The Pirate Empress

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The Pirate Empress Page 19

by K R Martin

  “Ah! Luca told me about her. It sounds like they will have some work ahead of them.”

  “I think they’re up for the challenge.” Will couldn’t help but grin at the thought.

  A female voice fluttered around them, the words of a foreign tongue. Startled, Will searched the room for the source, even as Faraji spoke behind him in the same foreign tongue. Wait, was that a staircase in the back corner?

  Emerging from the opening was a woman who seemed as old as Faraji, but her deep brown skin seemed to glow with youth, and the few lines around her eyes bespoke of much laughter in her life.

  “Ah! Gentlemen, welcome,” she said as she moved to her husband’s side.

  “This is my wife, Queen M’bali. Dearest, this is Will, King William, and Jonathan.”

  “It is an honor to meet you,” Will gave her a nod.

  “The honor is ours. But tell me, where is Espan’s queen?”

  “That is a rather long story.”

  “We do have some time,” Faraji said. “Please, be seated. Captain, we will call if we need you.”

  “Yes, Your Excellency,” the captain spoke before he stepped from the room.

  “Now,” Faraji spoke as he sat, M’bali taking a seat beside him. “Luca informed us of much of the problem, so you may begin after his departure, the first one.”

  Will chuckled, and truly relaxed as he launched into the tale, all the while thinking that he couldn’t wait for Renee to meet their new friends.

  Renee enjoyed reclining in the comfortable chair as she sipped the hot tea, watching as Madame pulled and pinned the gown resting on Desiree’s form. She had to give the girl credit, Desiree had chosen quite a gown for her wedding. The bodice hugged her quite well, the neckline almost heart shaped and trimmed with gold beads mixed with pearls. The sleeves were made of a beautiful sheer material with silver thread embroidering elegant designs in them. But Desiree had also chosen a Vikievan style wide sleeve that fell open from her shoulder.

  The skirt was massively wide, with a train that would flow a good distance behind her. The edge was also trimmed with the gold beads, and the pearls filled the voluminous skirt with the silver threads through it. The gown should have overwhelmed the girl’s petite frame, but she filled it well. The gown gave her a presence, and Renee could see the future empress emerge.

  “I think that will just about do it,” Madame spoke as she stepped back, her eyes glistening with pride. She should be proud; she had created a complete masterpiece fit for an empress. “You, my dear, are stunning.”

  “Thank you.” Desiree blushed even as her own eyes sparkled with excitement. “I look... I look like...”

  “A bride?” Madame asked.

  “No. An empress.”

  “Indeed, you do.”

  Renee could only nod. What more words could be said? Desiree had chosen well, and there would be no questioning her position as the empress.

  “I can have these alterations finished in a few days.” Madame spoke as she assisted Desiree down from the platform.

  “Thank you. I much prefer having it travel with me than it being delivered.”

  “If you will send your maid, I can show her exactly how to care for the item. That way it will be in top condition for your big day.”

  “Thank you so much, Madame.”

  “You are very welcome. Now, let’s help you out of this so we can get started on her majesty’s fitting.” Madame winked and Desiree giggled. Renee merely moaned. She’d been dreading this part of the visit. Since the beginning, Madame insisted doing it all herself, and keeping Renee from seeing any of it. She insisted that Renee should see it with all its glory when she was ready to don her crown.

  Even now, at her final fitting, Madame tied a scarf around her eyes. It felt odd having someone help her into a gown, having been self sufficient for so many years, and not seeing the items being put on really was disconcerting. At least it felt extremely comfortable, the fabric soft against her skin, and it moved with extreme ease even with all the yards of fabric now flowing around her.

  Madame assisted in helping her step onto the raised platform. She then began to pull the skirts, settling them around Renee’s legs. It felt light, ethereal, and she fought the urge to peak at the gown. Pinching pulled the fabric around her waist and chest.

  “Well, I’m not sure we even need to take this one in.” Madame’s voice rang with approval.

  “It looks stunning,” Desiree added. “Renee, when you finally do see yourself in this you will understand. Right now, you look every bit the queen you are, and the queen before me is radiant.”

  “Yes, she is.” Madame echoed. “I shall also send instructions for your gown as well, though it will travel easier.”

  “Thank you,” Renee replied.

  “You are welcome, Your Majesty.”

  “I am so glad to have the gown traveling with me.” Desiree said as they made their way back towards the castle. “I have this feeling that if I let it out of my sight, it will disappear.”

  “I understand.”

  “Actually, can I place it in your care, until I plan to put it on? You’re the one I trust the most with it.”

  “I am honored. And I swear I will take good care of it.”

  “I know you will,” Desiree grinned. “Although, I hope I get to see Will’s face when he sees you in that gown for the first time.”

  “Is it truly that lovely?”

  “Renee, that gown is fit for a queen, but not just any queen.”

  “I look forward to a time when I can wear it.” As they stepped under the arches and into the courtyard, Renee realized that there was far more activity than when they left. Hurrying the last of the way, Renee stepped into an even busier great hall. Servants scurried around, and in the center of the commotion stood Katie, directing the flurry around her.

  “I didn’t think we were gone that long,” Renee spoke as she approached Katie.

  “Ah! Re... Lady Varda, it is good to see you’ve returned.” Katie said.

  “What is going on?”

  “We have some new guests arriving soon, ones who are close with Sir Luca.”

  “Oh!” Renee couldn’t stop the pleasant surprise. Luca had told them his family desired to travel to see them, but she wasn’t sure they’d arrive before she and the others planned to leave. She was very glad that they had arrived so soon.

  “I suppose I should go prepare to be a diplomat,” Desiree said before she moved from the room.

  A larger commotion echoed from outside, and Renee turned to see Jonathan striding through the doors. His eyes immediately found his wife, and he was almost instantly at her side, pulling her in for a kiss.

  “I will admit, I rather like the gray stone,” the deep voice brought Renee’s eyes to the door. Will had just entered, a tall man at his side, whose features were so similar to Luca’s, never mind the dark skin he shared with the woman at his side. They were both older, but Renee felt like the woman still had a girlish exuberance inside her.

  “Some day I look forward to seeing what your home looks like,” Will spoke. “I really am honored you have come all this way to visit us.”

  “My son has been ruling at my side for some time, and I felt he was ready to take on a stronger role, with some good counselors surrounding and guiding him.” the man added.

  “I look forward to when my son is old enough to start learning, but I am very much enjoying him being a little boy right now.”

  “They are fun when they are little,” the woman spoke, her voice warm and sweet.

  “Ah!” Will looked up as Jonathan approached. “Allow me to introduce Jonathan’s wife, Lady Katherine.”

  “If you’re introducing my husband as Jonathan, then I shall insist on being called Katie, your majesties,” Katie curtsied before them.

  “Your hair is the color of the sunrise,” the lady noted. “It’s quite beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” Katie blushed almost as brightly as her hair.

>   Then, Will’s eyes sought and caught Renee’s. She could feel the adoring warmth even from across the room, beckoning her forward.

  “As Luca has regaled you with stories of her, it is my pleasure to introduce to you Captain Varda.” Will spoke as he motioned to her. Even at a distance she could feel the tension radiating from him as he fought the urge to pull her close. “My Lady, I wish to present you Luca’s brother, Faraji, and his wife, M’bali.”

  “It is a great pleasure to meet you,” Renee spoke even as she gave a curtsy. “Luca has told me much of you both, especially tales of you as a child, your majesty,” she said with a wink.

  “He did mention he was complacent in all the escapades, if not the instigator, yes?” Faraji teased back.

  “Oh, absolutely.” she did enjoy this man. He was a bit more somber than Luca, his face bearing a few more lines than Luca’s, and his eyes shining with wisdom beyond his years, but they still twinkled with youth and mischief.

  “I can see why Luca likes you,” M’bali said, a serene smile on her face. “I think I will look forward to knowing you better.”

  “I as well,” Renee replied. “It is a shame that you’ve arrived just as we are planning to leave, but I am glad to spend some time with you until we do.”

  “There is no need for such limitations; we have accepted Will’s invitation to join you in traveling with you to Retanny.”

  “Oh! Then I greatly look forward to knowing you better.” Renee smiled at the lady.

  “Wait until you see their cabin,” Will teased. “Larger than any you’ve seen, and two levels.”

  “What? That, I would love to see.”

  “We will be honored to have you.”

  “For now, we have arranged for you to remain here as our guests,” Will pulled all eyes to him. “Tonight will be a feast to honor your arrival, and beginning tomorrow, we would love to show you our kingdom.”

  Chapter 33

  “Having Luca’s family around has been quite enjoyable,” Desiree told Fedor. Will and Faraji were currently discussing the details of a trade agreement, and Renee was escorting M’bali on a tour of the city, apparently including a trip to Madame’s for some Espan created scarves.

  “They are not what I expected, but I suppose I should not be surprised after getting to know Luca,” Fedor replied. It was nice to spend time with him again, and with the wedding plans finished until they made it to Retanny, she enjoyed having some time to herself.

  “I haven’t seen you much lately,” she spoke softly.

  “You’ve been busy with wedding preparations.” His tone had a bitter edge to it that sunk her heart.

  “I need to keep certain appearances.”

  “You could just go along with what they say.”

  “I know, and at first I thought I would, but even if I'm not fond of the planned event, this is still a moment of so many nations coming together. It is a time of peace, and I want to embrace that. I want to be seen as a princess who respects and appreciates her allies.”

  The slight smile finally showed up on his lips. “That’s why you’ve put so much into planning this.”

  “Yes. This is an event unlike any other, and I plan to make it all mine.”

  Now the full smile bloomed on his face. “I look forward to seeing it all come together.”

  “Me too. Especially as it will mean that it is over.”

  His hand rested on her shoulder for a moment, comfort flowing from it into her. How she needed that touch. The moment ended far too quickly, and she was left feeling empty and cold.

  “I sent a letter to my sister,” Fedor continued to walk through the halls, and Desiree fell into step beside him. “It should arrive near the same time as the official invitation. I am hoping it will help convince her to come.”

  “Oh? I thought you would represent the Vikievan royal family.”

  “I still might, but I would really love for my sister to meet you.”

  “I hope she can come; I would dearly love to meet her as well.”

  “Your highness,” a servant called as he approached them and bowed. “Forgive the intrusion, but there is a matter I need your assistance with.”

  “Sadly, this wedding won’t plan itself. Thank you, for taking the time to walk with me.” she told Fedor. He merely bowed his head as she passed, and she left wishing she’d been born someone else.

  Renee hurried through the streets, Caleb on her heels. The moonlight illuminated their path, seeming to beckon them further. The letter arrived just after dinner had ended. She waited until the castle slept before she, and Caleb, had snuck away.

  The port lay before them, and as they turned, the warehouses that housed some vessels. The very last one housed the ship they sought.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say this building should be torn down,” Renee joked quietly. Caleb’s chuckle was the only response she was given, as they ducked between boards surrounding the dilapidated-looking building. The inside, however, while not extravagant was large and clean, and resting in the center was the Qilin.

  “Who goes there?” a deep voice called from the ship.

  “Captain Espan Rose requesting permission to come aboard, Commodore!” she called back cheerfully.

  “Permission granted!” She could almost see the smile on Bartholomew’s face as she made her way up the gangway. “You know, we were expecting you long before now.” He stepped towards her as her feet hit the deck.

  “I had to wait to sneak away,” she rushed to him to give him a hug. “At least I brought Caleb with me.” She motioned behind her.

  “Always good to see you,” Bartholomew spoke as he moved to embrace the younger man. “I assume since things are as I left?”

  “Not quite,” Caleb replied.

  “We should probably get comfortable,” Renee spoke. “This will take some time.”

  Chapter 34

  “So, we set out to Retanny to attend your husband’s wedding to their princess, but instead get to stage a coup.” Bartholomew said.

  “That’s about the gist of it,” Renee replied.

  “Well, it’s not the first time we dethroned a monster.” He winked at her, relieving some of the burden.

  “We might have to hide the name,” Caleb spoke.

  “It wouldn’t be the first time. But, if the entourage will be as large as you suspect, we will probably go unnoticed.”

  “That’s what I hope. We will need everyone to succeed,” she added.

  “How are you holding up?”

  “Okay, I guess? I won’t lie, this hurts, but I keep reminding myself that I lived over a year believing him dead. This has to be better. It has to.”

  “I know your lives together haven’t been easy, but you have a strength that will see you through this as well. I have faith in you, my queen.”

  “I wish I had as much faith as you seem to have in mine. It’s hard seeing my love but being unable to be close to him. And helping Desiree plan the wedding? I didn’t think I’d feel such resentment. My true wedding was a small ceremony; the gown was gorgeous, but otherwise no decorations filled the chapel, no feast and dancing followed. I didn’t want to spend another day unmarried, but I wish I could have had a true celebratory affair. I know we had an official one after we returned, but it was still quickly put together, and still simple. It just wasn’t the same.”

  “Sometimes life makes choices for us, even when we make our own plans.” Bartholomew told her. “But even so, I doubt you felt regret or resentment as you said your vows.”

  “No. I felt joy. Pure joy, and happiness, and a bit of relief. We were finally married, and even though we still had to sneak around, we no longer feared being separated. Granted, that didn’t last long, but it was nice while it lasted. I look forward to the day when I can feel that way again.”

  “It will come soon, I promise you,” Caleb spoke. “We’ll get you back to your happily ever after.”

  “We’ll all get you to that point,” Bartholomew add
ed. “Actually, when this is all over, I’d like to request that I retire.”

  “Commodore.” Renee knew she shouldn’t be, but she felt rather sad at the thought.

  “I have spent a long portion of my life on the sea, serving the crown. Once we deal with the worst villain, I think I would like to remain on-land and watch my grand-daughter grow, spend time with my daughter.”

  “We would be honored to have you remain with us.” Renee smiled. “If everything goes as planned, I hope we can retire the Drac, allowing all to come and go as they please.”

  “I know many who will enjoy that. Though I also know several who would prefer assisting with the sea problems.”

  “We will always need some good men to combat the bad, even on the seas.”

  “If I may,” Caleb spoke. “I spoke with Sonia, and we wanted to return to the sea once the business with Retanny is finished, or, rather, we’d like to balance our time between the sea and land. I couldn’t possibly fill your shoes, Commodore, but I would like to continue the legacy.”

  “I can think of no finer man to succeed me,” Bartholomew smiled with pride.

  “I agree,” Renee added. “Just be sure not to stay away too long. You’re still part of this family.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Caleb smiled at her.

  “Good. Then we have our plan.” Renee said. “The royal party will travel on the Dawn Chaser, though I have a feeling Jonathan and Katie will travel on the Qilin, possibly Fedor as well. I will let you know if anyone else will be joining you.”

  “Master Sorik, probably," Caleb added.

  “Oh, yes! And I’m sure we’ll all play changing ships, just to spend time with everyone.” Renee agreed.

  “I, for one, look forward to it,” Bartholomew said.

  “Me too, Commodore. Me too.”

  “I thought I might find you here,” Caleb’s voice rang in the night air.


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