The Guardian's Apprentice (Beyond the Veil)

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The Guardian's Apprentice (Beyond the Veil) Page 1

by J. Michael Radcliffe

  The Guardian’s Apprentice

  Beyond the Veil - Book One


  J. Michael Radcliffe

  Published by J. Michael Radcliffe

  Copyright 2010 J. Michael Radcliffe

  All rights reserved.

  For information email [email protected]

  The events and characters in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  To my wife – my soulmate in this life and beyond,

  To my children, my reason for being,

  To my sister, for believing in me.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1 - Deliberations

  Chapter 2 - Things to Ponder

  Chapter 3 - A New Position

  Chapter 4 - Dark Thoughts

  Chapter 5 - A Journey Started

  Chapter 6 - Detour

  Chapter 7 - Missing in Action

  Chapter 8 - Found

  Chapter 9 - A Friend in Need

  Chapter 10 - An Unwilling Accomplice

  Chapter 11 - Politics

  Chapter 12 - The Dragon’s Pawn

  Chapter 13 - Always Tip the Skunk!

  Chapter 14 - Family Reunion

  Chapter 15 - The Alderdrache

  Chapter 16 - Visions

  Chapter 17 - The First Test

  Chapter 18 - The Shadow

  Chapter 19 - Headache

  Chapter 20 - A Council Divided

  Chapter 21 - Interview with a Dragon

  Chapter 22 - Escape

  Chapter 23 - Thoughts and Reflections

  Chapter 24 - Betrayal

  Chapter 25 - Research

  Chapter 26 Revelations

  Chapter 27 - Illusions

  Chapter 28 - Tea

  Chapter 29 - Omens

  Chapter 30 - A Painful Lesson

  Chapter 31 - The Color of Blood

  Chapter 32 - Sealing the Gateway

  Chapter 33 - An End and a Beginning

  Chapter 34 - The Breaking

  Chapter 35 - Destiny

  Chapter 36 - A Thief in the Night

  Chapter 37 - Talith Nor

  Chapter 38 - Healing

  Appendix - A History Lesson


  A parcel wrapped in plain brown paper had arrived at the chambers of Tobias Follett, Chancellor of the High Council and head of the Grey order of Neutrality, just over an hour ago. He was not expecting a delivery at this late hour, so he regarded the package with some suspicion. It was just past midnight and the wisp over his desk gave off a soft white glow, casting shadows across the old wizard’s features and making him look pale and drawn. A thin man already, he looked positively gaunt as he leaned forward with the seeing crystal in his hand. He passed the crystal over the package, which was about the size of a deck of playing cards. The crystal showed him the vial nestled within, and the opalescent liquid it contained. According to the note attached to the package, the vial contained salamander tears, a very rare and useful item for potions. The writing on the outside of the package indicated the parcel had originated from Deadwood & Blight’s, his usual supplier for such hard to find ingredients. Although he had a standing order for salamander tears for whenever they became available, they had been out of stock for months and did not expect a new source for some time.

  Something’s just not right...

  He leaned back in his red leather chair and stared at the parcel, still trying to decide if he should open it. Tobias had been Chancellor of the High Council now for five months. His election came after almost a year of bickering among the council members, and he relished the position of power he had finally achieved. As the leader of his sect, he controlled the votes of three other members while as Chancellor he could threaten, berate or cajole the votes of most of the other castes. The only two he could not control were Cedric Thornback, leader of the dark wizards and Phineas Whitestone, leader of the white. Despite this however, he still wielded powerful influence over their followers. The fact that Phineas, who served as the Guardian, could not vote on matters before the Council also strengthened Tobias’ hand, for so long as Phineas held that position he was so bound. The Guardian maintained control of and watched over the BlackStar amulet, which created the veil of separation and divided the magical world from the non-magical one. As long as he wielded that power, Phineas was independent from the Council and one of his subordinates on the Council had to serve as his deputy. That left the White order with just three votes, while the Black and Grey orders still had four.

  Tobias schemed and plotted for years, until he finally had enough votes to win the post as Chancellor when old Eudora Fogle, a very stern black-robed witch, had stepped down in the midst of a scandal. Of course, it was not his fault Eudora had developed a habit of betting on the snark fights – it was a very addictive sport. He had simply tipped off his contacts at the Daily Tattle (worst gossip rag he had ever read) and the pieces had fallen into place. Even with the threats, bribes and outright intimidation it still took almost a year, but now it was his! Perhaps the parcel really was a gift of congratulations from his supplier, as the note said. He sighed deeply as he leaned forward again to examine the package one last time with the seeing crystal. His mind must be playing tricks on him. Ever since his election he had become more paranoid, convinced that someone was actively seeking to undermine him, though he had no proof. As he finished examining the package for the fifth time, he set the crystal down on the desk and chuckled. Rubbing his tired eyes with the back of his hands he smiled to himself as he picked up the package. He must learn to trust people again. After all, his fellow Council members had been lavish in their praise for him since he took office. Opening the box, he extracted the vial and held it up to the wisp for a better look. He smiled broadly, as the contents swirled in the pale light and cast prisms of color over his desktop. He was still smiling when the contents erupted into a violent explosion, vaporizing the still smiling wizard and tearing a gaping hole through the side of the castle.


  Chapter 1 - Deliberations

  The High Council had convened three days ago to nominate a new leader. Their Chancellor, the grey wizard Tobias Follett, had died in an apparent (and very tragic) potions accident. The resulting explosion killed the old wizard instantly and destroyed his chambers, as well as a large portion of the castle’s north wing. Although Tobias had schemed, plotted and backstabbed for years, he was still one of their own and would be missed, terribly.

  Cedric Thornback, leader of the Dark wizards, stood to address the Council. “Ladies and gentlemen of the Council, it has taken us three days to come to agreement on nominations to replace the late Tobias Follett as Chancellor. I would therefore like to make a motion that we cease this incessant bickering and proceed to a vote!”

  There were various nods of agreement from around the table as the other eleven witches and wizards looked around the room at each other. With the death of Tobias, his deputy stepped into the role of temporarily leading the meetings until the Council elected a new Chancellor. There were only two nominations so far, both of whom were heads of their respective orders. Portia Nightshade, an ardent supporter, had nominated Cedric while one of the white wizards had likewise nominated Phineas.

  Alexander Ducat, now the leader of the grey wizards, rose from his seat in the Chancellor’s chair. Motioning for quiet, he glanced from face to face around the table.

  “Fellow Council members we have a motion before us. As deputy for our now deceased colleague, I accept the motion and call fo
r a vote. Will those in favor of Cedric Thornback please signal by raising their right hand?”

  Portia’s hand shot skyward so fast Ducat thought the witch would actually leap from her seat, while the other two members of the Black order also raised their hands, along with Cedric himself. Looking around the table, there were no other votes.

  “I see,” said Ducat. “So, that is four votes for Cedric. Now would all those in favor of Phineas Whitestone please raise your right hand?”

  This time the three members of the Grey order raised their hands, as did the three members of the White as well as Ducat himself. Phineas however, did not raise his hand.

  Ducat looked at him with a puzzled expression. “Phineas?”

  The old wizard smiled warmly at Ducat. “I will abstain from casting a vote in this, Alex. As the Guardian I serve the Council as a whole and do not seek the trappings of power.”

  Ducat chuckled at his old friend. “Well it would appear that your vote is not necessary anyway, my old friend. The vote is seven to four – you are our new Chancellor. Congratulations,” he said with a deep bow to the older wizard.

  Phineas nodded politely in return.

  “Thank you Alex, but as I said I do not seek this office. I am happy with my position as it is.”

  Ducat sat down as he looked in shock at Phineas. “You’re refusing? You can’t refuse, Phineas, the vote is binding.”

  As if to emphasize his point, the crystalline sphere that hovered high above the Council table slowly descended, shifting from a blue-white glow to one faintly tinged with red. The crystal, often referred to as the Oracle, had existed since the beginning of the Council when the two worlds were first separated. No one was quite sure where it had come from, but the object radiated pure power and had occasionally intervened in Council affairs. On the rare occasion a debate turned violent, the orb sometimes chose to petrify both participants by encasing them in crystal. By the time the crystal faded – usually five or six days – tempers were usually subdued and the witches or wizards involved much more humble.

  Even Phineas took notice of the crystal’s descent, rising from his chair to look directly at the orb. Although he was the leader of his sect, as long as he held the post of Guardian, his robes were a shimmering non-color to signal his service to the Council as a whole and all three orders. He stared at the crystal long and hard for what seemed like an eternity, until finally nodding his head with a sigh.

  “It seems I have no alternative but to accept the will of the Council,” he said with a touch of resignation in his voice.

  The various witches and wizards around the table nodded and smiled, murmuring their agreement (and relief) that Phineas had agreed to the vote. Even a couple of the Black order seemed pleased at the decision, except for Portia. A highly volatile witch prone to outbursts, she was obviously seething at the decision. Cedric on the other hand remained quiet and sat with an almost stoic expression on his face. Ducat rose once again, turning to face Phineas who continued to gaze at the Oracle.

  “We are all grateful Phineas, as the Council desperately needs your leadership. You will of course have to step aside as Guardian to assume your new post, so the Council will need to name your successor.”

  “Oh, that will not be necessary, my friend,” said Phineas as he finally turned away from the crystalline orb which had returned to its normal blue-white glow.

  “I’m sorry Phineas, but you have no apprentice. Therefore the Council has no choice but to name a new Guardian.”

  “I will be naming my apprentice shortly, Alex,” he said with a gleam in his eye. “The young man is quite capable and will learn quickly. I will of course bring him before the Council to that he may be tested, as is required. Until such time Alex, I would put it to the Council that you remain as acting Chancellor until I may assume the duties.”

  “Very well, Phineas, but I must say this is all highly irregular.”

  “Trust me my friend, I will send for my apprentice at once,” said Phineas as his rose from his seat. Raising his staff in the air, a sharp crackle resounded across the room as a portal snapped open. Within seconds, the old wizard stepped through and was gone, leaving the other Council members to exchange puzzled glances.


  Chapter 2 – Things to Ponder

  Phineas sat in his study staring absently out his window, watching the swans on the lake below. Having served for over two hundred years now, as measured by the mortals, he had watched from the ancient citadel of Pahret T’pur as events unfolded and transformed his world. His robes shimmered in the autumn twilight, changing colors slightly as he shifted in his chair. He smiled and nodded his thanks as Mrs. Hoskins, the castle caretaker, brought him a fresh cup of tea. She was the one resident of the castle that had been here longer than he had. No one knew exactly how long she had been at the castle, and if you asked, she would just smile and say “Not long enough, dear.”

  Perhaps it was the wisdom that comes with having lived for as long as he had, or perhaps it was merely the realization that a once pure ideal for governing had become twisted into a conduit for those seeking power, but he found that Council politics no longer interested him. He focused now on what lay ahead. Like the White order, he did not believe that the world of science was ready to be joined with that of magic; however, he did not share his order’s near xenophobic attitudes demanding complete isolation. Slowly, as the years passed, he began allowing a few more incursions into the mortal world. A portal here and a passage there, a lonely witch or wizard seeking a mortal mate or even a curious warlock with an interest in the latest scientific advancements – all were granted permission to cross the Veil and allowed to pass unhindered to the non-magical world. Phineas believed strongly that this intermingling was crucial to the survival of both worlds. Wizards, witches and warlocks on this side of the Veil needed those from the other side to ensure the wizarding world did not lose its humanity. With each new generation of wizards, the humans on this side of the Veil became less human and more magical, like the elves, sprites and faeries. In a few more generations, the human race on this side of the Veil would cease to exist, becoming undistinguishable from the other magical races. Likewise, the world of science needed the constant infusion of magic to survive. As technology spread, the spark of life in the world dimmed as people focused on productivity and the ‘bottom line.’ The people on that side of the Veil needed the constant influx of magic to keep that spark alive and prevent the world from becoming a cold and unfeeling place where dreams were no more.

  The increasing number of crossings had gone largely unnoticed by those on the Council, who were more concerned with who was to represent which order and who would be chosen to serve as Chancellor. Although Phineas allowed a few more crossings each year, a sudden, dramatic lifting of the partition between the two dimensions would be catastrophic, like matter and anti-matter in the same room. Why, can you imagine if while fetching the morning paper one day you were to discover that a gnome had taken up residence in your azaleas? Perhaps a great northern dragon would decide that the runway at Kennedy airport looked like a perfect place for it to nest and raise its hatchlings. No, the Veil had to lift gradually, with the two worlds blending slowly over the span of hundreds of years or more. As magic became more and more commonplace in the realm of science, the more acceptable such a thing would be or so he hoped. He could accomplish this now that he was to become the next Chancellor, as he would be able to influence the other orders and deflect attention from his handpicked successor. That part would be simple enough. The hard part was convincing his successor to take the job.

  Long ago, the Council had decreed that one family from each order would be entrusted with the responsibility of serving as Guardians. The Whitestone family, taking their name from their ancestral home in England, were considered to be moderates in the order of white and so were entrusted with the task first. The Thornbacks, long considered one of the most powerful wizarding families, were selected by the order of Black
, while the Ducat family served for the Grey. While the Guardian was allowed to return to the Council upon choosing a replacement, in the event of an untimely death the nine elected Council members would choose between the three permanent members as to who would serve next. Likewise, even a Guardian’s hand picked apprentice must first pass approval by the Council prior to taking the position. This process had very nearly sparked a war when the Grey and the White orders vetoed the nomination of Tondil Thornback, considered by most to be a complete idiot. His father Willit had chosen him as an apprentice, but when the Council refused, he had attempted to seize the staff of office by force for his son and keep the Guardianship within his line. Too late did Willit realize this was one of those times when the Oracle would intervene. The crystal completely incinerated him and his son by a bolt of pure energy, leaving his cousin Cedric to take over as head of the dark wizards. It was then that the role of Guardian had passed to Phineas, whose election was unanimous.

  Although Phineas’ last living heir, his grandson Keegan, should be his successor, the boy had no idea of his heritage or abilities. The Council had stripped Keegan’s father of magic and ordered him into exile over one hundred years ago. Forced to live in the mortal world and deprived of magic, Richard had unknowingly conceived Keegan with a mortal woman. When she showed up with Keegan in her arms, he had rejected them both immediately, however upon her death a few years later he was forced to take the boy into his home. According to the information retrieved by Acamar and others, Phineas learned the boy had drifted away from his father and had not seen the man in the years preceding his death.

  Although Phineas knew the family ring had passed down to Keegan when Richard died, he knew that the boy had no idea of his heritage, much less what the ring meant. This then was his challenge; to somehow convince this young man that (1) there was such a thing as magic and (2) he had a good deal of it in his blood and finally (3) he would have to forsake all he currently knew and loved to become the Guardian’s apprentice. It had to be done, but who to send? His eyes strayed to the big black cat curled up asleep on the hearth.


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