Love Unfortunate

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Love Unfortunate Page 2

by Claudia D. Christian

  "I hate leaving you. I can’t stand it. I hate locking you up in this…this…prison!" Agony drenched each syllable, courting her sympathy and forgiveness. "I don’t like it. I don’t know why I sentenced you here."

  Laurent seemed to fold in on himself. His words grew raspier.

  "No, that’s not true. I DO know why. I know…but you DON’T. And I’m too afraid to tell you."

  "Laurent…I…" Audible words deteriorated into silent prose, leaving her heart to shout.

  Why won’t you forget?!

  "I’m breaking apart out there, Liana. I hate when I should love…I love when I should hate." Desolation carved lines of despair into his smooth skin. "I’m going insane, aren’t I?"

  Liana’s small hands worked to banish the unhappiness from his brow. "Don’t think that way. You can’t. You’re stronger than this."

  Laurent leaned into her touch. "Tell me what’s wrong with me, Liana. You know. I know you do."

  "I can’t—" Liana’s throat closed and her hands stilled. The truth threatened to tumble out from her tightly pressed lips. "I can’t answer—"

  Laurent pushed her away in a fit of temper. Standing above her sprawled figure, he insisted, "You’re lying! Tell me!" The menacing shout dissolved into a pitiful whine. "Please."

  Fatalism held Liana down by the throat. She felt like an insignificant insect beneath its booted foot. Liana tipped her head back and met Laurent’s stare. "Yes."


  Liana couldn’t bear seeing the horror twisting his ethereal face. "The power running through your veins is too much for one not of pure blood. If it continues to control you rather than you control it, you’ll go completely mad."

  "How can I—how can I stop this?"

  "I can’t help you."

  Laurent dropped to his knees besides her, ignoring her bitter answer. "Don’t say that, Liana. I need your help, little bird. Please help me."

  "Laurent, I wish I could…but…I’ll just end up making it worse."

  "No, you won’t!" Controlled sincerity replaced raw frustration. "Liana, if you won’t help then let me stay here with you. Always."

  Liana stared at her love, her husband, her life—her sin.

  His immortal eyes, no longer rapacious, betrayed old humanity. Their exquisite depths mirrored her love for him, wrenching forth anemic joy out of Liana’s battered conscience.


  The word hovered on the tip of her tongue like a tempting drop of poison.

  Yes, Laurent. Stay with me. It’s what I’ve wanted for so long.

  Laurent sensed her softening. Death flickered with silver brilliance and pale lips flashed a mouthful of wickedness. "Just say yes, Liana. Say it."

  Although ensnared by the eerie brilliance of her husband’s gaze, sanity clawed its way past helplessness.

  It’s what I’ve wanted for so long, but not like this. I don’t want you to stay with me out of habit. I don’t want this tower to be the end. I want to walk out of here with you.

  Laurent lifted Liana to her feet. His gentle, unfailing courtesy lay in marked contrast to his demands. "Don’t fight me anymore. Don’t resent me for becoming like this, Liana. After all, it wasn’t my will."

  I know. I also know that until that day comes, there’s nothing I can do for you. Nothing except this.

  Swallowing down her impotence, Liana whispered, "I’m dirty. Please bathe me…my lord."

  He blinked once and then grinned. "Anything for you, little bird." Laurent’s mocking, light words banished any hint of frailty. The vulnerable human fled, ephemeral as a pretty dream. And with no small regret, Liana welcomed his change.

  I’m sorry that I just hurt you. But I don’t know what else to do.

  Completely aware of his wife’s ennui, Laurent scraped warning claws against her skin. "Later, little bird. Yes?" His obvious anger shattered the pleasant illusion of servile adoration.

  Liana gasped her assent and arched against his cruel hold. Laurent’s actions were no punishment. The pain only courted her perverted hungers. "Yes, my lord."

  Soft laughter peppered the air. "I’m so happy when you strive to please me. At least in this, little bird. The way you cry out for me—the way you taste—it’s all I crave. Now, hold onto me."

  Liana waited until he lifted her before admitting, "I’m sorry I can’t make you happy, Laurent."

  "What are you talking about?" Sadness fluttered across his smooth brow with a dying bird’s regret. "Happiness today, misery tomorrow. Moods change. You aren’t responsible—"

  Liana kissed his mouth hard, cutting off his ignorance. Her lithe tongue moistened the flakes crusted in the corners. Mouths agape, teeth scraping, their tongues coiled together in primitive adulation. Laurent broke their communion. Smug triumph dirtied his face as she gasped in abandonment.

  "Do I make you happy, little bird?"


  "It pleases me to know it." Laurent smiled, teeth glinting in the dismal darkness, unaware of her sorrow. "Are you ready?"

  She let out a tired sigh. "Yes."

  Ruby droplets followed in their wake as Laurent carried Liana to the small tub. Her wounds tempted his primal hunger, but Laurent refused a seat at his wife’s bloody banquet. Instead, he set her within the shallow depths and murmured, "Soak. I’ll be done soon."

  Pendants of fire flickered to life behind her closed lids. Without opening them, Liana saw Laurent light several tapers throughout the small room. A humorless smile tugged Liana’s lips when the door opened, closed, locked, and then opened again.

  Even as devoted as she was, Laurent didn’t trust that his wife wouldn’t bolt for freedom.

  * * * *

  Nightmares stalked her tattered mind, highlighting Liana’s fears with a crimson brush. Suddenly, something ominous interrupted her uneasy slumber.

  "Laurent!" The hushed scream betrayed Liana’s panic and desperation. Her tired eyes scanned the small hut, hoping and praying to see his beloved form. Instead, cold emptiness mocked her prayers. Liana brought her knees up. She wrapped bare arms around her legs and rested a troubled brow.

  Where are you? You’ve never left me alone for the night. Ever!

  Worry knotted her stomach, keeping nausea close to the surface. Laurent had left shortly before sunset, laughingly telling her to await a marvelous surprise for their nuptial night.

  Now Liana could smell dawn coming.

  "Something’s wrong. I know it." Speaking the words out loud magnified Liana’s fear ten-fold.

  "Little bird."


  Liana scrambled up from the pallet. She ran to the hut’s door before her instincts snarled a warning. Liana’s feet froze, hand stretched halfway to the wooden latch.

  Something malevolent awaited her.

  Heart pounding with sickening force, she walked into the night air. Eerie silence asphyxiated the forest with a wicked claw.

  "Little bird."

  Liana stepped forward and peered into the black shadows. "Laurent? Where are you?"

  "I’m right here, little bird."

  The small clearing lay empty of life as did the trees beyond.

  "I was worried when you didn’t come home. Where were you, Laurent?" Liana’s ears twitched, anxiously seeking sign of her husband’s presence.

  "I got lost."

  Laurent’s familiar voice echoed with unfamiliar resonance. "Lost? How?" She whipped her head to the left. A shimmer of movement snared her attention. "You know these woods better than any alive. How could you get lost?"

  Flat laughter made Liana’s skin crawl.

  "Alive. What a telling choice of word, little bird." Laurent’s cold hand clamped around her wrist. "I thought many things too. But now…now I know better."

  Liana swallowed her cry of fear. Turning to him with a relieved smile, she stupidly dismissed his cryptic statements as the ramblings of a nervous bridegroom.

  "It doesn’t matter. I’m just happy you’re back and unharmed. Although, you be
tter not…" Liana’s chiding tone died only to be replaced by horror. "Laurent, what happened?"

  "Something terrible. Something wonderful."

  "But the blood…how did…is it yours?" Liana knew the answer as soon as she fumbled through her pitiful question. The stench clinging to his body was of terror, suffering, and death. Blinded by worry, Liana had missed the obvious.

  "It didn’t come from my body, but it is mine." Laurent brought her wrist up. He kissed the soft skin tenderly before releasing it. "Just as you are."

  Liana’s mind grew clouded, fear and denial fighting for dominance. "Whose blood is it, Laurent?"

  He leveled his gaze on her and smiled.

  Liana immediately whirled away and retched. Doubled over in the dirt, she felt the contents of her stomach rush up her throat. "NOOOO!!"

  "I met a man. A man who said he knew you."

  Tears flooded her eyes and nose. Gasping in vain, she fought to stop her vomiting.

  "He told me you liked pretty things."

  Low, guttural moans replaced her shrill denials.

  "He said that he’d give me the clothes you left behind when you ran away."

  Insanity gripped the corners of Liana’s mind.

  "All I had to do was wait until sundown."

  Her arms began to shake. Long trails of spit hung from her gaping mouth.

  "He gave them to me but not before he took something first."

  Liana gasped Laurent’s name over and over again, each time louder than before.

  "When it was over he told me to claim everything that was mine."

  She dropped back on her haunches. She shook her head with dizzying fervor.

  "He told me I could be a lord. A lord, little bird. He said that my strength surpassed that of my mortal sire and his legitimate heirs. He promised that no decree would fall against me."

  Liana murmured useless pleas of supplication. "This can’t be happening. This can’t be real. It just can’t!"

  "So I went there. Me, the insignificant bastard! I went there and you know what I did?"

  She dug her fingers into her thigh. The combined stench of blood and vomit did nothing to distract her mind.

  "I killed them, little bird. I killed my worthless sire, his bitch wife, and two pathetic brothers. I left nothing of their dignified line intact. Now, I’m ruler of all that you see."

  Pitiless venom coated each triumphant word. Their cruelty provoked her body to life. Liana launched herself against his chest. "Damn you! You didn’t! You would never cause harm to another! Why are you lying?!"

  Laurent let Liana beat him for several moments before catching her arms easily. "I’ve elevated you from woodcutter’s wife to lady of the realm in one night. I thought you’d be pleased."

  "How can I ever be happy with what you did, Laurent?! How?!" Without giving him an opportunity to answer, she demanded, "Who did this to you?"

  Laurent tightened his grip. He smiled viciously when she winced in pain. "If you think really hard I’m sure it’ll come to you. As I said before—I met a man. A man you know."

  Liana’s face blanched. Betrayal seeped into every pore.

  Cristophe? He promised! How could he…

  Cold disgust lightened Laurent’s silver gaze. A mean smile tweaked his thin lips. "Come now, little bird. I want to show you your new home. You’ll like it. I know you will."

  The full implication of the night’s evil settled on Liana’s shoulders. "This wasn’t supposed to happen," she mumbled in despair.

  Laurent ignored her. Instead, he picked his bride up. Walking away from the clearing, he sang an innocent tune as he strode towards their irrevocable damnation.

  * * * *

  Quick fingers made short work of domestic duty. Soon the small room was clean, bed made, and chamber pot emptied.

  "Now, little bird, my service is yours." Laurent sank to his knees besides the tub. He smiled at her, pausing until Liana returned his simple affection. "Where would you like me to wash first?"

  His question never faltered. It was always the same. So was her answer. "My body. Then my face and hair."

  Laurent’s strong hands obeyed Liana’s request. Gentle, yet thorough, they followed the silken planes of her naked form faithfully. Delving beneath the water, two fingers petted and probed Liana’s core. "Still hurts?"

  "Mmm. I could hardly move from the pain. I don’t think it’s ever hurt this much."

  Sympathy lightened his exquisite eyes. "I’m so sorry, little bird." Laurent adjusted his touch, causing his wife to groan with an emotion other than discomfort.

  Liana’s head fell forward. Delight danced along her spine, chasing Laurent’s touch with sycophantic devotion.

  Pain doesn’t matter when he bathes me because his hands feel so good.

  Laurent took special care with her legs, clucking over the numerous scrapes. "Little bird, look at what we’ve done to your beautiful skin."

  Liana whimpered in nameless zeal. "Make them better."

  "But I’m washing them," Laurent protested as his fingers drew to a lazy halt. "Just like you ordered."

  "No…not like that."

  "Then how?" Sly torment masked itself in innocence.

  "Mouth. Use your mouth, Laurent. Please."

  Wicked victory glowed like a living curse within his ageless gaze. "I exist solely for you, little bird. Do you believe me?"

  She grabbed the back of the small tub. Laurent’s passionate declarations burned her soul, making Liana remember things she didn’t want to. "Yes. I believe you. Always."

  Laurent abandoned the washcloth. Lifting her leg, he waited until she looked at him. "Only for you." He lowered his mouth. Crimson flowed into the basin with staccato harmony and Liana’s beautiful voice burst into an exquisite solo.


  She was dying, breaking, falling apart, only to come to fiery life. She begged, pleaded, and screamed. Her free limb thrashed until Laurent captured it as well.

  "Please don’t! Ah! Please…don’t…stop! Please!"

  Laurent treated both legs with violent adoration. Jagged bruises dotted Liana’s tender thighs and still she sang for more. When he snaked an arm under her hips, she eagerly presented herself for his consumption.

  "Liana," he hissed while parting her swollen lips with his fingers. "No matter how much I taste you, it’s never enough."

  Frenzied ecstasy courted Liana’s feral nature. Her legs fell open on either side of Laurent’s shoulders. When his lips brushed hers, Liana found the edge of sanity and turned away.

  Laurent’s cool tongue bathed her battered flesh with quick strokes. Benediction rained down on Liana with every wet caress. "It feels so good, Laurent!" she babbled. "Don’t ever stop!"

  "You taste so sweet. Give me more."

  Liana stared at the ceiling while winding her legs around his neck. The world’s colorless tint deepened in tandem with Laurent’s decadent avarice. She pressed her mound closer to his mouth and sobbed her joy.

  * * * *

  "Tell me about your mother." Liana’s fingers scratched his scalp, mindful to keep her touch gentle.

  Laurent smiled with pleasant affection. "My mother was wonderful. Protective, kind, loving…she was my world. I would’ve done anything to make her happy."

  Liana’s gaze grew hard and distant. "I felt that way once too."

  "About your mother?"

  "Mmm." She continued stroking his head, finding comfort in the action. Her silent rage dissipated. "When did she die?"

  "A year ago."

  "You still miss her."

  "Very much so." He turned on his back. "Many thanks for lending me your lap."

  The innocence in his face tempted Liana. She leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on his forehead. "Many thanks for making me forget."

  Puzzlement darkened his eyes. "Forget what?"

  Liana shook her head and smiled. "It doesn’t matter."

  * * * *

  Liana’s heady scent intoxicated Laurent. He
became a beast, devouring her without mercy. Liana’s sharp cries spurred Laurent to slide his fingers into her wet core. Their erotic rhythm demanded release as they plunged in and out, twisting, turning, and beckoning her body to obey.

  Even after Liana screamed in fulfillment, Laurent pursued her pleasure to the grave. His lips pursed Liana’s tender jewel before scraping it with strong teeth.

  She choked on his name.

  "I love you, Liana," Laurent swore while pressing his mouth against her sweet folds. "I love you. Always."

  Liana wept her love for him in return. Madness blackened her sight. Tremors possessed her body, driving into Liana with intoxicating violence. Desperate to touch Laurent, she wound her fingers in his silky hair. Her legs shook uncontrollably.

  "Do it! NOW!"

  Laurent understood as only a longtime lover would. He widened her thighs. Keeping his fingers deep within her warm body, he turned his head to the side. Laurent kissed her thigh once, twice, and then gave Liana what she craved.

  She shattered. Liana’s beautiful screams rang throughout the tower and into the night.

  "I love you, little bird." Laurent moved up her body, raining sharp kisses along the way. "Never forget it."

  Liana tasted herself on his lips. Bloody trails spilled into the water, making it as ruby as her swollen lips. Abandoned by his mouth, Liana collapsed into a boneless heap.

  Laurent wiped the remaining traces of her passion very carefully. He smiled down into her insensible face. "The water is glorious now, little bird. How about I finish cleaning you, hmm?"

  Liana nodded. Giving over to his clever hands, she became pliant to Laurent’s every wish. "I love you. You know that, don’t you?"

  He merely glanced at her once before resuming his task.

  Liana sank into the tub and whispered, "You have to know that I do, Laurent. I do."

  Laurent’s eyes darkened. However, his voice remained soft as he commanded her silence.

  An enigmatic smile touched her lips while depression cloaked her heart. Liana’s declarations meant nothing in face of her misguided sins.

  I do love you. Maybe tonight I’ll finally be able to prove it. If not, then I’ll wait. One day you’ll believe in my love, even if you can’t believe in me.

  The water lost its languorous heat by the time Laurent was done bathing her. Liana wobbled as he crouched at her feet, tenderly drying her flushed skin. Giving into temptation, she tunneled her fingers through his inky strands.


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