Lily's Mirage (Hell Yeah! )

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Lily's Mirage (Hell Yeah! ) Page 12

by Sable Hunter

  “Look at me.” When she lifted her eyes to his, Blade’s heart did a full gainer in his chest. “Mine, mine, mine,” he whispered as he plunged his huge cock inside of her.

  Lily gasped as he began to move, impaling her over and over. She laid her head back on the cool tile, rivulets of water cascading over their skin. Nothing had ever felt so good, so perfect. God, she wanted this. She wanted him, she wanted time with him. Holding on to his massive body, Lily reveled in the way he stretched her, filled her. She trembled, weaving her fingers into his hair, kissing the side of his face as he pumped into her time and time again.

  Blade moaned as rapture coursed through him. Moving with increasing power, he wanted to prolong every moment. She felt so hot around him as he pulled out and pressed in, the slick slide of his cock pistoning in and out of the welcoming velvet fire surrounding him, the sweet grip of her body turning his world upside down. As they loved, his eyes swept over her, loving how tight her nipples had become, the blush of excitement on her skin. Blade cherished her unbridled response to him, she was so unlike the women from the world he’d left behind. Being with Lily, spending time with her, making love with her, sharing their days – all of it together, had become the focus of his existence. And he wasn’t ready to give it up. Holding her securely against the tile wall, Blade forged deep, desperate to lay claim to her. If he could strengthen the bonds between them, not even heaven could tear her away.

  Lily watched his face, mesmerized, the intensity she saw there sending streamers of heat all through her body. Each thrust, each touch was wonderful. Perfect. The surge of fire through her veins was like the rush of the tide to the shore, an inevitable rise of pleasure that couldn’t be contained. A wild ecstasy engulfed her until she let go and flew, indescribable splendor lifting her high until she soared. “Hold me, hold me tight,” she whimpered.

  The entire length of her sheathe clamped down around him, convulsing with ecstasy. Feeling the hot rain of her passion wash over him, he gave a pleased growl and upped the pace, pumping in even deeper than before. As she contracted tightly around him, his cock throbbed with delight. “Lily, my Lily!” he let out a groan of surrender as his shaft jerked and he spent himself inside her.

  The flood of bliss set her free, she floated on a current of euphoria. As Lily clung to him, she could feel his hands moving over her, touching her as if he was afraid she’d disappear. “I’m here, I’m here,” she murmured, taking comfort for him, even as she offered comfort of her own.

  That night, Lily slept fitfully. There were times she was aware of being cradled in Blade’s arms, for he held her securely. She could tell he was as restless as she, he mumbled in his sleep and periodically his grip on her would tighten, as if he were trying to anchor her to his side.

  When she did sleep, the dreams came. Dark dreams.

  Lily found herself wandering in the blackness. She was surrounded by a thick forest, gnarled branches hung down in her path. “Blade!” she screamed as she ran, gasps of fear made it hard to breathe. “Blade!”

  Panic fueled her steps. She was lost and afraid. Her despair didn’t stem from a dread of being harmed. No, there was nothing in the shadows that threatened her. What she sensed in the inky gloom wasn’t something that intended her harm, there was simply nothing there.

  Lily was alone.

  Completely alone and abandoned.

  Pure hysteria boiled up inside of her. She wanted to rail against her fate. Where there was once light, now there was only murky shade. Lily felt like the thick night was pressing on her. She craved the warmth of the sun or even the cool caress of the moon. “Blade!”

  More than light, she longed for the one she’d left behind.

  If only she could see him one more time.

  Her blind footsteps could find no path. When her feet became entangled in an exposed tree root, she went tumbling to the ground. Throwing out her arms, she tried to catch herself. To her horror, the ground was gone and she went tumbling into an ebony nothingness.


  The sound of her name being called brought a scream to her lips. “Blade!”

  “Shhh, you’re dreaming, you’re just dreaming.”

  Lily struggled to sit up, her whole body was bathed in a cold sweat. “Sorry, I haven’t done this in a long while.”

  Blade went to the bathroom and wet a washrag. Returning, he sat on the edge of the bed and wiped her face. “Nightmares are always a hassle. I know, I’ve had them myself.”

  Lily understood. Trembling, she leaned against his chest. “You mean, after Katy…?”

  “Yea.” He let out a long breath. “After Katy. Do you want to talk about your dream?”

  She pushed the covers down. “I need to stand up and walk around.” Blade stood and helped her.

  “Here’s your robe.” He handed her the white cotton garment. “Do you want some water?”

  “I need to walk, to go outside.”

  “Of course.” He grabbed a pair of lounge pants and pulled them on. “I’ll go with you.” They left the bedroom and went down the hall to the kitchen. “Hold on.” He stopped at the fridge to find a couple bottles of water.

  “Let’s sit on the porch.”

  “Good idea.” He unlocked the door and opened the screen, allowing her to step out first.

  Standing on the wide verandah, Lily stared out toward the sea. The ever-present ocean breeze stirred the wind chimes. Lily wrapped the robe around her and hugged herself tight. “I was lost in the dark. I couldn’t find you.” Even now a powerful unease held her in its grip. Tears threatened to overflow. “I was so scared.”

  Blade cursed under his breath and took her in his arms. “Let me be your strength, Lily. You’re not alone. No matter what happens, you’ll never be alone again.”

  “Oh, Blade! Don’t.” She held him close. “This just isn’t fair, especially to you. If I’d told you the truth from the beginning you would’ve distanced yourself from me.”

  He cut off her words with a kiss. When he was satisfied she was sufficiently silenced, he spoke close to her ear, “I don’t think so. You’re underestimating the fact that you’re irresistible and I am not a person who would choose to miss out on the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  “Not the best. There’s Katy.” Lily stated the obvious.

  “Yea, Katy.” Blade breathed a heavy sigh. He’d lost Katy and he didn’t know what he’d do if he lost Lily too.

  As Lily looked over Blade’s shoulder, she gasped. “We’re not alone.”

  Blade tightened his arm around her, turning slowly. The sight that met his eyes caused his breath to catch in his throat. The ghost, Lili, was moving among the trees.

  They made eye contact in the moonlight, moving back into the shadows together. From that vantage point, they could see the pale figure gliding toward the beach. “What’s she doing?”

  Lily squeezed his arm. “I don’t know. Remembering, maybe? Looking for her lover?”

  “The one Blackbeard murdered?”

  “Yea.” Lily frowned, the sight causing her to feel several conflicting emotions. “Her life was cut short and she hasn’t moved on.” As Lily parroted the oft used phrase, she wondered if there was anything to move on to after this life was over.

  Blade frowned. He’d never given this type of thing too much thought. He’d always considered talk of ghosts to be something better left to tales told around campfires. But after witnessing what he’d seen here on St. Phillips Island, he was questioning everything. “I have to admit, if I have to see a ghost, I’d rather run into Lili rather than Blackbeard the Pirate any day.”

  His quip drew a smothered laugh from Lily. She laid her head against Blade’s arm and watched the phantom make her lonely way to the beach. The thought crossed her mind that Abraham might have seen her in just this same way. “I tend to agree. From the stories I’ve read of Blackbeard with the burning fuses in his hair and beard, I’m afraid I would have thought he was the devil himself.”
  They were both silent until the spirit slowly drifted from their view. A poignant feeling came over Lily, she couldn’t help but ponder the possibility that soon she’d be haunting this beach, looking for Blade.

  “Come over here, sit with me for a bit. Let’s drink our water,” Blade said, guiding Lily to a porch swing. “Or would you rather go inside, get away from the…?” He pointed to where the spectral image had vanished.

  “No, this is good.” She took a sip of water, then let out a long breath. “Wow, I can’t believe we saw her again.”

  “I’m sorry. After your dream, this can’t be what you needed, right now.” He eased down beside her, setting the swing in motion with his bare feet. “Did it make you nervous?”

  “No.” She gazed out into the darkness. It seemed empty, somehow, without their nocturnal visitor. “It made me feel better, that we saw it together.”


  “I think I told you I saw a spirit back in my shop and that my sister thought I was hallucinating.”

  “Yea?” Lily started to speak, but Blade interrupted her. “She thought that because of your…condition?”

  “She did, hallucinations can be part of the package, but everyone is different.” Lily meant to leave it at that, but she needed to talk. “I don’t know how it will be for me, it just depends on what part of the brain is affected the most. I could lose speech or…”

  Blade cut her off. “You’re going to get help, I’m going to see that you do.”

  She shook her head, grabbing his hand. “Seeing Lili gives me hope, in a way. People say there are two types of hauntings. Residual and intelligent. A residual is supposedly like a stain on time, like a movie that keeps playing over and over again, usually because of some trauma. I don’t understand it all, but I should think that something exists after death. I don’t know what, exactly – but something.” Her voice faded away, then she cleared her throat and sat up. “I don’t want there to be nothing out there, you know?”

  “Yea.” Blade’s voice was completely even. “I want to think of Katy being somewhere, but I want her to be with my folks who’ve already passed, not wandering alone somewhere by herself like Lili.”

  “I agree. Lili looked so hopeless. I want to be doing things, taking care of the art gallery in heaven or something.”

  Blade chuckled, hugging her close. “That’s an odd ambition, but one that can certainly wait for at least a century.”

  “I’m being serious, Blade.” Lily elbowed him playfully. “Everybody who’s ever lived has died, it can’t be that big of a deal. It’s just that no one can tell us for sure what it’s like, we don’t even know if we can believe the people who’ve come back with those ‘near death experience’ stories.”

  “You really don’t need to be thinking about this now,” he protested, his voice almost sounding like a plea.

  Lily didn’t heed his entreaty, she was too deep in thought. “What I fear most,” she held his hand tightly, “is the very moment of death. My heart will quit beating before my brain quits thinking. Will I know? Will I try to breathe and can’t?”

  “You don’t need to be afraid.” She was breaking Blade’s heart. “No one likes to think of those things.” Especially him. “Let’s go back to bed. You need some rest and I need to hold you.”

  Lily let him lead her back to bed. “I’m sorry I got maudlin.”

  “Don’t you dare apologize.”

  “Let’s just be happy. Okay? No more talk of death and dying, let’s just enjoy what time we have left together.”

  Once they were lying side by side, Blade faced her, pushing a strand of hair off her forehead. “I wasn’t expecting you, kitten. I never saw you coming, but now that I’ve had a glimpse of how my life could be with you in it, I can’t imagine it any other way.”

  Lily let out a soft groan as feathery soft kisses brushed the corner of her mouth. She melted against Blade as his lips covered hers. He was so gentle, taking his time, softly laving his tongue along the seam of her mouth to tease it open, then dipping inside to tease hers. He took his time, wrapping himself around her. She’d never felt more cherished in her life, not even close.

  “Open your eyes, sleepyhead, we’ve got a lot to do today.”

  Lily stretched in his arms like a contented cat. “You’re too good to me.”

  “Not even close. I’m making you coffee and muffins for breakfast.” He pulled her to a sitting position, his eyes full of mischief. “Here’s your slippers and I ran you a bath, complete with bubbles.”

  “Stop treating me like I’m about to expire any minute.” Lily’s tone was teasing, but her words were somber. “I want you to treat me like you normally would.”

  “How do you know this wouldn’t be normal? Maybe I’m just a dream of a guy.”

  She laughed, she couldn’t help it. “You’re crazy.”

  Blade pulled her to her feet. “Crazy about you, Lily. I want to know everything about you. What gives you happiness and what brings a smile to your face. I know we talked a little bit about what scares you last night and I want you to know that those things frighten me too.” He picked up both of her hands and held them to his chest. “I just wanted you to know that you’re not alone. Okay?”


  He kissed her. “Now, go enjoy your bath and I’ll fix breakfast.”

  Lily did as he asked and to her surprise, she felt a measure of peace. As she rubbed the fragrant ocean scented soap into her skin, she acknowledged that this tranquility was exactly what she’d been searching for. A secret smile came to her lips when she admitted to herself that the serenity she was feeling was much more attributable to Blade than to anything else.

  When she finished, Lily joined him in the kitchen. To her surprise, he’d brought Mirage back out and was studying it closely. “Come sit down, kitten.” He rose to pour her a cup of coffee and set a pastry in front of her. “These are Morning Glory muffins, my mother’s recipe. They have everything you can imagine in them, from coconut to raisins.”

  “Thank you, they smell wonderful.” She tucked one leg underneath her and gazed at Abraham’s artwork. “It’s haunting, isn’t it?” She pointed to Lili. “I was wondering earlier if the artist saw Lili’s ghost. He stayed here after the Civil War and by that time Lili would’ve been dead for almost two hundred years.”

  “He must have, unless there are other paintings of her that he could’ve patterned this one after.”

  “There could be, I guess,” Lily mused, taking a bite of muffin. She pointed to Charlotte. “This is his friend and the woman who founded the art gallery that I currently own. They are both related to Isaiah and Bliss.”

  He drained his coffee cup and locked eyes with Lily. “And this could easily be you,” Blade murmured softly, gesturing to the third figure in the painting. “And the couple in the top right hand corner almost resembles us. If I didn’t know better, those folks have on modern clothes and the man has on a cowboy hat that looks distinctly like the one I’m wearing. How do you explain that? Was he psychic or something?”

  Lily shrugged. “Abraham and Jolie’s family were considered to be magical. Their grandmother was brought from Martinique and sold into slavery. She was married to a man who earned their freedom. Charlotte’s diary talks about Jolie’s grandmother, Jean Marie Dumas, and how she taught them about roots and herbs. Some said she was a powerful voodoo priestess, so I guess there’s a possibility Abraham had some magical abilities of his own.”

  “Interesting.” Blade stood and moved his chair closer to Lily’s, giving her a disarming smile. “You were too far away.” When she blushed, he picked up her hand and kissed the tips of her fingers. “Are all of his paintings like this, a little mysterious?”

  Lily thought before saying more. “I’m not sure. I’ve always taken them at face value. This is the first one I’ve come across which seemed to have a hidden meaning. And the name, Mirage, I can’t imagine what he meant by that.” She gave Blade a big smile. “
Although, I do love to stare at a painting and wonder what the artist was thinking when he painted it.”

  “Have you ever done any painting yourself?”

  She shook her head. “No, I once thought I’d love to be a photographer. I bought a nice camera and tried my hand at it. I’ve always dreamed of having huge family photo albums…” Her voice trailed off into nothing.

  Refusing to let her drift off into sadness, he nudged her with his shoulder. “I bet you were great.” He studied her face, unable to keep the look of adoration from his eyes. “You’ll have to show me some of your work when I come to see you.”

  “I thought about taking some photographs this trip, but…” What was the use. She left the last four words unsaid.

  Blade stood and put his dishes in the sink. “I think our first stop on Saint Helena today will be to buy you a camera. I want you to take as many photos as you want.”

  “Oh, I can use my phone, it takes good photos. There’s no use buying a new camera, I won’t be needing…” Her voice trailed off. She’d been about to say she wouldn’t be needing it long.

  Stiffening, Blade shook off her words. “No talk of that, I don’t accept…” He let his thought go unsaid also.

  For the rest of the day, they played like children. They caught the boat back to the main island and nothing would do Blade but they visit a shop for him to purchase the best camera they offered. She thanked him for it, tears in her eyes. “I wish I’d met you years ago,” she said wistfully. Lily wanted more time with him.

  Driving out of town, they began their sightseeing tour. Their first stop was a beautiful lighthouse and they climbed to the highest point where the huge lamp and lens was housed. Stepping out onto the narrow ledge, Lily held her arms out like the girl in Titanic, determined to ignore any temerity she felt from the height. She’d come to realize there were much greater things in life to fear. “I feel like I’m on top of the world!”

  Blade wrapped his arms around her. “Don’t you dare get too close.” He buried his face in her neck and took a deep breath. While they were there, she took photos from every angle, most of them contained Blade in the shot. “I don’t know why I’m taking pictures of scenery, you’re the best-looking thing around.”


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