Broken Bride

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by J. N. Pack

  Broken Bride ©2020 J.N. Pack

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Broken Bride

  Everything in my life has been flipped upside down. I took a six-month hiatus to try and figure everything out and it only complicated them more. Now I’m starting college with my best friend, an ex I left at the altar who swears it’s fine, and the one person who has the ability to break me for good. Unfortunately for me, Caelan Devoreaux hates me and it’s all my fault.

  Piper Burrows came here thinking everything was going to be great. That is until she realized that I was here, and I knew what she had done. Once the truth comes out, she’ll be a pariah. She made her bed, let’s see how she likes sleeping in it.

  Will Caelan still have a cold heart when her deepest darkest secret comes to light?


  Broken Bride is a contemporary, new adult romance with a HEA. It touches on subjects that may be triggering for some. Please proceed with caution.

  Broken Bride Playlist

  Lily Rose – Villain

  Tate McRae- You broke Me First

  Jelly Roll- Promise

  The Kid LaRoi- So Done

  Bea Miller- I Can’t Breathe

  Pop Smoke- What You Know About Love

  24K Gold ft. Lann Dior- Mood

  JP Saxe ft. Julie Michaels- If the World Was Ending

  Parker McCollum- Pretty Heart

  Elle Goulding & Juice World- Hate Me

  He Kid LaRoi- Without You

  Justin Bieber ft. Chance the Rapper- Holy

  Jelly Roll- Save Me

  Justin Bieber ft. Benny Blanco- Lonely

  Pop Smoke ft. Lil Baby & Da Baby- For the Night

  Machine Gun Kelly ft. Blackbear- My Ex’s Best Friend

  Kane Brown ft. Swae Lee & Khalid- Be Like That

  Jason Derulo/ Jawsh 685- Savage Love

  Niykee Heaton- Mascara


  Everyone is running around like there’s a fire in the building. Smiling and excited. I’m not one of those people. I should be, but I’m not. I’m more confused than I’ve ever been about anything in my life.

  You see today is the day I’m supposed to get married. I’m supposed to be the blushing bride. I’m a fuckin mess. This goes well past wedding jitters. This is more along the lines of wedding torture. Every step I make in this dress leaves me feeling more and more tormented. Believe me it’s not the fuckin dress, this is a killer dress. For ten thousand dollars, this bitch better be. I didn’t pull any stops in planning this wedding. Now I’m here and I am ready to bolt.

  My mom approaches me and kisses my cheek and whispers, “You’re the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen. I’m so happy for you.” Before brushing a tear from her cheek. I’m sure it’s the same thing she said to my sister when my sister married Johnny three years ago, but who the hell cares. What else would she say? Umm, you’re beautiful but not as beautiful as your sister. Yeah, no that doesn’t work here. I’m a fuckin disaster right now and I can’t find the words. I drop down in a chair where my best friend Meggie starts curling my hair and talking about how beautiful everything is from the red roses to the pink bridesmaid dresses, my dress, and the little mini champagne bottles on everyone’s tables. I’m questioning every decision I’ve made in the past in this very moment.

  Is this how every bride feels? Is this how I’m supposed to feel?

  My sister walks in with Justin on her hip and Joshua strangling her leg. They are twins and identical. The only way we can tell them apart is because Justin was born with a heart shaped birthmark right over his heart. Aside from that they are identical, in looks anyways. Justin is quiet and bashful where Joshua is loud and boastful. Personalities are like night and day. My sister growls out of breath, “I swear if I knew having kids was going to be such hard work, I’d have made Johnny wrap it up until the end of time.”

  I snort at that and my sister gives me a wistful look then says, “Don’t worry Tanner will have you bare feet and pregnant in no time, just watch!”

  That very statement nearly sends my anxiety through the roof. Tanner had been my best friend since we could walk. This is what was supposed to happen. Our wedding was planned before we could walk. It’s not the idea of being barefoot and pregnant that terrifies me. It’s Tanner. It’s me. It’s second guessing everything. I don’t want to marry him and then find out later that this wasn’t what was supposed to happen. This wasn’t my destiny. But the fear of losing Tanner keeps me rooted in my spot. I don’t ever remember a time when it wasn’t Tanner and me. I don’t want to regret this, but I’m scared that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

  Tanner has been gone the past two weeks on a prewedding get away with his best friends Carlos and Mannex. They returned yesterday and I haven’t seen or spoken with him. I don’t know what he feels. I don’t know if he is thinking what I’m thinking. I don’t know if he’s even going to show up today. I mean who doesn’t see or talk to their future husband for two weeks before the wedding. I’m such a fuckin idiot.

  My nephew Joshua runs up to me and reaches up with his grubby little hands for me to pick him up. When I don’t move, he kicks me in the knee and runs back to his mama. I smirk. This little shit has no idea that one day a woman is going to run his life. I hope he finds one just like his mama.

  My brother sticks his head “Almost time. You ladies almost ready.”

  My heart stops and my brother notices. He notices because he notices everything. He asks if he can have a moment with me before the event and everyone steps into the hall. He approaches me like I’m a bull ready to attack. “Hey little sister, what’s running through that beautiful head of yours?”

  I suck in a huge gulp of air forcing myself to blow it back out. I bat a tear that refused to stay put away from my eye. The panic has taken form in my gut and I’m unable to take a full breath.

  He notices, because he notices everything. “Hey now. Take a deep breath.” He puts his arms around me and squeezes me against his chest. “You don’t have to do this.”

  I still can’t bring myself to speak. I can’t bring myself to do anything. Finally realizing he’s not going to sort what’s going on in my head right now, he pulls the keys from his pocket and swings it around his finger and quietly says, “Just give me the word and I’ll have the truck out front.” As he backs towards the door like I’m a bomb about to go off.

  Meggie is the first one back in the door and she startles when she enters, “No, no fuckin way. Shut that crap down. That makeup job is too fuckin good to waste with tears.”

  I didn’t even realize I had started crying. I am marrying my literal best friend.

  Meggie grabs tissues and starts dabbing at my face to dry it. I must have gotten control of the tears because she quit dabbing my face.

  I grab my phone making a rash decision with an unclear head. Something I never do.

  Meet me at the alter! ��

  I hold my breath for a full two minutes waiting for a reply. When i
t comes my heart stalls in my chest.

  I don’t think the groom would appreciate that so much.

  Unsure of his meaning I lower myself to a level I’ve never been responding with one simple word.


  My heart was being torn in two different directions. If he says no my world would splinter. I’d feel like I betrayed Tanner, which I ultimately have already. If he says yes, I have to watch my best friends heart break because of me. So, I don’t wait for an answer, I switch my phone off and I’m going to do what I came here to do. I’m going to marry my best friend. I’ll save regret for another day.

  A knock comes through the door and my Dad sticks his head in and says, “It’s time ladies.”

  My insides do the twisty thing again and my hands itch to switch my phone on, but I won’t. As everyone walks out, they kiss my cheeks. And wish me luck. Well hell I’m going to need it to make it down the aisle without my knees buckling.

  My Dad holds the door until they are all gone and then reaches for my hand. I slowly take it and take my place beside him.

  I watch as he turns to me and a tear slips down his cheek. “You are absolutely stunning baby girl.” He reaches up touching my cheeks.

  “I love you Daddy.”

  “I love you most baby girl. You’ll always be Daddy’s little girl.” He swipes a tear from under my eyes and looks deep into my eyes and says, “You don’t have to do this. We can leave this church right now. I’ll take you out the back and they’ll never know ‘til it’s over.”

  I smile through my tears, “I think they’ll notice the missing bride pops.”

  He smiles. “Regardless, you don’t have to do this sweet girl.”

  I smile and nod, “I’ll be okay Daddy, I promise.”

  Only I wasn’t okay. The closer I got to the church entrance the more the pressure in my chest built. Once we are standing at the front doorways with everyone looking back at me while they oooh and awwhhh, the reality sets in. I see Tanner standing at the front of the room and the second I walked in I could see the concern on his faces. I glance around the room and everyone is looking with smiles and even a few tears. Tanner steps towards me and my steps faulter. Concerned my Dad looks down at me. Fear is completely closing off my throat and I don’t know what to do. My hand snakes up to my chest and I can feel myself taking a step back. Tanner takes another step towards me and I can feel myself tug free of my Dad. I gasp for air and turn for the doors. As fast as I can run, I slam through the doors and I can hear him calling my name as I dart out the front doors of the church.

  My breathing is ragged, and tears are falling down my cheeks in huge droplets now. I think my emotions finally caught up to me.

  Three blocks are what I ran, in a ten-thousand-dollar wedding dress that weighed a ton. I ran right up the steps to the library and all the way to the back. Everyone was staring when I came flying through the doors with makeup ruined eyes and a wedding dress. I drop to the floor and pull my knees into my chest and cry big fat ugly tears.

  “Piper?” Tanner says breathlessly.

  I tip my head up and he sees right through everything. He walks over and drops on the floor beside me. He wraps his arms right around me and pulls me into him. After a few minutes I pull away, “I can’t Tanner. I can’t marry you.”

  His chin drops and a slow smile climbs his face, “I kinda got that when you left me standing at the alter in front of everyone we know.”

  “I’m so sorry. I wish... I wish...” I brush tears away again.

  He pulls my chin up to look at him, “Friends first and always remember?”

  I nod and say “I love you Tanner. You’re my best friend. Always have been. I don’t want to lose you, but I need to see what’s out there. I need to know if there’s life outside of this world we created. I need to know if this was meant to be or if it is this because this is what someone made it. Does that make sense? Or am I rambling like an idiot?”

  His chin drops, “I understand Piper. I love you, but I understand.”

  He climbs to his feet, “I’ll send Jaxon down to pick you up and I’ll take care of everything at the church. Take care of yourself Piper.”

  He turns running his hands through his hair as he walks away, “I’m sorry.” I whisper just loud enough for him to hear as he walks away.

  Chapter 1

  It’s been six months since the day I was supposed to marry one of my best friends. I am not ready for today. I’ve done everything in my power to convince my family that I wasn’t ready, but they in no uncertain terms told me to suck it up. Today I am stuck in the car with my Mom who has not said two words to me since I raced out of the church six months ago. Jillian, my sister insisted we ride up together and work things out. Jillian and the twins are in mom’s car behind us. I don’t know what to say to her. The only reason she is angry is because she was planning that wedding since we were toddlers. I literally mean her, and Susan had it planned down to the specific color of blue I needed for the something blue. I had no part in planning my own wedding.

  “I just don’t understand, Piper. Tanner and you grew up together. He’d take care of you.” She says out of nowhere.

  “MOM! I’m not defending myself again. I love Tanner. He’s one of my closest friends, but that’s it. Maybe if we had any decision in the whole thing, maybe then. We didn’t. Neither of us have seen what it’s like to date other people to know that this is for sure what we wanted, but I know I did the right thing.” I argue.

  She turns looking at me while driving down the road and I can feel the car pulling to the center of the road. “Take that back. For one, we never forced either of you into marriage. Two, you don’t have to see other people to be sure about someone.”

  My eyes are strained as I reach for the steering wheel, “Just watch the road, we are never going to see eye to eye on this and I’m not going to keep defending myself to you about my decision.”

  She turns back to the road and eases the car back into the right lane. Tension is coiling in my gut and my arms start to get that familiar itch of anxiety. I’ve been on anxiety meds for months now, or I was supposed to be, but I avoid taking them unless absolutely necessary. Probably not the best idea, but I hate taking medicine.

  Relief washes over me as we pull into the front of the school. Once the car stops, I open the door and walk around to the back of the car. Jillian climbs out and meets me there. “Better?” she asks.

  I laugh, “Not fuckin’ likely.”

  Jillian rolls her eyes, “She’ll get over it, give her time. We all love Tanner.”

  I shrug, “I do too, but it just didn’t feel right.”

  She smiles, “You don’t have to explain to me. As long as you are good, I don’t care.”

  Mom climbs out of the car, “I’ll sit with the boys while you help her get her things to her dorm. Since they’ll probably be the only grands I get, better spend plenty of time with them while they’re little.”

  My heart stutters in my chest at that comment, but I try to ignore it rolling my eyes. Jillian laughs under her breath as she calls out, “You can watch them anytime you want! You won’t hear me complaining.”

  She grabs a bag but drops them when someone squeals from the steps of the dorm building. I laugh knowing exactly who it is. She rushes towards me throwing her arms around me, “I have missed you soooo much! Six months is too long, don’t do that again!”

  Meggie lets me go and looks over at the car, “Hey Mrs. Cindy… Little Demons.”

  Jillian laughs, “Lies, they are perfect little angels.”

  Mom rolls her eyes, “My Grandkids are perfect, mind your manners.”

  All three of us laugh knowing full well that Justin and Joshua are far from perfect. We love them, but we also know them. Meggie grips the handle of one of my bags and starts towards the building with Jillian and me following behind. In the hallway a couple of topless guys walk by and Jillian’s eyes fly back to mine, “Coed?”

  I smirk.

  A grin spreads across her face, “Better be glad Mom stayed in the car.”

  My smirk turns into a huge grin and I wink at her.

  She turns continuing down the hall behind Meggie.

  Meggie glances back, “We’re at the end of the hall.” A couple more doors down and Meggie shoves into the last door on the left It’s a decent sized room, with a bed on each side of the room and closets on each side.

  Jillian’s phone rings and her smile brightens. She flips her phone on speaker, “Hello my love.”

  “Where’d you run off too?” Johnny grumbles into the phone.

  Jillian is about to pee herself as she tells him, “Looking for my next husband. You know, Pipe is in Coed here.”

  He laughs lightly, “Good luck with that. They’d give you back after dealing with your mouth for thirty minutes or after the first shopping spree.”

  Her mouth drops open, “You take that back right now! You love me you big baboon!” She walks out making her way down the hallway back towards the stairs.

  Meggie and I follow behind her laughing at the two biggest idiots I’ve ever met, but I love them, and they do very much so love each other. Back at the cars she hangs up and turns back to me, “Keep your phone charged, call at least twice a week and… have some fun. Don’t be a fuckin’ prude.”

  I roll my eyes as she hugs me tightly. After she releases me and walks back to her car, I lean in the window and the boys whom are covered in cheese dust from the Cheetos I think they might live off of, reach up and give me cheesy kisses. I smile and ruffle their hair, “See you boys soon, Aunt Pippy loves you.”

  They smile brightly and at the same time they tell me they love me. I walk to the passenger window and look in at my mom, “I know you hate me right now, but I do love you Mom. I may not agree with you, but I love you.”

  She doesn’t say anything just looks away from me, “We better get on the road Jillian if we are going to get home before dark.”

  Jillian blows me a kiss as she drives away. I love my family, but they are complete chaos, when all I need is calm.


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