Embrace the Fire

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Embrace the Fire Page 5

by Spring Stevens

  He swallowed hard, fighting the memory down.

  Uneasiness drifted up his spine; something was in the air, something dark and menacing. He could smell it, taste it, and the vampire in him longed to listen to the call pulling on his blood. His head snapped up, his topaz eyes shining as bright as the sun. His fangs elongated; his fingers curled and cracked as his claws undulated from his fingertips. The bloodlust of his vampire half hit him squarely in the gut.

  Vanishing from the table in the blink of an eye, he swore to himself. Zena, the goddess of the vampires, was calling out her minions, calling the vampire hordes that remained on Earth, unearthing them from their graves. The pull was great, as if she were drawing near. He fought with himself and his nature as he reappeared next to the ocean.

  As an assassin for Grace, her powers overrode Zena’s, but as a Destroyer, he was susceptible to Zena’s call. There was but one way to resist her. His inner demon, the Destroyer that lay so tightly guarded under his skin, had to be released. Falling to his knees, he screamed seconds before his back arched and scales rippled down his spine.

  Chapter 6

  Careful to control his achy, needy body, Varick waited impatiently for two A.M.. He watched as Angelica cleaned tables as the humans filtered out of Tortured Souls. Occasionally, she would look up with a slight smile as she met his eyes. He was pleased with the fact she wasn’t falling all over him like most women.

  Her scent was intoxicating. The vampire in him wanted to be at her neck, tasting the sweetness her skin was offering. The Destroyer wanted more, needed more. He could only hope she could withstand those parts of him.

  He would have to figure out a way to convince her to trust him. It wouldn’t be easy for her. He would have to reveal to her what he truly was; every part of his soul would be laid open before her eyes.

  Varick looked around the room, only a few humans remained on the dance floor. There were a couple of them sitting at the bar finishing their last drinks of the night. Soon, the place would be empty and he would approach Angelica.

  Guilt hit him in the gut. He knew he couldn’t control the Mating Rite, knew he had to have sex with someone but not just anyone. He glanced at Angelica again. His lust rose up and roared in his mind.

  If he had a choice, he would walk away forgetting she even existed. The Mating Rite demanded him to stay. He had no idea why the beast inside of him had chosen her. Perhaps, it was her scent, her creamy white skin, or her long wavy black hair.

  He swallowed the last drops of vodka in his glass as she came to his table with a tray. Firmly shaking off the urge to sweep her off her feet and kiss her full lips, he shifted toward her, leaning with his elbows on the table.

  “It’s last call. Do you want another drink?” Her voice sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine.

  She reached to take his glass, her fingers brushing his. Electric pulses sparked in his fingers carrying the delicate touch to his brain. He caught the groan before it slipped from his lips.

  “No.” He grabbed her hand as she turned to leave. “My name is Varick. It would be a pleasure if you would allow me to walk you home tonight.” He swallowed hard as she simply stared at him. “It’s not safe for a woman to be out this time of night alone.”

  Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she pulled her hand from his. “How do you know I walk home?”

  He shrugged, leaning back in his chair. “I leave about every night the same time as you do.”

  “Oh.” Her smile was tight. “I’ll be fine, but thanks for offering.”

  “Truth be known.” He pushed his chair back and stood, towering over her. “I offered in order to get to know you.”

  She stepped back looking up at him squarely in the eye. He tried not to smile but he was enjoying her stubbornness. It was not very often that a woman denied him anything.

  “Look buddy … ”

  He interrupted her softly, “My name is Varick, not buddy.”

  Her hands flew to her hips. “Okay, Varick, if you wanted to get to know me, why didn’t you just say so instead of insinuating that you feared for my safety?”

  “Can I not fear for your safety just because I don’t know you?” He resisted the desire to run his hands through her silky hair. “It’s customary for a gentleman to be concerned for a lady’s welfare, isn’t it?”

  She shook her head. “You’re definitely not a gentleman.”

  “No, I suppose I’m not.” He reached out to catch a stray lock of her hair neatly tucking it behind her ear. “I find you captivating. You have caught my attention and I merely wish to spend some time with you.”

  Her shoulders squared harshly, her suspicion evident on her face. “Why?”

  Varick blinked his surprise at her question. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  Her eyebrow rose. “Answering a question with a question is a good way to avoid giving an answer.”

  He decided he needed to take a different approach. “Would you rather I give you compliments? Tell you that I am very attracted to you? Do you want me to tell you I have waited rather impatiently for an opportunity to speak to you? Or perhaps, you want me to tell you that I have lain in my bed thinking about you as I drift off to sleep?”

  For a moment, he thought she would blush or slap him. She surprised him again when she didn’t. A groan escaped him as she ran her tongue over her lips and sat the tray down on his table.

  “Are you trying to flirt with me?” He was sure she was repressing a smile as she continued, “Because if you are, it’s a pretty poor attempt.”

  He laughed. “Yes, it does seem that I’m out of practice.”

  Her nose wrinkled. “Yeah, it seems that way. Try harder next time.”

  Angelica stepped back grabbing the tray, turned on her heel, and walked away.

  Without turning to face him, she grumbled under her breath, “I hope you don’t think I’m that easy.”

  Varick stood there, confused.

  Her thoughts had poured into his mind, assuring him that she wanted him. He was sure he had caught the scent of her arousal drifting off of her as she had gotten closer to him. She did desire him, he was positive of it. There was no way to mistake that kind of attraction.

  Damn it, he hadn’t planned on her refusing the simplest of requests. He searched the room until he found her by the bar. She was talking to the bartender as she counted her tips for the night.

  She looked up and gave him a blinding smile. His heart lodged in his throat. Shimmers of desire tore throughout his system. He wanted her, in his bed, in his arms.

  Stalking to her, hell-bent on getting what he wanted, he trapped her between his body and the bar. He leaned in, real tight, and inhaled her scent. Not wanting to use his vampire pheromones to persuade her to do as he wished, he chose to completely confound her with words. She wanted him to flirt, she would get flirtation.

  He turned her to face him. “Very few women have completely stunned me as you have. If you would allow me to walk you home, I’d be honored and pleased beyond words.”

  Varick heard her sudden intake of air, felt her body stiffen. He hadn’t realized he was holding his breath until she relaxed and a slow smile curved her lips.

  “That’s much better.” She placed her hand on his chest. “Although, I wasn’t expecting you to try again so soon.”

  “I’m persistent.” He grinned making sure his fangs were neatly tucked away from her sight. “And I took a beautiful woman’s advice and tried much harder to get her attention.”

  Angelica laughed. “She must be a very smart woman.”

  “Smart? I would say she’s very perceptive.” He took her hand and placed it on his arm pulling her away from the bar. “She’s witty, beautiful, and sexy.”

  “Attractive.” Angelica tilted her head up and looked at him. “Sexy implies sex. And sex isn’t the
place to start getting to know someone.”

  He opened the door for her, eager to continue the conversation. She stepped out onto the sidewalk and took his offered arm. He remained silent as they walked, fearful of starting an argument. In the short conversation they had he found she was easily baited.

  In a way, he was grateful for her presence. He had served Gyth for so long that his every waking moment was used for the god’s purpose. Angelica was a reprieve, a fresh breath of air.

  “You’re quiet for a man who wanted to get to know someone.” She squeezed his arm sending a shudder through his body. “If you’re not going to start asking questions, I will. What do you do for a living?”

  How was he going to answer that one? Well, you see, I’m a Destroyer. I kill vampires, werewolves, and witches. Gyth, a god, pays me in gold. He knew she wasn’t ready for that answer.

  Varick hated to lie. “I’m self-employed.”

  She stopped in her tracks and gave him a hard look over. “Self-employed? What do you do? More specifically I mean.”

  I kill things. She would run from him if he dared to say such a thing.

  “I’m a contractor.”

  “Like a building contractor?”

  He skirted around the answer as they began walking again. “More like demolition.”

  “Oh.” Angelica grinned. “It must be a fun job and I’m sure you get to take out all your frustrations on whatever you’re destroying.”

  She had no idea just how much frustration he could take out on vampires, how much anger he could deal out to witches.

  “Why are you waitressing at Tortured Souls?”

  “I need the money and it’s the only part-time job I could find.” She looked up at the stars. “Sometimes, I wish I had stayed in Arkansas but I love the house my father left me in his will.”

  He watched sadness etch across her face. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, comfort her but he refrained. “I’m sorry he passed away.”

  “It’s okay. I never really knew him.”

  “Still, losing a parent is hard,” Varick grunted. “I lost my mother and it still plagues me.”

  “Tell me about her.” Angelica leaned on his arm. “If it’s not too hard to do.”

  “Her name was Vicery Beth. She was the most beautiful woman in the entire universe.”

  Angelica laughed. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t laughing because of your loss. It’s just that I have heard other men say the exact same thing about their mother.”

  “She had the blackest hair. Long and straight. It felt like silk. Her eyes were bluer than the sky.” He paused feeling the ache in his heart even after so many years. “She had a very gentle heart and soul. In her eyes, I could do no wrong.”

  Varick could barely breathe as she ran her fingers down his arm in an attempt to soothe away the pain from talking about his mother. He appreciated her kindness but had no idea how to tell her that. No one had ever tried to soothe him.

  All women wanted him for one thing, sex. Not comfort, not as a friend. He tried to tell himself he wanted to get to know this woman before having sex with her, but his eyes were defying the direct command from his brain to stop staring at her lush lips.

  His skin tingled in every place she touched him. He could feel desire threatening to claim him as she took his hand into hers. Intertwining his fingers with hers, he failed to recall the last time he had held a woman’s hand. Had he ever done so at all?

  Varick tried to remember the faces of the women he had been with. He had slept with hundreds of women, had seduced and had let himself be seduced. He realized that not once had he held a woman’s hand or talked with her about anything other than sex. Angelica deserved more from him.

  Like a reoccurring nightmare, guilt kicked him in the gut again. The Mating Rite caused a lust that could and would not be denied. The beast inside of him would claim the woman he took to his bed; possibly harm her in ways that he didn’t dare think about.

  Angelica led him across a street to a park. The back of his head tingled as they entered the large wrought-iron gates. Immediately, he went into Destroyer mode, his fangs elongating, his keen senses scanning the area.

  He knew his voice was gruff when he stopped and pulled her closer to his chest. “This isn’t a safe place to be at night. You shouldn’t be walking through this park.”

  She pushed lightly at his chest and ducked under his arm. “I walk through here every night. It’s perfectly safe.”

  Quickening his steps, he grabbed her hand and hurried across the grass. He heard twigs snapping, a branch falling from a tree, and the crickets stopped chirping. The tingling in the back of his head slammed into his brain, his guts twisting in a knot. Something or someone was watching them.

  Angelica skidded to a stop. “I love this place at night.” She looked up. “It’s the best place in Fether to look at the stars. You can see the entire sky from right here on this little hill.”

  Varick scanned the area. “Yes but everything in the tree line, the sky, and the surrounding area can see you crystal clear. It would be the perfect spot to surround someone and attack.”

  Angelica shook her head. “Were you ever a cop?”

  “No.” He circled her looking into the trees. “Why do you ask?”

  “Because you’re acting like one.” She huffed out a breath of air as if agitated and started walking with her arms crossed.

  “How do you know what a cop acts like?” He stopped, glanced over his shoulder one last time, and followed behind her.

  “I dated a cop last year. He was always looking over his shoulder, watching people for suspicious behavior, and telling me how dangerous everything and everyone was. According to him, everyone was a suspect and men were all guilty whether they had committed a crime or not.”

  “He sounds intelligent.” His steps landed beside of her as they stepped off of the grass and into gravel. “How long did you date him?”

  “Long enough to know I didn’t want to be with him for the rest of my life.” She purposely bumped into his arm and teased him. “Protectiveness is a nice quality. Over protectiveness can be scary and mistook as controlling.”

  “Are you implying I’m controlling?”

  She walked through another wrought-iron gate and turned to face him. “When the shoe fits … ”

  “I’m not controlling,” He ran his hand through his white hair. “I’m only concerned for your safety.”

  “Why would you be concerned for someone you don’t know?” Angelica waited for his answer, her hands going to her hips.

  “A storm is coming.”

  “Are you avoiding another question?” Her eyes narrowed.

  Thunder rumbled over their heads. Angelica looked up as lightning flashed across the sky. Varick took her face in his hands and stepped closer, letting his body touch hers. He wanted to kiss her, wanted to explore every moist spot in her mouth with his tongue.

  She grabbed his hands. “What are you doing?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” He leaned down, his lips hovering over hers. “I’m going to kiss you.”

  Heat raced through his blood as she arched pressing her curves into his body. Her lips parted on a sigh, her tongue licking her bottom lip. The dark desire that had been building in his system swam to the surface, begging him to take the kiss she was blatantly offering.

  The heat warmed his skin, he felt his body get tight and hard, eager to do more than just kiss her. He knew that one kiss would not be enough. His desire was white hot and blistering in intensity.

  Abruptly he let her go. Stepping back, he collected himself and controlled the heat that was screaming to be released.

  He forced himself to speak. “Perhaps we should seek shelter before the rain starts.”

  He watched as her expressions slowly changed. Firs
t, her bewitched expression led him to believe she was having a hard time shaking off the same feeling he was having. Second, the fire in her eyes dulled, a frown pulling at the corners of her lips letting him know she was disappointed. Last, she clenched her hands into fists at her sides, her eyes throwing darts at his head.

  “What rain?” No sooner than she spoke, the first drops fell.

  He couldn’t stop the smile that was spreading on his face. “That rain.”

  He followed as she led the way down the street of white picket fences. At the last house, she stopped. Unlatching the gate, she stepped inside the yard and quickly shut it behind her.

  “Thanks for walking me home.”

  “It was my pleasure.” He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Promise me you will find another route home.”

  She shook her head. “Controlling.”

  “No. The park isn’t safe.” Varick was tempted to use his vampire pheromones to make her agree to find another way. “Just promise me you will.”

  Biting her lower lip, she shrugged. “Okay. Fine. I’ll find another way.”

  “Goodnight, Angelica.”

  Varick stood in the rain as she walked down the entrance to her house. He stayed for a long time after she went inside. The longer he stood there, the colder the air got. Pivoting toward the park, a cold wind slapped at his face. The place had a bad vibe, like a curse was hanging over the area. He waited until her lights were turned off and he was sure she was sleeping before he walked across the street and entered the park.

  Chapter 7

  Into a bowl of ruby blood, Grace dropped three of her silver-blonde hairs. Instantly, the blood shimmered and a face appeared. Zena, deep in the confines of the Underworld, arched a dark brow at her and rolled her black eyes.

  “What do you want this time, Grace?” Zena’s natural hiss curved around any S sound and made Grace’s skin crawl. “Why do you insist on pestering me?”


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