A Twinkle of Hooves

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by A Twinkle of Hooves (v5. 0) (epub)

  Sue Bentley’s books for children often include animals, fairies and wildlife. She lives in Northampton and enjoys reading, going to the cinema and watching the birds on the feeders outside her window. She loves horses, which she thinks are all completely magical. One of her favourite books is Black Beauty, which she must have read at least ten times. At school she was always getting told off for daydreaming, but she now knows that she was storing up ideas for when she became a writer. Sue has met and owned many animals, but the wild creatures in her life hold a special place in her heart.

  Sue Bentley

  A Twinkle of Hooves

  Illustrated by Angela Swan


  To Hoppy – and first-ever lessons



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  First published 2009

  Text copyright © Sue Bentley, 2009

  Illustrations copyright © Angela Swan, 2009

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  ISBN: 978-0-141-93783-0


  Comet folded his gold-feathered wings as his hooves touched down on the shimmering grass of his magical island home. The magic pony felt excited. Surely his twin sister was here, safely among the Lightning Herd once more.

  ‘I can’t wait to see Destiny! She has been lost for so long,’ Comet cried, his violet eyes flashing.

  It was a hot day and he was thirsty. Trotting towards a crystal stream, he drank deeply. Sunlight, filtering through a nearby birch tree, gleamed on his cream coat and flowing golden mane and tail.

  Lifting his head, he peered through the woods on the far side of the stream. Beyond them the magic pony could see gently rolling hills and the tops of the snow-capped mountains, wreathed in the softly shimmering, multicoloured clouds that gave Rainbow Mist Island its name.

  Suddenly, the trees swayed as a shadowy shape moved through them. Comet twitched his ears forward eagerly.


  There was no answer. Puzzled, he took a step and then stopped in alarm. Perhaps it was one of the dark horses, waiting in ambush! They were always plotting to steal the Lightning Horses’ magic.

  Tremors flickered over Comet’s silky coat and he flexed his magnificent golden wings, ready to soar away to safety.

  An older cream-and-gold horse with a wise expression and glowing dark eyes stepped out of the trees and splashed across the stream towards him.

  ‘Blaze!’ Comet cried in relief. He bent his head in greeting before the leader of the Lightning Herd.

  Blaze’s eyes softened with affection. ‘I am glad to see you again, my young friend. Have you brought Destiny back with you?’ he asked in a deep velvety neigh.

  ‘No. I was hoping that she had returned by herself,’ Comet told him sadly.

  ‘But I see now that I was mistaken.’

  Blaze looked at him gravely. ‘I do not think Destiny will ever come back, unless you find her and explain that the stone has been found.’

  The Stone of Power protected the Lightning Herd from the evil dark horses. Destiny had accidentally lost it during a game of cloud-racing with Comet. Comet found the stone, but Destiny had already fled in panic, thinking she was in terrible trouble.

  ‘I must go after her again,’ Comet decided. ‘She is in danger from the dark horses!’

  Blaze pawed at the ground with one shining hoof. There was a flash of rainbow light and a beautiful fiery opal appeared.

  ‘Come closer, Comet. Look into the stone,’ Blaze neighed.

  The magic pony moved nearer to the Stone of Power. He felt warm tingles move over his body as the stone grew larger and rays of dazzling rainbow light spread out from it. Comet gasped as he saw an image of Destiny form, galloping along a track beside red-brick houses, in a world far away.

  There was a bright flash of violet light and suddenly a rainbow mist surrounded Comet. The young cream pony with his flowing golden mane and powerful gleaming gold wings disappeared and in his place stood a small black-and-white pony, with a broad white stripe down his black face.

  ‘Use this disguise to protect yourself as you go into the other world. Go now, my young friend,’ urged Blaze.

  ‘I will find Destiny and bring her back!’ Comet vowed.

  The pony’s black-and-white coat bloomed with violet sparks and a rainbow mist surrounded him. Comet neighed softly as he felt the power building inside him. The shimmering mist swirled faster and faster as it drew him in…



  ‘Bye, Alice! I hope you and Fleur will be really happy!’ Steph Danes called, her voice catching. She waved to the six-year-old girl who sat in the front seat of the car parked outside her house.

  ‘Thanks. We will!’ The little girl waved back, her small face shining with happiness.

  Steph’s eyes pricked with tears as the car and the horsebox it was towing moved slowly away up Porlock Close. She watched until they were out of sight and then her face crumpled as she turned to her mum.

  Mrs Danes gave her daughter a hug and stroked her short fair hair. ‘Well done, love. I know it was hard for you to let Fleur go. But we haven’t got the room to keep a pony you won’t be riding any more.’

  ‘I know,’ Steph sighed, wiping her eyes. ‘And Fleur’s going to a good home. Alice really seemed to love her, didn’t she?’

  Her mum nodded, smiling fondly. ‘All little girls love their very own first pony the best. You were Alice’s age when we got Fleur. It’s a shame that you’ve outgrown her, but it happens to everyone eventually.’

  Steph nodded. She knew her mum was right, but she was going to miss Fleur, her little chestnut Dartmoor pony, like mad. They’d had so much fun together in the last three years, she was going to feel very lonely not seeing her every day.

  Steph and her mum walked back into the house together. It was hot in the kitchen with the bright sun pouring in through the open back door. Steph got them cold drinks from the fridge.

  She stared into space as she drank, feeling at a loose end. Saturdays were usually for riding, then grooming Fleur until her chestnut coat gleamed.

  ‘Do you fancy clearing out the stable?’ Mrs Danes as
ked. ‘You could practise what you learned at that workshop on stable management in the Easter holidays.’

  Steph had really enjoyed the workshop. She wanted to work with horses when she grew up. ‘I suppose I might as well do it now,’ she answered, deciding to get the upsetting task of removing all traces of Fleur over and done with.

  Steph went outside to the old garage at the side of the house. Her dad had converted it into a stable when they’d had the drive extended and a bigger garage built. As she forked up soiled bedding and began to wheel it away, she felt an overwhelming wave of sadness. Fleur wasn’t even here to appreciate what she was doing

  What was Steph going to do now without her very own little pony to look after and love? She sighed heavily before giving the stable floor one last wash, but as she did a car drove up the cul-de-sac and pulled on to the drive.

  Her dad got out and walked round to her. ‘Hello, love. Keeping busy?’ he asked.

  Steph nodded. ‘I’m almost done. It’s horrible, though, without Fleur.’

  ‘I expect it is,’ Mr Danes agreed sympathetically. ‘We’ll all miss her.’ He gave her a hug. ‘I knew you’d need cheering up, so I popped into that new riding stables in the village. Judy Marshall, the owner, says they haven’t got many bookings today. You can go straight over and have your pick of the ponies to ride.’

  Steph stared at him in surprise. How could he even think that she’d want to ride a pony she didn’t know? It was far too soon. She’d feel disloyal to Fleur.

  ‘I don’t really feel like it right now. Maybe some other time,’ she murmured.

  ‘I don’t like to think of you sitting about brooding,’ her dad said kindly. ‘Why don’t you just give the new stables a try? Riding’s what you love doing the most, after all, isn’t it?’ he asked gently.

  ‘Well – yes, usually,’ Steph admitted. She still wasn’t sure that this was a good idea, but her dad had gone out of his way to book her a ride and she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. ‘I guess I could just go over there and have a look.’

  ‘That’s the spirit! Come on, then, grab your kit. I’ll have a quick word with your mum. See you in the car.’

  Despite herself, Steph felt a bit brighter because of his enthusiasm. Maybe getting to know some new ponies would be fun and stop her missing Fleur – at least for a little while. ‘OK then,’ she sighed. ‘Thanks, Dad.’

  She went into the house, put on her boots and came back out holding her riding hat by the chinstrap.

  ‘All set!’ Mr Danes started the engine.

  It was only a few minutes’ drive to Marshall’s Stables. Mr Danes and Steph went towards the office as Judy Marshall was coming out. She was a slim woman with dark hair, a round face and friendly blue eyes.

  ‘Hi! You must be Steph. Nice to meet you,’ she said, smiling.

  ‘Nice to meet you too, Mrs Marshall,’ Steph said, making an effort to be polite. She still wasn’t sure that she wanted to do this.

  ‘Call me Judy. Everyone does. Come and meet the ponies.’ She turned to Mr Danes. ‘Steph will be fine now. We’ll look after her.’

  ‘See you later then, love. Have a good time.’

  ‘Bye, Dad.’ Steph watched him walk away and then followed Judy towards the main stable block.

  The smart red-brick buildings were situated around two sides of a square. Two smallish ponies were tied up outside the tack room. A boy and a girl in riding gear stood waiting to mount.

  ‘Judy? You’re wanted on the phone!’ called a voice.

  ‘Coming!’ Judy answered. She turned to Steph. ‘Sorry, but I need to take this call. Why don’t you have a good look around? Just check with one of the staff before you take a pony out, OK?’

  Steph nodded, smiling awkwardly. ‘Thanks, Judy.’

  She walked towards the loose boxes. The ponies turned to look at her, twitching their ears curiously. Steph went along the row, stroking and patting each one in turn. Their names were on the doors: Jiggy, Binky, Misty, Lady and Rags. They were all lovely, but none of them were Fleur. She fondly remembered the little chestnut pony’s silky mane.

  At the end of the row, there was an empty box. As Steph reached it there was a bright flash and a sparkling rainbow mist filled the walls of the box. Rainbow drops settled on her skin, sparkling in the afternoon light.

  ‘Oh!’ Steph blinked, trying to see through the strange mist.

  As it slowly cleared, she saw that there was in fact a pony in there after all. It was a handsome black-and-white piebald with a broad white stripe down its nose and large deep violet eyes. How could she have missed it before? But Steph couldn’t deny he was there now and as the pony looked at her inquisitively, Steph felt her heart melt just a little.

  ‘Hello, you!’ she crooned gently. She’d never seen a pony with eyes that colour. Maybe she could ride him. But just so I can tell Dad that I did, Steph thought quickly.

  Opening the door, she went inside and lifted her hand to stroke the pony’s satiny cheek. It turned to look at her.

  ‘Can you help me, please?’ it asked in a velvety neigh.



  Steph dropped her hand and looked at the black-and-white pony in complete shock. She must be imagining things. Whoever heard of a pony that could talk?

  ‘I wonder what your name is,’ she murmured. It wasn’t written on the door like all the others.

  The pony’s eyes glowed brightly as it lifted its head. ‘I am called Comet. And I have arrived from Rainbow Mist Island. What is your name?’

  Steph did a double take. She hadn’t imagined it. This pony actually was speaking to her! His large intelligent eyes gazed at her and he blew out a quizzical breath, as if waiting for her reply.

  ‘I-I’m Steph. Steph Danes. I’ve… um… come here for a riding lesson,’ she found herself stammering.

  ‘I am honoured to meet you, Steph,’ Comet said, bowing his head.

  ‘M-Me too,’ Steph said, still not quite believing this was happening. Talking ponies belonged in fairy tales or fantasy films. ‘Where did you say you came from?’

  ‘Rainbow Mist Island. It is a place far away, where I live with the other Lightning Horses.’

  Steph’s curiosity was starting to get the better of her shock. ‘So… how come you’re here in Marshall’s Stables?’

  Comet glanced around at his surroundings. His long lashes blinked as he looked over the brick walls and clean straw on the floor. ‘Is that where I am? I have come to find Destiny, my twin sister.’

  ‘Is she here at the riding stables too?’ Steph asked.

  ‘No, I do not think she is here in these stables, but she is hiding somewhere nearby in your world,’ Comet explained with a flick of his black tail. ‘She fled after she accidentally lost the Stone of Power, which protects our Lightning Herd. My twin sister and I were cloud-racing in the night sky when she dropped the stone and thought it was lost forever. I found it, but Destiny does not know this. She is afraid to come home because she thinks she is in terrible trouble.’

  Steph nodded slowly. ‘You say you and Destiny were cloud-racing? But how…?’

  ‘I will show you,’ Comet said, backing away.

  Steph felt a strange warm tingling sensation flow down to her fingertips as violet-coloured sparkles glittered in Comet’s black-and-white coat and streaks of rainbow mist wove around him. The handsome piebald pony disappeared and in its place, almost filling the loose box, stood an elegant young cream-coloured pony with a flowing gold mane and tail. Springing from its shoulders were folded wings, covered with shimmering golden feathers.

  ‘Oh!’ Steph caught her breath. She had never seen anything so wonderful in her entire life.

  ‘Comet?’ she gasped.

  ‘Yes, Steph. It is still me. Do not be afraid.’ Comet gave a deep musical whinny.

  Before Steph could get used to the sight of the beautiful winged pony, there was a final swirl of sparkling mist and Comet reappeared as the handsome black-and-white piebald

  ‘That’s a great disguise! Can Destiny make herself look like an ordinary pony too?’ Steph asked.

  Comet nodded slowly. ‘Yes, but that will not save her if the dark horses who want to steal our magic discover her,’ he explained. ‘I must find Destiny and take her back to Rainbow Mist Island before they do. Will you help me?’

  Steph thought about it. Her heart was still aching for Fleur, so she knew how it felt to miss someone she loved. ‘OK, I’ll search for Destiny with you,’ she decided. To her surprise, she was actually starting to feel quite proud that this amazing magic pony had chosen to reveal himself to her. ‘Wait until I tell Mum and Dad about you. They won’t believe it –’

  ‘No. You cannot tell anyone about me or what I have told you!’ Comet looked at her with serious eyes.

  Steph felt disappointed. She was already keeping a secret about how much she missed Fleur from her mum and dad; she felt bad keeping another. But Comet was right, this probably wasn’t the sort of thing that a grown-up would believe!

  ‘You must promise me,’ Comet insisted gently.

  ‘Well… OK then. Cross my heart. No one’s going to hear about you from me.’ Steph was prepared to agree if it would help protect Comet and Destiny until they returned together to Rainbow Mist Island.

  ‘Steph? Are you still here?’ Judy Marshall’s voice rang out as she strode across the stable yard, obviously having finished her telephone conversation.

  Inside the loose box, Steph tensed. Judy was going to see her with Comet at any moment!

  In an attempt to hide the magic pony, she shot outside, closed the door and stood with her back pressed against it. Comet seemed to think it was some kind of game and leaned over her shoulder to nuzzle her hair.

  ‘There you are!’ Judy said, smiling. ‘What’s so interesting about that empty box? I thought you’d have chosen a pony and tacked it up by now.’

  Empty box? Steph could feel Comet’s warm breath tickling her neck. But, for some reason, Judy didn’t seem to be able to see him.

  ‘I have used my magic, so that only you can see and hear me,’ Comet whinnied softly in her ear.


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