Lily's Mirage (Hell Yeah! )

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Lily's Mirage (Hell Yeah! ) Page 6

by Sable Hunter

  “No chance of that today, you have a bodyguard.” Blade intended to enjoy the job – thoroughly.

  Taking their inner tubes in hand, Blade and Lily headed into the sparkling water. The tide was low and they had to swim out quite a way to reach a depth over their head, but when they did, both were glad to find water clear enough to see fish swimming below them. “Hey, what are you thinking?” he asked, tangling his legs with hers.

  “I’m just having a good time.” Lily held her face up in the breeze and brushed the hair from her eyes. She wasn’t thinking much at all and that was a blessing. Blade was giving her just what she needed – a distraction, something else to think about other than… “I’m enjoying you a lot more than I expected to.”

  “Oh, really?” He ducked under his tube and came out the other side, taking hold of hers and pulling himself up so their faces were almost touching. “I’m glad. All I planned for this trip was laying low until I could leave this hiding place for another. Meeting you has proved to be the best thing that could’ve happened to me.”

  They floated for a while, enjoying the sun, sometimes splashing one another playfully. Before they went ashore, Blade and Lily let go of their tubes and dove underwater, their fingers clasped, their bodies brushing against one another as they swam. Afterward, they returned the tubes to the cabana, then walked on the beach hand in hand, picking up shells and enjoying the last rays of a dying sun. “My mother would’ve loved it here,” Lily shared in a low tone. “She was never satisfied at home. We either stayed on location or on vacation.”

  “That must’ve been hard for you.”

  “Yea, we were raised by a myriad of tutors, nanny’s, and acting coaches.”

  “We tried to keep Katy’s life as normal as possible. Trina was a good mom.”

  Lily was surprised to realize that hearing Blade speak of his ex-wife made her uncomfortable. “I’m sure you were both great parents.”

  “Katy was easy to love.”

  The longing in Blade’s voice was like a vise around her heart. She turned to embrace him, wishing she could erase all his sorrow and pain. “Of course, she was.” Standing on tiptoe, she pressed her mouth to his, giving comfort as well as affection.

  Desire hit Blade like a tidal wave, a desire he’d kept in check for too long. He was so hard, his hips bucked, his cock longing to be closer to her. Since laying eyes on Lily Bastien he’d transformed into a hungering animal.

  His breath feathered along the side of her neck, sending shivers along her back and tingles all over her skin. Fire flared through her body. As he pressed butterfly kisses to her throat, she let her head fall to the side, giving him all the access he wanted.

  “Let me take you to bed, kitten. I want to spend the rest of the night finding every way possible to make you come…with my mouth…” He kissed her deeply. “With my hands.” He palmed her breasts. “With my…” He pushed against her, letting her feel how much he wanted her.

  Blade’s words made Lily whimper. She pressed her thighs together as her sex clenched. His hand slid down her waist to her thigh, then around to come within a whisper’s breadth of her mound. She held her breath, if he touched her he’d know how wet she was. “I want you, Blade Jensen.” With heavy lids, she looked up at him, loving the blatant passion showing on his face, the rugged stubble on his chin, the strength of his perfect features. Her whole body flushed warm, she’d never ached for a man in this way before. “Take me to bed.”

  With a whoop of triumph, he swept her into his arms and carried her all the way to the house, bounded up the steps and juggled her in his arms until he had the door open. Blade didn’t ask, he carried her right to his bed and put her down gently. “You look amazing in this suit, but I think you’ll look even better out of it.”

  Lily arched up against him as he touched her, his hands soothing down her body, teasing the sides of her breasts and caressing her small waist and the flare of her hips. She couldn’t wait for more and she didn’t hide her hunger for him. When his big hand came around to graze the secret, aching part of her, she pressed against his fingers and cried out his name. “Blade!”

  Possessively, Blade cupped her mound, rubbing his fingers in gentle circles over the most tender part of her. “You’re wet for me, aren’t you?”

  “I am.” She couldn’t deny it as she tugged on the ever-present muscle shirt, to coax it up and over his head. “I know why you wear these, there’s no way you could keep these guns contained in a regular tee.”

  Her admission caused his body to shiver beneath her touch, the swollen flesh between his legs began to pulse. “I need to see you.” Unfastening the clasp on her suit, he released her breasts, revealing two perfect mounds topped with rose-colored peaks. His dick jerked with a rush of desire. After one wet meshing of their mouths, he groaned and tugged her close enough he could feel her nipples burn his skin. “I’m going to make you come, just from sucking those pretty nipples.”

  Desperate, Lily shot forward and crashed her mouth to his and Blade moaned when their tongues met and mated. She’d never been this hot in her life, never felt the need rise between her thighs so hard or so fast.

  Guiding her back to the bed, he shucked his shorts and helped her take off her bathing suit, urging her down and feasting at her lips until his body completely covered hers. Blade gripped her hips and placed Lily in just the right position so his cock was notched in the crevice of her pussy. Leaning in he took one swollen bud in his mouth and began to draw on it. Hard.

  The suction he applied to her sensitive tip was exquisite. She felt raw with desire, her hips rising of their own accord to grind her clit on his hard cock. His mouth traveled from one mound to the other, his lips trailing scorching kisses through the valley between her breasts. Clasping his head to her, she let her fingers play in those sexy curls, while he rocked against her like a boat riding the waves.

  Blade felt as if he were diving into a volcano, he’d deprived himself of this for so long, isolated in his own private hell. Now he was living, taking pleasure, and giving it to someone who understood. Hollowing his cheeks, he rough sucked the sweet peaks good and hard, moving on top of her until she quaked and shook in his arms, crying out her climax, “Oh, God, Blade, oh God.” He didn’t stop, lapping at her nipples, counting the seconds until he could get at the promised land between her thighs.

  “You’re amazing. That’s one down, kitten, ready for number two?” Rising above her, he skimmed the bathing suit from her lower body and tossed it across the room.

  Lily was lying there in an orgasm induced trance, absorbing the vision of this Greek god of a man staring at her body like he’d never seen a naked woman before. His abject concentration was breathtaking. She didn’t understand it, but there was no other word for it – he looked enraptured. Licking his lips, he spread her legs. “Fuck, kitten, you’ve got the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen. Look at this tight little slit.” Almost reverently, he ran a finger down her cleft, causing her to bow off the bed. “You’re so tight and small, I can’t even see your clit peeking out.”

  Never taking his eyes from her, Blade knelt and ran his tongue up the inside of her creamy thigh. Closer, ever closer, to where he needed to be. Impatient, he parted her tender flesh with a finger and pushed inside.

  “Blade, oh that’s good.” She writhed beneath him as he teased in and out with his finger, only withdrawing to rub her clit every few strokes or so.

  He spread her legs wider, making room for his shoulders between her thighs. “God, you’re sweet.” He’d never seen a pussy more deserving of the tongue of a grateful man. After opening her further with his hands, he placed one single kiss on her sensitive button, then dragged his stiffened tongue from bottom to top. Over and over, he repeated the sensual torture, only taking forays to spear his tongue deep, loving how she clenched her walls so damn tight around it. With gentle bites and light sucks to her clit, he didn’t stop until Lily was moaning his name and bucking, meeting each lick with a gentle rol
l of her hips.

  Blade didn’t let up, sliding his hands beneath her hips, he held on and feasted to his heart’s content as she made every attempt to shred a hole in the comforter. From the way she responded to the pleasure he provided, Blade knew what would take her over, so he latched onto her clit and rolled his tongue, sucking hard until she screamed, “Blade!”

  The sound of his name being whimpered with such erotic passion went straight to his cock. “Are you protected, kitten?” He probably should’ve asked sooner, but he’d been too out of his mind with need.

  “Yes, and I haven’t been with anyone in a long, long time, so I’m safe.”

  “Me too. Not since my wife…” Not since…What an admission for a Hollywood hunk to make. He hadn’t sex in years.

  When Lily held up her hand in welcome, all he could think was how out-of-this-world stunning she looked in his bed, like some fuckin’ jack-off fantasy. Blade went to her, pressing their bodies together, groaning at the intimate contact. Positioning himself, he guided his cock home, his eyes rolling back in his head as he pushed into her snug, sweet heat. “Oh, damn, take me, kitten.”

  Lily arched her back and closed her eyes as he filled her full of his thick dick. She’d never felt so hungry, her aching loins felt like a ravenous funnel cloud wanting to suck him deep until he bottomed out deep inside of her. “Yes! Please, yes!”

  Blade flexed his hips, undulating them, working his way deeper and grinding down when he was buried to the hilt. God, she was a size too small for him – in other words – perfect. He’d no more than begun to move before she began to climax around him, her inner walls closing around him in a strangling grip. “Good, kitten?”

  “Oh, yeah, so good.” She touched him everywhere – his chest, his back, scoring him lightly with her nails, raking her fingers through the fur on his chest. “Just move, I need you to move, please.”

  Her request fueled Blade’s fire and he pulled out then sharply drove back in, loving when she hissed her satisfaction. As he pumped in and out of her, she met each thrust with an upward tilt of her hips and he rewarded her enthusiasm with an openmouthed kiss.

  Lily held on as he pleasured her – over and over, again and again, hard and fast as his sac slapped her sharply on the backside. Burying her face in his chest, she inhaled his scent, her tongue darting out to flick at his nipple. She could feel the pressure mounting – climbing – climbing – as she rose to the top, her head tossing from side to side.

  Blade moaned, blown away by how being inside of Lily felt, the bliss of being allowed to squeeze himself into her tight channel. Every time he closed his eyes, starbursts of light bloomed behind his eyelids. In. Out. In. Out. His fat cock was dying to come, his hips pistoning in and out as her pussy grasped him in near-paralyzing ecstasy.

  Lily nipped his chest, her breath rushing out in a sob. How did this happen? Her being pleasured by this total testosterone bomb. The pumps of his body into hers stole all her sensibilities. When he raked his teeth on her neck, sucking at the flesh, placing a mark on her, she clung to him as her body accepted his invasion – again, again, and again.

  Lily’s entire body jerked as she flew apart in his arms, her pussy fluttering, her cries of pleasure music to his ears. Blade relished the knowledge that he’d been the man to give her three orgasms and this time he couldn’t hold back as he drove hard once more into this heaven on earth. His eyes rolled back in his head as he shot off, her body milking him, his cum boiling up from his balls and shooting up the thick stalk of his dick.

  Blade came forever and watching the pure pleasure in her stare was what really turned him inside out. Even when they were through, he couldn’t let go. His hands were everywhere, touching her all over, memorizing every beautiful inch of Lily’s body as the union of their souls changed everything for him.

  Lily chewed on her bottom lip, fighting to contain the foolish smile she couldn’t seem to wipe off her face. As she folded the dish towel she’d used to wipe down the counter after finishing the supper dishes, she could hear Blade Jensen singing out back as he cleaned the grill he’d used to cook the fish he’d caught for their evening meal. His singing voice left much to be desired, good thing his talents lay elsewhere.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered, blushing anew. She knew exactly where one of his greatest talents lay.

  Between his legs.

  After they’d made love, for she could call it nothing else, Blade carried her to the shower and washed her tenderly. Lily was having a hard time processing the way he treated her. From the moment they stepped from the bed, he’d been completely attentive, seemingly unable to keep from touching her. Lily wanted to bask in his possessiveness, to revel in it. She’d never experienced anything like this, not even close. Not even once.

  Her parents had provided for her, but they’d been totally preoccupied with one another and with their careers. She and Flora had always been afterthoughts. Lord and Cecily Conn had been proud of her career, but they never really dealt with her as a person.

  Being the complete focus of Blade Jensen was a heady experience.

  Could she enjoy this while they were here? Without worrying about the future?

  Lily shook her head vigorously. “No, don’t think about it!” She wasn’t ready to go down that road. Not yet.

  “This is what I came for, a distraction,” she told herself. “I deserve this.”

  All her life an anvil had hung over her head. Since she’d been diagnosed at the age of eleven, Lily had lived with this unwelcome invader. Twice, the doctors gave her false hope and twice, the tumor had grown back. The verdict this time was quite clear, there was nothing more to be done. The malignancy had come back, spreading and entwining its tentacles through her brain like a dark web. It was only a matter of time before she started experiencing symptoms. Lily had no clue when, it could be weeks, months, even a year or more – but knowing a storm like this was on the horizon, functioning with any degree of normality was difficult.

  Unless she chose to ignore it and think of something else while she was here.

  Like Blade Jensen.

  “Lily, are you ready to watch the movie?”

  “Yes, be right there.” While he’d been drying her off with a big fluffy towel, on his knees, at her feet, Blade had asked if she would like to see what he considered his best work. Of course, she’d said yes. Her animosity toward television and movies stemmed mainly from her own experience, she could appreciate a good story, she loved to read. Depriving herself had been her way of rebelling, not a critique on the merits of the media. “What’s the name of this masterpiece?”

  When she moved from the kitchen into the front room, it was to find him flipping through the Renaud’s Netflix account to locate whatever movie he planned on sharing with her. “I thought we would watch San Saba, most of the location scenes were shot on my land…hence the name.” He smiled.

  “Oh, good, I get to see your home.” She moved to the couch and he came to join her, sitting in the corner and pulling her down next to him. “How long ago was this film made?”

  “Five years ago.” Blade eased her closer to him as the opening credits of the movie began to play. “Before this gets started, I want to tell you how amazing it was being with you. I can’t wait to repeat the process” He tilted her face up and kissed her tenderly. “Again and again.” Barely brushing their lips together until she leaned in for more, then as breath followed breath, he deepened the kiss until she was moaning softly. Lily felt the world drop away from beneath her feet and all she could do was cling to him.

  The sound of gunfire onscreen caused him to lift his face, placing one final kiss at the corner of her mouth. “We’ll neck in the slow parts.”

  Lily giggled. “I’m sure there are no slow spots.”

  Sitting close, cradled in his arms, she learned why Blade Jensen was a celebrated actor. In just a few moments, Lily was completely enchanted by the tale of a rancher who gave up everything to save the life of the woman he loved.<
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  Blade didn’t pay attention to what was on the screen, he only had eyes for Lily as she watched the movie that had earned him an Oscar for Best Actor. He didn’t reveal this well-known fact to Lily, the emotions she revealed on her face to the role he played was far more valuable to him than a gold statue gathering dust on his mantel.

  Lily was surprised by the depth of emotion she witnessed in the film. She forgot everything except what was before her eyes. Blade’s character made her believe in love again, his wry sense of humor made her laugh, and she cried as he put the needs of everyone else ahead of his own. The climactic scene where he saved the heroine from a flash flood kept her on the edge of her seat. And as the rancher lay dying, Lily grabbed Blade’s hand and pressed it to her heart. When it was over and the credits rolled, she turned in his arms and held him tight. “You were wonderful, I loved watching you act. Now, I know what all the fuss was about.”

  “Thank you, Lily.” He rubbed his face on her hair. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “When I go home, I’ll make an exception to my rule and download your movies on my computer.”

  “Good, I think I’ll like being your exception.”

  Lily felt a twinge of guilt at his words, he really had no idea how much of an exception he was. Giving herself up to the moment, they shared funny stories about growing up, school, and friends. He told her about his grandfather raising him. How he loved to work outdoors and the freedom he felt.

  “Most people don’t think of Austin as big city life, but moving from a house on the west side in an upscale neighborhood to my grandfather’s ranch was quite a culture shock. My grandmother loved flowers, she had bed after bed of old fashioned roses. One day my grandfather told me how chicken manure mixed with water was good for the roses. I was about twelve at the time, didn’t know beans about animals. He pointed me in the direction of the chicken coop and gave me some five-gallon plastic buckets.”


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