Billy Daily

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Billy Daily Page 3

by Desiree Lafawn

  Apparently, I had made it right out of the zoo and into the lion's den. Realization slowly kicked in as I locked eyes with Billy. She had been putting what looked like a fresh pair of sheets on the bed I would be sleeping in, but when I came hurtling into the room she froze, the flat bed sheet dangling from her hand where it had fallen mid snap. My chest was rising and falling rapidly, and I knew I must look like a crazy person standing naked with my back against the door, unwittingly blocking her only means of escape.

  The sheet dropped from her hand, and I could already see her balling up her fist, arm cocking back. Damn it.

  “Billy, don’t freak out now,” I started in warning, but she was already stalking her way to me, the tilt of her eyebrows telling me she was not in the mood for my bullshit. “I didn’t know you were in here, Billy, I swear to God. I just forgot to take my clean clothes into the bathroom and was trying to hurry so you wouldn’t have to see my naked ass running down the hallway.”

  She was biting her bottom lip now, probably trying not to rip my head off, and I appreciated her restraint, but I still didn’t trust that she wasn’t going to try injuring me in some way. She was about a foot away from me when I put both hands out, trying to ward her off. I wouldn’t hurt Billy, not on purpose, but I also didn’t want to stand still and let her wail at me until she felt better either.

  Two things happened then.

  When I put my hands up to ward her off, I had to let go of my towel, which made a wet plop as it fell to the floor. Billy’s eyes went from my hands, down to the towel, and then it looked like she tried to look back up, but she got stuck somewhere in the middle and couldn’t tear her eyes away. My traitor dick liked that Billy was staring and started swelling under the attention for fuck's sake.

  “Billy, stop staring at my dick!” I didn’t know what else to say. The situation was ridiculous, and now I looked like a pervert.

  “You showed it to me!” She sounded mad, but she was still looking at my dick like she was starving.

  “It was an accident, Billy, and I only let go because I thought you were gonna hit me again. You really have to work on that knee-jerk reaction, woman.”

  She was finally able to tear her gaze away from my now proud erection and eyed me with irritation. Her cheeks were red though, and I took that as a sign that maybe Billy didn’t really hate me, but maybe she felt something else, at least at the moment.

  “Oh for Pete’s sake, it was just that once and you scared the hell out of me. Plus you grabbed my arm, and it hurt.” As she spoke the words, she rubbed her arms through that long-sleeved shirt again, and I wondered what she was talking about. I had grabbed her arm to keep her from falling on her face, and I knew I hadn’t grabbed her hard enough to hurt her. What the hell was she talking about? Besides, I had only grabbed her arm once, and that was almost a year ago. I had seen her a half a dozen times since then, and she was mean every time.

  “Billy Daily, now you listen to me,” I started again, trying to plead my case and prove I wasn’t an aggressive pervert. She was making it really difficult to concentrate though because she was back to staring at my dick, which was practically waving at her now and- holy shit, did she just lick her lips?

  “Billy, for fuck's sake, it’s not gonna go down if you keep looking at it like that!”

  She was on me before I could get the last word out of my mouth. She leaped at me, actually jumped in the air to land in my arms, and I was forced to grab onto her ass with both hands to keep her from snapping my dick right off. Jesus Christ, everything this chick did was violent, but this time I was down for it. She smashed her mouth against mine in a fury as though she had been saving up her energy for this moment and just couldn’t hold anything back.

  It was shamelessly hot.

  She locked both legs around my back, and it took just enough weight off my hands that I could squeeze her ass cheeks like I had always thought of doing. They were just as full and firm as they looked. I squeezed again just to make sure. Her rabid kissing moved from my mouth and down my neck, and she got right to the place where neck meets chest, and she bit down.


  I roared.

  With pain, with lust, with the need to peg her to the bed and drill her relentlessly – probably all of those things. We had tiptoed around each other for long enough, and she had made the first move. Never one to ask too many questions, I was just going to thank God for the blessing. Crossing the floor in three strides I dropped her ass first on the bed just to watch her bounce. She wanted to play rough? I would take what she could dish out and give it to her just as well. I grabbed her by the ankle and yanked her down the bed so she was lying flat, then knelt over her, knees on either side effectively pinning her in place. Eyes glossed over and breathing as hard as I was, she didn’t make a move to stop me until I had my hand on the hem of her shirt and was about to lift it over her head.


  The word ‘No’ was a sentence in and of itself, and I would always respect it, but I was also butt ass naked, and I was not the one who made the first move here, so I felt justified in asking.


  It took her a minute to come up with any words, but it looked like the answer was going to cost her, and from the shiny tears that threatened to fall out of her eyes, I knew our moment had passed.

  “Billy, I’m not mad, but you jumped on me. I thought we were both on the same page here. If not, it’s okay, but I’d like you to tell me what happened, so I know what I did wrong.” I tried to talk to her as gently as I could, but my boner had my voice a little more hoarse than it ought to have been. She closed her eyes and took a fortifying breath. Damn, I’d gone from having Billy hate me to wanting to jump my bones to being afraid of me all in the span of an afternoon. I didn’t like it, but I needed to know.

  “I didn’t want you to see,” she whispered, the words escaping from her mouth so quietly I almost didn’t know she said them.

  “You didn’t want me to see your body?” I asked. Why wouldn’t she want me to see her body? I’d been undressing her with my eyes ever since I met her. Even when I’d thought she wanted to kill me I wanted to see what was in those jeans. Did she wear cotton panties? Lacy ones? None? Fuck, why would she not want me to see her naked?

  I was feeling very uncomfortable with my level of naked against her level of clothed and at this point I was pretty sure our moment had passed, so I grabbed my duffel from the floor next to the half made bed and got my shirt and pants out of it. I pulled the jeans on first, making it clear that I did in fact go commando. When I finished pulling my faded white t-shirt over my head, she sat up and spoke again.

  “I didn’t want you to see this,” she replied quietly, and began rolling up first one sleeve and then the other. I didn’t know what I was looking at, at first, but then my eyes adjusted and I noticed her arms were covered in scars – a shit tons of scars, starting from halfway up her forearm and disappearing under the rolled up portion of her sleeve. I couldn’t tell how far up her arms they went, but there were a lot of them, little round scars. I knew what they were, I had seen them before.

  Cigarette burns. Not just a few, but hundreds, covering the skin of her arms. Shit like that didn’t happen by accident.

  She opened her mouth to say something else, but I couldn’t hear her over the roaring of blood in my ears. Anger prickled over my skin like marching fire ants, and I was itching to fuck something up. There must have been something in the set of my jaw because I hadn’t spoken a word, but Billy was scooched up in the corner of the bed trying to pull her sleeves down and looking like she was going to burst into tears at any second. I didn’t like seeing this version of Billy. I would rather she was trying to punch my lights out or flipping me the bird. Angry Billy Daily was better than scared and sad.

  I put my hands over hers as she tried to pull her sleeves down.

  “Billy, look at me,” I said, stopping her hands mid-motion. “I don’t want you to hide from me. You cover yourse
lf for others if you feel like you need to do that, but you don’t hide from me okay?”

  She didn’t look convinced, and I urgently needed to see a different look on her face. I was desperate, I would try anything. If only I could make her laugh and chase that dejected look from her eyes.

  “I still have a boner, Billy,” I practically sang to her while pointing at my tented jeans. “You wanna touch my boner, Billy?” I made a mad dash for both of her hands, but she erupted into giggles and moved away from me. I caught her by her wrists and pinned her, my lower body pressing hers into the bed, and she went still, giggles silenced.

  Catching her lower lip in my teeth I shook my head gently before letting go. I moved my mouth lower and found one full breast, nipple standing at attention even through the layers of cotton and lace. She arched off the bed as I bit her gently, pressing her body into my face—I was a lucky man. Billy Daily was a ten for sure, and it was a welcome change from her normally angry and violent actions, having her soft and willing underneath me like this. I was about to press that luck, but I needed to show Billy something first. Something important.


  We stayed there for a minute, me pressing Billy into the mattress and just looking at her, her mouth slightly open and brown eyes wide and shiny. I looked at that mouth, the one that normally had a sassy comeback or a frown for me. Some things about Billy’s attitude had now started making a bit more sense, but it was still really important for me to make her understand that her scars were something she didn’t need to hide. I was also a little bit of a sadist, so this was going to work out in my favor no matter what.

  “Do you trust me, Billy?” I asked the question already knowing the answer. She trusted me, of course she did. In this room as well as in other matters, or else she wouldn’t have called me in for this job. Her breath was still coming in short pants, and all she could do was nod her head at me.

  “I’m going to let go of your hands, but you still don’t get to move your arms, okay?” She didn’t seem to understand what I meant so I continued. “You can hide your arms under the sleeves if you think that you need to, but I am going to show you that I can still make you feel good with or without your clothes on. No matter what, though, you need to keep your arms up above your head.”

  “What are you going to do?” she whispered the words, and they were barely audible.

  “Whatever the hell I feel like doing, Billy Daily,” I said. “Don’t worry. Just relax and keep your arms up.” Instead of looking grumpy like I thought she might have, my words had the opposite effect. Billy looked turned the fuck on, and I had to say, seeing her soft and trusting under me turned me the fuck on too.

  I took the hem of her stretchy purple shirt and pulled it up over her head stopping short of pulling it all the way off and keeping true to my promise to keep her arms covered by leaving the shirt on, just stuck behind her neck. It worked like a restraint without hurting her, by pulling her shoulders a little tighter together and restricting her arm movement. She didn’t complain, she didn’t make a sound, she just lay there in front of me with her tits shoved together in some nude colored bra that made them stick up and out. I really shouldn’t have lingered there. After all, this was still my form of a punishment game, but my mouth was watering at the sight of her perfect breasts, and I just had to have a taste.

  And taste her I did, right through the satin and lace of her bra. I teased through the fabric with my tongue and my teeth, first one side and then the other, until she was bucking and squirming beneath me, but she didn’t move her arms.

  Good girl.

  She had wrapped both legs around my back and was grinding her lower body into me, but I wasn’t going to let her have her way. Nope, this was a lesson, and I was making an example out of her.

  “I’m going to need you to let me go, Billy, if you want me to go any further,” I said, and like a good listener, her legs dropped from my waist to lay limp on the bed. She was breathing like a marathon runner by now, but I was far from letting her cross that finish line.

  “Billy, do you want me to touch you more?”

  “Fuck yes, I do. Hurry the fuck up and take off my pants!”

  Well, holy shit, I’d forgotten Billy had a mouth on her; she was no meek woman just doing my bidding. It did not escape my notice that while she was lipping off, she had not once moved her arms, instead she was doing like I had asked her to. Still, she was not the one calling the shots here, and I needed to make her feel good while keeping her craving more. I actually wanted her to beg for it, but that could be saved for another time.

  “Remember, Billy, don’t move those arms,” I reminded her, but I was already moving my hand to the zipper of her jeans while holding myself up with one arm. My face was inches from her panty line, and I hovered there a minute after I pulled her zipper down, just breathing on that nude square of fabric, barely visible in the space that the open zipper revealed.

  “Oh my God, Max, figure it out already!” Billy cried out, hips thrusting up and down on the bed.

  “You are not in charge here,” I countered. I abruptly sat up and yanked her jeans down hard, just to her thighs, trapping her legs completely. She had even less mobility now, and I could tell by the look on her face that she knew she had screwed up. Now that her legs were wrapped up tight, I didn’t have to lay on them, so I moved lower on the bed until I was leaning on one elbow. I looked up the line of Billy’s body and caught her gaze again. She looked pissed, and what an awesome sight it was having Billy Daily pissed off and at my mercy.

  I tapped my fingers lightly on the slightly damp v where her panties covered the space between her thighs, and heard her sharp intake of breath.

  “Damn it, Max!”

  Her cursing made me smile a predator’s smile, but a smile just the same.

  “What will it be, Billy?” I asked, still lazing back on one arm and looking up at her passion-glazed face. “Hands or mouth?”

  “Yes!” Her reply was instant.

  “Ah, ah, ah, Billy. You only get to choose one.” I mean, I really would have loved to oblige her… My dick was tapping a staccato beat on the back of my zipper as it was, but this wasn’t about me. This was about Billy Daily, and me showing her that I could make her feel good regardless of what part of her was unclothed. I was in charge, and no matter how badly I wanted to bury myself in her as far as I could go, I needed to teach her this very important, very torturous lesson. I didn’t want Billy to just be ‘okay’ showing me her arms. I wanted her to desperately tear her clothes off and beg to be naked for me. We wouldn’t get to that today, but I would definitely give her something to stew over.

  “Hands or mouth, Billy?” I repeated the question as I teased the elastic edge of her panties with one blunt finger. “Fingers or tongue?”

  “Oh my God, I hate you,” she panted, but at the same time lifted her body trying to get closer to my hand. Then she shocked the shit out of me by saying calmly and still without moving her arms, “Hands. And hurry damn it, I’m barely hanging on!”

  I had to remind myself that this was my game and my rules, because those words coming out of her mouth made me damn near forget what I was trying to do. But Billy had chosen, and I was going to give her what she asked for. I moved the edge of her panties aside and slid two fingers into her, a tight fit with her legs still held captive by the jeans around her thighs, but she was ready for me. With my thumb, I drew lazy circles through the cotton of her panties.

  She growled at me. I knew she wanted me to take them off, but the hell I would. My game, my rules, clothes on. She fell apart in seconds. She hadn’t been kidding when she said she was close, but I was still stunned by the vision of Billy Daily caught in a strong orgasm brought on by just two fingers and a thumb. Holy shit, I hoped we got to do this again.

  My dick silently agreed.

  “Oh my God, you asshole!” The words were rude, but Billy said them without heat, and I just smiled and reached up to help her pull her shirt back over he
r head.

  “You can move your arms now.” I grinned at her like a lunatic.

  She moved fast, too fast for me to catch her, and before I could register what she was doing she had twisted my right nipple hard. I couldn’t do more than yell in outrage, but she had already bounded off the bed and was pulling her jeans up.

  “Disrespectful!” I couldn’t help but laugh as I said it while rubbing my sore nipple. There was my violent Billy Daily again, and to be honest, I probably deserved it.

  “Next time, I’ll let you touch my boner,” I teased, “but you have to get completely naked first.”

  “You think you are going to be lucky enough for a next time?” She said the words in a defiant tone, but I could tell her gears were turning. There better fucking be a next time, I said to myself. I had barely touched her, there was no way I could be satisfied with so little a taste.

  The front screen door slammed open, and I heard the jingle of keys being laid on the kitchen table. Billy and I both gave each other an “Oh shit!” look. Grandma Jean was home.

  I didn’t know why I felt guilty. We were both consenting adults, and it wasn’t like Jean would fault us for doing what came naturally, but I still felt a little weird thinking of a mother figure knowing I was getting it on in the guest room. Billy grinned and shoved me hard in the middle of my chest. She ran out the bedroom door, laughing as I bounced backward on the bed.

  Billy fucking Daily, always having to have the last say.


  Billy had run off one way down the hallway, but I gave myself a minute for my hard-on to subside before I left the room. There was no need for me to go help Jean unload the groceries while pitching a tent. I did have home training.

  I found Jean struggling to pull some bags out of the large cargo container of her shiny white trike, and I relieved her of that burden easily, motioning for her to keep adding more bags to my arms even as she tried to take some for herself. I was a champion at bringing groceries in, and I had done it for her many times in the past, so it amused me that we would still play this game even now.


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