The Pirate Empress

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The Pirate Empress Page 22

by K R Martin

  “Come with me.” Jian smiled with a glint in his eyes as he took her hand, leading her down familiar paths. Even more pleasant memories filled her mind and her nose was flooded with the sweet scent of home.

  “They’re blooming,” she breathed as the cherry trees came into view. The pink and white blossoms waved at her, calling to her that the future was bright. They stepped over familiar paths, encased by the beautiful flowers, and lost in their own world. They turned a corner, and the smile bloomed on her face at the sight of the familiar bench.

  The tug of her hand told her that her feet had stopped, and she let him lead her to the bench. Ama Lei sat on the bench, gazing up at her husband.

  “My dearest Ama Lei,” Jian spoke as he knelt on one knee. “Many years ago, I asked if you would join your hand with mine. You said yes, and it was the happiest moment of my life. That joy was quickly shattered, and I never thought I’d ever be happy again. Then you crashed back into my life, spectacularly I might add, and, well, Captain Phoenix gave me hope for the girl I loved, and peace for my future.

  “And then you were right in front of me, and you forgave me, and to my complete surprise, somehow you still loved me. We may have spoken our vows, but here, here is our place. This is where you have always shone with beauty and grace, and where I knew I had fallen in love with you.

  “So, my beloved princess, will you share all the rest of our days together? Will you argue with me, and laugh with me, read foreign novels and discuss them late into the night? Will you have children with me, and grow old at my side? Will you allow me to love you with all my heart?”

  “Only if you’ll allow me to love you with all my heart, and promise to stay by my side, and rule with me as equals.”

  “I promise. I love you, Ama Lei.”

  “I love you too, Jian.” The wind flew through the trees, pulling blossoms with it. They showered Ama Lei and Jian, the wind grasping some to dance around, and she released the laugh at how wonderful it all was. Her eyes once more met his, so filled with joy and love. She leaned forward, falling into his embrace as she pressed her lips to his. They molded together perfectly, and she closed her eyes, allowing herself to be swept away in the moment, filled with love.

  Ama Lei watched as land flanked her ship, drawing it into the river that would lead them to the beast’s heart. Luca’s vessel followed them, along with three Jenhan vessels. Though small, the Jenhan delegation still made a presence as it traveled for the royal wedding. Jian bore a letter with the Retanny seal, placing him as the main representative. Even so, they took precautions. Jenhan clothing was handed out to all on the Crimson Thorne, and planks were made to cover the name, dubbing it, temporarily, as the Dragon.

  They also sailed between two Jenhan vessels, and she’d mostly given Taras authority, even if everyone knew she was still in charge. It almost felt nice taking a step back and relax, even if she was still a little wary. Soon they would be in Retanny territory, and even now they surely passed by those loyal to that emperor. If things went as planned, most would be quietly rooted out by the time she returned.

  At least the weather was warm, with a soft breeze, making her stroll with Jian even more pleasant. Laughter hit their ears as Mei and Nya emerged on deck. They really had become thick as thieves, with Little Wolf almost always their third comrade. Ama Lei and Jian moved to meet the girls, while Little Wolf joined, along with Luca and Deshi.

  “I can’t believe all the cultures I have gotten to see!” Nya exclaimed. “Your home really was beautiful,” she told Ama Lei.

  “Thank you,” Ama Lei replied. “And thank you, and you Luca, for all your help.”

  “It was our pleasure,” Luca said.

  “I must admit, I was surprised. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you join us in battle before.”

  “Just because I chose not to fight, does not mean I am incapable of it.” Luca said defensively.

  “I never thought that,” Ama Lei reassured him, even though she saw that glimmer of teasing in his eyes. “I was just remarking that I’ve never actually seen you fight; I find myself... curious as to your abilities.”

  “Wait, in all the years we’ve known each other, you have never seen me fight?” Luca asked.

  Ama Lei just shook her head.

  “Huh,” his eyes took on a faraway look, obviously searching his memories for a moment to prove her wrong.

  “I will admit, I too am intrigued at the thought of watching you demonstrate your talents.” Deshi added.

  “We could always spar,” Nya spoke it.

  “What a wonderful idea,” Luca smiled at her.

  “How about tonight?” Little Wolf offered. “We can have a sparring event, all of us. Renee used to host these on the Dawn Chaser; it allowed us to keep honing our skills, and have fun.”

  “I would love to see that,” Mei piped in.

  “Why not?” Ama Lei spoke.

  “After sundown,” Jian added. “With the moonlight and lanterns, I think it could be fun. And a little hidden from possibly prying eyes.”

  “Yes!” Nya chirped, clapping her hands with glee.

  “Then I look forward to tonight,” Ama Lei said, her sentiments echoed by those around her. Oh, that night was sure to be interesting.

  Energy coursed through her veins as Ama Lei faced off against Jian. They’d already exchanged several blows, and she could feel the droplets of sweat rolling down her neck. He winked at her, and she did a most un-lady-like thing and stuck her tongue out at him. He laughed and lunged at her. Her sword caught his, dancing aside, and spinning back for their weapons to meet again.

  They continued to spar, dashing in and out, their swords drawn together. She couldn’t find an opening, but blocked all of his blows. They could probably continue for a long while, and it felt exhilarating to fight a true equal.

  “All right, I think you two have made your point,” Luca called, eliciting chuckles all around, and even Ama Lei and Jian laughed as they lowered their swords. Jian wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close and kissing the top of her head. She practically purred as she allowed him to lead her to the sidelines.

  “Does that mean it’s our turn?” Nya asked excitedly. The girl had practically been jumping up and down the whole time.

  “Well, we are the reason for tonight’s festivities.” Luca teased.

  “Yippee!” Nya squealed as she skipped into the center. Luca shook his head but grinned as he joined her, his staff almost dangling from one hand. Nya twirled hers on her shoulders, toying with it as she turned to face her uncle.

  They were both so relaxed, so jovial as they played with their staffs, and Ama Lei, she thought they’d goof off.


  It happened so fast, Ama Lei thought she must have missed something. Luca’s staff lashed out, swiftly as a viper. Nya’s twirled, knocking his away before Ama Lei could even see the attack.

  “What just happened?” Jian whispered the thought in her mind.

  Before she could respond, wood flew, swift and sure, Luca’s staff and lunged, striking out in rapid successions. The tip blurred with the fast movements. And Nya, her staff never seemed to stop twirling, even as it swung out to strike back.

  Their bodies barely moved, aside from their feet stepping in and out. Their arms, though, they constantly moved, twirling and lunging. Ama Lei was so glad she wasn’t at the receiving end of either staff; the hollow cracks telling just how deadly those swings were.

  Then, Nya began to move. Her staff twirled all around her, her feet spinning her with it. Luca barely caught up with the flurry, whirling his own staff in response. The flurry of movement all blurred together, and Ama Lei could no longer tell where one staff ended and another began.

  “Eep!” Nya yelped as she hopped back, rubbing her arm.

  “One of those days, you will remember to defend that side,” Luca spoke, though joy infused his instruction.

  “And one of these days I will land a blow on you,” Nya quipped back. />
  “Keep in mind, I taught you a lot of what you know.”

  “But not everything,” Nya sang back.

  Everyone laughed at that as Luca leaned lightly on his cane while Nya twirled hers onto her shoulders.

  “I might be requesting a lesson or two myself,” Ama Lei spoke as she approached them.

  “I think we can give you a few pointers,” Luca winked at her.

  “Yay!” Nya clapped her hands with glee.

  “Seriously, how were you able to do that?” Taras asked as he joined them.

  “It’s quite simple, and all about how to change hands.” Nya said as she stepped back, swinging her staff, slowly this time, demonstrating the ease with which she moved the weapon, the spinning fluid.

  Ama Lei felt a tug at her elbow, and she turned to see Little Wolf standing beside her. “Can I have a word?” he asked softly. She nodded in response, and followed him away from the crowd, stopping when they reached a back corner of the ship.

  “What can I help you with?” Ama Lei asked, still keeping her voice down so it wouldn’t carry to the crowd.

  “I assume you have guessed by now that I am fond of your sister,” he began, his words jolting in its cadence, betraying how nervous he was.

  “I have had a feeling,” she responded.

  “Well, I may be more than just fond. In truth, I think I might have fallen in love with her. Mei is so kind, so sweet. She can cheer anyone up with her laughter. I know she’s been through a lot, but her spirit is still vibrant and joyous. I would ask your permission to court her?”

  “My dear Little Wolf, you don’t need my permission. But I will give you my blessing.”

  “Thank you.” His face lit up. “Truly, I know how much she admires you. And I may always feel that Espan is my first home, should things progress the way I hope, I would gladly make Jenha my home.”

  “I truly appreciate that,” she told him. “I did miss her a lot in the months we were apart, but it taught me that she is growing, and we won’t always be together. Besides, I know Renee would hate completely losing her little brother as well.”

  “I will admit, that thought made me sad as well.”

  “Here is what I propose: go to Mei, tell her how you feel. If she feels similarly, I would be honored to name you official ambassadors and diplomatic liaisons between Espan and Jenha. It would mean traveling somewhat frequently, but neither of you would lose your homes, or families.”

  “Thank you, Ama Lei!”

  “You are welcome. Now, stop talking to me and go find her.”

  He grinned with excitement before dashing off, almost bumping the approaching Jian in his haste.

  “Someone seems in a hurry,” Jian spoke as he slid to Ama Lei’s side.

  “Well, he has something important to do,” she replied as she leaned into his side, watching Little Wolf all the while as he drew Mei aside. She didn’t have to hear his voice to know what words came out of his mouth. Mei’s face absolutely lit up, her eyes practically sparkling as she nodded to him before leaping into his arms.

  “I think she may have said yes,” Jian’s voice tickled her ears.

  “They’re young, but I think they are well suited.”

  “They’re as young as we were when we fell in love.”

  “That is true; I do hope they won’t have as many troubles as we did.”

  “Well, I, for one, believe that we are stronger from all the trials. And since I now have you in my arms,” he turned her to face him, wrapping both arms around her, “I believe it was all worth it.”

  “I could have done without hating you all those years, but right now, I can’t imagine feeling any happier.”

  “I wholly agree.”

  Chapter 39

  Renee leaned back against the railing, basking in the sight before her. Five children squealed as they ran across the deck after each other. However, instead of catching each other, each child carried a toy that chased the other toys. Rosa and Spera had their almost-matching dolls, aside from the gowns and that Rosa’s doll had brown eyes while Spera’s had blue, each doll matching its girl’s eyes. Louisa had her own doll, and Ferdinand carried a pirate in his arms. Currently chasing the others was Willy with his knight lovingly dubbed ‘Woofy’.

  It was so nice to let them run free, and even enjoy the sunshine herself. For most of the journey, she stayed hidden in the cabin she shared with Spera. Katie and Sonia constantly visited, along with Desiree, and the kids stopped by often to keep Spera entertained. Even Caleb and Fedor stopped by, and she appreciated all the time they took to help her out. But, even with the stream of visitors, one can stand to be cooped up for only so long. Even Arrow enjoyed stretching his wings, though Will let him out now and again, the bird seemed to prefer staying with Renee. He now flew over the ship and ocean, diving down to just touch the water before soaring back up.

  Now that the river narrowed a bit, the ships had moved into a single file, and Desiree managed to put the Qilin before them, and Faraji’s vessel behind, leaving the Retanny ships further away, and giving Renee the opportunity to enjoy freedom above deck.

  And Renee was going to enjoy every minute she could.

  “I can’t wait until this is a daily occurrence.” Will spoke as he took his place at Renee’s side.

  “They are so happy,” she agreed. “I’m glad that they’re still so innocent and unaffected by all this.”

  “Me too.”

  It took all her willpower not to lean against him in that moment. Soon they’d arrive at their destination and put all their troubles behind them. Well, once they went through the trouble awaiting them and saw Desiree on the throne.

  “They certainly seem to be having a fun time,” Desiree said as she joined them. “I’m glad everyone’s able to enjoy the pleasant day.”

  “You, my dear, are a treasure,” Renee told her.

  “I don’t think anyone’s told me that. Thank you.” Desiree beamed back. “It really is the least I could do, considering how much I’ve cost you, and how much you’re helping me.”

  “Hey, none of that,” Renee admonished. “We are friends, and friends help each other.”

  “Your turn!”

  “No, your turn!” The shouts rang out, drawing Renee’s gaze back to the children. Willy and Rosa currently faced off, matching angry expressions on their faces.

  “Papa!” They called in unison before marching up to Will. Ferdinand watched them, but Louisa and Spera sat together, their dolls now playing together.

  “What happened?” Will asked, his arms crossing over his chest.

  “I tagged her; Rosa it!” Willy insisted.

  “No, Woofy not tag Rose. Rose not it.” Rosa pouted back.

  “Tell you what, how about we play a different game.”

  “But...” Both kids pouted at the same time.

  “No buts, and if you can’t play nice then you can both go to your room.” Will admonished. Two sets of brown eyes turned downright mutinous, causing him to draw up even taller, his figure imposing. “One.” Their eyes turned darker. “Two.” His voice dropped deeper, and panic filled the kids’ eyes before they scampered away, Rosa joining the girls and Willy joining Ferdinand.

  The quiet lasted only a few minutes before a war seemed to break out, all three dolls chasing the knight and pirate rather menacingly.

  “Looks like they take after their mother,” Will whispered in her ear, and Renee felt such pride and joy watching her girls chase their brother, sounds of ‘arr’ filling the air.

  “And apparently, our ship has been commandeered by pirates,” Desiree noted, causing Renee and Will to chuckle.

  “Captain!” the shout rang from above. “You might want to look off the bow.”

  Trusting those around to keep an eye on her kids, Renee strode to the bow, accepting the spyglass offered. Putting the glass to her eye, she looked off into the distance. She expected a large port, the end of the river they’d been sailing on, and a city that marked the next l
eg of the journey that would continue on foot.

  The glass lowered and Renee shook her head. Surely she didn’t see what she thought she had. She lifted the spyglass again and couldn’t help but gape at the sight before her. The city was massive, and there was a port, or rather, two. The buildings had been cut in half, flanking the river that, instead of ending, cut between the ports and widened as it continued on past where she could see.

  “I could have sworn this city marked the river’s beginning,” Fedor spoke, and she realized that he had joined, along with Will and Desiree.

  “It was.” Desiree spoke softly. “The project was kept secret; no foreign traders were allowed past the last port. You’re the first to know.”

  “This looks like a massive undertaking,” Fedor continued.


  “How far does it continue?” Will asked.

  “The man-made river connects this to the one from Jenha. We’ll sail straight to the capital.”

  “You sound disappointed,” Fedor noted.

  “It is an amazing feat, but I know the blood, sweat, and tears that brought it about. I was a girl, but I remember seeing the toil.” Bitterness seeped into her voice. Renee couldn’t help but look at the girl, so young yet her shoulders bore a heavy burden. Fedor slipped his hand into hers, and the look she bestowed him was filled with hope and regret. Though it was hard to see, Renee swore he squeezed her hand, and determination filled Desiree’s face, chasing away all the other emotions.

  This girl would change the world, and Renee was more than ready to help her do it.

  Chapter 40

  Renee climbed up the rope ladder, landing on the ship’s deck with a thud. It might have been foreign in its design and decorations, but seeing the faces similar to Luca’s made her feel like she was visiting family. Granted, after spending weeks trading messages with the ship, she now enjoyed seeing how different they all were. While everyone’s skin bore some shade of brown, they ranged from a deep tan, almost Little Wolf’s shade, to a brown so dark, it was hard to tell where the obsidian hair began.


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