Lily's Mirage (Hell Yeah! )

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Lily's Mirage (Hell Yeah! ) Page 28

by Sable Hunter

  Blade could hear the fear in her voice. “Sure, baby, whatever you want.” He felt a niggle of unease. He’d been talking a big game, but in reality, he was helpless to do anything more than to will her to live and pray for her safety. If there was some Herculean task he could perform to buy her time and healing, he would do anything, go anywhere, fight any battle he could to pay the price of Lily’s life.

  For long moments, they held one another, the only sound in the room was their breathing and the buzz of the lights overhead.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Jensen?”

  Lily jerked in Blade’s arms.

  “Dr. Fields,” she murmured, shifting to move to her own chair, “I’m sorry.”

  He gave a light chuckle. “Oh, don’t be. I understand you two are newlyweds. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks,” Blade acknowledged his remark. His hands were shaking as badly as Lily’s.

  “What did you find?” Lily asked, clutching Blade’s hand for strength. She didn’t think she could stand the suspense one more second.

  “Well…” the doctor opened a folder and took out an X-ray, “I’m happy to tell you the tumor has shrunk. The glioblastoma was the size of a tennis ball and now it’s the size of a pea.”

  Relief washed over Blade like a summer rain. “It worked.”

  Lily bent double, her breath flowing from her lungs in such a rush of release that she almost collapsed with relief. “I’m going to live.”

  Dr. Fields held up his hand. “Let me be clear, it looks good. There are no guarantees, however. We have seen patients have their tumors disappear, not to return to this day. We have seen patients have their tumors reoccur. At this moment, your glioblastoma seems to be shrinking at such a rate that it will be gone in a matter of weeks.” He smiled at their expressions. “I’ll need for you to come back. We will have to closely monitor this. We won’t know anything for sure for some time.”

  “There’s a chance though, isn’t there? A bigger chance that I’ll live, a bigger chance than before the procedure.”

  Blade could hear the dawning hope in Lily’s voice and he could see the cautiously optimistic light on the doctor’s face. He closed his eyes in thankful prayer as Dr. Fields answered Lily’s question.

  “Yes, you have a very good chance at a normal life.”

  A normal life.

  When they were through, Blade took Lily by the hand and they walked out into the sunshine of a new day. There, with his arm around the woman he loved, he made a promise. “We’ve been given a second chance at life, Lily. We’re not going to waste a day. I don’t want your life to be normal, I want it to be amazing.” He grabbed her around the waist and swung her up in the air to catch her in his arms. “I want it to be magical and I want you to spend every day of your life with me.”


  Ten years later…

  “I enjoyed going back to Australia. I think I have a better time each trip.” Lily held onto Blade’s arm as they walked along the beach of St. Phillips, the same beach where they’d fallen in love. “It’s always good to come home though, isn’t it? I’m glad Isaiah and Bliss let us come to Lili for a few days to celebrate our anniversary.”

  “True, and I’m thankful Glory and T didn’t mind keeping our kids. Alexander, Iris, and James can be a handful.” Blade kicked up the sand as he walked. “Are you happy, Lily?” He glanced down into her beautiful face.

  “I’m so happy I can’t contain it all.” She turned into his arms. “My love keeps bubbling out with kisses.” She layered his mouth with hers, giving him a kiss, then whispered in a conspiratorial tone, “I have a gift for you.”

  He tried to act surprised, he didn’t know if she remembered, but this was something he’d read in her Wish Book, another one of those things that he was very careful to bring to fruition. “A gift for me?”

  “Yes.” She pulled the watch from her pocket and slipped it over his hand to fasten it around his wrist. “I had it engraved.”

  “What does it say?” he admired the beautiful gold face and the finely crafted leather band.

  “It says I love you more than life. You have made all my dreams come true.”

  His heart grew warm at the remembered words. “The same is true for me. You’ve given me more happiness than I ever thought possible.” He crushed her to him, so hard the air was pushed from her lungs.

  “I have another gift for you too,” she whispered.

  “Hey, it’s my turn.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a diamond tennis bracelet. “You can’t have all the fun.”

  “Oh, thank you! How beautiful!” She watched his face as he fastened the gorgeous bracelet on her arm.

  “Nothing’s too much for you, my Lily.”

  Seeing the love on his face, she wanted to give him everything in her power. “We’re having another baby, Blade.”

  “Another one!” He laughed with joy and picked her up, holding her high over his head. “I am thrilled! What will we name this one? There’s not another name in your Wish Book.” He let her slide down his body, then he cradled her close.

  “I don’t know, we have time, we’ll think of something.” She rested in his arms in supreme contentment.

  “Yes, we have time, Lily. We have all the time in the world.”

  While the waves rushed to shore, they walked hand in hand toward the sunset, knowing their love was much more than a mirage.



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  Read on for more books about the Hell Yeah! Series!


  Godsend (Hell Yeah! Heritage)

  Godsend is the first novel in the Hell Yeah! Heritage series. If you ever wondered where those

  McCoy men came from…these historical novels will take you to their beginnings. Deeply sensual stories of romance and adventure, they will capture your imagination and your heart.

  History is definitely worth repeating.

  Thrust from his home, Austin McCoy travels west to build a new life for himself in the wilds of Texas. Civilization has not yet arrived to the wilderness where he settles and his nearest neighbor is more than two days’ journey through Indian territory alive with bear, cougar and wolves. While difficult, carving out an existence amidst these dangers is not what weighs heavily on his heart. With nothing and no one to share his days, Austin is lost. The answer to his prayers comes from a very unexpected source…

  Jolie Dumas has also been torn from the only home she has ever known. The beloved daughter of a plantation owner and his quadroon mistress, she is horrified to be sold into slavery after the death of her parents. Bought and paid for, she is chained and walked from New Orleans to Texas. Before she can be delivered to her master, the slave trader is killed and Jolie escapes. Alone and vulnerable, she seeks a safe place to hide, not knowing the sanctuary she finds may end up being the one place she truly belongs.

  When Austin opens his heart and home to the beautiful woman, he has no idea the future she faces. Knowing what awaits her if anyone finds out the truth, Jolie hides her identity from him. Having been betrayed before by those she trusted, she has no idea that in Austin’s eyes she could not be more perfect.

  She is his Godsend.

  Love Found a Way: Hell Yeah!

  At six-foot-six and two hundred-fifty pounds, T-Rex Beaumont covers the ground he walks on and men step aside when he passes by. Raised in an abusive family, T is convinced he’s inherited his father’s dangerous temper. He’s resigned himself to being alone, so afraid he’ll hurt someone he loves…until his world is turned upside down by a woman who won’t take no for an answer.

  Glory Bee Hudson has
her own set of issues. She’s a wanderer, a modern-day Gypsy who has made a habit of trying to outrun the things that threaten to conquer her. Childhood leukemia. An uncaring family. A heart that isn’t nearly as strong as her spirit. But no matter how hard she tries, Glory can’t escape her uncertain future.

  When these two meet, sparks fly. T sees a temptation he must resist and Glory sees a man who doesn’t know his own appeal. Determined to convince him he’s worthy of love, she pursues T with unrelenting fervor. After being hit by Hurricane Glory, he succumbs, unable to resist her beauty, sweet sexiness, and joy of life. Both agree their liaison is temporary. Neither see love and a future in their stars.

  But fate has another idea. The impossible occurs. Love finds a way to give them exactly what they need – each other.

  You Are Always on My Mind: Hell Yeah! (Cajuns)

  We all like to think we have a soulmate. Unfortunately for some of us, we miss them, passing unseen like two ships in the night. Revel and Harper were among the lucky ones, they knew without a shadow of a doubt that they were meant for one another. In a perfect world, they would’ve enjoyed a ‘happily ever after’. But this isn’t a perfect world.

  Harper is haunted by her past, a past so tragic and so unthinkable that she can’t even imagine confessing it to Revel. And she knows from past experience, that when he learns the shameful truth about her – nothing will be the same. So, to protect him, she walks away.

  Harper underestimated Revel’s love for her. From the moment she disappeared, he set out to bring her home. Their journey to love is one fraught with ghosts from the past, both real and imagined, and a demon from their present who is intent on making sure she has no future. But those ghosts and demons have never met a hero like Revel Lee. He is determined to give Harper exactly what she needs…until Harper realizes that all she needs is him.

  Her Magic Touch

  In book three of the Hell Yeah! New York Times bestselling author Sable Hunter offers her readers a touch of magic. When Joseph McCoy is struck down, he is rescued by his real, honest-to-goodness guardian angel. In Her Magic Touch, Sable builds a bridge between the world we see and the one we can only imagine.

  Daredevil Joseph McCoy is convinced of two things: first, he’s invincible -and second - he’s God’s gift to women. But heaven has other ideas.

  Joseph’s world is turned upside down when he wrecks his dirtbike and finds himself paralyzed from the waist down. For a while, Joseph doesn’t know if he wants to live – until Cady comes to take care of him.

  Cady is Joseph’s guardian angel - literally. And she will do anything to make sure he regains all he has lost - including his manhood. Cady is not Joseph’s usual type of woman - but by the time this handsome cowboy knows what hit him - Cady has found a place in his heart.

  After Joseph has experienced Her Magic Touch - he will never be the same. Joseph falls in love with Cady and learns that true beauty is a rare and wonderful thing.

  A Wishing Moon

  Arabella Landry is a witch on a mission.

  She is desperately seeking for the incredible lover that has been setting her dreams on fire. With the help of the powerful women in her family, she finds him. Unfortunately, he is completely paralyzed from a devastating rock-climbing accident.

  Jade Landale, a conservative Texas Congressman falls head over heels for the beautiful woman that refuses to give up on him. Soon, his world turns topsy-turvy as he finds himself embroiled in a world of magic, murder and the hottest, sweetest love-making imaginable.

  Spanish Eyes (Texas Heat)

  When a gorgeous woman asks an unattached man for sex, he’d be a fool to tell her no.

  Dr. Drew Haley sees a fool in his mirror every morning.

  From the moment Drew gazes into the beautiful Spanish eyes of Angelina Alejandro, he is lost. Her intriguing blend of innocence and sensuality almost brings Drew to his knees.

  When she begs for something he can’t in good conscience give her, Drew hurts his beautiful angel. He wants nothing more than to help her heal from the torture she endured at the hands of a madman, but in order to do so, she must agree to give him a second chance.

  Angelina just wants to forget the humiliation her captors heaped upon her. Her work as a scientist put her in the crosshairs of a power-hungry Sheik who wanted to force her to use the knowledge she’d gathered to harm mankind. When she refused, his unique brand of torture stole Angelina’s self-control and her pride. Once she is rescued, Angelina only wants to hide away, to find healing on her own. But Dr. Drew has other ideas. He has a plan to tempt Angelina back into the land of the living and straight into his arms.

  Dreamweaver: Hell Yeah!

  Was it a dream or just the edge of reality?

  For a brief, shining moment, Pepper McCoy belonged to rock star Judah James. Completely. The depth of their attraction stunned them both. Every moment they were together, electric heat arced between them like the sweetest fire.

  And then everything changed…

  For reasons she can’t understand, Judah pushed Pepper out of his life. He told her she just imagined their love, that none of it was real. He even brought another woman into the picture to prove to Pepper that their time together was a lie.

  And Pepper might believe him, if it wasn’t for the adoration in his eyes anytime she finds him watching her unaware.

  Even the songs he writes are filled with the words of love he once whispered in her ear.

  No… something is wrong.

  Something isn’t right.

  Judah wants her, she can’t believe otherwise.

  Pepper refuses to give up on love.

  And no one should be surprised…

  After all, she’s a McCoy.

  Too Sexy For Love

  Connor McGregor is one helluva sexy man. He is handsome, smart, and richer than God. Everything he touches turns to gold. Best of all, he’s even a nice guy. The man really has no idea how perfect he is. The only flaw in this Prince Charming’s character is that he can’t see himself with just one woman, he has no intention of settling down. Why should he? His goal is to make as many women happy as possible. And so far, he’s succeeding.

  Until one day…he accidentally kisses his partner.

  His adorable, feisty, snarky little partner.

  A kiss that changes everything.

  Rey Cassidy is his right hand. The woman behind the man. Whatever he can envision, she can make happen. After the kiss, his focus begins to change. Business is not so important, playing the field is getting old. How did he overlook the amazing woman who was right under his nose?

  But identifying her as his soulmate is just half the battle.

  Rey knows him better than anyone.

  Convincing her to trust him, to give him a chance, just might be impossible.

  Pretty Face

  Cody’s life is defined by two great truths. She is in love…and she has committed a great sin. Cody has been playing with fire and she’s about to get burned. Hungry for attention, she allowed a wonderful man to fall in love with her. Their only contact has been on the internet and telephone conversations. Cody put a good spin on her life by telling half-truths and sending photos of a woman with a beautiful body and a pretty face, only the woman wasn’t Cody. Scarred by abuse, she hides from prying eyes.

  Cody loves Hunter enough to let him go. Full of guilt, she is prepared to disappear from his life. Hunter begs to meet her, but she refuses. But if Cody won’t come to him, Hunter will come to Cody.

  Louisiana is in the midst of Mardi Gras, a time of love, laughter, and letting the good times roll. Masks are worn at Mardi Gras, and the mask Cody wears will hide more than a pretty face

  Love’s Magic Spell


  Tory has one magical night to learn what love is all about.

  Night after lonely night, she tosses in her solitary bed, longing to touch and be touched, to experience desire and rapture. Her body aches to know fulfillment, to be taken and possessed by a man—but only one man will do.

  Raylan West is the man of her dreams, and Tory Summers would give everything she owns for a chance with him. But it isn’t going to happen—a man like him is not for her. Unless…Tory finds a way.

  Deep in the bayous of South Louisiana there are secrets, magical secrets. Hoodoo. Witchcraft. Will-o’-the-wisp floating over dark waters, lit by unearthly light.

  Desperate for a chance, Tory places her faith in the supernatural. She travels deep into the swamp to acquire a love potion promised to bring Raylan under her spell for one night, one perfect moonlit Halloween night where anything is possible. For a few precious hours, Tory will be beautiful, desirable, and sexy in Raylan’s eyes.

  The only problem is…Tory wants the magic to last forever.



  Sable Hunter is a New York Times, USA Today bestselling author of nearly 60 books in 9 series. She writes sexy contemporary stories full of emotion and suspense. Her focus is mainly cowboy and novels set in Louisiana with a hint of the supernatural. Sable writes what she likes to read and enjoys putting her fantasies on paper. Her books are emotional tales where the heroine is faced with challenges. Her aim is to write a story that will make you laugh, cry and swoon. If she can wring those emotions from a reader, she has done her job. Sable resides in Austin, Texas with her two dogs. Passionate about all animals, she has been known to charm creatures from a one-ton bull to a family of raccoons. For fun, Sable haunts cemeteries and battlefields armed with night-vision cameras and digital recorders hunting proof that love survives beyond the grave. Welcome to her world of magic, alpha heroes, sexy cowboys and hot, steamy to-die-for sex. Step into the shoes of her heroines and escape to places where right prevails, love conquers all and holding out for a hero is not an impossible dream


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