The Pirate Empress

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The Pirate Empress Page 25

by K R Martin

  “Fedor’s sister is quite kind,” Desiree tried to say simply, but she knew her face decided to reveal the heat creeping into her neck. “She has been extremely gracious, even inviting me to meet with her the other day. I will admit, I enjoyed it. She is definitely as serious as her brother, though I can understand. Taking the throne at such a young age... but she has helped by showing what was expected of her when she ascended the throne. It’s given me hope for when the time comes. In fact, she offered to assist me however I need. It’s reassuring knowing I won’t be alone.”

  “You will never be alone.” Renee reached over, squeezing Desiree’s arm.

  “I used to be afraid of being alone, of never actually being myself. Now, I feel myself, and I have so many friends surrounding me, lifting me up. A lot of that is thanks to you.”

  “I may have opened the doors, but you embracing yourself is what truly drew everyone to your side.”

  “Thank you,” she smiled, feeling even more of the stress flow out of her. “I learned that from you. I still find it incredible how many unique friends you have.”

  “I suppose I do,” Renee looked away, her gaze taking on a worried look.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s just... the wedding is just over a week away, and there’s still no sign of Ama Lei. I hope she is alright. So much could have gone wrong.” There was no ignoring the tremor in Renee’s voice.

  “She’s a capable woman; I have no doubt she was successful. After all, she’s surrounded by many friends.” That brought the intended chuckle from Renee’s lips. “Plus, if she had failed, word would have reached us about an intended coup, and that the exiled princess had returned. As it’s been silent...”

  “She had to have succeeded.” Renee’s face beamed. “Thank you.”

  “I have faith she’ll be here. I mean, she still has several days.”

  “We’ll just have to be ready for when she does get here.”

  “Oh, we will.” Desiree sighed. “I really don’t want to go back to planning.”

  “Do you have to?”

  “Sadly. I can’t expect Will to keep my uncle occupied all day.”

  “How do you think they’re doing?”

  “Knowing my uncle? He’s probably making absolutely sure that Will is committed to the altar.”

  “Should I be worried?”

  “I really hope not.”

  All Will wanted was to shove his fist in the emperor’s face. He didn’t, but it took every ounce of self control not to. The man hadn’t really even acknowledged Will’s presence when he arrived at the training grounds. They currently stood in silence, just watching the might of Retanny’s soldiers.

  Will had to give the emperor credit; standing in silence while watching his enemies train was unnerving to say the least. But he reminded himself that soon these men would be following a new leader, one that was not an enemy.

  “Magnificent, isn’t it?” the emperor finally spoke.

  “It is always nice to see men engaged in friendly combat,” Will responded.

  “Nice? Seeing seasoned warriors fight to the death?”

  “Sure, these men could kill each other, and would kill a true opponent, but right now they fight fellow comrades. They wouldn’t see an enemy, and they shouldn’t. They should trust each other, so they know they have each others’ backs when faced with a true opponent.”

  The emperor’s eyes narrowed in annoyance. Oh, he wanted Will to cower before Retanny’s might, but Will refused to.

  “The men do seem ready if a true enemy appears,” Will added, trying to sound impressed.

  “That they are, especially as these are the elite guards.”

  “Best of the best.”

  “Very true. I like to watch their progress when I can; it makes me feel very safe knowing that such elite warriors are around to protect me.”

  “Anyone would feel safe surrounded by such soldiers.” Will could only hope they held more loyalty to the crown than the man. Or that they’d at least be loyal to Desiree when she took the throne. As long as they gave her a chance, he knew she’d win them over. “May I ask if there was a reason you called for me?”

  “Must I have a reason to visit with my niece’s future husband, and the future ruler of my empire?”

  “Of course not. I just know that your time is so valuable, and of course planning the wedding is very time consuming and important.”

  “You are right about that. But I still needed to take time to talk with the man who would be becoming my nephew.”

  “I appreciate you taking the time then, sire.”

  “Good. Now, we need to have a serious discussion about the wedding.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t follow.”

  “Come now, William, I’m no idiot. I am fully aware that your paramour, Varda, joined you on this journey, and that she is even now staying in the Espan suits.”

  Will couldn’t decide if he wanted to clench his teeth or drop his jaw. He supposed he shouldn’t be surprised; the emperor was by far the craftiest man he ever met. However, hearing his wife referred to as a ‘paramour’ really tried his calm.

  “Lady Varda,” Will began, his even voice surprising himself, “has become a trusted advisor, and friend not only to myself, but Princess Desiree as well. As she has traveled the world, we both felt she would be an asset in helping us navigate the nuances when meeting with all the dignitaries. She is not, nor has she ever been, my paramour.” Will couldn’t help but allow a little of the stone-cold fury to seep into his voice.

  “That is reassuring to hear. Then my measures won’t be needed,” the emperor said as his attention turned back to his men.

  “What measures?”

  “I just needed to ensure that you would be waiting at the end of the aisle, and that Varda lady would not become a distraction.”

  “What did you do?”

  “Let’s just say that your children, along with Varda’s, will be under my special care until the ceremony is over.”

  “Did you just kidnap my children to force me to marry your niece?” Will didn’t bother to hide his rage.

  “If you were thinking of bolting from the altar, then I might be forced to threaten you with drastic measures. However, I know you to be an honorable man who would never renege on a promise he made my niece.” If only he knew Will never actually made that promise. “This was a good talk.” The emperor turned to leave.

  “And when will I get my children back?” Will hissed through clenched teeth.

  “You will see them the day after the wedding, giving you time to enjoy your bride.”

  Will's fists trembled from the implications as he watched the emperor stride away, head held high. Thoughts flew through his mind, racing as he tried to figure out when his children had been taken, where they could possibly be, and most importantly: how was he going to tell Renee?

  Chapter 44

  Renee couldn’t stop the sigh as she sank further into the chair. Talking with Desiree had been so pleasant and relaxing; it almost felt as though the wedding was a bad dream.

  The door slowly swung open and both Renee and Desiree’s eyes swiveled to the opening. Will all but stumbled in, his eyes haunted.

  “Will.” Renee’s feet carried her to her husband’s side, her arms reaching out to catch him as he stumbled. Desiree seemed a blur as she rushed to the door, closing it from prying eyes. Renee led Will to the couch before taking a place beside him. “What happened?”

  “I have failed,” he managed to say, his voice choked with sorrow.

  “How have you failed?”

  “I failed to protect my wife from Andre, from Conrad, and now I’ve failed to protect my children...”

  “What?” Cold water seemed to seep through every pore. “What about the children?”

  “He took them. All of them. To make sure I would go through with the wedding... and that Varda would behave.”

  A strangled cry filled her ears, though Renee couldn’t be sur
e if it came from her lips or Desiree’s. The younger girl’s eyes shone with such horror, her hands trembling around her mouth. Renee couldn’t seem to feel anything, a numbness had taken control.

  “I’m so sorry...” Anguish choked Will’s voice and Renee threw her arms around Will’s chest, clenching him tight. “I’m so sorry, Renee.”

  “This is not your fault,” Renee told him. “Our children have been surrounded by people we trust, all of whom would risk their lives to protect them. We’ve all been vigilant; we knew what kind of man he is. Whatever happened was calculated and used our defenses. And you listen to me,” she took his face to look at her. “We will get our children back. We’ve faced evil before, and we’ve triumphed. We will do it again. Together.”

  The grief fell from his eyes, replaced by hardened resolve. He grabbed her hands, squeezing them tight. “This is something that I cannot do.”

  “But Will...”

  “Hear me out. I am watched, chained. I cannot save our children. But you can.”

  “Will... we’re a team...”

  “Yes, we are, and sometimes being a team means we each do our own part. Mine is to keep playing the part, make him think he’s won. Yours is to find and return our children. I have faith you can do this; after all, how many times have you saved me?”

  “About as many times as you’ve saved me.”

  “Exactly.” His smile nearly undid her. “I’m putting my trust in you. Bring our children home.”

  The tears finally loosed, flowing down her face as she fell against his chest. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her in tight. Her fists clutched his shirt, and she allowed the sobs to wrack her body. Rain fell against her face. Rain? No, Will’s tears. Together, they cried, allowing the fear, anger, lost years to be released. Soon, soon it would all be over, but for now, all she could do was cry for all the injustice they had to endure. They would prevail, but all she could see was the darkness that threatened to destroy them.

  Chapter 45

  “Stop pacing.” Jian’s voice washed over Ama Lei, stopping her feet mid-stride.

  “We are a lot later than we should be,” Ama Lei responded as she gazed at the unfamiliar land masses. According to the maps, they should be coming in sight of the capital soon.

  “We still have time, and you might want to stop drumming your fingers.” Looking down, she realized she had been drumming her fingers on the railing. She snatched her hand back, clenching it tight. “Relax,” he spoke soothingly as he rubbed her arms.

  “I’m sorry; I just have this feeling that something is wrong.” The feeling had started the day prior, never giving her a moment’s peace. “It doesn’t help that the voyage here took longer than it should have.”

  “You can’t blame yourself ill-favorable winds, or the capsized ship that blocked our path. Breathe. We will be there soon enough.”

  “Alright,” Ama Lei said as she released her breath. He had a point; they really couldn’t do anything about the delays, and what little they could control, such as reclaiming her throne, they did swiftly.

  “Port ahead!” The call rang out, and Ama Lei stepped from her husband. It took all her power not to fall back into his arms, especially as he was currently dressed in his uniform, and looking especially dashing.

  The next hours of docking, disembarking, journeying to the palace, and settling into their quarters seemed to pass in a blur. As soon as they seemed to settle, Jian was called away to visit with other dignitaries, and Little Wolf took off to find Renee.

  “Well, we’re here,” Mei said, though her usually chipper voice seemed subdued.

  “At least the voyage was pleasant,” Ama Lei countered.

  “That’s true,” a wistful smile broke on the girl’s face. She and Little Wolf had spent almost every waking moment together, just as Ama Lei spent her days with Jian. The memories of the laughter and joy still put a smile on Ama Lei’s face. “I hope Nya will stay around after this is over. I really enjoyed having her around.”

  “Well, I don’t plan on leaving quite so soon,” Nya said as she bounced into the room, Luca on her tail.

  “I think we can spend some time before traveling,” Luca agreed.

  “Good.” Nya grinned before taking a seat with Mei, the two girls plotting future endeavors.

  Before Ama Lei could join them, the door opened, and Little Wolf walked through. As he broke through the doorway, he stepped aside revealing Renee behind him.

  Ama Lei squealed as she dashed to her friend, hugging her tight. Somehow, they managed to step into the room, and Little Wolf closed the door behind them.

  “You’re here...” Renee whispered, as if she couldn’t believe it, as if...

  “Renee, what happened?” Ama Lei stepped back, noting the blood shot eyes still wet with tears, and nose bright red.

  “He took the children.” Renee’s voice was scratchy.

  “What?” Several voices called in unison.

  “Sit down,” Luca spoke gently as he stepped to Renee’s side, leading her to an empty seat. Nya dashed to a pitcher, filling a cup before bringing it to Renee.

  “Thank you,” Renee whispered harshly before she took several sips, the liquid seeming to help calm her.

  “Now,” Luca continued after a moment as he sat at her side, Ama Lei taking a spot opposite, “what happened?”

  “The emperor decided he needed to make absolutely certain that Will would go through with the wedding, so he took them, all three of them, right from under our protection. We have no idea where he’s taken them, or if he even intends to release them. My children... my babies...”

  “We’ll get them back,” Ama Lei vowed, her voice infused with determination and strength, hoping it would help her friend. Inside, she trembled with rage at a man who was willing to harm children to appease his need for power.

  “We only have four days until the wedding...” Renee began, her words ringing with defeat.

  “And that’s more than enough time,” Luca added. “We will find them, and we will bring them home, Renee.”

  “Those children will be in your arms sooner than you know,” Ama Lei added.

  “There are far too many warriors who love those little ones,” Little Wolf joined in. “That man is going to regret threatening them.”

  “Thank you.” Renee’s voice sounded stronger, the dark mantle of defeat no longer hanging on her shoulders.

  “I will keep my ears open, find out where they’re being kept,” Luca said.

  “And I will be at your side, ready to rescue them,” Ama Lei vowed.

  “Me too,” Little Wolf added. “That man messed with my family; there’s no way I’m not going to help.”

  Renee chuckled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “So, what are our plans?” Ama Lei asked.

  “Well, tonight is yet another social event, and I will admit that as annoying the emperor is, being able to see friends both old and new, and seeing them all together is something else. Plus, I think you would enjoy seeing many who are here.”

  “Manish and Lavanya?” Mei asked, her chipper voice almost back.

  “Yes,” Renee almost smiled at the girl. “And,” her gaze turned to Luca with a twinkle, “there are also several guests from a certain southern kingdom named Shi’anda.”

  “Faraji is here?” Luca asked, his own voice bubbling with excitement.

  “And M’bali. Your brother and his wife are very kind.”

  “Mother and Father are the best.” Nya said. “I can’t wait to see them again!”

  “What about after?” Ama Lei asked.

  “After... after tonight, Varda will graciously step away, remaining aboard the Dawn Chaser until this is all over.”

  The room seemed subdued after that. Poor Renee, it wouldn’t be easy leaving Will yet again especially as their children had been taken. They should be together, not apart.

  “I’ll go with you,” Ama Lei found herself saying.

  “Ama Lei, I cou
ldn’t ask you to...”

  “You’re not asking, I am offering. The Crimson Thorne will be ready at a moment’s notice, as soon as we know.”

  “Your place is at Jian’s side,” Renee said. Ama Lei couldn’t help but feel for her friend. Renee desperately wanted to be with her own husband but couldn’t; Ama Lei could.

  “No, my place is at your side. We’ll fight this, together.”

  “Just like old times?”


  “Well, enough of my moping, I assume you were successful?”


  “Congratulations, Empress.”

  “Thank you, my Queen.”

  “Not yet.”

  “Soon. Very soon.”

  Chapter 46

  Renee stood near enough to the shadows to keep from prying eyes. Thankfully, the emperor hadn’t singled her out yet. She wasn’t sure she wouldn’t unleash her fury on him. Poor Will was barely keeping it contained, and while he smiled pleasantly while escorting Desiree, his whole body was tense. The whole room seemed a little subdued, as word had spread to their friends after learning of their children’s capture.

  Part of her wanted to return to the ship already, but she also knew she would find a little joy that night. Ah, and there they were. Luca and Nya stepped into the room. Desiree flitted to her friend’s side, giggling up a storm, and even Will shook Luca’s hand. After a moment, the two groups stepped apart, and Luca and Nya strode to Renee.

  “I know I have met most in this room, but it is incredible to see them all together,” Luca said.

  “Desiree deserves that credit. She truly outdid anyone by inviting so many, and connecting to them as well. They all adore her.”

  “She is a sweet girl.”

  A commotion filled the room, and Renee turned to see Faraji enter with M’bali on his arm. Nya immediately tensed in gleeful anticipation, and even Luca seemed eager. They gave their initial greetings to Will and Desiree before striding straight for Luca.


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