no limits. Love that created trust and faith.

  The music changed and his sister appeared in the doorway. She took his breath away. He would have fought to the death to protect her and now that righ
t was going to someone else. His eyes watered as she winked at him and walked toward her future. He rubbed his hand across his chest, feeling like his heart would explode. The gesture was not lost on Sophie. He felt her gaze burning into him but he would not look. She had made her choice when she had believed Caleb without a second thought. She had broken him when she arrived with Caleb at the church. He would hold his head high, lose like a gentleman and never, ever fall again.


  The reception hall was exactly what Sophie had imagined. The hotel ballroom sparkled. She took her seat at the head table, between Rich and Ryan. It had been torture to smile, despite her love for Molly. She had fallen for Mark and without giving him a chance to explain, she had believed the worst. Her fear of commitment had cost her the man she loved. She was her own worst enemy.

  His reputation had been known from the start. But the man she heard about and the man she knew were two completely different people. Caleb had dropped the bomb on her and she had run for the hills. She couldn’t be mad at him. She had no one to blame but herself. She vowed if she ever had a chance to make it up to Mark, she would take it and spend the rest of her days proving she had faith in him.

  She looked at her sister. Layla had been her only family for so many years. She trusted her completely. But the fact she had made a surprise trip to LA and was staying with Mark sat heavily on her heart. He had kept her trip a secret. She had helped Mark pick out a house that she would have made her home. She shivered as Layla’s words came back to her from the night before. “We picked out a really gorgeous ring. As a surprise.” He was going to propose. He loved her so completely that he had broken all his rules, fallen hard and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. And now, he was standing with her sister, his face grim and wounded and she had been the cause.


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