DC Affairs

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DC Affairs Page 7

by Selene Chardou

  If anyone could attest to this, it was probably Russell’s mother. How did the trappings of wealth affect her and did she miss the daughter she’d so casually abandoned to be part of this world?

  “So, what do you want to do first?”

  I followed Russell into the sitting room and sat down next to him on a luxurious beige wraparound sofa. “Well, you’re the one who has visited here. Not to say I’ve never explored L.A. but I honestly don’t know what to do first. There’s the beach and long drives on the Pacific Coast Highway not to mention Mexico isn’t that far away. I can think of million things right now to do with you.”

  Shit! That so did not come out the way I wanted it to.

  I blamed the jet lag as I bit my lower lip while his blue-green eyes brightened. “Ms. Stewart, I pegged you to be a good girl. I didn’t think you’d be so forward with me.”

  The smile on my face grew as I stepped closer to him. “Come on, Russell. We aren’t teenagers. I’m sure you’ve had your fair share of lovers and I’m certainly no vestal virgin. Besides, who’s the perv? I never once mentioned sex…”

  “Now that you’ve mentioned it, I’m kinda curious about how you view me?”

  “What do you mean?” I avoided answering his question and walked to a wall made entirely of glass. The clear view of the Pacific Ocean couldn’t be described. I could stay here for more than a few days.

  “I mean are you only attracted to me because I’m a good diversion since Peter isn’t available?”

  He broke my concentration and I turned toward him again. The look on his face told a story of its own, and it wasn’t particularly pleasant. In fact, he looked scared and worried whatever we had together was nothing but a carefully planned mirage.

  I felt petty and underwhelmed with the way Russell viewed me. If I didn’t know any better, he thought he was just a consolation prize and that didn’t make me feel exactly stellar. Had my behavior truly been so transparent he believed I collected men and discarded them with equal necessity like they were chess pieces?

  “No, not at all. I don’t know what I feel for Peter if I’m being honest. I can easily say it’s probably lust because he’s got so much power but really, I’m not the kind of girl who wishes to break up anyone’s happy home. Perhaps if the circumstances were different, I would feel…something more for him but as it is, there’s no me and him—there never was.”

  “I can understand that but I also know what I saw when you caught his wife with Elaine and I need to know that wasn’t some sort of glee in your eyes.” Russell slunk toward me and stopped a few feet away. “I’m not trying to protect Elizabeth but I do believe Peter is worth saving from the humiliation that would come with a news breaking story like that. It doesn’t matter if any of it’s true, you know how the media enjoys making everything seem so morally corrupt and unsavory.”

  “Yeah, I do, because I’ve already informed you my roommate and best friend is a reporter. Not everyone just wants to make a quick buck or a name for themselves, Russell. Some people still handle themselves with integrity.”

  “Well, from me to you, I’m glad you didn’t tell her anything. I don’t know Andrea and maybe she’s great at what she does but the fewer people who know about what we saw, the better it is.”

  I looked around the opulent home we were staying in before my eyes settled on Russell’s again. “Why is that? Do you think something scandalous is going on between the two of them?”

  “I don’t know and I don’t really care but at the same time, I still believe we have the responsibility not to spread lies.” He approached me with a smile. “I feel much better knowing we’re on the same page. I hope if you have anything you want to talk about, you’d come to me first. That’s all.”

  “And how does any of this have to do with whether I am using you because Peter isn’t available?” My tone was a bit harsher than I planned for it to be and I immediately felt bad. “Sorry, I mean, I don’t know what the hell I mean but let’s have a good time and enjoy each other’s company, okay?”

  He smiled wryly before he nodded his head. “Deal. So, why don’t you pack a bag with a change of clothes? I have an idea but I promise we’ll be back here tomorrow in time to celebrate the holiday in style.”

  I grinned in a girlish fashion. “Okay. I’ll just be five minutes.”

  Russell’s aquamarine eyes met mine and I could feel my insides melt. What the hell was it about this guy? He was positively perfect. Maybe that was a problem for me because I preferred my guys a little rough around the edges and definitely not anywhere in the vicinity of perfection. It was too much to live up to and God knows I had my flaws.

  I walked up the stairs and directly to the bedroom we were sharing. We hadn’t discussed whether anything would happen but even if it did, we were both adults and what difference did it make? We wouldn’t be hurting anyone.

  After I packed a change of clothes and panties, I quickly grabbed my phone out of my bag. I don’t know why I did it but I quickly tried to call Andrea. She picked up after a couple of rings.

  “Yes? Aren’t you out of DC you lucky bitch?” she greeted in a cheerful voice.

  “Why yes, darling, I am. In fact, Russell surprised me with a trip to California. Los Angeles to be exact.”

  “Aren’t you two lovebirds moving at a lightening quick pace? I must admit I’m perfectly jealous. I get a weekend in Martha’s Vineyard with a pair of uptight parents and you get sun, sin, sand, and the Pacific Ocean. That is so unfair.”

  I chuckled out loud. “True, but you’re also with your lover. There’s no guarantee I’ll be gettin’ any so you have absolutely nothing to be jealous about. In fact, I’m kinda jealous of you.”

  “Why?” Andrea sighed out loud. “Seriously, you two work together and the way Russell looks at you, I know he’s a keeper. He isn’t the type to do casual dating. Believe me—I know what I’m talking about. Plus, he’s the right age and the right pedigree. What could possibly go wrong?”

  “You have no idea,” I replied before I bit my lip again. “Listen, I know we haven’t talked much lately but I’ve got a potential scoop for you if you wouldn’t mind doing some digging for me.”

  Andrea was silent for a moment. “Digging on what—or shall I say who—exactly?”

  “Russell. Who else?”

  “Sigourney, you just started dating the guy. You can’t possibly want me to poke into his family background—”

  “Bitch, you already have,” I interrupted with a light-hearted jeer. “Besides, it’s nothing I want you to go too deep for. I just want some info on his parents and whether he’s dated anyone of importance in the past. What’s wrong with that?”

  “Nothing, I guess. Gah! I’ll do it because you’re asking me to but don’t think I’m gonna tell you anything bad. The guy is supposed to be your redemption and I won’t destroy that. So, what’s the scoop?”

  I began to pace in the spacious room while my heart thundered in my chest. Was this the right thing to do when Russell had begged me not to share it with anyone, especially Andrea? I didn’t care and part of me wanted to hurt Peter, even if it wasn’t his fault we were attracted to one another yet couldn’t do a damn thing about it. I wanted blood and I had Daniel, my asshole ex-French boyfriend, to thank for that.

  “Listen, when Russell took me out last Friday night, it wasn’t entirely uneventful. I spotted Elizabeth Coburn having dinner with Elaine Riley. I don’t know what it means but…didn’t you tell me there were inside rumors she was a closeted lesbian? I’m just wondering if…maybe she and Mrs. Coburn are more than friendly? Even if they are genuine friends, I don’t know…her husband is running against Elaine. Is it even kosher for them to be seen having dinner together?”

  Andrea was silent on the other end. “How sure are you it was Elizabeth Coburn with Elaine Riley? Could it have been two women who look like them?”

  “Definitely not. I’ve been on this campaign and have looked at enough photographs of both women to know
it when I see them. Besides, I never forget a face and they were definitely having a leisurely dinner together.”

  “Shit, this is huge. Okay, I’ll dig up some info about your precious Russell.”

  “Thanks,” I replied. “And if you do decide to run with this story, you didn’t hear it from me.”

  “Please,” my best friend murmured. “I have to fact check anyway. I’ll get someone from the restaurant to spill and say it was an ‘inside source.’ There doesn’t have to be anything unsavory about this story but the minor implication is enough to get tongues wagging.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I was afraid you’d say.” I looked at the clock and cursed quietly. “Listen, I gotta go. Russell’s taking me on a drive so we’ll talk later, okay?”

  “Okay. Take care of yourself and make it your mission to get laid! You’re a freak of nature, Sigourney. No one should go months—let alone years—without it, especially at our age.”

  I rolled my eyes and ended the call before throwing my cell phone back into my bag. It was immature and I suddenly felt like shit. What had I done and why did I do it? Was it that important for me to dig up anything about Russell? If I could take the phone call back I would have but the damage was done.

  Instead of feeling sorry about whatever shit storm was slowly brewing, I grabbed my handbag and backpack before leaving the bedroom swiftly and ran down the stairs. Russell already had a gym bag on his right shoulder and car keys in his left hand.

  “What took you so long? Deciding what you should bring?” he teased with a genuine smile on his face.

  “Yes, and doing girl stuff. You won’t tell me where we’re going so you must know I’m not feeling exactly all that confident with anything I packed.”

  “Don’t worry so much. I’m just following through with one of your suggestions. You’re gonna have fun and you don’t have to be dressed to the nines to do that, got it?”

  “Yep,” I responded with a firm nod.

  “Good. Let’s go. The day awaits us.”

  I followed Russell out to the rental and we both got in before he took off on the Pacific Coast highway.

  The nagging feeling I’d had earlier came back with a vengeance, and all I could think about was what a spiteful move I’d made on what should have been a happy day. It would come back to bite me on the ass, I just knew it.

  Chapter Ten


  Although Peter tried to maintain a pleasant composure, for the first time in a long while he was losing pitifully.

  He didn’t want to spend any time with his parents especially with Elizabeth and the kids but duty always called and it certainly felt like an adequate punishment for a man who couldn’t keep his eyes from wandering.

  At this point in his life, he could admit he’d been married to his wife for quite a while and although he still found her attractive, he didn’t have that kind of passion they’d had in the beginning. He couldn’t even blame the children since they had nothing to do with why he wasn’t interested.

  Peter sat by the pool in the sizeable backyard of his parents’ Martha’s Vineyard home and enjoyed the sunrays on his skin.

  Regardless how he felt about Liz, he would have to hold on to her for a while or at least until he had a real toe-hold in the election. Elaine Riley didn’t have the best marriage either but she and George managed to get past their issues. They were the picture of modern American happiness.

  At least he and Liz were much younger and a damn sight more attractive but perception didn’t take the place of reality.

  He sipped from his bottle of imported beer and slid an expensive pair of Ray-Bans up his nose.

  “My God, Peter, you’re going to burn!” Elizabeth exclaimed in a dramatic tone.

  He rolled his eyes underneath his blacker-than-black shades. “Can I tan in peace for Christ’s sake? I’m not bothering anyone.”

  His wife cocked her head to the side. “I know you’re stressed with this whole campaign and what not but that doesn’t give you a reason to be pissed at me. What the hell did I do?”

  “Nothing, babe.” Peter sat up and glanced at his wife. “It’s not you, it’s me. The campaign is stressful but I still have a state to run. I don’t know…maybe I acted too hastily when I decided to throw my hat in the ring. What makes me think I can beat Elaine Riley?”

  Elizabeth walked closer to him. She looked gorgeous in a magenta one-piece and a sheer white cover-up loosely tied around her waist. Meanwhile, her chestnut hair, arranged in an artfully messy bun, reminded him of why she was a better match on paper than in person.

  “I don’t think you’re being fair. Of course you have a chance and can win against Elaine and all the other candidates who have come out of the woodwork. I wouldn’t be so worried about you if I didn’t think you could win.”

  “Oh, so that is why you treat this whole venture of mine with such disdain? Do you not want me to go that next step?”

  She took a seat on the chaise lounge beside him though her posture was stiff and unyielding. “Well, not only you but your parents have made it patently clear you don’t care what I think. Your father thinks I’m being stubborn and your mother wants you to pursue this because she can’t wait to have a son in the White House. She thinks you have a real shot and I agree with her. It’s not necessarily how I want to spend the best years of my marriage though.”

  “We’ve talked about this countless times, Liz.” Peter sighed with weary resignation. “I’m tired of discussing the same topic over and over again.”

  “I’m sorry if my views don’t truly have any meaning to you but seriously, Peter. I was okay with you being the city commissioner in Baltimore but that wasn’t good enough, wasn’t prestigious enough. No, you had to be the mayor—”

  “What are you talking about? I did more for Baltimore as mayor than I ever did as city commissioner.”

  “You didn’t do anything for Baltimore because the moment you became mayor, you set your sights on becoming Governor and that’s how you ran the city. You delayed everything—the budget deficit, crime, improving education—because you promised the people of the city it would get done when you became Governor. But that city is just as broken down as it was before you became mayor so what have you really done for them since you’ve had your new position?”

  “What are you trying to say?” Peter snapped suddenly. “You know politics better than anyone, Liz. You know it’s not really about getting anything done. There’s too damned much red tape!”

  Elizabeth looked toward the heavens before her aquamarine eyes met his. “Yeah, I’m sure you’ll be still talking the same crap once you get into the White House. Nothing is your fault. Too much red tape and you’re too much of a coward to admit you don’t give a shit about the future or anything. You’re selfish and all you care about is the position itself and the power it carries. You lack the responsibility it takes to handle any top position.”

  He stood and glanced at his wife with shock. “You’ve never truly supported me, Liz. I don’t know why I thought it would be different now. I was a fool to think you would ever be behind me. That’s okay, at least I know where you truly stand.”

  “My stance has never changed,” she responded in disgust before she turned on him and strode back into his parents’ home.

  Peter followed her reluctantly. It wouldn’t do anyone any good for her to be upset and he truly regretted she felt that way about his political career. If she didn’t believe in him then who would? Of course it was great to have the support of people he employed—how else were they supposed to feel?—but he needed his wife, now more than ever.

  If he could successfully remove his head from his ass and stop thinking so much about a certain campaign aide who probably was being drilled by her new boyfriend, he would probably feel better.

  “Darling, what’s the matter?”

  Peter turned toward his mother who sat in her sun room with a large hat covering her head and a brim large enough to cover her face and sho

  “Nothing. Elizabeth and I had a little disagreement. We’ll be all right.”

  She turned away with conflicted blue-gray eyes. “I know it’s not any of my business but this is not the time or the place for you two to talk about anything political. Doesn’t she know this is a family get together? I don’t want my oldest son walking around the house moping. It’s unbecoming of you.”

  “Mother, Liz doesn’t give a crap about any of that. I truly thought we would be able to have a nice long holiday weekend but it doesn’t look like that is going to be the case. She’s angry with me, and ignoring it because we are on vacation won’t help.”

  Peter’s mother stood and strode toward her son. “I admit it…I made a terrible mistake when I said she would make a good wife, didn’t I?”

  “No, it’s not your fault. She’s a great woman and she’s a good wife but she’s not right for the kind of ambitions I have. What the hell, she doesn’t want to be the spouse of an international politician and she certainly doesn’t want to be First Lady. Maybe…it’s time I threw in the towel. Our relationship is more important than me running for President—”

  “No!” His mother patted her perfect hair gently. “Let me talk to Elizabeth. She’s just upset. This is all my fault. I should have known something was wrong with her when she introduced herself to us all those years ago and exclaimed she was a Democrat. Those women aren’t right in the head you know. That kind of ideology is dangerous. People don’t know what to do with too much…personal freedom.”

  “My God, Mother, you truly date yourself with a proclamation like that.” Peter looked away with a clenched jaw. “Let her stew for a bit and I’ll try to talk to her later, okay?”

  He walked away from his mother as she said, “By the way, I spoke to Kylie and she told me about that new intern—sorry, campaign aide—you hired. This Sigourney Stewart isn’t going to be an issue, is she?”

  “No, Mother, she isn’t.” He turned toward his mother. “She’s dating Russell Berkeley, Kylie’s half-brother.”


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