Dead Wrong: Straight Facts on the Country's Most Controversial Cover-Ups

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Dead Wrong: Straight Facts on the Country's Most Controversial Cover-Ups Page 38

by David Wayne

  The Strange Death of Vincent Foster, Christopher Ruddy, 1997

  “The Mysterious Death of Vincent Foster”, in Grave Secrets: A Leading Forensic Expert Reveals the Startling Truth About O.J. Simpson, David Koresh, Vincent Foster, and Other Sensational Cases, Cyril Wecht, M.D., J.D. with Mark Curriden and Benjamin Wecht, 1998

  “Citizen’s Independent Report,” Hugh H.Sprunt;1995.

  The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, 1997

  A Washington Tragedy: How the Death of Vincent Foster Ignited a Political Firestorm, Dan E. Moldea, 1998

  The Murder of Vince Foster, Michael Kellett, 1995

  Failure of the Public Trust, John Clarke, Patrick Knowlton & Hugh Turley, 1999

  “Independent Report in Re: The Death of Vincent Foster, Jr.”, Vincent J. Scalice Associates, April 27, 1995, Western Journalism Center

  “Forensic Experts Doubt Foster Suicide Finding”, Christoper Ruddy, January 18, 1995, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

  “White House Lying on Foster’s Death”, John Crudele, February 7, 1996, New York Post

  “New Evidence Exposes Vince Foster Murder: Victim Not Shot With .38 Caliber Revolver”, Wesley Phelan, The Washington Weekly, October 26, 1998. http://

  “101 Peculiarities Surrounding the Death of Vincent Foster,” Richard L. Franklin, accessed January 24, 2011.

  “The Death of Vincent Foster: Vincent Foster’s Wounds Were Not as Reported,” Michael Rivero, htttp:// RANCHO/POLITICS/FOSTER_COVERUP/NECK/neck.html

  “Vincent Foster Scenario: A Possible Scenario for the Murder of Vincent Foster,” Michael Rivero, http://whatreallyhappened. com/RANCHO/POLITICS/ARTICLES/SCENARIO.html

  * * *

  460 FBI Interview of Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell

  461 Vincent Foster speech at the University of Arkansas, shortly prior to his death and personally written by Vince Foster.

  462 Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell, July 20, 1993, quoted in Esquire Magazine, 11/93

  463 Christopher Ruddy, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster: An Investigation (Free Press, 1997)

  464 Ruddy, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster

  465 Ruddy, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster

  466 Ruddy, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster

  467 Ruddy, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster

  468 Ruddy, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster

  469 Ruddy, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster

  470 Ruddy, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster

  471 Ruddy, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster

  472 Ruddy, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster

  473 Ruddy, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster

  474 Richard L. Franklin, “101 Peculiarities Surrounding the Death of Vincent Foster,” (accessed 1 May 2011).

  475 Franklin, “101 Peculiarities”

  476 John Clarke, Patrick Knowlton & Hugh Turley, Failure of the Public Trust (P.J. Knowlton, 1999).

  477 Clarke et al., Failure of the Public Trust

  478 Ruddy, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster

  479 Michael Rivero, “The Death of Vincent Foster: Vince Foster’s wounds were not as reported,”, (accessed 14 May 2012).

  480 Rivero, “The Death of Vincent Foster”

  481 Rivero, “The Death of Vincent Foster”

  482 Rivero, “The Death of Vincent Foster”

  483 Clarke et al., Failure of the Public Trust

  484 Clarke et al., Failure of the Public Trust

  485 Clarke et al., Failure of the Public Trust

  486 Clarke et al., Failure of the Public Trust

  487 Clarke et al., Failure of the Public Trust

  488 Clarke et al., Failure of the Public Trust

  489 Clarke et al., Failure of the Public Trust

  490 Clarke et al., Failure of the Public Trust

  491 Phil Brennan, “The Disintegration of the FBI,” 31 May 2002,;

  492 Brennan, “Disintegration of FBI”

  493 Brennan, “Disintegration of FBI”

  494 Ruddy, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster, 170.

  495 Clarke et al., Failure of the Public Trust

  496 Dr. Henry Lee & Dr. Jerry Labriola, Famous Crime Revisited: A Forensic Scientist Reexamines the Evidence (Berkley, 2004).

  497 Michael Kellett, The Murder of Vince Foster (CLS Publishers, 1995), 155.

  498 Kellett, The Murder of Vince Foster

  499 The Murder of Vince Foster

  500 The Murder of Vince Foster

  501 Ruddy, The Strange Death of Vincent Foster

  502 Franklin, “101 Peculiarities”

  503 Michael Rivero, email to author, 22 January, 2011.

  504 Sarah Netter, “John Edwards Scandal: Andrew Young Offered ‘Gigantic’ Sum for Sex Tape,” 1 February 2010, ABC Good Morning America.

  Dr. David C. Kelly CMG –

  July 17, 2003

  (CMG- Most Distinguished Order of Saint

  Michael and Saint George- is a British title

  bestowed to honor contributions of

  extraordinary significance in matters of State.

  Some in the British military and intelligence

  field refer to CMG as “just Call Me God”)

  Senior United Nations Weapons Inspector, Iraq

  World’s Premier Biological Weapons Expert

  * * *



  * * *

  Cause of Death:

  BLOOD LOSS (cause of death is contested)

  * * *

  Official Verdict:

  SUICIDE; “self-inflicted wound to left wrist” Also “may have” ingested “up to twenty-nine” tablets of coproxamol (an analgesic for mild to moderate pain relief, it is a mixture of paracetamol and dextropropoxyphene and is commonly prescribed for arthritis pain, mild backache, or cramps).

  Actual Circumstances:

  Dr. Kelly was named as the source of a media leak that accused Prime Minister Tony Blair of lying to justify war with Iraq. When asked what would happen if Iraq was to be invaded, Dr. Kelly responded (on more than one occasion): “I will probably be found dead in the woods.”500

  Iraq was invaded and Dr. Kelly was found dead in the woods. A “public inquiry” was immediately appointed by Prime Minister Blair (before his airplane had even landed), thus precluding an official inquest. No inquest into the death has ever been held.501

  * * *


  A special Independent Forensic Panel consisting of three doctors who were specialists in their respected fields examined the crime scene and forensic details and determined that:

  1. “As specialist medical professionals, we do not consider the evidence given at the Hutton inquiry has demonstrated that Dr. David Kelly committed suicide.”502

  2. Regarding the finding that Dr. Kelly bled to death from a slashed wrist, the Independent Forensic Panel concluded, “We view this as highly improbable. Arteries in the wrist are of matchstick thickness and severing them does not lead to life-threatening blood loss.”503 The ulnar artery is also an extremely unnatural place to slash one’s wrist. It is located at the far inner portion of the wrist, in line with the little finger. If, however, someone else had been facing the victim and slashing their wrist, it then would be the logical place to expect a cut.

  3.The only artery that was cut, the ulnar artery, had been completely transected. As the Independent Forensic Team Panel stated: “Complete transection
causes the artery to quickly retract and close down, and this promotes clotting of the blood.”504

  4. Blood loss would have been insufficient to cause death. The conclusion of the Independent Forensic Panel was that “The ambulance team reported that the quantity of blood at the scene was minimal and surprisingly small. It is extremely difficult to lose significant amounts of blood at a pressure below 50-60 systolic in a subject who is compensating by vasoconstriction. To have died from hemorrhage, Dr. Kelly would have had to lose about five pints of blood. It is unlikely that he lost more than a pint.”505

  5. The paramedics who were on the scene, Dave Bartlett and Vanessa Hunt, have testified that there was not nearly enough blood at the scene to justify the belief that he died from blood loss. They inspected the entire area. They located a small amount of blood on some plants near Dr. Kelly’s body and a small patch of blood on his trousers that was about the size of a coin.506

  6. The victim’s body was outside on a cold afternoon. Cold weather exposure causes further vasoconstriction, dramatically slowing blood loss.507

  7. Only a fifth of one tablet of coproxamol was found in Dr. Kelly’s stomach. Although levels of the drug’s two components in his bloodstream were higher than therapeutic levels, they were less than a third of the level considered fatal. Therefore, the Independent Forensic Panel concluded:

  “We dispute that Dr. Kelly could have died from hemorrhage or from coproxamol or from both.”508

  8. A group of thirteen highly respected British physicians has officially contested the official findings and are still locked in a legal battle to overturn what they know to be false. Their conclusions are blunt:

  “You couldn’t commit suicide like that.”

  “‘The idea that a man like Dr. Kelly would choose to end his life like that is preposterous. This was a scientist, an expert on drugs.”509

  9. The knife that he allegedly used to commit suicide was blunt and did not have any fingerprints on it whatsoever (a fact not released until late 2007 when it was obtained via a Freedom of Information request from Member of Parliament Norman Baker). Dr. Kelly was not wearing gloves, so there should have been fingerprints. 510 Norman Baker, MP:

  “Someone who wanted to kill themselves wouldn’t go to the lengths of wiping the knife clean of fingerprints. It is just very suspicious. It is one of the things that makes me think Dr. Kelly was murdered.”511

  10. No fingerprints or DNA were found on any of Dr. Kelly’s personal items at the death scene.512 Police tested his personal items three times, and all tests came back negative for both DNA and prints.513 Forensic experts note that it is now routine to examine crime scene objects for DNA because it is logical to expect the owner’s microscopic cells on personal items they have handled, such as cell phones or eyeglasses. Since Dr. Kelly was not wearing gloves, forensic experts say it is difficult to explain the abcense of DNA and fingerprints on: his mobile phone, the knife that he allegedly used, the packages of pills he allegedly took, the water bottle he allegedly took the pills with, and his wristwatch. 514

  11. Dr. Kelly had a weak right arm which would have made it exceedingly difficult to make the already awkward motion of cutting one’s left ulnar artery. He also had a strong aversion to swallowing tablets. Close friend & co-worker Mai Pederson:

  “ ... Kelly’s weak right arm and inability to swallow pills make it impossible” 515

  12. Dr. Kelly was reportedly not wearing a jacket when he left his house, which was logical, as it was not yet that cold outside, and he planned on being right back. However, his jacket was found near him at the crime scene.516

  13. Also found at the crime scene were a pruning knife with blood on it, right next to the body, as well as three foil packets (packets holding ten each) of the mild pain reliever copraxamol. But none of the items were near the body when the searchers first discovered it. It’s quite logical to think that they would have seen and noticed a knife and a water bottle, both with blood on them, both right next to the body. But they did not observe them. 517

  14. Several reports were made to police by local residents who had independently of each other witnessed several men in black clothing wandering in the woods in the hours prior to his body being located and in the areas near where the body was found.518

  15. Dr. Kelly’s body was moved post-mortem on at least two occasions. The two search volunteers who first located the body, both swore that it was leaning up against a tree. The body was later said to be found laying flat upon the ground. Additionally, the searcher who found the body is also positive that his right arm was at the side his body. But by the time that the two paramedics arrived, they both clearly remember having to move his right arm off his chest in order to check for vital signs. 519

  16. Contrary to the attempts of the “clean-up” efforts after his death, Dr. Kelly actually made the statement “I will probably be found dead in the woods” on several different occasions and, moreover, he made it clear that it was a serious statement regarding concrete fear for his life if the promises made to Iraq were betrayed (Iraq was told that it would not be invaded if it cooperated with inspections, which it did). 520

  17. Many sources close to Dr. Kelly confirm the fact that he was not a man who was even remotely contemplating taking his own life.521

  18. All official medical reports concerning the death were sealed confidential for seventy years.522

  19. Remarkably, forensic testing that is considered standard, was never done on Dr. Kelly’s body. For example, a test to measure residual blood (blood left in the body) would have revealed the exact extent of blood loss. The testing was never conducted.523

  20. Dr. Kelly was at work on an unauthorized book that he said was going to expose the lies of the Bush and Blair Governments. He shared that information with intelligence expert and historian Gordon Thomas:

  “I visited Dr. Kelly as part of research into a book I was writing. But he told me that he was writing his own book, which intended to show that Tony Blair had lied about his reasons for going to war with Iraq. He had told the Prime Minister categorically that there were no weapons of mass destruction.” “Dr. Kelly was not a man given to exaggeration or showing off; he was the absolute expert in his field and if he said there no weapons of mass destruction, then there were none.

  I told Dr. Kelly he would never be allowed to publish his book in Britain. I told him he would put himself into immense danger.”524

  21. Agents of MI5 arrived at Dr. Kelly’s house and seized the hard drive to his computer (containing his book) thirty minutes before Kelly’s body was found. All signs of Kelly’s book vanished along with it.525

  23. Concerted efforts have taken place to minimize the effects of irreconcilable facts in the death of Dr. Kelly and to thwart efforts aimed at opening a sincere investigation of his murder.527

  * * *

  Dr. David C. Kelly was Britain’s premier expert on BW/CW (Biological War-fare/Chemical Warfare) and senior Weapons Inspector for the United Nations charged with inspecting Iraq at precisely the moment in history that the U.S. and U.K. were attempting to justify an invasion of Iraq. He was an accomplished scientist at the top of his field and was respected internationally for his proven professionalism. His credentials are officially described as “the senior adviser on biological warfare to the MoD (Britain’s Ministry of Defence) ... the West’s leading biological warfare inspector” with “world-recognized expertise in every aspect of biological warfare [whose] knowledge cannot be overtrumped.”528

  Dr. Kelly had inspected Iraq’s chemical and biological facilities on many occasions and knew that Iraq possessed no WMD (weapons of mass destruction). He also knew, with absolute certainty, that Iraq possessed no capability of delivering WMD.

  As the pounding of the war drums increased in intensity, the claim was officially made in Western media that Iraq’s weapons programs effectively placed the Allies “forty-five minutes from doom.” That claim was a lie, and David Kelly knew it.

  Dr. K
elly was also a man of great integrity:

  “Dr. Kelly became senior adviser on biological warfare for the UN in Iraq in 1994, holding the post until 1999. He was sufficiently well respected to have been nominated for a Nobel peace prize by the man who led the Iraq weapons inspections for much of the 1990s.”529

  The same integrity that led to Dr. Kelly’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize for uncovering biological weapons in Iraq during the 1990s caused his refusal to go along in complete silence with a claim that he knew to be false about Iraq’s weapons capabilities in 2003.

  The above combination of events cost Dr. Kelly his life. Dr. Kelly liked to say that his loyalty is to what

  “I believe is right or wrong, true or false.”530

  And he had sound reason for believing it too—

  “This discussion of the past is also about the future. As David Kay, the American weapons-hunter who found no weapons, told the Guardian: ‘The next time you have to go and shout there’s fire in the theatre people are going to doubt it.’”531

  Dr. Kelly’s background took him deeper into the secret world of Intelligence than most people are aware. Consider that he:

  •Was directly responsible for and directly involved in the defection of Russia’s leading microbiologist, which thwarted attempts at a bio-weapon capable of wiping out a third of the world’s population;

  •Worked for MOSSAD (the elite Israeli intelligence corps) since 1995, with the approval of MI6 (British Intelligence);

  •Played a key role in defining the Ames-strain of anthrax for the FBI in the U.S. anthrax attacks;

  •Consulted frequently for the CIA, MI6, and MOSSAD on matters of the highest security level imaginable;

  •Was the only civilian that the CIA allowed to question a top-level Chinese defector.


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