Hidden (A McKenzie Ridge Novel Book 2)

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Hidden (A McKenzie Ridge Novel Book 2) Page 3

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  She wanted to fit in here, wanted to be successful in McKenzie Ridge, and imagine up something this town wouldn’t come up with on its own. Hosting wine and specialty beer tastings from local makers was her new mission. A win for area business and a win for the new business owner in town. This was the first time she had to depend on herself completely and it felt good.

  Megan invited her new friends, as few as they were, and opened the wine tasting invite to the town and its tourists. Sam Tayler and her handsome husband, Dawson, arrived first. They were like a brunette Ken and Barbie, with two darling kids, and a romance to die for. Their recent wedding was where she met Colton.

  She appreciated the gang filing in a little early to take the edge of her nerves down a notch. Having their support was priceless. They really made the party, a party. The adoration amongst them and strong bond was something she had never witnessed before and hoped she would have the chance to be a part of indefinitely.

  Next to arrive was Sam’s best “sister friend”, Everly Shaw, and her Granny Lou. Lou was a kick-in-the-pants old gal that seriously lacked a filter. That’s why Megan liked her so much. She made a mental note to keep an eye on her drinking though, as this was a professional event. She didn’t expect Granny Lou to drink a drop of “fussy juice”; she had her “big purse” which meant she was packin’…liquor.

  The rest filed in shortly after…Morgan Jameson, Jessie Clarke, Carigan O’Reilly, and of course the dashing Blake Cooper. There was something to be said about the town and its hunky men. The shenanigans were off to a racing start as they all noticed hard ass, combat boot wearing Jessie wearing a dress. Jessie was as tiny as they came, but badass to the core. She kept up with every man, and ran circles around a few as a Firefighter. She was tough as nails, but apparently owned a pair of sexy heels.

  Blake, of McKenzie’s finest, seemed especially intrigued by Jessie. Distracted even. If one didn’t know better, it would appear that the looks they were exchanging were about more than the little black dress Jessie was wearing. Morgan, Blake’s partner, and Carigan, Dawson’s partner in the ambulance, might have caught the same vibe based on their snickers, which earned them a middle finger hello from Jessie.

  One person was missing. The only one who flooded her every thought for days and consumed her dreams each night. She was happy to see everyone else, but he was the one she was counting down the hours for.

  The ground beneath her feet quaked and her breath caught when the door swung open in what felt like slow motion. He was finally there and looking hot as hell in a black perfectly tailored suit and a crisp white dress shirt, unbuttoned just enough to make her drool. Her body hummed in places it shouldn’t, especially in public.

  She shifted her stance from one foot to the other trying to relieve the wakeup call he was sending. For a cool crisp fall evening, it was getting hot. She adjusted her skirt, straightened her posture, shoulders back and approached him with her best smile. She was met first by his enticing scent—cool and fresh, with a hint of citrus and sandalwood. When he hugged her hello, it was nearly her undoing.


  The only thing Colton saw when he entered Blooming Grounds, was the sexy muse that owned it. She stood amongst a group of patrons swirling a wine glass in her hand, her body language made it obvious she was describing what they were all tasting. She had a regal quality that boasted a sense of class and charm that screamed of money and culture. Easy on the eyes with her petite yet curvy figure, long auburn hair, and glassy golden eyes with her slightly turned up nose but hard on the heart. He needed a way in.

  She made simplicity reek of elegance, and stunning look simple. Megan wore a black body contouring pencil skirt that started high on her waist and hugged her body clear to mid-calf. To be that skirt, holding those curves, would be to have lived and died in the same moment. She looked of glamour with her glassy gem necklace that rested just above her ample gifts that were on display, compliments of the shape hugging white deep v-top.

  The tall, shiny red, peek-a-boo fuck me heels that she floated around in did things to him that he was almost ashamed of. He was glad he wore the jacket that he debated earlier in the evening. It now rested on his arm, camouflaging the sudden reason for his really tight pants.

  Chapter 5

  The inaugural tasting event was off to a good start and quite the success. Patrons had been in and out of Blooming Grounds coffee shop, turned tasting room, all evening. Finally catching her breath, Megan was able to stop and visit with her friends as things began to die down for the evening.

  She interrupted a conversation that had her name written all over it; a set up. Sam and Evie were discussing the annual Holiday Fair with the group, explaining its possible demise. The committee had been formed, made up of the usual, the friends from the gang, and a handful of retired locals. They lacked, however, a leader.

  The Holiday Fair was a kick off to the holiday season. It gave local crafters, hobby bakers, and those with various wares, a place to peddle their goods. It also provided a unique shopping experience with typically one-of-a-kind items for patrons to scoop up.

  The proceeds from McKenzie’s event-of-the-year benefited the local children’s charity that the Fire, Police, and Emergency Medical ran. They assisted the area youth throughout the year with various needs from scholarships to participate on the local sports team, to a new set of clothes for someone in need. Christmas was by far their biggest challenge. The fair funded their holiday toy and coat drive that ensured every child that normally goes without, at Christmas, had something special, and a warm winter jacket.

  The more the women talked, the more the men engaged with heartwarming stories of children they were able to help in surrounding communities. They were a small mountain town, but part of a larger reach that spread for miles, that they enveloped into their community as well. Megan took in their ideas, past successes, and the stories of those in need; the wheels started turning.

  Megan wasn’t immune to charity work. It had been her primary focus until becoming who she was in McKenzie. She had spent her days on various fundraising committees for different charities, and nights hosting and attending the events she adored most. This Holiday Fair sounded nothing short of an event she could get behind, more so, take to the next level. Party planner extraordinaire, this was how she would make her mark on the town, at epic proportions.

  “So, are you in?” Sam asked full of excitement.

  “Before you say yes and we quit twisting your arms, you know this is a lot of work, free work…as in no pay, no free time…work!” Evie joked.

  “Good! I love this kind of stuff! It will be fun! I need to keep busy!” Megan replied, with a subtle look to Colton. She most definitely did need to keep busy or he was her next big event.

  “I used to do stuff like this all of the time! Really, I already have a ton of ideas and ways I think we can make it bigger and better than ever!” She finished.

  “Why does that not surprise me, Fancy Pants?” Jessie questioned, giving her an endearing nickname that most would be offended by. If Jessie called you anything at all, crude, vulgar, or unsavory, it meant she liked you. Megan loved her nickname or nicknames rather. Jessie had several for her.

  Megan was flattered that they had asked her to lead the mission, even if it was only because she was the newbie sucker in town and none of them wanted the job. They were still going to be helping and that meant a lot of fun girl time while they planned the party of the year. This was her chance to really show her colors, make her mark, but without showing who she was really was.


  The night was going so well and Megan was overwhelmed with enthusiasm. The turnout was a fair share of locals and tourists alike, each complimenting her event and promising to come again. Her goal for the evening had been realized. She was developing a new regular local crowd, and padding her business with returning visitors to their small town. Mission accomplished.

  Her new friends were in part to thank, as their infl
uence and extended invites contributed to the list of attendees. It had been so long since she had this kind of camaraderie, friends that she could count on. Maybe one day she could even confide in them, but for now it worked just as it was. She wasn’t yet ready to show her cards.

  Colton’s eyes had been on her all night; she hadn’t noticed it as much as she had felt it. As the evening expired and the festivities wore down to a dull roar, it was harder not to notice. It was hot in Blooming Grounds, but Megan and Colton were the only two sweating.

  The atmosphere died down to an intimate crowd consisting of just the friends. Even Granny Lou said good night, off to relieve the babysitter caring for Sam and Dawson’s children, as well as Jax. Since the little ones would be sleeping, she offered to keep them all until morning, giving the adults a night to themselves. Even more reason to break out the good stuff.

  Megan excused herself to the back to pull out a special bottle or two of wine she kept off the sales floor just for the gang. It was time to celebrate a successful evening and to thank them for their help, when the last customer found their way out of her shop. She began shifting crates, when heat poured down her spine, waking her libidinous desires. She didn’t have to see him, to know he had followed her.

  “You are completely in your element tonight,” he said.

  She turned and smiled, “You think so? I love this, hosting events, doing something different.”

  “I can tell. You know how to work a room. I think you could have sold them all cases of soap just as well as wine,” he joked, pinning her against the crates with just a look.

  “Can I grab that?” He asked, reaching a hand out to her.

  Her eyes widened at his question. She looked down at her chest and back to him with his hands extended. “Uh…um…uhhh…”

  She choked on her words, stuttered, and slurred. Perfectly sexy, she thought. Not sure how to answer him, her eyes glanced back and forth watching the door, then him. As she mulled over what was happening she knew one thing for sure, she didn’t want anyone to walk in on what she thought was about to happen.

  Just as she started to lean his direction closing the gap between them, a sly grin crossed his face as his brow raised in question sounding alarms in her head. Mission aborted, she saw the flashing neon signs and red flags waving, realizing he wasn’t asking to grab any part of her. She backed away, cleared her throat and raised her own eyebrows as if she was the one silently questioning him.

  Colton pointed to the case of wine behind her and said, “I meant…the wine, but I am totally open to other offers.”

  “Oh…I know, I mean, of course you were. What else would you have meant by that?” She shrugged it off as if he was the one reading the situation wrong.

  “Of course,” he nodded, his charming grin still in place, “Can I help? Which one are you looking for?”

  Megan turned to the racks behind her and pointed out which case she was aiming for. It had been placed in a precarious spot, behind a few others to avoid mixing it into the evening’s offering. When she turned to step away and allow him access, she hit a large wall of hot, hard muscle—Colton.

  Narrowing the space between them, he closed in hoping to finish what she had started moments before. When she bumped into him and lost her footing, he caught her in his arms, pulling her close. So close he could feel her racing pulse and her hot heavy breath against his neck.

  “Thank…you,” she muttered with her hands flat against his chest.

  “You look amazing tonight.”

  “You clean up pretty well for a hunky firefighter. Nice…suit,” she said with heavy, hooded eyes and a breathy tone-trickling desire.

  “Breathtaking.” He leaned in to kiss her full of passion and desire. The anticipation was almost too much after all of these months, hoping he would get his chance, wondering what she tastes like.

  Megan relaxed into his embrace and took everything he had to offer. She slid her hands up his chest, taking note of every rock hard muscle she skimmed, finally resting her arms around his neck. His hands drifted further south, wrapping around her just below her waist at the curve of her perfect ass where he pulled her into his excitement, showing her just what she was doing to him. Fireworks. It was true what they said about ‘the one’, there would be fireworks.

  “Hey, Meg can we grab more of that chee… Never mind, carry on. You don’t even hear me anyway… I’ll just head back out…so, yeah.” Evie joked backing out the room giving them privacy.


  “Hey!” Jessie scolded, “Where’s the cheese?”

  “Umm, probably melting!” She replied with a laugh. “Sparks and Meg are back there, decided to give them…some quiet time.”

  “Sparks and Priss Pants? Aww, shit! I knew it!” Jessie said excitedly with an eye roll. “So what does that have to do with the cheese?”

  Laughing at Jessie’s disgust, Evie asked, “Where are you going?”

  She stood from the table they had all migrated to and found her way to the back, apparently hungry, leaving the chuckles and giggles behind at the table. She stood in the doorway and scanned the room. Finding her target, she brushed passed the canoodling couple with an eye roll and heavy, meant to be heard, sigh of disgust. She grabbed the platter she was looking for from the cooler, grabbing a platter of chocolate dipped everything while she was there.

  Making her way back past Megan and Colton, she made sure to bump in to them and holler, “Not near the food, get a room!” before making her way back to the store front to rejoin the waiting group.

  Breaking the kiss at the brash interruption, Megan rested her forehead on Colton’s chest while she caught her breath. “Wow…” was all she could say.

  “Yeah, wow. Sometimes I forget Jessie’s a girl and I want to kick her ass. This being one of those times,” he chuckled.

  “Colton, we shouldn’t have…” She was quickly interrupted by another small kiss.

  “No, we should have, and we did. I liked it, you liked it. Nothing more to it. Just don’t over think it,” he reasoned.

  She hesitated for a moment, collecting her thoughts. She tried to come up with an appropriate response that wouldn’t encourage him anymore than she already had, but wouldn’t hurt his feelings either. “I’m just not a relationship girl, not right now. I don’t want to give you the wrong idea.”

  He smiled again, resting his forehead on hers, stroking her cheek with his thumb. “Honey, you didn’t give me the wrong anything. We are just two people enjoying each other’s company and sharing a little kiss. Nothing more, nothing less.”

  She grinned at his admission, and warmed at his sincerity. He was letting her off the hook even though she knew he wanted more. She just couldn’t give it, not now, and maybe not ever. He really was the perfect guy, and as her luck would have it, she met him at the worst possible time ever.

  “Okay,” she said with a nod. “I guess we should get back out there. Are we good?”

  “We’re great. Go ahead, I’ll grab this case and be right behind you.”

  She kissed his cheek, leaving her hand on his chest a little longer than she intended before walking back to the front of her shop.

  He watched her leave, enjoying the extra sway to her step, knowing it was for him. “It’s okay darlin’,” he said quietly to himself, “I’ll wait for you.”

  Chapter 6

  The wine was nearly gone, Blooming Grounds put back together, and plenty of laughter shared. The night was creeping to end, as much as Megan didn’t want it to. The brewing friendships and camaraderie between this family-like group of friends had her hooked. Even if one of them was making it hard for her to sit comfortably.

  Colton and Megan had been seated next to one another, compliments of meddling matchmakers in the group and she was pretty sure it began and ended with Sam and Evie, likely assisted by Carigan and Morgan. She adored them for their thoughtfulness, but they were making it increasingly hard to keep things in the friend zone with the handsome firefighter
next to her.

  It wasn’t lost on the crowd that they laughed a little harder at each other’s jokes, and had a few more lingering looks than the rest. All it took was one kiss. One kiss branded forever in her mind as the quick beginning and end to anything that could transpire. Colton may be half way to dating already, but Megan was stuck in the past and not ready or able to move forward, no matter how hot and tempting the muse.

  Thoughts of their brief escapade danced around in her head, blushing her cheeks. His grin and knowing-wink let her know that he knew exactly what she was recounting in her mind. If he read her that well already, she was in trouble. The shifting in her seat from the fury of heat he was causing her in all of her unmentionable places, earned her a chuckle. Damn, he was good.


  A loud honking sound broke the spell and drew everyone’s attention to the street just outside. Megan was sitting, facing the window and immediately spotted the cause for alarm just before he was hit by a car. A well-dressed man had been staring back at her while crossing the street from the opposite side and stepped right in front of a vehicle traveling down Main Street.

  Screams scattered from the late night crowd that had been out enjoying the warm fall evening. One scream in particular caught her by surprise…her own. The friends vacated their table and rushed outdoors to assess the scene. All off duty emergency and rescue personnel, they jumped into action and did what came as second nature to them.

  Carigan grabbed Dawson’s oversized professional first aid kit that he kept in his truck, a few cars away. Megan stood there completely in shock as Dawson and Colton assisted Carigan in an impressive attempt to save the stranger laying in the street before them. Blake set out flares and redirected the evening traffic and “looky-loos” making a path for the ambulance and fire truck that could be heard in the distance.


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