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Breakthrough Page 12

by Sarah Stevens

  She sees the concern on my face and goes back to the call with Henry, “I think we need to press charges for violating a protection order. Can we do that even with the cops giving him a warning? Oh okay, let’s do it.” She looks over to me saying, “We can place harassment charges against him, maybe it will get his attention we’re serious. If they can find him that is.”

  “I’m game for anything at this point. All these months of nothing and then all of a sudden, his main focus is Callie. I don’t get it. He sure as hell didn’t care about me or her when I was pregnant. Has Henry been able to figure out what we have to do about the custody case?”

  “Let me get off the phone and then I’ll fill you in.”


  While they finish up their conversation, I look at my messages.

  Parker: I’m fine, nothing I can’t handle. Henry mentioned he had to call your grandma back before we got off the phone. What happened? Are you OK?

  I reply back to him trying to sound as light as I can about the situation even though I’m terrified he won’t leave us alone.

  Mandy: Connor came by last night. We got it handled. The cops came and shooed him away.

  A few moments go by then he replies.

  Parker: Sounds like we both had a shit night.

  Mandy: Yeah. I’m sorry you had a bad game.

  Parker: Thanks.

  Mandy: Merry Christmas Eve

  Parker: Same to you. Give my number one fan a kiss for me.

  Mandy: I will

  I get an unsettling feeling from him but let it go. We are going to have a good day, with no worries on our mind. Unfortunately, we haven’t made it to the grocery store for the few last-minute things we need for dinner tomorrow, so we go, along with all the other last-minute crazy people and get what we need. Tonight, we’ll have a nice baked ham dinner, but tomorrow is the feast of the holiday.

  After we survive that adventure, we take a quick stop by the little coffee shop on the square and I get a triple shot caramel latte and Grandma gets a green tea. It’s a cold day today so we spend a little time in the quiet of the warm shop before heading back to the house.

  “Is Parker coming for dinner tomorrow?” she asks.

  “I don’t know I invited him before everything with him blew up. It seems in the last three days everything has gone the wrong way. I asked him about what was going on with him when you were finishing your call with Henry and I got nothing from him other than the manly, nothing I can’t handle answer. I know he’s alone for the holiday, but I don’t know what he’s planning to do.”

  “Do you want me to call him later and find out?”

  “I don’t think so. If he shows up, he does; if he doesn’t than that’s his choice. I’m not chasing after him to make him think this is more than it can ever be.”

  “Okay,” she says taking another sip of her tea.

  The rest of the day flies by. We eat our Christmas Eve dinner on the earlier side, so we have time to get ready for the Christmas Eve service. We’ve gone every year that I can remember. This will be another thing Callie can experience that I did growing up.

  The service was beautiful, Callie was a little angel, thoroughly enjoying the sounds of the music, and sitting quietly when the sermon was being spoken. I grab Grandma’s hand and smile at her. I’ve missed this, I’ve missed her and our holidays together.

  After the service concludes Reverend McMillan comes over to us, wishing us a happy holiday and gives us his condolences again saying how much he misses Grandpa this holiday.

  When we get home, I grab the little box I have specifically wrapped for Callie to open tonight, of course with my assistance. As we sit on the floor, the excitement takes over her and she starts ripping at the paper, maybe she won’t need my help, I chuckle. Inside is a little holiday stuffed animal and her Christmas pajama’s. When I saw them I couldn’t resist. The little pants look like candy canes while the red top has Rudolf’s face embroidered on it and it comes with the cutest little tutu. She could care less about the pajamas but loves her little stuffed Rudolf.

  When I have Callie dressed in her Christmas pajamas, I sit her in front of the tree, and we have a little photo shoot. After we’ve finished snapping more photos than is probably necessary, I grab Grandpa’s The Night Before Christmas book. Grandma was getting a plate of cookies and hot cocoa ready while I was taking pictures and walks back in right on time. I have Callie on my lap in front of the tree, then think twice about it.

  “Grandma, I think you should be the one to read the book, take over where grandpa left off,” I say with a sad smile.

  She takes a sip of her cocoa then agrees, taking over my spot on the floor with Callie and opening the book. A single tear falls down her cheek before she starts the story. By the time she’s done reading Callie is fast asleep. I pick her up from grandmas’ arms then place her in her crib. While she peacefully sleeps, my job is just starting. I do however take a moment to drink my cocoa and eat a cookie or two.

  Two hours later everything is placed under the tree just so, the stockings are filled with care and the cookie plate is empty except a few crumbs and pieces of carrots next to it sits an empty glass of milk.

  It was a successful Christmas Eve and I can’t wait to go to bed, I’m exhausted and the clock struck midnight. Grandma had gone to bed a long time ago, I however take a few minutes to sit in the darkness staring at the tree sparkling. It’s such a beautiful sight. When I pick up my phone it dings with a text notification.

  Parker: Merry Christmas

  Mandy: Merry Christmas to you, too.

  I take a moment to reply, before I find my bed and sleep consumes me.



  I wake up to my phone ringing, Henry is calling. It isn’t early but early enough.

  “Hello,” I answer groggily

  “Marsh, good morning. Sorry to wake you.”

  “It’s fine.

  “This video doesn’t look good. I’m not going to lie. I’m going to come over to your place this morning in a little while and we’re going to call the police. We need to get this on official record before this person tries to ruin your career. On the plus side, we have proof that you are being blackmailed. Do you have any idea who might want to do this to you?”

  While I listen to Henry, I get up and start my pot of coffee then take a seat at the kitchen island, completely frustrated and pissed off at this situation.

  “Honestly, I’m not sure. One person comes to mind but isn’t a red head, if she even is a red head. You know Mandy has had her own problems lately with the father of her kid. Maybe he is pissed at me, being seen with his kid before the game the other night. It went viral and had people suspecting the kid was mine. Maybe he’s trying to fuck with me. I don’t know. Either way I did nothing wrong and I want to be on top of this before it really affects me. That video is a lie. The damn bitch tripped over her own feet. I didn’t push her down.”

  “I know Marsh. I believe you. I’ll be over in a little bit. I have Maggie trying to call me too this morning. Let me call her back and I’ll be over.”

  “What’s going on with Maggie and Mandy?” I question as anger invades my veins.

  “I’m not sure. As you know I’m working with them on her custody case and got her the order of protection. I’ll make sure they are safe, I promise.”

  “Okay, I need to get some coffee in me and shower. I’m not at the condo. Not many people know this, but I have a house outside the city. Do you want me to meet you at the condo, I can be there by eleven?”

  “Yeah, let’s meet up then. I’ll call the police on my way over.” He sets the meet up and we disconnect the call.

  Once I have a cup of coffee in me, I make my way to the shower. Worry invades me and it’s hard to concentrate on my own problems when Mandy is going through something herself. Once ready to leave I take a look at my phone and see a message from Mandy.

  Mandy: Are you OK? Henry told me you had something
going on with a stalker or something.

  I reply before driving it’s nothing I can’t handle and ask about her. I have this suspicion Connor is behind everything, well I have to take responsibility for the one picture that was leaked out into the world. That was all my own fuck up. I still hope Mandy can forgive me for it. But this is on a completely different scale. I don’t want to hurt her, and I sure as hell don’t want this to destroy my season.

  I get done texting with Mandy and drive to my condo. Henry is there when I arrive with two cops standing behind him.

  “Marsh, good you’re here. We just arrived and I was getting ready to text you to find out where you were.”

  Unlocking the door, I turn to them and answer, “Yeah, I’m here. Sorry it took me so long.”

  When I open the door the first thing, I notice is the place is trashed.

  “What the fuck,” I yell at the same time the cops tell me not to touch anything.

  I stand there in complete shock, my place is trashed, someone broke in. Guaranteed it was some red headed bitch. She knew I wasn’t here. She was probably texting me while sitting in the middle of this mess that she made.

  “This is out of control, Henry.”

  “No shit,” he snaps back standing next to me in the doorway. One cop calls this in while the other one rushes to the lobby to talk to the doorman to get the security tapes from last night.

  What a holiday this is turning out to be. I was planning to go shopping for Callie and Mandy today, not that I had decided to go over tomorrow or not. Now my plans are shot to shit because this is going to take a lot longer than the hour I was thinking.

  If this turns out be Connor who’s behind all this, I won’t blame Mandy, I can’t. She hasn’t done anything wrong. But I will destroy that pitcher.

  Three hours later, my place is cleared out of all the cops leaving me and Henry standing there in the middle of a huge mess. I honestly don’t care about the mess, nothing of real importance was in here, nothing’s missing, the place is just trashed.

  “I hope they can figure out who did this,” I say as I take a seat on the couch.

  “You and me both. You’re a good guy, something like this, it’s crazy. Do you really think Connor has something to do with this?” Henry says taking a seat next to me.

  Mandy pops into my thoughts, “Is Mandy okay?” I ask

  “They are rattled, stressed out but the local police are on point. Maggie had them at the house in five minutes after he showed up last night. I’m filing harassment charges against him. The police gave him a warning and allowed him to leave the Christmas presents on the porch then made sure he left. They had a quiet night after that. The problem we have is no one knows where he is.”

  “Well isn’t this a shit show.”

  “You got that right. I have to get going. I need to get down to the police station file the harassment charges and then try and celebrate the holiday with my family without this dickwad interrupting again.” Henry gets up off the couch and heads to the door. Turning around he says, “I hope you have a Merry Christmas.” Then he leaves.

  I sit in my place for a little while longer trying to wrap my head around the past twenty-four hours. Shaking the hours out of my head I leave, locking up the place and setting the alarm, I decide I need to try and recoup the rest of the day and get my shopping done.

  I hate going out in public because fans always recognize me and I end up spending more time signing autographs and taking pictures than actually shopping, but I have to do this for Callie and Mandy.

  I head over to the mall and once I’m parked, I slap on my baseball hat, and some nonprescription glasses, a disguise that sometimes works. Heading for the baby store first, I get all sorts of fun things for Callie, from outfits to this adorable pink flamingo stuffed animal and a few other toys. Then with about five full bags I stand and contemplate where I should go for Mandy. She isn’t flashy, but very down to earth, unlike a lot of the girls I have dated or been with in the past. I decide on a cute Coach purse, maybe even a backpack will suit her. While I’m in there I see a perfect purse for Maggie too, so I grab it. Then I find the Tiffany’s store and find a delicate rose gold chain with a letter “C” pendant for Callie.

  The day ended up being better than I expected, I wasn’t bothered by any fans, not that I mind usually, but today hasn’t been the best of days. I’d rather not end up snapping at someone because I’m on edge.

  Before I leave, I grab a coffee and realize I spoke too soon. This little boy comes over to me and taps my arm, “Excuse me sir. Are you Parker Marshall from the Notes?”

  Bending down to his level, I place my finger to my lips and say, “shh Little dude, I am but I don’t want anyone to know. Can I meet you over there with your mom in a minute after I get my coffee and then I can give you an autograph?”

  He puts his little finger to his own lips and nods his head before he goes running over to his mom. I grab my coffee from the bar and make my way over to them. The mom mouths to me, “Thank you. Sorry to bother you.”

  I nod and take a seat, picking up the kid to set him on my lap and ask him what his name is.

  He whispers, “Jacob”

  “Well Jacob, do you play hockey?”

  “Not yet, Mom says I’m too young. But next year I can.”

  “That’s great. I hope you like to play, I started when I was six years old. You must be turning six soon then?”

  He nods his head and his mom hands me a piece of paper and a pen. “Thank you.” I smile at her. I sign the paper and take a quick selfie before I put Jacob back on his feet. “It was nice meeting you, Jacob. Have a Merry Christmas.” Smiling and waving at him as I walk away. As soon as I’m out of his view I quicken my step and bee line for my car. Kids I don’t mind at all, they are so innocent and just love to meet their idols, no other intentions in their little heads. Many adults, mostly females only want to flirt with me or have me sign a ton of things so they can go and sell it, making money off my time.

  With my bags secured in the trunk of my car, coffee in hand, I go back home. Luckily, I was able to have all the gifts wrapped in the stores, so I don’t have to worry about that.

  The rest of the night is peaceful, thankfully. It isn’t much of a holiday, I don’t have a tree or anything. I decide to make a sandwich and have some chips along with a beer before I give up on the day, shower and go to bed.

  Waking up the next morning is just like any other morning. It doesn’t feel like Christmas. After getting some coffee in my system, I notice the bags sitting by the doorway full of gifts for the girls. Do I head the threat and warning from “Little Red” or do I go about my life? Honestly, I need to go and talk to Mandy and let her know about everything that has been going on with me and let her know my thoughts are going towards her idiot baby daddy is the reason for it all.

  Fuck it, I’m going.

  By noon I’m knocking on the Hutton’s door, hoping I don’t get yelled at and told to leave.

  Mandy comes to the door, a look of shock mixed with a half-smile on her face.

  “Merry Christmas, Parker” she greets me.

  “Merry Christmas, Mandy. How has your morning gone so far? I hope Callie had an exciting morning.”

  “She did, come in.” She opens the door wider allowing me to enter. I brush past her lightly making contact with her shoulder. “sorry,” I smile at her before going in search of my favorite little fan and her grandmother.

  “Merry Christmas ladies.” I greet them as I walk into the kitchen, setting my bags full of gifts on the floor before picking Callie up out of her highchair giving her a kiss on her cheek. “Was Santa good to you, pretty girl?” I say as I tickle her belly.

  “Merry Christmas, Parker,” Maggie comes over to give me a hug.

  “Thank you for inviting me over for the holiday, I appreciate it.”

  “You’re always welcome here Parker. Now come have a seat and a snack. Dinner will still be a little while.” Maggie ushers me to a
seat and hands me a little plate for me to fill up with all the goodies sitting on the table.

  “Thank you.”

  Mandy is keeping her distance standing in the doorway to the kitchen, looking a bit uncomfortable. I watch her carefully as she slowly relaxes and takes a seat at the table with Callie and me.

  “Is everything okay?” she asks me

  “Not really but being here helps.” I smile at her and focus back on Callie who is trying to steal my sugar cookie out of my hand.

  Small talk is made for the next hour, no one bringing any of our drama up and enjoy the day.

  “I brought some gifts for you ladies. Would you like to open them now or after we eat?”

  “You didn’t have to do that Parker,” Maggie says as she walks over to us sitting at the table and takes a seat.

  “I wanted to. I may have gone a little overboard with Callie’s gifts though.” I chuckle. “This little lady is easy to spoil.”

  “The turkey still has another thirty minutes so why don’t we help Callie open her gifts.” Maggie ushers us to the living room to where the tree is.

  Mandy takes Callie from me so I can grab my bags and I trail behind following them to the tree. I take a seat on the floor and start removing all the packages from the bags. Both Mandy and Maggie’s eyes go wide when they see the amount of gifts I keep pulling out.

  “Parker, you didn’t have to do this. One gift would have been too much,” Mandy says as she sets Callie on the floor between us.

  “Like I said, I wanted to. I got you and Maggie something too.” I hand the gift I brought to Mandy while I help Callie open her packages. Callie could care less about the clothes I got her, but Mandy really liked them and said I did a good job at picking them out. The one thing Callie loved the most was the pink flamingo. She grabbed a hold of it and wouldn’t let it go. We all chuckled at her. Maggie opens her gift and about drools over her new Coach bag.

  “Parker this is gorgeous, thank you.”


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