The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 3 (MC Chronicles #3)

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The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 3 (MC Chronicles #3) Page 5

by Bink Cummings

  “That’s it, bitch. I’m gonna come in that sweet ass,” Runner harshly groans as the muscles in his firm slim ass contract with each forceful slam of his hips into her asshole.

  I can’t believe I’m watching this.

  Gunz remains quiet. His eyes seem to never leave Niki as he watches her writhe in pleasure above him. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man so calm when fucking a woman.

  “She’s gonna come,” Gunz grumbles, rubbing her nipples. “Fuck her ass harder, she’s gonna come.” Runner listens and lets his own inner beast loose as he begins to ferociously hammer away at Niki’s asshole. The brisk slapping sound of their bodies joining echo in the yard, mangling with Runner’s hoarse grunts in a symphony of erotic enchantment.

  Gunz’s hands leave Niki’s breasts to cup her jaw, and his voice lowers into a loving sweetness I’ve never heard before. “Come on baby, come for me,” he coaxes with velvety love.

  Niki immediately responds to his command as her back sharply arches, and she screams toward the star lit sky, her body violently trembling as she explodes. The smile that spreads across Gunz’s face is the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen from him. “That’s it,” he soothes.

  Unable to hold herself up, Niki collapses on top of Gunz, with Runner still pumping her ass, ready to fill it with his seed.

  Shaking my head, I break away from the porn show to scan the backyard. Deke and Blimp are standing close to the picnic table, both of them noticeably turned on. Axel, Bulk, Dallas, and Tripper are shootin’ the shit together over by the furthest bonfire, ignoring the fuck fest, which is good for them. I don’t think their old ladies would be pleased if they’d been enjoying the live porn show. Looking past them at the other end of the lawn I see who I’ve been searching for.

  My blood immediately starts to boil, and my stomach drops as my breath seizes in my lungs. Leaning against the clubhouse is Big with a bottle of Bud in his right hand and his left arm thrown over some topless, fake titty whore, who’s clearly eating up his every word.

  I don’t even think. I just act when I rocket out of the darkness, headed straight for them.

  “You!” I point to the whore, and advance across the lawn, ignoring the man who will be groveling at my feet very soon. The long-haired brunette frowns indignantly when she glances my way.

  “I’m talking to you!” I yell louder. She doesn’t seem to give a fuck that I’m addressing her. Huge mistake.

  Big’s eyes shift to me and back to her. Once his inebriated mind finally catches on, his eyes widen, and he drops his arm from her shoulder, standing stick straight.

  I stop a few feet in front of them. “You need to go,” I sneer at the whore, whose tits are so malformed they’ve got to be the worst botched boob job I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot of fake tits.

  “Fuucckkk, baabbee, I didnnn’t do anythinnn’ with her,” Big drunkenly slurs.

  I wave him off with my hand. There is no way I could believe him even if I tried. He’s drunk and horny. Couldn’t miss the fucking erection he was sporting from across the damn lawn. I’m no fool, and there is no way I’m going to be treated as such.

  I refuse to look at him, so I focus on the whore who hasn’t moved an inch as she gives me a childish death glare. Amateur.

  Cocking my hip to the side and hitching my hand to it, I let my attitude roll, “Listen, I know you think that the Prez is givin’ ya attention, so you might be his regular bitch. I get that for a whore that would be enough. But let me tell ya, honey, he’s mine. He isn’t going to put his dick in your stank pussy, and he sure as fuck ain’t gonna lick your snatch. So I suggest ya leave now before I get my gun and show you the difference between a whore and a pregnant biker bitch…. Comprende?”

  A warm, soothing hand lands on my shoulder, and I flinch, my entire body on edge, ready for a fight.

  “Jamie, this is Bink, Big’s old lady, so it’s time to roll out,” over my shoulder, the friendly voice of Deke gently commands the dumb bitch.

  Jamie’s face grimaces, “But he told me I could suck him off, and if I could deep throat his dick, I could fuck him.”

  Oh hell no! This shit is not happening! This bitch is dead!

  I take a step forward. Deke squeezes my shoulder and moves closer, his chest pressing to my back, keeping me in place.

  “Move away from my old lady, brother,” Big growls, taking a threatening step forward, away from the wall.

  Gee, wow, welcome to the party, drunken fucktard! I can’t even look at him. I’m afraid I’ll either kill him, or I’ll burst into tears. At this point it’s a fifty-fifty shot. Ya know, these pussy ass pregnancy hormones do me in every damn time.

  Deke doesn’t move. If anything, he comes closer, and his other hand covers the top of my hand that’s still perched on my hip. The warmth of his damp palm seeps into my flesh, comforting me. I find myself leaning into him.

  “Brother,” Big warns heatedly and reaches out his hand to snatch my arm. I bat him away, relaxing further into Deke’s bubble, which feeds my own need as well as pisses Big off even more.

  Big’s face scours, and he huffs in frustration through flaring nostrils, his jaw tight. His eyes laden with alcohol flutter, just as he opens his mouth to speak, his lip twitches with aggression.

  “Don’t,” I return a weighted warning.

  Big’s mouth snaps shut. His lips purse into a thin line, eyes narrowing in on me.

  Not sure why he’s the pissed one here when there’s a whore he was about to let suck his fat dick quietly standing beside him.

  “You don’t get to stand here and act like some drunken Neanderthal. You’ve not touched any woman ‘cept me in weeks. Now you’re offering up your cock?” I tilt my head to the side, assessing his body language. He’s pissed, there ain’t no butts about it.

  He wets his bottom lip, “It’s just a blow job.”

  Oh no, he didn’t!

  “It’s… it’s what!?” I screech, my eyes flying wide.

  “A… Blow….Job.” He’s talking to me like I’m an idiot. Well I’m not.

  “Then I should be the one to give you one! Not some whore!” I shoot back, glaring at the whore for a beat, and return to stare at him. Unable to control myself, I take a step forward, my hand itching to slap this asshole across his fucking face. Deke pulls me back, my back flush to his front. My arms drop to my sides. Flexing my hands open and shut, I try to break this need to hurt him. It doesn’t work. My arms begin to shake with fury. I bite my inner cheek, willing myself through sheer force to calm down. I am going to murder him!

  Seemingly unfazed by my fury, Big shakes his head repeatedly. “Nope,” he blurts.

  “What the hell do you mean, nope?”

  “I mean a blow job doesn’t mean shit. I’m fuckin’ horny. I wanna come, and your pussy and sexy ass mouth are off limits,” he states matter-of-factly, likes it’s not a big deal.

  “No it’s not, you stupid idiot!” I argue, my voice simmering with so much pent up aggression I might explode at any moment. How stupid can he be? Just because I can’t fuck doesn’t mean I can’t suck his dick. I’ve been the one asking to do it. He just won’t let me, and he won’t tell me why.

  “Yes it is!” he raises his voice.

  “How?!” I snap.

  “I won’t allow my old lady to suck my dick. Sucking dicks is for whores. Not for you. You’re not a fucking whore!” Now he’s yelling at me so the entire yard can hear. Great!

  “Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? That sounds like you need to have your goddamn head examined.”

  He ignores my question, “And my old lady’s lips are not gonna touch my fucking cock that’s been sucked by hundreds of whores.”

  My entire body begins to vibrate with rage. How dare he tell me why I can’t touch his cock! That is the dumbest excuse, if I ever did hear one.

  “That same cock has fucked my pussy too. Did your dumbass forget that?” I grind out through clenched teeth. Deke’s warm arms wrap around m
y upper arms, and his chin touches my shoulder. Taking a deep breath, I glance down from Big’s face to his dick. Sure enough it’s still hard as a rock.

  “Let it go,” Deke whispers to my ear.

  “No,” I reply, “he needs to get over this stupid fuckin’ thing.”

  “No I don’t, Sugar Tits,” Big cuts in. “When I fucked other bitches, my shit was always wrapped. My cock ain’t even been in a pussy without a rubber ‘cept yours. But there ain’t no fucking way I’m gonna choke the love of my life on my cock. Let alone feed her my come when she’s carryin’ my baby inside her.”

  He drops his head to look at my belly, and a warm grin curls from the corners of his lips for the briefest of moments before it’s washed away and replaced by a demonic sneer. Suddenly the air becomes thick with rage. I can feel the power emanate from his body when he snaps up to meet my eyes, the beast within coming to the surface.

  I can’t let him turn into a monster, not here, not now. I drop my tone to a softer one, “You made a promise to me that you would not touch another woman.”

  “I did,” he growls, “I ain’t ever said anythin’ about another woman touchin’ me. Whores are whores for one simple reason….”

  Then it all happens so fast. Big’s arm reaches out and cuffs around the back of the quiet whore’s neck. He pulls her closer. The sick feeling bubbles in my stomach as I feel my heart crack in two. He’s going to do it… he’s going to….

  Big silently orders the whore to her knees. She drops before him to the grass, her eyes glittering with excitement. The inner beast rears its head as Big ignores me completely, undoes his belt, unbuttons his jeans, slides down his zipper, and yanks his meaty cock out of the flap of his boxer briefs.

  I stand struck with a sudden stabbing pain to my heart. I reach up and rub it with my hand. My head swims as I begin to hyperventilate. All I can do is watch as he grabs his steely length and the whore inches forward, allowing him to slap her eager parted lips with his dick.

  She mews as a string of pre-come pulls from her lips like an iridescent spider web. Sticking out her tongue, she languidly laps up the saltiness and leans forward for more. Her tongue swirls his cock head, and he hisses in pleasure. Thrusting his hips, he drives himself between her pink parted lips and into her wet mouth.

  This can’t be happening. This has to be a dream! I scream in my head.

  Deke’s arms drop from my shoulders and curl around my middle. Then I feel it, a wave of wretched agony clawing at my insides, eviscerating my heart. A hurtful cry rips from my lungs, echoing in the courtyard. I don’t even recognize my voice. It all seems so surreal.

  Just as the end of my wail dies on my lips, I pant for air, and the asshole who doesn’t even seem to remember I’m here, looks up with pleasure fogged eyes. A wave of something flashes on his face when he looks down at the whore and back up to meet my damp eyes.

  I suck in a deep breath, holding back the impending tears. I will not give him the satisfaction of knowing he made me cry. Horny, drunk, or not, this is not acceptable. We’re done. I’m done.

  Not able to stand here any longer, I bump my ass into Deke’s crotch and feel the length of his erection. Great! He’s enjoying this sick shit too.

  Twisting out of Deke’s hold, he groans, obviously taken with the show. Big tries to say something, but it comes out jumbled as the whore on her knees begins to suck his cock in earnest. The slurping sounds of her mouth serve as torment the longer I remain.

  Deke releases me and shakes his head as if he’s clearing it. “Bink,” he calls out realizing what is happening, a sadness lacing his husky tone.

  I don’t pay him any attention when I move away from the men I’m supposed to love and the family that are nothing but a bunch of horny drunken fools, who seem to care more about coming than anything else.

  I walk with purpose out of the lawn, to the blacktop, and into the estates. That’s when I first hear the thudding sound of boots picking up speed behind me. Refusing to look back, I pick up the pace and walk faster. I won’t be going home where the asshole could reach me, so I head straight to the white single story to my left, Jezebel and Bulk’s house.

  Dashing up the front steps and onto the porch, I reach for the door handle when a hand shoots out and seizes my forearm spinning me around to face him. I reach up to slap the asshole only to stop midway when I see it’s Gunz with a pained expression on his face.

  Instantly, without saying a word, he protectively wraps me in his arms, his lips pressing to my hair. My iron wall immediately collapses into a pile of rubble at our feet, and I openly sob to his chest. My lips and nose smash to his warmth, as tears flow like a waterfall from my eyes, soaking into his black shirt. For a long moment, he holds me like this. His hands draw soft comforting circles on my back, as wail after wail wracks through my body, only to be muffled by his chest. I tremble, curling my arms around myself for protection.

  Of all the men in the world to hurt me, Big just crushed not only my heart but my soul. Years of viewing whores and men and fucking, I’ve been unfazed. Even the threesome tonight was just another erotic scene. But him and that woman on her knees. The way his face fell with relief when she wrapped her lips around his throbbing cock. How he groaned when she sucked him in deep. Like a fool struck with disbelief, I watched it all. Even though it was a few moments, it was the most painful thing I’ve ever endured. My heart feels like it’s been ripped from my chest. I feel like I’m dying inside. Anger has turned to agony. Love transformed into bitter hate. And here I was stupid enough to worry about him cheating when he was gone. Yet he does it when I’m standing right in front of him.

  Time stands still in Gunz’s arms. Once my tears run dry and the lurching of heart ripping ceases to expel from my trembling lips, I stop shaking. Looking up, my chin to Gunz’s chest, his head tips and he presses a kiss to my upturned forehead.

  “It’s gonna be alright, Baby Doll,” he reassures with grief evident in his tone.

  “No it’s not,” I shake my head. “He is still up there letting a woman suck his cock.” My bottom lip quivers, and I breathe in deep. I can’t be crying. I have to stop this. Nothing good ever came from a broken heart. I should know. I’ve had two of them from the same man.

  Gunz places a chaste kiss between my eyes, and I close them. “No he’s not. It stopped as soon as you ran away. He was headed for you, but I made the boys hold him back before something could have happened to you or my grandbaby,” he explains softly, his lips brushing over my forehead.

  I don’t care what he wanted to do. It’s what he did do. He cheated right in front of me. I know of men doing this. I’ve seen it with my own two eyes. I just never thought I’d be the one to endure it.

  “It doesn’t matter, it’s over,” I whisper. Even saying it aloud makes my stomach lurch and my heart ache just a bit more. It’s over. No more Big and Bink, no more love of my life. No more anything. The bastard did this to me. The bastard did this to us.

  “Now don’t go thinkin’ irrationally,” Gunz says, trying to sound sweet. It doesn’t work. I instantly go on the defensive.

  “Irrationally?” I squeak, my eyes springing open and my brow furrowing.

  “Before ya saw me and Niki with Runner, one of the other whores was ridin’ Blimp. There was a lot of sexual tension goin’ on. And ya know how the boys get before a run; they’re pumped, horny, and ready to roll out. Most of ‘em have been drinking all day, and some of ‘em have been eating Blimp’s special brownies. Big started drinkin’ at dinner when you were up there. You saw him shoot all those shots with Gypsy and Mick. He wasn’t thinkin’ with his right head, Baby Doll,” Gunz tries to stand up for Big. I can appreciate the brotherhood’s camaraderie; I’ve been privy to seeing it my whole life. This time though Gunz can kiss my ass too. I don’t care how drunk he was; he should know the difference between right and wrong.

  “What’s goin’ on out ‘ere?” a feminine voice with a southern drawl questions behind me. I jump and pull away
from Gunz to turn and see Jez standing in the doorway, with the screen still closed, wearing nothing but a pair of her cute panties and a purple shelf tank that does nothing to keep her tits concealed.

  “Well?” she pointedly stares at me, awaiting my answer.

  “Big cheated, had a club whore suck his dick in front of me,” I blurt as fast as I can, hoping that the pain that lances through my heart won’t kill me.

  “That son of a bitch!” she shouts and shoves the screen door open. “Get your ass in here. You’re stayin’ with me tonight. Bulk can crash on the couch.”

  I don’t argue since I wanted to stay here anyhow. I follow her orders and slide past her through the door, not saying a word to Gunz in the process. He is obviously on Big’s side. At least I know my sisters won’t be.

  Walking into her house, I step over baby toys as I make my way to the living room. I hear her say goodbye to Gunz from the door and then the suction from the door as it’s pushed shut.

  I don’t wait for an invitation when I drop into her leather couch. She joins me, sitting a few cushions away on her sectional.

  “So the bastard got his dick sucked, huh?” Jez asks.

  “Yup, and I don’t wanna talk about it. I’m tired.” I rub my belly for comfort. Harley must be sleeping because she’s not kicked recently.

  Jez stands and waves me to follow her. I get up and walk behind her up her hall to her blue-gray bedroom. Tossing back the duvet, she silently points to Bulk’s side of the bed.

  “Thanks,” I mutter sullenly, rounding the bed and sliding into Bulk’s side.

  “Don’t thank me, bitch, just go to sleep. And if that bastard comes lookin’ for you, I’ll handle it.”

  I love this woman. I swear I don’t know what I would do without her sometimes. She’s the only sister that could put Big in his place, and the only one who’d dare lie to him. That’s why I came here. I knew she’d be up reading, and if Big came, she’d have my back.

  “Bulk isn’t gonna be mad that I’m sleeping in his spot?” I ask, lying flat on my back, staring at the popcorn ceiling with my hands rubbing my belly in circles.


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