They're rushing me to one of the ships.
Heptosh says, 'Mr. Zakh, we have confirmation.'
A Groki comes out of the ship. I've been fumbling about for the rock as we walked, so I'm ready to hand it to him.
He takes it.
Neuryzh is standing next to me. Tsaphar and I are listening through one of his vocal tubes and Heptosh is listening through the other.
The Groki is using some sort of gadget to look at it.
'Yes,' he says. 'It's a piece of the human planet. When was it removed though?'
Another Groki comes and looks.
The first one says, 'Dried human blood. Yes, it dropped onto this stone -- indeed, the very moment the planet was to be destroyed.'
'But the blood was allowed to dry in natural weather conditions -- sunlight from that solar system, I see,' says the other, 'which suggests that the planet wasn't destroyed at that time. The other side was washed off by rain, but on this side it's dried. Whoever it was lost quite a large quantity of blood.'
'Now, the imprint in the D.N.A. -- this is interesting. What do you make of this?'
'The overall imprint suggests -- hmmm.'
'It suggests -- yes -- but why he would allow his blood to spill on the soil of the planet, that's what boggles me.'
'And the the fact that it's imprinted on human D.N.A. to begin with.'
I whisper into Neuryzh's tube, 'It's the price of redemption.'
Neuryzh repeats it in their language.
'So,' says the first Groki. 'We have to put up with humans for another fifty celestial ages at least?'
'Possibly more, if this imprint suggests anything,' says the other.
'We'll relay this information through our network. I hope we can live peaceably together.' They hand me back the rock, and get into their ship.
We back off. The three ships lift off, and all the others in the sky zoom off.'
Alexander's just standing there, looking up with his mouth open.
This glossary includes scientific concepts (fictional science), first century Jewish cultural heritage, words from Hebrew (a real language), Akkadi and Nephteshi (the latter being fictional languages, however Akkadi is a guess at pre-Hebrew pre-Arabic Proto-Semitic). Some items listed are fictional, others from real life or history. After each entry, the italics in the parentheses will show the source of the word and/or whether it is a factual or fictional concept.
In most cases, a people group or language is designated by the suffix '-i' placed after the name of the planet or nation, the same way it's done in Hebrew -- thus, an inhabitant of the planet Tok is a 'Toki'.
Akkadi: (fictional) An ethnic group with semitic features, speaking a group of dialects descended from Proto-Semitic. They were descended from the Ishmaelites who bought the Patriarch Joseph from his brothers and sold him in Egypt. Later, they travelled to the kingdom of Nephtesh, were enslaved, and accompanied them to space. The Akkadis of Tok have a different history than most. Early in the Nephteshi Interstellar age, a group of Akkadi slaves escaped their harsh conditions by taking a ship. Because they only used linear propulsion (see: linear populsion) they travelled close to the speed of light for what felt like months to them, but lost about one thousand years because of the dynamics of relativity. A Tzozk ship discovered them and brought them to settle on Tok, but because they had lost a thousand years, their language had only developed a few hundred years from that spoken by their ancestors on the Planet of Red Earth. Thus, their language was close to that of the Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, etc.) The words of their language that appear in this language are the author's guess at what proto-Semitic would have sounded like, based on a limited knowledge of Hebrew.
Bar mitzvah: (Hebrew/factual) Literally: son of the commandment. At the age of 13, Jewish boys undergo a special ceremony in which they put on the t'fillin for the first time, and take on the responsibilities of manhood.
b'n: (Akkadi/proto-Semitic/fictional) Son of -- as in Tsaphar b'n Shammah. Based on Hebrew ben and Arabic bin and ib'n.
beit: (Hebrew/factual) Litterelly: House. The spelling here represents the correct Hebrew pronounciation of a word often represented in English translations of the Bible as 'Beth', as in Bethany (litterally meaning 'House of Anyah', pronounced Beit Anyah). The word would had a wider use than simply a home or village. Various factions of the P'rushim (Pharisees) would have been refered to with the prefix beit, or what would be in plain English, 'school', thus: 'beit Hillel', meaning, 'School of Hillel', or those who follow the opinions of the famed rabbi. Various institutions in Judaism are also prefixed with 'beit', such as beit ha sefer (house of study), beit kinessit, (house of congregation, or a synagogue), or the definition that follows this one in this glossary.
Beit din: (Hebrew/factual) Litterally: house of judgment. A Jewish court. For civil offences, it consists of three judges picked from the local community. For capital offences, 23 judges sat. The highest beit din was the Great Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, which had 72 members. This met in a building adjoining the Temple, called 'The Chamber of Hewn Stone.' According to the scripture account, Yeshua wasn't tried by the Great Sanhedrin, but by a smaller one in the home of the High Priest, which would have had 23 judges.
ben: (Hebrew/factual) Son of -- as in Yohannan benZavdai: Yohannan son of Zavdai.
bio-media upload (fictional) A method originally created to cure some forms of mental retardation. Information is written in a way that can be transferred directly to the human brain. During early experiments, it was discovered that such information became a vivid impression at the same level as fear of falling, or of fire, etc. It was thus impossible to upload something for simple reference. Uploading just a few concepts could help some forms of retardation, or even enable scientist to master more than one discipline and thus, bridge gaps that previously led to duplication. However, unless care was taken, bio-media uploads could lead to obsession and other forms of mental instability. Even when the information to be uploaded was carefully chosen, close acquaintances and family members of those who received a downloads often noticed the loss of their ability to contemplate the more aesthetic aspects of life. After the collapse of the Nephteshi empire, bio-media upload became rare in the Milky Way Galaxy.
bionic replication (fictional)An advanced technology for transforming humans into bionics by placing a self reproducing synthetic cell into the flesh. The cell reproduces itself by drawing its building material out of the bloodstream, reading the DNA of its neighbouring cells and replacing them with self reproducing bionic cells. This process continues until the entire body is bionic. A fuller explanation can be found in the narrative, including the sinister down-side.
borunñnvotzp (fictional) sole art form of the Utz (see Utz), though the Groki (see Groki) have also been known to create them. It consists of a crystal bubble in which the Utz stores images and sounds, usually following a common theme. The individual images and sounds can be played for other creatures, such as humans, in holograph and sound, but only another Utz or a Groki can receive the full impact of a borunñnvotzp. impact is gained by smashing the borunñnvotzpthe dome of one's forehead. Thus, a borunñnvotzp, though it can take decades to mature, is enjoyed by only one other creature, the one the creator chooses to give it to. If the reader has a hard time with the pronunciation, that's to be expected. It's not a human word, so there are some sounds in it that are inaudible to the human ear, let alone pronounceable. The nñn the middle of the word is best spoken while rubbing the tongue back and forth against the roof of the mouth.
Celestial Age (fictional) A unit of time, equal to approximately forty years, used by non-humans.
Coourzt (fictional) A popular beverage extracted from the coourzt berry, native to one of the Blilkin planets, but popular throughout the Noofrish sector of the galaxy. It is enjoyed by both humans and non-humans. It's high in caffeine, making it the Noofrishi equivalent to coffee. Unlike coffee, however, it is brewed by professionals and served cold, som
etimes blended with herbs and spices, or even mixed with alcohol -- no milk or sugar. As to the actual taste, I've left that to the reader's imagination.
computer (fictional) The computers used in this narrative are early human inventions. I actually designed the concept for a different novel, which I haven't seriously started writing yet (except for the first chapter and a synopsis). It is the predecessor of the clay tablet used by the ancient Sumerians, and the letters are impressed into the writing surface in the same way as in wet clay. The writing surface consists of a sea of tiny six sided pins, all six sides of which act as a switch. When two adjoining pins are depressed, the switches joining each other are turned to 'on' position. The pins relay the information about which switch is turned on to the underlying grid, to which they are in contact on depression. Every letter has a numerical value that can be immediately read, even though the input method appears to be analogue, or graphic. The computer outputs data by raising the pins so that the surface is embossed. Some computers can be hard to read in dim light, but others have illuminating pin-tips which can be read more easily.
Dozht Sector (fictional) A sector of the Milky Way galaxy that includes the Planed of Red Earth. The sector itself never comes up in the narrative, but included anyway so as to complete the sector map. (see sector)
Essenes: (factual) Refers to a grouping of religious Jews who separated themselves from general society, and went to live together in communes in the mountains. It's likely that it consisted of priests of the lineage of Zaddok, the ones authorised to continue the priestly line, but were exiled by Herod Antipas. Another name for them was 'Sons of Light', a name that appears in the sayings of Yeshua. Their beliefs were similar to those of the Pharisees (see P'rushim) except they were strict to the point that they excluded themselves from Temple worship, believing that the current Temple worship system was too corrupt. The Essene community best known to us today, because of the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, was based in Qumram. It is probable that Yohannan the Immerser (John the Baptist) was a member of such a group, which would indicate that they at least some were motivated by true love for God. However, it is quite evident that Yeshua didn't belong to such a sect, but adopted a style more similar to that of the Pharisees, and involving Himself with the Temple worship system.
Fa-tzi-zhi (fictional) The ethnic group Eetoo, the main character of our narrative, belongs to. 'Fa-tzi-zhi' is their own name for their tribe, whereas other groups call them Famtizhi. The Fa-tzi-zhi are a more-or-less primitive tribe. Their language doesn't have any syllables ending in consonants. Full adults who have married and have had children are referred to by the name of their oldest child, i.e. Zhue Paw (father of Zhue), Zhue Maw (mother of Zhue) etc. The Fa-tzi-zhi have moderately dark skin with straighht hair, ranging from black to brown. I have based this fictional culture on the Karen, an actual ethnic group that today live on both sides of the border of Thailand and Myanmar. All of the above is also true of them (my own parents were known as Robbie-Paw and Robbie-Maw). Even the tradition of the Golden Tablets in our narrative is a slight revision of an actual legend passed down through the generations of Karen. They also have a story of Creation and the flood that closely parallels that of the Torah (and the Stone/Gold Tablets). Some Karen believe they are one of the lost tribes of Israel. This, however, could not have been true of the Fa-tzi-zhi, as they were descended from Ham, not Shem as the theory regarding the Karen would assume.
Famtizhi (fictional) See Fa-tzi-zhi
Gam'liel /Gam-lee-el/: (factual history) One of the great rabbis of the first century, and Sha'ul's teacher. He was the grandson of Rabban Hillel, and inherited his more lenient, pragmatic views. He is quoted both in the Talmud and in the New Testament (Acts 5:34 ff.). He died approximately 50 c.e.
Groki (fictional) A non-human creature that's approximately the size of a human, has knees that bend so that the feet come to the front like a bird's, and the crown of the head consisting of a translucent dome. The cranial dome can glow to show various emotions and dispositions, and can impart various feelings, good and bad, to those close by. Their mental capacity is much greater than that of a human. The Utz and the Groki are both sub species of the same genus. The Groki differs from the Utz in that they are smaller, their life cycles life spans are shorter, and they are more numerous. Of all the non-human species, the Groki are the most similar to humans in their drives and ambitions. This makes them incompatible to humans, so that Humans and Groki have had a bad history. (see also Utz)
Hanan ben Shet: (factual history) In English translations of the New Testament and Josephus, he is referred to as 'Anannus ben Seth'. That would be based on the Greek transliteration. He was the High Priest himself, both before and after the time covered in our narrative. He was the High Priest by the time covered in Acts of the Apostles. Several of his sons were also High Priest in their turn, the last one being Hannan ben Hannan (whom Josephus referrs to as 'Anannus ben Anannus') who ruled at the time of the fall of Jerusalem.
Hillel: (factual history) A great Jewish sage living in last century bce. Known for his lenient views and emphasis on mercy and love, and for his self control in the same areas. Grandfather of Rabban Gam'liel. Father of one of the two great schools of the Pharisees, the other being the school of Shammai (see Shammai). The School of Hillel (or beit Hillel) emphasised Study of the Torah, believing that it would lead to righteous actions. Their views gained predominance over those of the opposing beit Shammai after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 ce., when Yochanan ben Zakkai started his school at Yavneh (see: Yochanan ben Zakkai). Hillel died around 10 ce.
Imhotep (factual history) An Egyptian god who could have had a basis as a historical personage, probably a physician/statesman, whom some identify as the Patriarch Joseph.
Ima (Hebrew/factual) Hebrew for Mother
Immersion: (factual) Ceremonial cleansing by immersing oneself into body of water either in a flowing river or stream, a lake or sea, or a pool that conforms to the rabbinical requirements (see: mikva). It was done in fulfillment of the command to 'bathe in water and be unclean until evening' after contracting uncleanness by either touching something unclean (i.e. A carcass), recovering from childbirth, or the completian of a menstrel cycle.
Kefa: (Hebrew/factual history) Correct Hebrew for the name, 'Peter.' Literally: 'rock.' One of Yeshua's disciples, who later became one of the foremost Apostles.
Kayafah: (Hebrew/factual history) Correct Hebrew for the name, 'Caifas,' the High priest at the time of Yeshua's execution, and the son-in-law of Hanan ben Shet (see Hanan ben Shet). He is mentioned as the High Priest in the Gospels, but by the time covered in Acts of the Appostles, he apparently no longer occupied that office. Various traditions connect this fact with the execution and resurrection of Yeshua.
Klodi (fictional) The ethnic group that inhabited the Klodi area of Klodi-Famta. They spoke their own language, and were a more developed civilisation than the Fa-tzi-zhi, who also shared their planet. The Klodi were benevolent to the Fa-tzi-zhi, and used to trade with them at various markets near the border. (see also, Fa-tzi-zhi, Klodi-Famta)
Klodi-Famta (fictional) A planet in the Noofrish Sector. Its name is derived from the fact that the land was divided between two ethnic groups, the Klodi and the Famtizhi. It is the planet of Eetoo's birth.
Lazar (Hebrew) A Hebrew name, derivative of the name, Elieazar, used in its Greek form in the New Testement as Lazarus.
linear propulsion (fictional) Any method for propelling a spaceship or any other vehicle using the laws of physics rather then logical relocation or other applications of quantum mechanics. (see also, logical relocation, quantum mechanics)
logical relocation (fictional) A technology based on early human discoveries in quantum mechanics (QM) (see quantum mechanics). One of the theories in QM is that in addition to the three visible dimensions of space, there exists a fourth dimension, where all atoms located in the other three dimensions have also have a presence. This is called Hyperspace. In our n
arrative, we view Hyperspace as a place where all atoms in the universe are together, within easy distance of eachother, as though it were a giant database on every atom. Using the coordinates from the database, each atom is projected into the other three dimensions of physical space. We also suppose, in our story, that Hyperspace is accessable through the centre of the nucleus of each atom. By converting a light similar to X-ray into a reverse beam (see reverse beam), and modulating it into into a signal, it is possible to direct that into the nucleus of each atom, and manipulate the location coordinates in Hyperspace, thus relocating the atoms in the range (ie. whole objects) to any location of three dimensional space one chooses. (see also simulated linear motion, tele-gate, reverse beam)
man made planets (fictional) The Nephteshi developed the technology of building planets. The method used is to find, or create a black hole with slightly less weight than the planed planet. It should be on its way to, or already rotating around a star at a suitable distance. Then, they bombard it with a substance called, 'zotite' (fictional). Zotite is a highly unstable substance in its raw form, though similar to carbon. In crystal form, it is the hardest substance known, and is the only substance that can withstand the pressure caused by a black hole. As the black hole is being bombarded, some of the zotite begins to crystallise. They continue bombarding it until the zotite stops crystallising, and then remove the excess row zotite. After that, they lay slabs of stone. The upper slabs are laid to allow for passages and chambers to facilitate a great underground city. Some areas have more slabs so as to facilitate mountains. The, comes the top soil and vegetation. This is brought in from a special farm planet by means of logical relocation.
Matityahu: (Hebrew/factual) Correct Hebrew for 'Matthew'. It is believed by many historians that the same kept a running journal during his travels with Yeshua, which he later revised into what we now know of as the Gospel of Matthew. Others, such as Luke and Mark also probably used some of the material in their Gospels. Because of the many Hebrew idioms and usages that appear, even in the Greek text, it's obvious that the original was in Hebrew, which is now believed by many to have been a living language at the time, along with Aramaic.
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